Bored with the whole Praetoria schtick

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Praetor White seems like a pretty decent fellow as well, despite his short fuse and the fact that he punches like a truck. Sure, he supplies the Destroyers with Fixadine, but they used to be his old gang and he wasn't the one who got them hooked on it in the first place.

We can blame Dominatrix for that.
I don't think we can classify any of the Praetors as good or even decent; pragmatic maybe. Some of them loyal - definitely. They're not completely devoid of good qualities, but White keeping the destroyers around by supplying them, not to mention some of the worst excesses he seems to approve of with Powers Division makes him selfish and uncaring at best, and purposefully corrupt at worst. Bobcat kills a bank full of people to prove to Neuron how mcuh of a resourceful woman she is. Anti-Matter seems to be the one who has the least issues, but, like Neuron, shows the traits of a prepubescent boy. And Anti Matter is still building Cole his invasion force.

Cole is overseeing all of this, and he is in charge of a system that disappears people, lets people die, lets his Praetors treat whole city zones like their personal playground, and wants to take over the whole multiverse for unclear reasons. I think that just about everyone in a position of power is shown to have little regard for anyone but themselves, or the regime that will keep them in power.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
I don't think we can classify any of the Praetors as good or even decent; pragmatic maybe. Some of them loyal - definitely. They're not completely devoid of good qualities, but White keeping the destroyers around by supplying them, not to mention some of the worst excesses he seems to approve of with Powers Division makes him selfish and uncaring at best, and purposefully corrupt at worst.
Praetor White looks down, clenching his fists


So...Washington went and offed her, huh...guess he had a point. I woulda gotten Cleo outta anything. Had to do what he had to do.
He's not completely uncaring.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
To be frank, that's some pretty high standards there.
Well yeah, the city's premier superteam should be held to some pretty high standards. That's why they're the premier superteam. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be flawed, or human, but it does mean they should be portrayed as clearly good people.

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
But there isn't any lesson. I don't explore the depths of Battle Maiden's psyche and history to see how she turned evil and learn some lesson about intentions and morality. I just punch her in the face and continue to punch her in the face until she stops moving. And dodge blue patches of death while I do it.
Do we ever really find out how any of them turned evil, besides Tyrant? Because it seems to me that most of the "they're evil now" explanations are ham-handed cludges to create an alternate universe where everyone is evil. How does Steven Berry, accountant become Steven Berry, mad scientist? Have we ever seen any indication that Positron is the least bit interested in Ms Liberty, or has ever behaved irrationally over a girl? Siege and Bobcat should never have existed since there is no Crey in Praetoria. Their Infernal is from....where exactly? All Praetorian Infernal does is make the CoH cosmology even more snarled. How did Cole recruit Battlemaiden from her dimension? It's implied that Praetorians stole dimensional travel from us. How did Vanessa find a mask in Italy in a world overrun by the DE? Belladonna Vetrano would be in her 40s by now but she doesn't look a day over 25. There's no Blue Steel to beat up Metronome and force him into a robotic body. And on and on.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Well yeah, the city's premier superteam should be held to some pretty high standards. That's why they're the premier superteam. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be flawed, or human, but it does mean they should be portrayed as clearly good people.
Which they are

Do we ever really find out how any of them turned evil, besides Tyrant? Because it seems to me that most of the "they're evil now" explanations are ham-handed cludges to create an alternate universe where everyone is evil. How does Steven Berry, accountant become Steven Berry, mad scientist? Have we ever seen any indication that Positron is the least bit interested in Ms Liberty, or has ever behaved irrationally over a girl? Siege and Bobcat should never have existed since there is no Crey in Praetoria. Their Infernal is from....where exactly? All Praetorian Infernal does is make the CoH cosmology even more snarled. How did Cole recruit Battlemaiden from her dimension? It's implied that Praetorians stole dimensional travel from us. How did Vanessa find a mask in Italy in a world overrun by the DE? Belladonna Vetrano would be in her 40s by now but she doesn't look a day over 25. There's no Blue Steel to beat up Metronome and force him into a robotic body. And on and on.
Praetorians can arrive at similar destinations to their Primal Earth versions, but via different paths.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Anti-Matter seems to be the one who has the least issues, but, like Neuron, shows the traits of a prepubescent boy. And Anti Matter is still building Cole his invasion force.
One of the next Incarnate Trials they're working on is an attack on Anti-Matter's reactors on his power station island, so I think we'll see some more tantrums from him during that raid

Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
He's not completely uncaring.
He acts pretty mean on the Lambda Sector Trial

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah I started a post like this as well and I kinda agree with the OP here.

We're at 7 years and we seem to have a lack of creativity and originality in what we see. Less with the military/militia/nazis and more with supers!!!



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
But there isn't any lesson. I don't explore the depths of Battle Maiden's psyche and history to see how she turned evil and learn some lesson about intentions and morality. I just punch her in the face and continue to punch her in the face until she stops moving. And dodge blue patches of death while I do it.
Same here.

I don't give a whoo-haa about what their motivations are or how they gained those motivations.

I just like crunching bad guys.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What I'm saying is that those choices would feel poignant if they didn't come with consequences attached. When you put specific consequences to specific choices, the player then picks which consequence they want and only then works back which action to take. A friend of mine recently complained about a choice in Dragon Age 2. You're given a choice between two options, but one option results in a member of your party being horribly executed. This is not a choice between right and wrong, faction 1 or faction 2, it's a choice between "Do I want to let my party member die or not?" This is no longer a lore-relevant moral choice, because it doesn't concern the character's morality so much as the character's pragmatism.
First off, Dragon Age 2 is a joke compared to Dragon Age 1 where choices are concerned. But that's an aside.

Still, every choice you make should have a consequence of some sort. The problem is knowing in advanced what a consequence is. In the example you gave, did your friend know what would happen before he made the choice?

Did he read a walkthrough or did the game spell it out for him clearly? If it was the latter, then that's bad game design. If it was the former...then he 'cheated' essentially by knowing what was coming.

But in the end, that's the problem with good, evil and 'in-between' choices that are clear cut.

Take The Witcher. Its choices are rarely ever a matter of good vs. evil. In one case, you are hired by a knight to search out his lost sister who he suspects has been bitten by a vampire and fled to spare her family.

You find her working in a high class brothel and eventually find out that the brothel is actually run by a Vampire Lady. However, she presents her case to you and tells you that she didn't arbitrarily attack the girl and force her to work there. The girl made the choice to get out of a forced marriage to a dirty old man and live a glamorous life of luxury(for eternity...drinking blood).

The knight then shows up and demands that you help him cleanse the brothel of the vampires(his sister included now...since she doesn't want to go back with him). You then have a choice of turning on the knight to save the vampires and the girl(they say they never actually kill their clients, who are unaware that they are consorting with vampires), or helping the knight kill the vampires as he is acting as his sworn code demands and appealing to your duty as a Witcher.

In the end, there is no 'good' or 'bad' outcome, someone has to die. Neither opposing party is particularly more evil or good than the other, they just want the other side eradicated so they can live on.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He acts pretty mean on the Lambda Sector Trial
You broke into his place and trashed his stuff. What's he supposed to do, offer to bake you cookies?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
You broke into his place and trashed his stuff. What's he supposed to do, offer to bake you cookies?
Mmmmmm! White chocolate/macadamia ftw!



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
You broke into his place and trashed his stuff. What's he supposed to do, offer to bake you cookies?
His "stuff" is going to be used to take over the multiverse - that makes him mean by default

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by NobleFox View Post
Firstly, for those who say "it's just a game"? Yep. It is. And that's why Praetoria does not offend me..

"Warriors kill because they hate who opposes them, Soldiers fight and die like maggots under a blowtorch when necessary because they love what they've left behind."

