What would you change for CoH2?

Adeon Hawkwood



Smoother diminishing returns on ED instead of "good, good, good, worthless".

Complete revamp of defense. It should work more like recharge where the first bonus gives the greatest effect but latter increase do less, and not as it does now where it gets better and better up to the point when it does nothing.

No haste or stamina powers. Powers should do something specific, but just make you better at everything. If end is supposed to be a limited resource, then let it be really limited.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Lastly I'd want better villain content, content designed around the villain becoming a super villain, becoming more feared and getting bigger jobs with higher rewards towards the end of the career. Much less people talking to you like a lackey, furthering other peoples schemes and no more robbing a bank to get only a small amount of loot.
Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
I don't particularly like the way mezzing works in this game. I believe it should be incredibly rare, but also very scary when it does happen.

In my opinion, minions shouldn't be able to wrest control away from players. It should take a big bad to lock a player down; Ghost Widow, for instance. On the other hand, no one should be immune to mezzes. I would get rid of Break Frees and mez-immunity toggles, while allowing more resilient archetypes to have some mez resistance to shake it off sooner.

I would design certain encounters wherein it is lore appropriate for an enemy to have that kind of power. There would be a unique wind-up animation to give players a few seconds to pop inspirations to try to weather the hold, or for a tank to taunt to make sure the enemy doesn't go after his squishies while he's helpless.
These are two big ones for me. Also, rebalancing. I think the game's pretty well-balanced as it is, but there are definitely some places improvements could be made, and it would be the perfect chance to ditch the cottage rule and completely cut certain powers.

Another big one: Make a new engine, preferably one based around an easily-extensible setup for powers and effects. Adding a new damage type or status effect really shouldn't require tearing the engine halfway apart, and proliferating powersets between ATs should be trivial, not the kind of thing you spend weeks on. While you're at it, make a map editor with a drag-and-drop interface so that new maps with existing tilesets are trivial too.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I agree, new engine, to allow the team to do more..World of Heroes

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



The sad part of this thread is that all of these ideas all seem just out of reach of what we currently have.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I would change the way missions are given. You would street sweep till you got a tip, which would lead to a mission. There would be a chance that the mission would be a story arc. In story arcs, you would rescue certain NPC's who would later appear in the game as contacts. The contacts would have unique arcs that you could only get through that contact. Zones would be more like striga or croatoa, where the arcs are contained in that zone and they tell a story about it.

I would also expand the power pool system, so that:
1) It would have a greater range of non combat powers, ie hacking/detective worki
2) each pool could have more than 4 powers.

They would be set up along the same tiers we have now, there would just be more options in some of the tiers. For example, there would be some sort of "Weapons" or "gadgets" pool, where the first tier would have things like a baseball bat attack, or a pistol attack. The second tier would have something like grenades of various flavors(stun, damage, smoke, etc) and the third tier would have stuff like body armor.

I would have Stances like that other game.

I would have zones make more sense. For example, in CoH certain zones connect to each other. But in general, it almost never makes sense to use those connections because the train is much faster. The ideal would be that either would offer advantages. Also, the city would be setup to look more like a real city similar to how that other game has their main city setup.

I would have underwater areas.

I think I would like to see the inventory system overhauled. So as an example, you could craft temp powers and get a item to put in your inventory. You could trade these temp powers with others, and only hold a finite amount of them on you. Sort of like how WoW does inventions. I would kep the enhancement system as is for the most part, but I would shift the levels you get stuff, so that you would use TO's till the teens, DO's till the late 20's and SO's after that. I believe this is how the game was originally setup, but then they decided to let us get (some)SO's at 20 and later all SO's at 20

I think for excort missions, the NPC's wouldnt always follow you. Depending on the NPC they would go in set routes.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
The sad part of this thread is that all of these ideas all seem just out of reach of what we currently have.
Or that the commenting forum goers are familiar enough with our game and the arcs of game design in general that we all know to suggest the pie-in-the-sky-no-way-could-it-ever-happen-in-CoNow-sorta-stuff.

