I think this i20 screwed up the game

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
You guys all F'ing suck and should die.
I liked this part the most.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Same. Not seeing the hate, other than from some prolific forum posters with an axe to grind. Sorry you are having such a rough go of it plainguy, but things will improve I am sure.
I didn't see hate and anger... but I did see one returning player who joined us for a run.

We took time to explain, coached him up for the challenge, and had a nice hairy time running around with Marauder in his Lambda play ground.

When we exited, he quit and logged out without a word.....

I am still trying to figure out what that meant.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



But you see a lot of players are already saying - I am not a hamster and I won't run on your wheel.

I refuse to grind the same nonsense and farm, farm, farm. You see people doing 6-10 trials a DAY - how long will they do that?

You think I am going to farm for all of my level 50's? I think the new style of "reward" will be the thing that makes me walk away from this game after so long. I am ignoring it for now but if this direction continues - I will not.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
But you see a lot of players are already saying - I am not a hamster and I won't run on your wheel.

I refuse to grind the same nonsense and farm, farm, farm. You see people doing 6-10 trials a DAY - how long will they do that?

You think I am going to farm for all of my level 50's? I think the new style of "reward" will be the thing that makes me walk away from this game after so long. I am ignoring it for now but if this direction continues - I will not.

It has already been stated that there will be more Trials after I20. However there will always be players with more time than others and the patience to do the same thing over and over. The fact that both of the new Trials are timed and will last no longer than an hour, compared to 90 minutes or more for some of the others, makes this easier. Personally I like the BAF (now that I know how it works) and I ran it 4 times this past Saturday.

As for how long this will continue, until these same players have all of their alts stacked to the gills with components, Threads and so forth. Some players had their Alpha Slot done before I20 just to make the jump-start faster. Whatever...it's their game too if they want to play it that way.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Naw. Game is fine. I played it last night.



To the OP, first day the new stuff dropped was brutal. Since then I have run probably 60 + BAF's and a dozen or so Lambda's. People on Freedom, in my opinion, generally have this new stuff down. You may run into a less than optimal leader from time to time, but nothing and no one is saying you have to team with them. Pocket D, RWZ, and Cim is where most of this stuff is being formed, with Pocket D being the most popular. I used the que system a few times, and I will keep my opinions to myself regardign the quality of teamingo be had in that manner.

Just go to Pocket D and look for a Prophet of Supremacy (shameless SG plug ) and get on one of their teams/leagues, generally always successful, regardless of trial.



I play on freedom as well and I only failed each about 2 times the first night, after that I have ran it a ton of times and haven't failed.

I have even ran master runs on the BAF several times, I think I also had about 6 runs in a row letting none escape.

The only thing so far thats been hard is trying to convince league leaders to not have only 1 team on the ambush. They need to have 2 from each team on the ambush, that way each team gets xp and drops.

To the OP just come to pocket D broadcast your looking or ask for a invite when they are filling a team. Just listen to the leader or just follow everyone else.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



The trials are easy now. Last BAF was done in around 15 min. Even got the no prisoners escaped message (I think I got a badge for that).

Never failed a Lambda, but only done 3 and the teams were awesome each time.

Failed BAF once due to not killing AVs within 10 sec of each other (although, I swear that we were the unfortunate victims of server lag) and the leader said, "lets go for AV kills" which everyone was happy with.

The only bad stuff I noticed was a bait and switch on the trial. I broadcasted for a lambda, got an invite and the leader said this is BAF btw, oh well, just ran with it.

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



Originally Posted by Kyle_Al_Mordu View Post
Maybe a big red bullseye and a skull and crossbones at your feet would get the message across.... MOVE!!!!
I still got Vengance off you....

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
My only complaint about the new trials so far (I've done a mere one Lamba and zero BAF) is the lack of information. You have not even the slightest guess of what's going on short of having teammates that have already run several and feel like informing the team. Gigantic red letters "War Walker powers up it's Orbital Lance!"... OK? So what? What does that mean to me? (To that end.. I still have no idea. Same goes for Marauders Nova Fist or whatever it's called. I just know it one-shots my tank...)

