Unfriendly players in a normally friendly game




I'm sure most of you know that CoH players are generally friendly and more mature than players of other MMO games. But every so often, you come across some really nasty individuals that make Cujo look like man's best friend. I've made this post to let the community know of such players and to tread carefully when teaming with them.

I recently was on a BAF trial with a character by the name of ***** who, in my own opinion was emotionally unstable. We were in the escaping prisoners phase and running the choke-point strategy (Which I learned was to spread along the center pathways around the south and north buildings creating a "gauntlet" to dispose of any escapees) This person however, thought that was incorrect and sent me multiple PM of vulgar insults. I replied to each one with a sly, but otherwise unoffensive and non-vulgar comment, simply brushing off her vulgar insults, the next thing I knew, I was in the RWZ because she apparently kicked me from the Trial. I asked the League leader if he could invite me to the next run, but unfortunately, he was close friends with ***** and, although he was friendly and polite, he wasn't going to take sides and apologized for the inconvenience, which I totally understood.

If you happen to be on a team with *****, be forewarned that this player, at the time we teamed together, was very vulgar and more volatile than a vile of nitro glycerin. I'm not sure if she's like this all the time, but please be cautious, stray too far from her idea of how a TF or trial should be run, and you mind find yourself kicked from the team.

I would like to hear if there are other players like this who we should be cautious of. Thanks and have fun playing on Virtue.

EDIT: I was told by fellow forum members that calling players out by name is against forum rules so the name mentioned has been censored despite nothing vulgar being said *sigh*



calling players out by name is against forum rules just an FYI

you could describe the situation but you cant list names




Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



Originally Posted by Angelo_Ambastion View Post
I'm sure most of you know that CoH players are generally friendly and more mature than players of other MMO games.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Yeah, although a bad situation at the time for you, we all at one point or another ran across some morons.

That being said it is against forum rules to post folks names, so in this instance you might want to erase the name from your post and leave a note that if anyone is interested in the name of this person then they can pm you.

Other than that don't let one bad apple ruin your day, it happens in rl and it happens in game, there are no predators to eat such people unfortunately.



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
Nobody in CoH ever implied that I wasn't allowed to have an opinion as a result of my origin, alignment, archetype, or the level of my highest level character.

That in and of itself puts it miles beyond the other MMOs I've experienced.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
Nobody in CoH ever implied that I wasn't allowed to have an opinion as a result of my origin, alignment, archetype, or the level of my highest level character.

That in and of itself puts it miles beyond the other MMOs I've experienced.
That is because this game is painfully easy, even our hardest content to date is easy.

People in this game just find other petty reasons to tell you off. If you are a PvPer you might as well be a Nazi to a lot of players. On Virtue if you don't appease the "popular" crowd you might as well switch servers.

I have been kicked off teams because and I quote, "I'm sorry but my SG leaders girlfriend doesn't like your wife." I laughed at it but it REALLY put this game in a new light. The community is very strong which is good and a bad thing because if you questions the way of things you get black listed.

My best experience in this game is back before i13 PvPing with the Renegades on test and Freedom, I came to Virtue because hell, I like RP too! I found PvPers much more accepting than RPers. That is not to say I think RPers are malicious, I just see a lot of groups that expect you to put up with leaders that feel like they are gods gift to earth or to suspend disbelief and accept that the leader is more powerful than any canon character and infinitely more powerful than your character can ever hope to be.

This is a rant but I am stressed out for a lot of reasons and I just want to enjoy the game that I used to so much but I can not find community in this game anymore. Everything is insular and everyone avoids you unless their friend introduces you to them. I WANT to RP but I can't find a group to save my life because they are either the HUGE group that forgets the small people or a small group that falls apart in two weeks.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
That is because this game is painfully easy, even our hardest content to date is easy.

People in this game just find other petty reasons to tell you off. If you are a PvPer you might as well be a Nazi to a lot of players. On Virtue if you don't appease the "popular" crowd you might as well switch servers.

I have been kicked off teams because and I quote, "I'm sorry but my SG leaders girlfriend doesn't like your wife." I laughed at it but it REALLY put this game in a new light. The community is very strong which is good and a bad thing because if you questions the way of things you get black listed.

My best experience in this game is back before i13 PvPing with the Renegades on test and Freedom, I came to Virtue because hell, I like RP too! I found PvPers much more accepting than RPers. That is not to say I think RPers are malicious, I just see a lot of groups that expect you to put up with leaders that feel like they are gods gift to earth or to suspend disbelief and accept that the leader is more powerful than any canon character and infinitely more powerful than your character can ever hope to be.

