Unfriendly players in a normally friendly game




Originally Posted by Pinny View Post
While it's entirely possible what you said did happen, I'd say it's also entirely likely that you weren't following the leader's instructions, got kicked for it, and are now on a personal vengeance quest to get as many people to never play with that person again as possible.
It's also likely that they were following the leaders instructions, maybe even to the point, and the leader may have been needlessly micromanaging the members and what they were doing (though why they'd do this, I don't honestly know why) or they decided that the leader didn't like this person, they were gonna be kicked, anyway.

If the OP was honestly on a never-ending quest to get everyone to not play with this person anymore, I'd expect less-choice words used.

As far as being popular goes...

It goes without saying that a lot of people there RP with people they already know. Especially so in Pocket D. And I still stand by the notion that not many people are open to letting strangers come in and RP with them. And that is what bugs me most.

On that same token, I think you have to try. There -are- those people who will RP with strangers. It's just that they are... a little far and few in-between.



Originally Posted by Angelo_Ambastion View Post
I replied to each one with a sly, but otherwise unoffensive and non-vulgar comment, simply brushing off her vulgar insults,
I think this part says a lot. What oneself considers "sly", everyone else might just consider condescending and smug.

Since the person talked about isn't here, I wanna propose an alternate interpretion of what happened. I wasn't on that BAF but from reading reading the OP's post here's what I imagine ****'s story would be like:
We've got a BAF, the first two phases go by smashingly and everyone's prepping up for the prisoner phase. The leader says that choke-points are the way to go, but the OP thinks that instead of consolidating on the chokepoints to rain AoEs and such it means spreading yourself thinly on the pathways. **** sees that the OP is a fair aways away from the chokepoints and throws him a tell saying something like "Get to the [insert swear word here] to the chokepoint and help!". Maybe she was just frustrated that day or maybe she's just the kind who swears casually, who knows?

The OP only sees the swear-word and immediately decides to himself that she must be a pretty dumb person, so naturally her idea of the chokepoint strategy is wrong. He's not shy to "slyly" tell her how dumb she looks to him for using a naughty word and that he'll keep doing whatetever it is he's doing because it's clearly correct. **** just replies again, telling him to get the [swear word] to the chokepoints, and a back and forth continues where the OP responds with "unoffensive" tells that nevertheless boil down to telling her that she's an idiot and that he's smarter and better than her. Dealing with that condescension **** gets angrier and angrier and in turn uses more and more swear words, which in turn make the OP just dismiss her much more strongly. Eventually she realises he's a lost cause who won't stop with his better-than-you talk and actually follow the strategy and kicks him from the team.

Now here on the forum he talks about how she's clearly emotionally unstable because she got angry at his constant barrage of patronisation and condescension, and how she will flip at you if you even minorly divert from a plan while ignoring the fact that, if his post is anything to go by, he rigidly insisted that his idea of chokepoints, to spread out, is the correct one.

Lastly I want to call attention to the fact that in his edit he sighs about having to remove her name even though he never said anything vulgar to merit censorship. It's that whole focus on vulgarity that gives me the impression the OP thinks the difference between offensive and unoffensive is the inclusion or lack of swear words so he never considered that what he considered "sly" was easily and heavily insulting to someone else.

I wasn't there. I could be wrong and she really was a raging berserker who loses all control if you stand even a single milimeter away from the acceptable gathering spots. We can't know for certain what happened, but it's as EmperorSteele said, something just struck me as fishy about the OP's post.

And really, I find it incredibly difficult to consider someone objective when they're disappointed they're not allowed to publicly shame someone even though they totally weren't vulgar.

TL;DR: I like playing make-believe that I'm a lawyer.



Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
While I, in some way, agree with this. I also don't think its the entire issue. I think the majority of the more popular players, SG, groups, ect. are people who prefer to have just so many friends, RP or otherwise and they prefer not to go further then that. Either they are disgruntled for one reason or another or they have established groups. It also has somewhat to do with having a commonality, whether that be ages in RL to in character personality types.
Totally this. It really seems like people get their one or two people that they want to rp with and then shut down everyone else because they're not in their little circle and branching out would cause problems with keeping track of things and other nonsense.

And then some people are so character-centric that if it doesn't involve their character and your character doesn't cater to theirs, then they don't really give a damn.



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
It's also likely that they were following the leaders instructions, maybe even to the point, and the leader may have been needlessly micromanaging the members and what they were doing (though why they'd do this, I don't honestly know why) or they decided that the leader didn't like this person, they were gonna be kicked, anyway.
You missed the first part of my post when I said it was entirely possible the OP was telling the truth.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Originally Posted by Angelo_Ambastion View Post
I recently was on a BAF trial with a character by the name of ***** who, in my own opinion was emotionally unstable.


This person however, thought that was incorrect and sent me multiple PM of vulgar insults.


If you happen to be on a team with *****, be forewarned that this player, at the time we teamed together, was very vulgar and more volatile than a vile of nitro glycerin.
...apparently someone is giving me a run for my money.



Rookery survives just fine and we have been hated on =)

seriously why let one insignificant fleck in the coh unvierse ruin your game put that guy gal on ignore and 1 star and move on..
problem with BAF lambda etc are you actually need 12 to 24 peeps but one of those is going to be an ******* so just ignore and move on =) your in it for the SHARDS and Xpee not to make friends....**** em twice and pick a baf with class or at least one you dont get peed on

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Angelo_Ambastion View Post
I'm sure most of you know that CoH players are generally friendly and more mature than players of other MMO games. But every so often, you come across some really nasty individuals that make Cujo look like man's best friend. I've made this post to let the community know of such players and to tread carefully when teaming with them.