We've come a long way since release.



I'd also revamp the way IOs are set up. Now we have a mostly binary system where they're either awesome or worthless, and the prices reflect that.

I'd do it so each set augments one thing. One set does Accuracy, another does Damage, another Recharge, and so on. That way you have to decide what you want to emphasize rather than there being obvious right choices. I'd still leave in Purples, since 50s ought to be super.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



1. Orbital Death Cannon Melee

2. Shiny Tights Masks

3. New Difficulty Settings
- PermaDeath - character is deleted on defeat
- PWND - character is deleted on defeat, account is deleted, your credit card is used to pay for flowers & motel rooms in the next town over, and the credit card bill is hand delivered by Positron to your wife

4. Persistent game music - not just short little clips, but actual scores of decent music

5. Flying Stripeless Zebra mounts

6. Winged Hornless Unicorns

7. Environmental Melee - wield enemies as weapons to defeat enemies

Truth be told, after 7 years I'd settle for just adding number 2 to this game.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Change the name to World of Heroes. Then hire Keanu Reeves to do a commercial.

"WoH, I know kung-fu."

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Dear God no. Terrible idea. Kill it! Kill it with fire!
Yeah, because more scalable options for a characters proportions are a bad thing.

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



I'd stick to the game's strengths; Customization:

-Larger variety of body types.
--Standard male/female body
--Quadruped (4 legs)
--Centaur (4 legs and human upper body)
--Naga (human upper body, snake lower body)
--Huge head (think a big head with little limbs coming out)

There'd be fewer actual power-sets, and just varied 'effects' you can add to your powers (similar to Interface) and more animations per power to choose from. So there wouldn't be Electric Blast, Energy Blast and Radiation Blast, just 'Energy Blast' with custom particle effects you could choose (lightning, light, etc.) with extra effects you could add to them (concussive energy, radiation, ion).

Animations would be limited by body type. So Nagas picking up Hand-to-Hand wouldn't have access to kick animations, just punches and perhaps a few custom tail-whips, Quadrupeds wouldn't have normal gun/sword animations, just back/head mounted guns and/or body mounted blades/mouth held weapons, etc. etc.

Origins would have tags associated with them in a complex web of 'advantages/disadvantages' so, if you customize your powers a certain way, you could have 'Ghost killing bullets' or 'Armor piercing claws' in exchange for choosing a disadvantage such as aligning your powers with the Fey or chemical instability or some such. This would be optional but add more specific character customization of powers vs the environment they're interacting with rather than limited customization to just the base effects.



Gameplay and design tweaks mostly.

-New graphics engine. We're running on OLD hardware here, and no matter how many new doodads and shiny bits we bolt onto it, at the end of the day we're still using an engine from the early PS2 era.

-"Denser" content. City of Heroes at launch had a TON of content and zones, most of which were added with the intention that they would be updated later. Most never were, and nowadays we have a ton of zones that are ghost towns. Launch with less content, but put more effort into making it polished, well written, and interesting. The launch content in this game has not aged well, and nowadays I avoid it entirely. Less missions, less zones, add nothing with the intention of updating it later, and only then start adding new stuff.

-Make Archetypes more distinct. Sharing powersets and whatnot is fine, but at the end of the day a lot of AT's play very similarly (most notably the melee classes). Make the AT's more specialized, but not in the sense that teaming would be required (oh god no), but in the sense that every single AT would require it's own unique tactics. Maybe cut down on the number of powersets too, but make each powerset really unique, rather than just the sort of "palette swap" powersets we got at launch.

-In short, make the game smaller, and more focused. That's not to say the game couldn't get bigger later, but the dev team has a bad habit of coming up with great ideas, implementing them halfway, and then losing interest. Make a game that has a clear focus and a clear goal moving forward to start, and then worry about adding new things to it.