Another nice chestnut of his is "Soldiers step in front of civilians, cowards use them as bargaining chips."
I'd quote this whole long thing, but, sadly, I suffer from 'run on' syndrome, and if I added a long post on top of mine, it'd be crazy..

1st) I agree. It's a game. I give it it huge pass, even larger based on the MMO factor. It can't possibly tailor to everyone.. If it was a novel trying to evoke a specific reply, yes, it most likely failed..

2nd) I play Praetoria to a certain point, then my heroic types must go their own way. I just leave when certain storylines start. I can't picture picture a hero acting in some ways. But that's just me..

3rd) Yes, I love the Praetoria world. I do appreciate all the effort the devs put into it. It's beautiful, and has a lot of story behind it, which is a nice change of pace.

4th) It's still sadly shallow. I have tried to pretend it wasn't based on my appreciation as stated above. But, it really is. I've tried every storyline as a hero, and every hero I tried to play as one had to walk away from the whole thing...

5th) I feel I have to weigh in on the issue of morality of Cole vs Scott. Both bankrupt, in my opinion. Argue for losing your money in oil investments or losing it in land speculation, you end up broke either way if you bank on a loser...

I like my own wordplay, but I'll try to make my case better than through analogy..

One of the most used standards of morality if the 'Golden Rule'. Many belief systems acknowledge it, and use it...

Well, if I were being dominated by a tyrant psychologically, I would want someone to do something...
But, if their idea was to wake me up by killing my neighbor, I'd be less thrilled with their idea.
If it was to wake me by killing a family member, I'd be even less sympathetic.
If it was to wake me by killing me, well, I'd consider their robbery of my choice in my life to be a far grander theft than the hypothetical tyrants..

We all, I think, hate a hypothetical tyrant. But, if such a tyrant is so powerful as to be unassailable, then killing the people that work for him that you hope to free isn't the most moral action. If your motive is power, then killing his powerbase is wise, but if your motive if right action, then killing his innocent pawns isn't a justifiable position..

Any tyrant or regime can only hold power while the people will it so. If all the people decide not to follow, then the regime is over... And, regimes only last so long.. If you really want to see people gain freedom, perhaps patience might be the best strategy.

Ghandi or Jesus or the Stoics are good examples of winning without even fighting. OF course, they make pretty crappy video games.. Which is why I'm ok, but not all that thrilled, with the games current direction..



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
no Crey in Praetoria.
*Cough.*Ghost Falcon!*Cough.*



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
I'd quote this whole long thing, but, sadly, I suffer from 'run on' syndrome, and if I added a long post on top of mine, it'd be crazy..

1st) I agree. It's a game. I give it it huge pass, even larger based on the MMO factor. It can't possibly tailor to everyone.. If it was a novel trying to evoke a specific reply, yes, it most likely failed..
Fortunately it isn't. But I don't think it failed as badly as people are trying to make out either. It just did things differently than some people would have liked.

2nd) I play Praetoria to a certain point, then my heroic types must go their own way. I just leave when certain storylines start. I can't picture picture a hero acting in some ways. But that's just me..
That's just it though. In Praetoria, you're not a hero or villain...yet. You're just a guy/girl making their way through a conflicted and twisted world.

3rd) Yes, I love the Praetoria world. I do appreciate all the effort the devs put into it. It's beautiful, and has a lot of story behind it, which is a nice change of pace.
Are you sure you like the actual change of pace? It seems like you'd rather have the same formula this game had been using forever.

4th) It's still sadly shallow. I have tried to pretend it wasn't based on my appreciation as stated above. But, it really is. I've tried every storyline as a hero, and ever hero I tried to play as one had to walk away from the whole thing...
I have a query here. Is the Praetorian content shallow because you can't be completely goody goody every step of the way and have to actually do things you find 'morally questionable'? Because that's not being just doesn't always present you with options you like.

