City of Heroes: Running Out of XP




O no! Not the XP's!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



But... But... I have characters that still NEED XP!

Whatever shall we DO!?

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



This is an April Fools joke right???..........Right?........



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post

But Mother, why can't we have XP? I enjoy XP...

Thank you for the time...
No XP today, XP tomorrow. There's always XP tomorrow....

BTW....Happy Birthday Tymer...

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2




Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)




"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



<rushes off to level some characters before all the xp is gone forever>

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a level today.

Also, I deem the "no comment" from the AE designer quite epic.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Wait, does this mean I'll never reach level 51???



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Wait, does this mean I'll never reach level 51???
I'm in the same boat, man. I'm only one point away! But they musta already run out.



Oh #@#% ! ! I've got characters still in Outbreak!



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I'm curious, where in the game is that gas station? I don't think I've ever actually seen one in game before.
Pretoria. Nueropolis I belive.



�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



This is really bad news. I always thought they'd eventually cave in and let us level up to 60 proper, but if XP is in short supply, this is not feasible. I mean, imagine how much experience even one level-up will cost. Even as it stands now, 90% of the XP a character will ever earn will be earned going from level 40 to level 50. Can you imagine the cascading increase of requirement that would be merited by another 10 levels on top? The cost will be astronomical!

If Paragon Studios do indeed bank a full progression's worth of XP for every character made and they're already running low, then upping the level cap to 60 will simply break their bank overnight. And, I should say, NO reserving enough experience to level up all the way is no solution. Of course not all characters will reach level 50. But once people catch wind of this crisis and once XP shortages and XP coupons and XP queues start developing, do you think people will keep making new characters? Of course not! We barely have enough XP for the ones we already have. Who needs more mouths to feed?

And then what? Once people give up the luxury of making new characters, they'll start levelling up their old ones. But because enough experience wasn't reserved for them, they'll run-out mid-way. If history is any indication, this will take place around level 38. So now people will end up having paid for 50 levels of experience, but only getting 38 or so levels before they run out. This is not good for business.

The only real solution is for us, the players, to pitch in and offer our own personal experience to add to the pool of the game. Sure, our experiences may not always be compatible with the game's standard of XP - after all, how does a vacation in Disneyland or the memory of eating 25 whole hot dogs relate to the ability to shoot fire from your hands? But in these times of crisis, we'll have to make do. XP is XP, after all, whether it concerns wars with alien races, filing tax reports or kinky sex. It's still XP, and damn it! I just rerolled a level 50 Blaster as a level 1 Scrapper and I NEED THAT XP!!!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



All in favor of kinky sex XP replacing regular in-game xp say aye.




Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



what the **** is this?!?!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is really bad news. I always thought they'd eventually cave in and let us level up to 60 proper, but if XP is in short supply, this is not feasible. I mean, imagine how much experience even one level-up will cost. Even as it stands now, 90% of the XP a character will ever earn will be earned going from level 40 to level 50. Can you imagine the cascading increase of requirement that would be merited by another 10 levels on top? The cost will be astronomical!

If Paragon Studios do indeed bank a full progression's worth of XP for every character made and they're already running low, then upping the level cap to 60 will simply break their bank overnight. And, I should say, NO reserving enough experience to level up all the way is no solution. Of course not all characters will reach level 50. But once people catch wind of this crisis and once XP shortages and XP coupons and XP queues start developing, do you think people will keep making new characters? Of course not! We barely have enough XP for the ones we already have. Who needs more mouths to feed?

And then what? Once people give up the luxury of making new characters, they'll start levelling up their old ones. But because enough experience wasn't reserved for them, they'll run-out mid-way. If history is any indication, this will take place around level 38. So now people will end up having paid for 50 levels of experience, but only getting 38 or so levels before they run out. This is not good for business.

The only real solution is for us, the players, to pitch in and offer our own personal experience to add to the pool of the game. Sure, our experiences may not always be compatible with the game's standard of XP - after all, how does a vacation in Disneyland or the memory of eating 25 whole hot dogs relate to the ability to shoot fire from your hands? But in these times of crisis, we'll have to make do. XP is XP, after all, whether it concerns wars with alien races, filing tax reports or kinky sex. It's still XP, and damn it! I just rerolled a level 50 Blaster as a level 1 Scrapper and I NEED THAT XP!!!


People will need to delete some of their existing level 50s to put that XP back into the system for new characters.

Recycle, Reuse, Reroll...

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



That means we are now going to have to demand the ability to email XP to our other characters, just like inf/inf/inf.

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2