What would I change? Well for starters I would never create a system where there is such a huge disparity on how the ATs and powerset perform. There never should be a grand canyon size gap in solo speed for the damage ATs and support classes. I think that in itself has hurt the game and led to so many unneeded nerfs. When players cant solo fast or feel their damage is poor they will gravitate towards the flavor of the month builds due to that. If everyone can solo almost the same speed then it does not matter what you pick as much. To me we should be picking the powersets for thematic reasons for the characters not because there is an overwhelming reason to play a powerset or AT because its that much better than every thing else. It took them gawd knows how long to realize this when they buffed doms after they created the VEATs. Thats too long to realize that the sky is not going to fall when you have a support AT that does decent damage. Lastly there would be absolutely no pvp unless they could keep it 110% seperate from pve. Too many pvp changes that bleed over into pve have also cost this game too many good players.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I'd incorporate a Dragon Age style of tactics programming to pets/henchmen, allowing the user to set specific instructions for them to follow. Intelligent programming would basically allow a player to have a "hands free" pet that doesn't act completely brain dead.


I'd also take down the war walls completely and fill out the zones with far more stuff to do. I'd incorporate real-time weather cycles and give NPCs AI routines. For example, a contact that's a cop would have patrols and a schedule. He's be somewhere during the day according to that schedule. At night time he wouldn't be around because he's at home. In the morning you can watch him leave his house and travel to work. During the day he could be found at the police department. This would give the world a much more life-like feel.

I'd have traffic that made sense and airports and stores and restaurants that are actually incorporated into the game world. There would be movie theaters and sports arenas and all of the rest of the stuff you'd see in a real world, and I'd design them so that in-game events would have an impact on the routines of all the people. I'd have it so that the areas in the game could be quickly and easily modified to reflect certain story points. Maybe there's a couple of months where Dr. Explosion sets off a massive bomb in Atlas Park and takes down 3 buildings. For the next 3 months of real time, that area would be under construction. It would start with clean-up, then lots of planning (surveyors scribbling on blue prints), then you start to see scaffolding going up, then finally the buildings are rebuilt.

I'd make it so that you could go into most buildings within the game world (not an instance) just for the hell of it.

I'd have buildings that players could move into and rent out as their personal living spaces. I'd make it so that you could buy furniture from a furniture store and electronics and fish tanks and all of that jazz. It would be like Sims-CoH. You could design your own apartment the way you see fit, within the design of the place. It would be a game in and of itself. And I wouldn't make it so that you just went into some random interface and got instanced into your apartment. You'd have to go to a specific building and within that specific building you had to deal with the specific management and pay their specific price. Better apartments would cost more and there would be an aesthetic difference between what you could rent out in a high-end Founder's Falls apartment vs some dump in King's Row. You'd be able to know who your neighbors are, too. I'd even make it so you could buy and build houses in specific, expansive suburban areas designed specifically to house players. They would be real neighborhoods with schools and grocery stores and all of that. You'd even be able to buy houses and then rent them out to other players! The entire housing thing would be a huge part of the game!

I would make it so that a supergroup base was a place that you designed from the ground up, including the exterior. The exterior of the building wouldn't be more than a fancy door that sends you to your base, it would be a real, physical location that you can go to in the game world (either through instancing or some other means). Example of instancing: You'd teleport to your secret base location and emerge on a mountain and there before you, nestled between two great peaks, hidden from view and protected from outside attacks is your base. And of course because we don't live in a M.C Escher painting, the interior of your base would have to be designed around the actual physical design of the building. To help with size constraints, subterranean construction would be possible. I'd also integrate a "Danger Room" style AE interface type of room you could build to train with like the X-Men do.

I'd incorporate far more mission tilesets and templates and a vast amount of custom maps for story arc content. I'd make each mission door be specific to a particular map, with exterior buildings have interiors that match their design. That way every single time you go into the warehouse on main street, it's the same. It doesn't magically morph into something else. That sounds repetitive, but I'd make it so that every single building in the game that you could enter for missions had a unique interior.

I'd drastically change the way enemy spawns work in the environment. It just doesn't make sense that masses of gangs would all hang around in plain view all over every single zone. I'd probably make it so that there were certain areas where enemies spawned and certain districts that are run down and forgotten or completely taken over by the gangs where enemies will spawn.

