Mr. Nakayama, Sir...

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
lol. But you know I work in 2D, right? You can thank character artist Cheryl Austin for giving Mother Mayhem actual 3D curves.
Alright, so both of you deserve the credit. You made the 2D version for her to make 3D.

Thank you both!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
lol. But you know I work in 2D, right? You can thank character artist Cheryl Austin for giving Mother Mayhem actual 3D curves.
Anyone who doesn't know what *Motherhood* does to a woman's figure ... even if she is being mindridden by a delusional 80+ year old redhead with a "Mommy Complex" ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're easy to spot - they just don't look normal
I'm going to have to disagree. I personally feel that the top has a push-up effect. Just look at the strategically high belt placement.

Anyways, I'm glad she's wearing a trench coat because I could easily imagine a wedgie on the back side.



Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
I'm going to have to disagree. I personally feel that the top has a push-up effect. Just look at the strategically high belt placement.
They're fakies - she's more plastic now than woman - twisted and evil

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're fakies - she's more plastic now than woman - twisted and evil
Hmm well, there's only one way to find out for sure. I'm going to have to ask her for a close up examination. I am however fearful that due to her penchant for referring to herself as "mother", I might end up with some rather severe psychological scarring from the whole experience.



Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
Hmm well, there's only one way to find out for sure. I'm going to have to ask her for a close up examination. I am however fearful that due to her penchant for referring to herself as "mother", I might end up with some rather severe psychological scarring from the whole experience.
You could always call her Sister Silicone instead.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You could always call her Sister Silicone instead.
That's going to be the name of my next new character. Thanks for the inspiration.

On second thought, it's probably already taken. Salty Twins it is.



Yet no one seems to notice the odd curve in from her thighs then back out to the butt. Her thighes are huge compared to the other parts of her body. She looks like she could crush your skull if you were not making her happy.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Yet no one seems to notice the odd curve in from her thighs then back out to the butt. Her thighes are huge compared to the other parts of her body. She looks like she could crush your skull if you were not making her happy.
Mmmmmm yes.

Thank you.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Yet no one seems to notice the odd curve in from her thighs then back out to the butt. Her thighes are huge compared to the other parts of her body. She looks like she could crush your skull if you were not making her happy.
Surely you jest...



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Surely you jest...

I never jest, and don't call me Shirley!

What some one had to say it!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The only thing that comes to mind is "He like's BIG BUTTS AND HE CANNOT LIE!..."
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get vital evolutionary information
that is a fairly accurate indicator
of overall health and childbearing capability.

Oh, and sprung. You also get sprung.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Anyone who doesn't know what *Motherhood* does to a woman's figure ... even if she is being mindridden by a delusional 80+ year old redhead with a "Mommy Complex" ...
Well now we know exactly why Calvin Scott wants his wife back...

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Well now we know exactly why Calvin Scott wants his wife back...
I was thinking the same thing! If some dude took my hot wife from me I too would start a revolt and burn down the world to get her back!

Helan of troy anyone?

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
I was thinking the same thing! If some dude took my hot wife from me I too would start a revolt and burn down the world to get her back!
Suddenly everything in Praetoria makes sense now!!!



Originally Posted by Mephe View Post
I was thinking the same thing! If some dude took my hot wife from me I too would start a revolt and burn down the world to get her back!
I don't know. If your hot wife is willing to leave you for someone else, you just might be better off without her. Besides, if you are able to get a hot wife in the first place, why not just get another one. An upgrade if you will.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

"Breasts Are Fake" would be more acurate

I'm pretty sure those posers you posted a while back had your character with breasts larger than Mother Mayhems, but hey

So did anyone else notice the cleavage below her top breasts?



Originally Posted by baron_inferno View Post
If your hot wife is willing to leave you for someone else, you just might be better off without her.
Going by what we know, I'm not sure that she was very willing at all.
Plus, Mother Mayhem isn't exactly shown as someone who'd refuse to steal other bodies.

Originally Posted by YippeeGo View Post
I'm pretty sure those posers you posted a while back had your character with breasts larger than Mother Mayhems, but hey
Well, I've not actually meassured - but I'm all natural - that's how I can spot silicone a mile off

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



You'll never win an argument with the Gorilla. Once she's made up her mind about something, she's right, and anyone who disagrees can sod off.

So, anyone with breasts larger than hers has had breast implants. Of course, I just have to wonder when my wife found the time and money to have implants done.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, I've not actually meassured - but I'm all natural - that's how I can spot silicone a mile off
Because breasts are always the same shape and size!

I'm glad that even video game characters who are unhappy with their current breast size can go out into internetland and purchase breast implants. Thank you City of Heroes for giving everyone equal opportunity.



First: I must say the large mammaries on Mother Mayhem are visually EPIC (I think we should save NightStar’s Epic CT for another thread).... and look true to some of the comic book art I grew up reading and ogling. They also remind me of the mighty mammaries found in many manga and anime of today. Honestly I like the art work in the cutscenes of both Lambda and B.A.F. I think, mammaries aside, the artist did a great job. I wish the animations could have been less emotish though.

Second: I love how this went from “OMG, Look at those!” to a discussion on breast implants and our ability to recognize fake vs real.... because I tend to like them either way.

Third: Let me leave you with this.... Mammary glands are basically modified sweat glands. So enjoy your bowl of Sweat and Cereal.

Whoa! Hey, hey, there? Watch were your waving that Sapper Gun Thingamajig with the sparks and the zaps and the endurance drain... humm yeah

Blue Stonefist Lvl 50 Stone/Stone/Stone Tanker



A good and worthy thread that I will continue to read!



Alright guys, this thread's been fun, but we're getting a little too explicit for the forums here. I'm closing this one down before it gets too far out there--much like Mother Mayhem herself.