This is a rant but I am stressed out for a lot of reasons and I just want to enjoy the game that I used to so much but I can not find community in this game anymore. Everything is insular and everyone avoids you unless their friend introduces you to them. I WANT to RP but I can't find a group to save my life because they are either the HUGE group that forgets the small people or a small group that falls apart in two weeks.
You know. I've heard people say that about established groups. That they're huge and hard to get into. I think it's more that some concepts don't lend themselves well to getting involved.

Like a lot of times, it's "my character is quiet or shy" so one has to wonder, what makes you think the others would try to break them of that or get to know them?

That all said, just keep trying to find the group that works for you. It's out there!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You know. I've heard people say that about established groups. That they're huge and hard to get into. I think it's more that some concepts don't lend themselves well to getting involved.

Like a lot of times, it's "my character is quiet or shy" so one has to wonder, what makes you think the others would try to break them of that or get to know them?

That all said, just keep trying to find the group that works for you. It's out there!
You know what is funny? My ONE character who is shy and avoids people is the only one that has been invited to an RPSG in the last year.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Angelo_Ambastion View Post
We were in the escaping prisoners phase and running the choke-point strategy (Which I learned was to spread along the center pathways around the south and north buildings creating a "gauntlet" to dispose of any escapees)
The choke-points strategy is not to spread out. It is to concentrate at two points immediately north and south of the centers of the tennis courts. On each side, north and south, those points are where every prisoner, whether heading east or west, must pass to get to their escapes. When you spread out, you are not in position to attack many of the prisoners. When you gather close together at the choke points, there will be so much concentrated offense few if any prisoners will ever make it through -- every prisoner will be attacked by everyone at once.

The doors strategy and the choke-points strategy both work, but rather poorly when they're mixed. If you had spread out, which happens very often, I have no doubt someone asked, or even told, you to get back in position. This happens so often, and those out of position get very combative about it, and I would not surprised if you were told to get back in position immediately, or be kicked, with strong language. This isn't necessarily that the one asking you is a bad person, they're just at their wits end with all the people who don't read league chat instructions, don't know how to follow them, refuse to go with the team, or whatever. It's a timed objective situation, with a participation metric looming overhead, so I would not expect anyone to take time to phrase a long polite plea for someone to get back to their assigned location when they're jeopardizing an astral merit or even failure of the entire trial to everyone else on the league.



OP can you send me a PM with the person's name? I'd like to avoid 'em.

[url=http://justicecorps.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=337077&TabID=2821537]Justice Corps[/url] on Virtue Server! ... @Strongwall



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
On Virtue if you don't appease the "popular" crowd you might as well switch servers.
I have no idea who the "popular" crowd on the server is even supposed to be and I do just fine.



We have a popular crowd? O.o

As for some concepts or whatever not working out or getting in... yeah, that happens with RP groups. If you're applying "John McSkullcrusher" who wears black trenchcoats and jeans everywhere to a theme-centric group that leans towards, say, classic comic book heroes, you'll probably be rejected because it doesn't fit the team. It might even be a fine, interesting character with a good costume and intriguing backstory that you can RP incredibly... but doesn't really fit the team's theme.

While I've seen people who insist that they are the uberist of the uber (they've usually got sarcastic comments by me in their player notes, and inspire snickering when Carnies or whatever feed them their capes), never really run into groups that make you acknowledge that Character Whatever is THE best. That's just... really odd.

In general, you've got to be proactive with getting involved. A pet peeve of mine is the attitude of sitting back and going "Gimme RPs!" (with little grabby hands) while never actually contributing themselves, but demanding other people bend over backwards to work them into the story. Sitting around waiting for other people to notice you isn't going to get much.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Wait, if you guys were going the split-up strategy, why was this girl taking it out on you? It's not like you were the raid leader... and if she was a team leader...

I smell fish-sticks. Are you sure you didn't start arguing first? Were you running off and disobeying the strategy?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I have no idea who the "popular" crowd on the server is even supposed to be and I do just fine.
Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
We have a popular crowd? O.o
It's you two! You are the popular crowd.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I have no idea who the "popular" crowd on the server is even supposed to be and I do just fine.
Mostly this.

I'm as socially adept as a rabid wombat and I'm as observant as a nearsighted schizophrenic. Usually I am so far removed from the notion of "Popularity" as to never see that it existed.

You know how I met the individuals I currently RP with?

Hanging out in Pocket D making conversation with random individuals.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
It's you two! You are the popular crowd.
Hooray! C'mon Doc, let's hang out behind the server and smoke cigarettes as we talk crap about everyone else.



Now, I hate to be the negative one like this, but anyone notice how the OP just happens to leave out everything else besides "person pm'd me with bad words, I replied back being the mature person I am and got kicked."

Were you the only person running around while everyone else was condensed around two areas? If so, then the bad person was most likely a raid leader tired of people who haven't learned to put league chat into one of their chat windows yet.