I would almost completely eliminate worthless contacts. Ones that just dish out 15 random missions. Almost every contact would have a story arc or a be part of something greater.

I'd reduce the ability to run "repeatables" like Police Band and Newspaper missions but increase the number of TFs and early game Raid style content.

I'd introduce equipment, but not to the insanity of other loot grinding types of games. I'd probably just introduce accessories that would provide a myriad of passive benefits, from anything to combat related stuff or by increasing the amount of Infamy you get for defeating enemies or other indirect benefits.

I'd change the way the powers and enhancement systems but I'm not quite sure how I would go about, other than that it would be simpler to use. I'd probably take out slots completely and incorporate some system where powers you select already have a set number of slots. You can then use these slots to add any "enhancement" effect the power would accept. Upon leveling up you can go along your normal progression tree, which would include new powers and upgraded versions of the powers you already or skills that modify your existing powers to make them better. For example, you have Full Auto at level 32 and at level 35 you can spend skill points on a passive power that increases the number of targets Full Auto can hit. This would include passive skills that add more slots to your powers, but it would be a trade-off type of thing where you choose what you want to spend your skill points on, much like most modern RPGs these days are using.

That's all I can think or right now...



Originally Posted by Magpie_Mouse View Post
Yeah, because more scalable options for a characters proportions are a bad thing.
Specific portions of the theoretical design of that editor are decent, but the editor itself is some of the worst, least intuitive things I've seen in a while, and it's stocked with about 90% garbage. Also, because of how many of the things are rigged, it's next to impossible to make anything that isn't butt ugly unless you stick to a small selection of predefined body and face shapes anyway. As a thought experiment, that editor works. As an actual tool to use, it's horrible.

Also: Neogumbercules, when you post a gigantic inline pic that stretches the horizontal, the rest of your post becomes incredible to read. Either crop/resize your pics down to no more than 800 points horizontal, put them in as links or post them in their own separate posts if you intend to make a long post thereafter.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
See I'm the opposite. When I think of Superheroes I imagine them fighting powerful Supervillains not mowing down hordes of mooks.
See I want this too, and I did mention having a different sort of AV system in CoH 2, to me having 8 on 1 for AV fights makes it feel less super. I think it would be more fun if there were AVs geared specifically to give a challenging, and unique fight to your character for more 1 on 1 oriented battles. With other things, GMs or multiple AVs for group encounters.

Still, having nothing but 1 on 1 fights gets old after a while and most heroes to get to mow down mooks once in a while. It's needed to show the contrast between the Super villains, the regular villains and how powerful the hero is. By showing that Batman can take on 10 normal guys without a problem, when there is a foe that's tough for him, it gives the reader the idea that the foe must be [i]really[i] tough.

I think the same needs to be in a Hero game. Give a lot of encounters where yeah, the hero can easily mop the floor with 5 guys at once. But then the hero ends up facing 8-10 guys at once and it's a bit more challenging, designing the game to be, challenge by numbers at times, requiring different play style and tactics than the boss fights which is more challenge by difficulty or powers etc.

Anywho, if they do a CoH2, I would like them to either balance the powers, game play etc with PvP in mind and truly allow for epic battles of player on player, or not do PvP at all. Shoe-horning it in after the fact doesn't work, neither does making it a seperate game.. Having your hero play one way regularly only to play much differently PvP is not going to make a lot of people want to play it.

Personally, I'm all for no PvP at all, but I would mind it much less if it were designed to be a part of the game from the beginning.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Fingers for sure.

Edit: Yeah, no more war walls, except perhaps around Terra Volta and maybe some hazard zones. I'd much rather prefer how things are in Praetoria.

And windows in SG bases looking out to whatever zone you want.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Fingers for sure.

Edit: Yeah, no more war walls, except perhaps around Terra Volta and maybe some hazard zones. I'd much rather prefer how things are in Praetoria.