Just a little help and extra information would go a mile towards overall team entertainment and success.
If you read the patch notes, they explain much of what is going on with the new trials. There's a link to the patch notes on the updater screen. As for things like the War Walkers, it helps enormously if you pay attention to your surroundings while you fight.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I think the idea is to convert the Empyrean merits (when they don't randomly vanish from your inventory) to get the rare stuff rather than paying to craft it.
Thanks for confirming that I'm not the only one that Lost emp merits over night. I petitioned it days ago and still haven't got a GM response.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Just imagine in real life, you hear, out of absolutely nowhere at all,

"Gofornogotsinger targetted and ready!"

and then this gigantic flashing red circle appears under your feet...

Are you going to stand around and ask what a Gofornogotsinger is?

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I think the idea is to convert the Empyrean merits (when they don't randomly vanish from your inventory) to get the rare stuff rather than paying to craft it.
Well, that supposes you succeed in doing the Trial to even get a roll for an Emp. merit.

Sir Zane (Lvl 50, Inv/SS/Nrg Tank);Atomic Jake (Lvl 50, Kin/Rad/Elec Defender)
Nikolai (Lvl 50, DM/EA/GW Brute);Raging Stallion (Lvl 50 MA/SR/Weap Scrapper)
Archmage Tristam (Lvl 50 Ill/Son/Psi Controller)



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Just imagine in real life, you hear, out of absolutely nowhere at all,

"Gofornogotsinger targetted and ready!"

and then this gigantic flashing red circle appears under your feet...

Are you going to stand around and ask what a Gofornogotsinger is?

I would be wondering as I dove out of the circle though.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



The Trials are two completely different worlds if you get on a pre-created League or if you go through the Turnstile LFG system. Not even in the same solar system different worlds. Unfortunately, most of the players of COH will be using the LFG system.

I have witnessed what the OP has stated and more on LFG PUGs as I have made a point of running them this past week. Most LFG Pugs will Fail, flat out (this is on Virtue) -- out of 30 LFG PUG runs I have done only 4 have succeeded. These teams start with nearly the base minimum for the Trial (12 on BAF and 8 on Lambda) with most people not knowing what to do. Not a recipe for success.

Additionally, the vitriol has been getting worse actually as we head into the second week. Last night was particularly bad. There is a growing scenario of players who know what to expect but have little patience for those that do not and express themselves in a very hostile manner.

Before you dismiss this, use the LFG system only and run 5 or 6 Trials. It may be different on different servers. I can only speak to Virtue.

Sir Zane (Lvl 50, Inv/SS/Nrg Tank);Atomic Jake (Lvl 50, Kin/Rad/Elec Defender)
Nikolai (Lvl 50, DM/EA/GW Brute);Raging Stallion (Lvl 50 MA/SR/Weap Scrapper)
Archmage Tristam (Lvl 50 Ill/Son/Psi Controller)



The whole LFG system being introduced without any instructions are a big cockup in itself.

This has been one of the biggest failings of CoX IMHO because documentation has always been sketchy in this game, which seems to stem from the way the game has been developed.

This means that bugs that have been squashed can come back, patch notes can be scarce, the game manual has never been revised since launch and new features and changes are supposed to be absorbed by osmosis. The help screens themselves can be hit or miss too.

The devs should state full out whether players are required to come to the forums or website for information and updates because I doubt a significant percentage of them do.

I never even noticed the tiny LFG part of my chat screen until someone pointed it out to me, and even then there wasn't any indication that that's where and how you start a league, join one and start a trial. I just thought it meant "Looking for Group."

Did they introduce any new pop help for the LFG stuff?

Heck, I still don't know what the colours mean in the searching for teammates screen since they changed it up.



Originally Posted by Sir_Zane View Post
The Trials are two completely different worlds if you get on a pre-created League or if you go through the Turnstile LFG system. Not even in the same solar system different worlds. Unfortunately, most of the players of COH will be using the LFG system.

I have witnessed what the OP has stated and more on LFG PUGs as I have made a point of running them this past week. Most LFG Pugs will Fail, flat out (this is on Virtue) -- out of 30 LFG PUG runs I have done only 4 have succeeded. These teams start with nearly the base minimum for the Trial (12 on BAF and 8 on Lambda) with most people not knowing what to do. Not a recipe for success.

Additionally, the vitriol has been getting worse actually as we head into the second week. Last night was particularly bad. There is a growing scenario of players who know what to expect but have little patience for those that do not and express themselves in a very hostile manner.