While it's entirely possible what you said did happen, I'd say it's also entirely likely that you weren't following the leader's instructions, got kicked for it, and are now on a personal vengeance quest to get as many people to never play with that person again as possible.


Popular crowd? What popular crowd? You mean the groups of people who make alts just to make it seem like their group of 3 people is bigger than it actually is?

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Well, in cases like this I like to remember that there are 3 sides to every story; His side, her side and then the truth somewhere in between. Yes some people act like jerks and get carried away on missions/TFs/trials, it happens, make a note of them and avoid them in the future. But when I see "so and so said mean/bad things" I often wonder because I have seen so many people that are so over sensitive about everything that a simple critique or direction is interpreted as an "attack"... same with the "responded as a mature adult", the translation for that is many times "I climbed onto my moral high horse" which can be just as bad or worse than what started the situation.

Just my 2 cents worth.

As for the RP exclusionary situation, well like Rev and Brand said, sometimes you have a character that just doesn't fit in or doesn't inspire people to approach you. You might have the coolest concept ever, but if it is Darkity McDark the Dark One who's bio reads about how sinister and menacing he is, chances are it is not going to inspire people to come talk to you. Same with the painfully shy and the "stutterers", if you make it too difficult for people to actively interact with you, guess what?, they won't.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I'd call this the case of Wrong Time - Right Place Syndrome. Just because by and by you normally don't encounter these folks, doesn't mean they're not out there.



All I have to say is, "That's a [censored] fifty DKP minus! Many whelps! Now! Handle it!"

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
People in this game just find other petty reasons to tell you off. If you are a PvPer you might as well be a Nazi to a lot of players. On Virtue if you don't appease the "popular" crowd you might as well switch servers.
This struck me for many reasons. The most obvious being about four years ago when I was on the Protector server, roughly half of the active community tolerated my presence, the other half treated me like I didn't exist. I was active on the forums and in game, I held CCs, events, was friends with the local DJs at KJSR.net, and gave millions in influence away daily, but none of that mattered. I was told to "Give it time" because "We've been playing together since the beginning." To this day I remain deeply insulted that an active player, no matter how long they've played, isn't treated like a member of the community unless they're either best friends with the mods or devs, or here since i1. So I know how you feel, but the problem is everywhere. I came to Virtue because it was largely accepting of me, and although I'm nowhere nearly as active as I was, it is now my home.

You just haven't found yours, good luck.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
This struck me for many reasons. The most obvious being about four years ago when I was on the Protector server, roughly half of the active community tolerated my presence, the other half treated me like I didn't exist. I was active on the forums and in game, I held CCs, events, was friends with the local DJs at KJSR.net, and gave millions in influence away daily, but none of that mattered. I was told to "Give it time" because "We've been playing together since the beginning." To this day I remain deeply insulted that an active player, no matter how long they've played, isn't treated like a member of the community unless they're either best friends with the mods or devs, or here since i1. So I know how you feel, but the problem is everywhere. I came to Virtue because it was largely accepting of me, and although I'm nowhere nearly as active as I was, it is now my home.

You just haven't found yours, good luck.

While I, in some way, agree with this. I also don't think its the entire issue. I think the majority of the more popular players, SG, groups, ect. are people who prefer to have just so many friends, RP or otherwise and they prefer not to go further then that. Either they are disgruntled for one reason or another or they have established groups. It also has somewhat to do with having a commonality, whether that be ages in RL to in character personality types.

In another.. well social game that I used to RP, it took me some time but I established myself there quite well and ran one of the more popular RP spots on their server. But that was then and a different place. Here, I have been around for a little under a year off and on and have noticed that while my friend list is growing slowly, on average, my toons are often avoided but I believe it has to do with the way they look or their style. I don't play your typical all spandex and smiles american hero and never will, just like I don't play the uber-dark, psychotic tragic villain. I prefer to play shades of grey and while most people enjoy my costumes, my characters themselves are often looked upon as something to be avoided unfortunately. But that's one of the reasons why I am here and started my own SG's.. just to change the perceptions.

It's funny this came up actually. I was just commenting to a friend how.. last year I was at AL's Memorial Event after my second week or so and how I stood around watching people and felt a bit lost. This year, I showed up alone again and... felt the exact same way. Ah well.. the more things change, ect.

As for the OP, I think it helps to remember names here.. and globals. Making a note or starring their name for whatever reason just for future reference. I personally have never been kicked or cursed at but that usually has to do with my very quick ignore button and shrug it off because like it or not, we all play here and I for one refuse to let anyone get to me here. I am here to play, not for the drama.



Originally Posted by Pinny View Post

Popular crowd? What popular crowd? You mean the groups of people who make alts just to make it seem like their group of 3 people is bigger than it actually is?
Bah, my cunning plan has been found out.