And windows in SG bases looking out to whatever zone you want.
Yes to all

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
If you were in charge of design for CoH2, what fundamental changes would you make to the way the game works?

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
There never should be a grand canyon size gap in solo speed for the damage ATs and support classes.
You realize the slowest soloer is a damage AT (blasters), right? And one of the faster ones is a theoretical support AT (controllers).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Power trees.

The power choices available to you are dictated by what powers you've already taken. I've taken Leap and Foot Stomp, so that opens up a power "Ground Smash" in which I jump up and then smash into the ground.
This would be extremely high on my list, although not necessarily in quite that way. What you are suggesting would make too many powers in my opinion. I would use combos to do that: a Leap-To power and a Foot Stomp power could be used together to create that attack. That way you could also have Leap-To + Overhand Smash, and even Teleport-To + Foot Stomp. A couple of modifier powers and a couple of attacks makes a huge number of possibilities, but with fewer actual discrete powers.

In terms of actual trees, I like the notion of a points-based system connected to progression trees. Players get points which they can spend on going for either breadth (getting more powers) or depth (improving existing powers). You'd in effect have two layers of trees: power selection trees, and power improvement trees. Because different powers could be combined in different ways, it won't be necessarily true that getting an additional power is worse than improving the existing ones. It would be like if CoH gave you the choice of adding a damage slot to your attacks or getting Build Up. There's pros and cons there but both improve damage.

Designing such a system would be a significant balance challenge, but I believe its doable. I sketched one out as a thought experiment a couple years ago, just to see how it would all work. I think it would work very well if done correctly. The power synergies are the tricky part, and would require the game mechanics to be explicitly designed around that feature to ensure certain properties existed which made this both interesting and balanceable.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In terms of actual trees, I like the notion of a points-based system connected to progression trees. Players get points which they can spend on going for either breadth (getting more powers) or depth (improving existing powers). You'd in effect have two layers of trees: power selection trees, and power improvement trees.
Yes, I like the idea of power improvement trees as well, I like the idea of selecting "Revive" as a power, maybe a few level later you pair "Defense bonus" or "PBAoE attack" with it, so that by building stages, you can eventually create either Rise of the Phoenix or Resurgence. (Edit: Actually, I suppose this is potentially another "combo system" I don't think in terms of combos)

The issue is that there are interesting things about the existing Enhancement system (which counts as a point investment system too, with a lot of interesting different ways to invest points into a power).



Also: Neogumbercules, when you post a gigantic inline pic that stretches the horizontal, the rest of your post becomes incredible to read. Either crop/resize your pics down to no more than 800 points horizontal, put them in as links or post them in their own separate posts if you intend to make a long post thereafter.
Corrected! 3am posts are never good news for anyone.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Voice actors for all NPCs.
Do not want. I get annoyed with people talking in my RPGs, so I stick mostly to classic-style and text-based RPGs. And from what I've seen in MMOs lately, they don't exactly shell out the big bucks for quality voice work.

A list of things I'd like to see added/changed for CoH2:
  • Assymetrical costume options
  • Customizable character voices (kid, teen, adult, robot, beast, etc.) and posture/movement
  • Personal apartments/lairs (small, low-functionality bases for one)
  • Morality choices for most missions that affect how the community perceives you--do you arrest the bank robber, kill him, beat him up and steal the money for yourself, or join him?
  • Every class needs one decent ranged attack and one decent melee attack available early-on (not just the goofy starter temp powers).

Things I DON'T want to see changed:
  • Endurance as fuel for powers (I HATE the way Champs handles their power fuel)
  • Combat based on power recharge (though this could continue to be eased in the lower levels)
  • Enhancements and enhancement slots (I'd agree with earlier posts that IOs should not be available at launch)
  • Class-based character creation (though I wouldn't mind some more blending between ATs... I'd love to play an Assault/Defense character, even at reduced damage/defense)
If the things above changed, I doubt I'd even play the sequel, as it'd be getting rid of things I liked that make CoH different from other games on the market.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!