That has nothing to do with depth and everything to do with the fact that Praetoria isn't actually supposed to be about heroes vs. villains. It's supposed to be about discovering the truth behind the twisted society you live in while aligning yourself with one group or the other which represent its factions. You choose what you'd like to be at the end of the road. And even up to the very end, you can still choose hero or villain regardless of what you did in Praetoria.

Now that part may be shallow...but I bet that most players would be even more ticked off if they found that they couldn't choose between Rogue Isles and Paragon because they decided to explore certain story lines.

5th) I feel I have to weigh in on the issue of morality of Cole vs Scott. Both bankrupt, in my opinion. Argue for losing your money in oil investments or losing it in land speculation, you end up broke either way if you bank on a loser...

I like my own wordplay, but I'll try to make my case better than through analogy..

On of the most used standards of morality if the 'Golden Rule'. Many belief systems acknowledge it, and use it...

Well, if I we being dominated by a tyrant psychologically, I would want someone to do something...
But, if their idea was to wake me up by killing my neighbor, I'd be less thrilled with their idea.
If if was to wake me by killing a family member, I'd be even less sympathetic.
If it was to wake me by killing me, well, I'd consider their robbery of my choice in my life to be a far grander theft than the hypothetical tyrants..
That's fine. Except that there is no real world analog to Praetoria that we can use. Its a society where people are controlled through brainwashing, covert drugging and psychic watchdogs patrolling the streets. I'm pretty sure that 'waking up' folks from that kind of thing would require some kind of jarring shock. And maybe it would have to be the unpleasant kind of shock that makes them question if their benevolent overlord can actually protect them.

In the end though, I suspect that this isn't about morality or lack thereof among the opposing faction leaders. It's just about you whining that you can't play a 'hero'. And again...I don't think Praetoria was ever meant to be about heroes versus villains. Whether that is a good idea or not is something else entirely...but so far, I've only really heard any protests from vocal people on the forums. I suppose a dev poll among players or something like that would help.



Regardless of the merit of Praetoria, the intense focus on it is going to bore people.

There is no single enemy group that's worthy of more than a year's worth of developmental effort. Period.

For example: Issue 3 was awesome. It gave us the Council, Striga Island, and a great couple of TFs. Can you imagine how the forums would have howled if the next few issues were:

Issue 4: The Council Strikes Back: We Forgot A Task Force!
Issue 5: Still More Council: Feel The Excitement As You Sabotage Their Production Lines!
Issue 6: Yet Again, More Council: You Missed Those Guys Over There!
Issue 7: Council vs Fifth Column: You Thought We Were Out Of Council, Didn't You?

Yet this is exactly what we're getting now. Just substitute in 'Praetorians' for Council and Issue 18-22 for Issues 3-7.

So, bored of Praetoria? No, not yet. But in another couple of months I expect to be, and there is no end to the Praetorian content in sight.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Fortunately it isn't. But I don't think it failed as badly as people are trying to make out either. It just did things differently than some people would have liked.
OK. True. Not what I expected. But, if it wasn't what anyone expected, in a decent way, then, not so good. But, if it's just me, well, mia culpa. I'll get used to it. Or not.

Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
That's just it though. In Praetoria, you're not a hero or villain...yet. You're just a guy/girl making their way through a conflicted and twisted world. Are you sure you like the actual change of pace? It seems like you'd rather have the same formula this game had been using forever.
For my comic book games I do generally like to stick to the heroic, or vaguely heroic... Perhaps I do want the same old choices. Perhaps I don't want to choose be-twist horrifying evil, and mortifying evil. Phrased less biased toward my point of view, yes, perhaps a purely morally ambiguous choice is great. But I don't feel that one has been given. And most others don't think so either. Most think the choice is betwixt horribly bad, and irredeemably bad. Or at least that seems to be what I gather from my very unscientific poll.

Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I have a query here. Is the Praetorian content shallow because you can't be completely goody goody every step of the way and have to actually do things you find 'morally questionable'? Because that's not being just doesn't always present you with options you like.

That has nothing to do with depth and everything to do with the fact that Praetoria isn't actually supposed to be about heroes vs. villains. It's supposed to be about discovering the truth behind the twisted society you live in while aligning yourself with one group or the other which represent its factions. You choose what you'd like to be at the end of the road. And even up to the very end, you can still choose hero or villain regardless of what you did in Praetoria.

Now that part may be shallow...but I bet that most players would be even more ticked off if they found that they couldn't choose between Rogue Isles and Paragon because they decided to explore certain story lines.
No, that part I actually like. I just wish it wasn't as restrictive.. You seem to be saying that you support the 'freedom' aspect of it. I can get behind that. But where is there the freedom to say, "Nope, don't feel like blowing up a bunch of children. Don't feel like doing any of that crap. I'll stick with attacks against adaults, thanks.." Bugger off to both the psychos in charge and the psychos that wish the were in charge... That's how I wish I could play it..

That's fine. Except that there is no real world analog to Praetoria that we can use. Its a society where people are controlled through brainwashing, covert drugging and psychic watchdogs patrolling the streets. I'm pretty sure that 'waking up' folks from that kind of thing would require some kind of jarring shock. And maybe it would have to be the unpleasant kind of shock that makes them question if their benevolent overlord can actually protect them.

In the end though, I suspect that this isn't about morality or lack thereof among the opposing faction leaders. It's just about you whining that you can't play a 'hero'. And again...I don't think Praetoria was ever meant to be about heroes versus villains. Whether that is a good idea or not is something else entirely...but so far, I've only really heard any protests from vocal people on the forums. I suppose a dev poll among players or something like that would help.
Nope, sorry. At least in this case, I believe, based on what little I've heard, that you're pretty wrong. Some of the people that may have some affinity for the resistance are people that just want heroes regardless, but, from what I've seen, most people seem to just want to be able to choose for themselves. So, at least as far as I've heard, the complaint isn't about not being able to be a 'hero', but rather about not having any choice at all. Your choices are villain, villain, villain, or somewhat naive villain.. From what I've heard, that's the complaint.

Ah geez. Sorry, it may be a week before I get the whole html action of the post all sorted out... Do your best in the meanstwhile



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
Regardless of the merit of Praetoria, the intense focus on it is going to bore people.

There is no single enemy group that's worthy of more than a year's worth of developmental effort. Period.

For example: Issue 3 was awesome. It gave us the Council, Striga Island, and a great couple of TFs. Can you imagine how the forums would have howled if the next few issues were:

Issue 4: The Council Strikes Back: We Forgot A Task Force!
Issue 5: Still More Council: Feel The Excitement As You Sabotage Their Production Lines!
Issue 6: Yet Again, More Council: You Missed Those Guys Over There!
Issue 7: Council vs Fifth Column: You Thought We Were Out Of Council, Didn't You?

Yet this is exactly what we're getting now. Just substitute in 'Praetorians' for Council and Issue 18-22 for Issues 3-7.

So, bored of Praetoria? No, not yet. But in another couple of months I expect to be, and there is no end to the Praetorian content in sight.
Haha...that is kind of funny. And I agree to a certain extent that they are pushing a lot of Praetoria at us.

In their defense, we did get Roy Cooling and Vincent Ross. Neither of those arcs had anything to do with Praetoria. Not a whole lot, but its something.

The major problem here is: How does the playerbase feel about the focus on Praetoria? Is the player population as a whole tired of it or is it just some of the more vocal and discerning forum members.

From what I'm seeing, server populations are still elevated and that may just mean that people are happy to grind away at high level content for the sake of advancing their 50s and have no real care for the story behind it. If that is the case...we're probably screwed as far as the devs mixing it up is concerned. They'll get the slots out that much faster...