I recently was on a BAF trial with a character by the name of ***** who, in my own opinion was emotionally unstable. We were in the escaping prisoners phase and running the choke-point strategy (Which I learned was to spread along the center pathways around the south and north buildings creating a "gauntlet" to dispose of any escapees) This person however, thought that was incorrect and sent me multiple PM of vulgar insults. I replied to each one with a sly, but otherwise unoffensive and non-vulgar comment, simply brushing off her vulgar insults, the next thing I knew, I was in the RWZ because she apparently kicked me from the Trial. I asked the League leader if he could invite me to the next run, but unfortunately, he was close friends with ***** and, although he was friendly and polite, he wasn't going to take sides and apologized for the inconvenience, which I totally understood.

If you happen to be on a team with *****, be forewarned that this player, at the time we teamed together, was very vulgar and more volatile than a vile of nitro glycerin. I'm not sure if she's like this all the time, but please be cautious, stray too far from her idea of how a TF or trial should be run, and you mind find yourself kicked from the team.

I would like to hear if there are other players like this who we should be cautious of. Thanks and have fun playing on Virtue.

EDIT: I was told by fellow forum members that calling players out by name is against forum rules so the name mentioned has been censored despite nothing vulgar being said *sigh*
I do not ever judge another player based on someone else’s say so.

Perhaps that player had a particularly bad day? Perhaps your replies were taken the wrong way (as more hostile then you intended?) Who knows?

Here is what it looks like. You and another player had a disagreement, (and as all conflicts go, there are always two sides.. otherwise there would be no argument.)

Then you got kicked form the group.

Then you came here to post a ‘warning’ about that player. (or came here to get even)

Now I am not saying that this is what you are doing, but it does look that way. As I am going to adhere to my original rule of not judging, I will not judge you for trying to ruin another player’s reputation, which is what you do when you post this type of story with the player’s character name attached.

This dispute you had with said player isn’t my business after all anyway, and really has no business being aired as the dirty laundry it is here.

A little tolerance can go a long way. Posting warnings about other players and their characters does not foster a healthy and friendly environment in the long run, and only helps provide an avenue to some to disrupt the game for others. Your intentions might be noble (and again, I do not know for sure), but then again, you might just be out for some revenge on a player who you feel treated you unfairly.

I am not even saying that the other player is right to have insulted you, as again, I do not have the entire story to properly make a judgment. Nobody here does. Let me repeat that… NOBODY HERE DOES!

All we have is your side of the story, and your word that what happened transpired exactly as you have described it. I prefer to use my own mind, my own eyes, and my own experiences to judge others.



I rarely post on the forums as ime being active on a forums poisens my love for a game faster then anything else. However OP Ive abit of advice for you.

The ignore command plain and simple. the 2nd you get an unwarranted tell from anyone for any reason, ignore them and forget about it. Had you the sense to immediatly report that character for harrassment the admin would have had an easy time checking over your chat log for the time and seen the unwarranted harrasment from this other play who likely would of recieved a 3 day ban.

As for when on a TF or League and not one leading it, one must accept the fact you need to play good little soldier and keep your head down and stick like glue to whoever is the leader of your unit. that way if something goes wrong you can honestly say hey i was following my units leader he must of been the one messing up.

When I lead a TF I brook no lip period. You dont like the way I lead your off the squad as I dont need someone trying to be wolverine to my cyclops. However I also dont verbally abuse someone for thier choice either I just say hey gl with whatever your own thing is and boot and be done. I have been on a few TF that I joined to help, and had some pretty abusive leaders who think the star gives the right to play tyrant. Those I walk away from with a I dont need to lend my power to your pathetic cause line, and go form a tf of my own.

Virtue btw is filled with many kinds of RPers along with a disgusting amount of meta game min maxxers who have invaded as thier less active server populations dry up.

Be the best you can be at what you want to do, but never let anyone tell you that your goal is wrong. maybe the path your trying is to windy, but with some help we can straighten that road out for you and clear it up so you cruise down it smooth.



This actually made me think of something I experianced on a recent BAF.

So the league leader is the kind that gives commands if the entire community outside of them are children, and they are big bird on sesame street.

Worse, they are not giving very clear directions, so those new to the BAF are clearly getting confused. My group quickly in team caht gets things explained to its members that need it, and we get in and largely because of ignoring the league leader do things as we see need being done. and things roll along without to many bumps.

We get to the end to take downt he 2 big baddies at once, and by this time my group has had enough of the piss poor talk down to us, holier then you attitude of the big leader.

So we decide to go rogue and do our damndest to make sure the bosses dont drop at the same time. We go full on pvpve working against the other players. and milk a ton of extra threads turning it into a reinforcment farm fest.

The poor league leader was practically frothing at the mouth over chat, not understanding why dmg kept shifting the wrong way on the bosses.Afterwards we all sent tells to that league leader explaining part of being a good leader is to make those following you actually want to follow you.

Ive not seen that paticular name join a baf since.



A good leader is like a good anything else. They are well versed in their chosen medium and know how to get the desired results using their skills and experience. A cook does not demand a dinner cook itself, he uses skill and knowledge to prepare it for consumption. Any good leader knows that to succeed, they must set a superior example, and thus others follow where they lead. But they must first set an example, then lead. A leader cannot command others to do something, then sit back, a leader can ONLY lead from the front, hence the term. This is why Tanks are most often chosen as leader.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
This is why Tanks are most often chosen as leader.
I laughed.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I laughed.

Totally made this face.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
This is why Tanks are most often chosen as leader.

Pull the other one, it's got bells.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...