Before you dismiss this, use the LFG system only and run 5 or 6 Trials. It may be different on different servers. I can only speak to Virtue.
I ran three Lambda trials on the first day using the LFG tool, and quickly realized this method of forming teams wasn't going to work well. It kept throwing us in with the minimum number of people, which was a recipe for disaster. I didn't bother trying to run BAF using LFG; I can't imagine running that one at the moment with only 12 people. Ever since, I've been going to Pocket D and joining trial teams forming there.



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
I ran three Lambda trials on the first day using the LFG tool, and quickly realized this method of forming teams wasn't going to work well. It kept throwing us in with the minimum number of people, which was a recipe for disaster. I didn't bother trying to run BAF using LFG; I can't imagine running that one at the moment with only 12 people. Ever since, I've been going to Pocket D and joining trial teams forming there.
I can point out many failings of the queue system, but minimized teams isn't one of them. Heck, I've never had a more boringly easy time than one BAF we deliberately ran with 12 people, because the escapee spawns, reinforcement spawns, and (I've heard and find plausible but have not been able to verify) the AV HP scale to the quantity of trial participants.



I have yet to see anyone become upset at the trial, or the developers. But I know of a few people (myself included) to express grief that even with def and res numbers through the roof, we can still watch our hit points drop in an instant. I was initially a bit upset with this as I was spending so much time going to the hospital, and so little time actually fighting. This happened even after I took 3 large purples and 3 large oranges. But no one acted like the OP describes. In fact, I've never seen that behavior on Protector at all. Different attitudes on different servers I guess?

I have run enough of each trial to have tier 2 on all 4 slots on 2 toons so far. The first day or two were the most stressful (for lack of a better word), since we were used to being able to plow through any content relatively easy. The new trials definitely knocked out egos down a notch.

Now, after a week, I find that I die less, and it is rare to fail a trial. The combination of leaders who have a bit of experience using newly established tactics and most participants having opened and slotted at least a few powers has turned the tide from wondering-if-we-will-beat-it to expecting-to-beat-it.

So other than the fact I am neglecting most of my toons to give i20 power candy to a select few, no complaints here.



Originally Posted by Kyria_Shirako View Post
I can point out many failings of the queue system, but minimized teams isn't one of them. Heck, I've never had a more boringly easy time than one BAF we deliberately ran with 12 people, because the escapee spawns, reinforcement spawns, and (I've heard and find plausible but have not been able to verify) the AV HP scale to the quantity of trial participants.
Marauder's hit points didn't seem to scale down, though I'd have to break out a power analyzer or surveillance to be sure. The last LFG trial I ran actually came close to succeeding, but we ran out of suppression grenades, then ran out of time trying to gather more. Maybe we do have enough vets running the trials at this point that it's feasible to go with the minimum number of players. I'll still go with the hand-picked teams though, at least for the time being.



Not failed a single one, but then not on Freedom.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
The whole LFG system being introduced without any instructions are a big cockup in itself.

The entire LFG system needs work. It has way too much hurry up and wait.



Bad teams are bad.

That seems to be whats up with you, I've been running pug basically and think i failed 1st 3 Lambda's ive done and a few BAFs otherwise i havent failed very often.

Of course, lots of crashs and bugs right now. Which i expect will be fixed soon.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Ran Lambda a few times with a team of 8. If anything it was easier than with 16. Granted, we were all Lambda vets, each having probably 30 or more under our belts, and several of us are regulars in the TF circuit on Protector, so that probably has something to do with it.

Intrinsic: You might already know this, but you can just hold your cursor over Marauder's health bar for a few seconds (maybe doing this in the heat of battle isn't the best time) and it should give you his hit points. I was shocked to find several AV's in the trials have something like 105,000 HP. Imagine if we could get that many!



Originally Posted by Kyria_Shirako View Post
I can point out many failings of the queue system, but minimized teams isn't one of them. Heck, I've never had a more boringly easy time than one BAF we deliberately ran with 12 people, because the escapee spawns, reinforcement spawns, and (I've heard and find plausible but have not been able to verify) the AV HP scale to the quantity of trial participants.
I feel the opposite. For me, 24 man BAF is about the most boring thing in the game. It's almost impossible to fail.