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Haha...that is kind of funny. And I agree to a certain extent that they are pushing a lot of Praetoria at us.

In their defense, we did get Roy Cooling and Vincent Ross. Neither of those arcs had anything to do with Praetoria. Not a whole lot, but its something.

The major problem here is: How does the playerbase feel about the focus on Praetoria? Is the player population as a whole tired of it or is it just some of the more vocal and discerning forum members.

From what I'm seeing, server populations are still elevated and that may just mean that people are happy to grind away at high level content for the sake of advancing their 50s and have no real care for the story behind it. If that is the case...we're probably screwed as far as the devs mixing it up is concerned. They'll get the slots out that much faster...
Why is it if you're happy with the current set of content, you're not discerning or you don't care about the story?

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
In their defense, we did get Roy Cooling and Vincent Ross. Neither of those arcs had anything to do with Praetoria.
Roy Cooling's arc has quite a lot to do with Praetoria, actually

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Roy Cooling's arc has quite a lot to do with Praetoria, actually
Ok granted...but there is no direct Praetorian involvement. You fight groups that are familiar and there are other things going on. You don't interact with Praetorians in the arc...unless I miss something.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Roy Cooling's arc has quite a lot to do with Praetoria, actually
It's connected, yes, but it's far more of a story about Paragon City and the issues it is facing around the attacks from Praetoria.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
And even up to the very end, you can still choose hero or villain regardless of what you did in Praetoria.
This last choice just renders everything you did in Praetoria meaningless and shallow. No matter how horrible you were, all is forgiven the moment you step through that portal.

Now that part may be shallow...but I bet that most players would be even more ticked off if they found that they couldn't choose between Rogue Isles and Paragon because they decided to explore certain story lines.
This would be a valid complaint if players couldn't switch sides once they hit the Rogue Isles or Paragon.

In the end though, I suspect that this isn't about morality or lack thereof among the opposing faction leaders. It's just about you whining that you can't play a 'hero'. And again...I don't think Praetoria was ever meant to be about heroes versus villains.
How is it "whining" that you can't be heroic? Praetoria presents you with Villainous options, Rogue options, and Vigilante options, the one thing it lacks is a heroic option, and pointing that out isn't whining.

Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Why is it if you're happy with the current set of content, you're not discerning or you don't care about the story?
Did anyone say you weren't discerning or don't care? Cause it seems to me the complaint was that there is no way to tell how many people are happy vs how many people don't care. In other words, datamining can't tell the difference between you and xXxshardfarmerxXx.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
There is no single enemy group that's worthy of more than a year's worth of developmental effort. Period.
I disagree vehemently.

I am certain there are enemy group worth years on end of development time.

Just because a small portion of the vocal forum minority does not like, or is bored with, a certain group does not mean that there are not (possibly thousands of) players that love it and that want more of it.

Personally, I would love a years worth of development spent on the Rularuu alone, for instance.

Anyway, the only documented mass exodus periods of the game have been around changing systems, specifically systems that made our characters less powerful. The biggest exit poll complaint seems to have been 'no end game' as well. So, they are adding systems and end game.

Story lines or, more specifically focusing content around certain groups, does not gain, or retain, more than a small portion of the player base; I'll wager my mortgage on it. All it does is make a few detail focused players happy or unhappy. The masses do not care about the story from all the evidence I have encountered.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Just because a small portion of the vocal forum minority...
Is this the new go-to to avoid needing a decent argument?

Because, judging from this thread, the "small vocal minority on the forums" with criticisms about Praetoria isn't much different than the "small vocal minority on the forums" defending it. Funny how the pro- group is so many times larger and yet only a handful have managed to find their voice.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Anyway, the only documented mass exodus periods of the game have been around changing systems, specifically systems that made our characters less powerful. The biggest exit poll complaint seems to have been 'no end game' as well. So, they are adding systems and end game.

Story lines or, more specifically focusing content around certain groups, does not gain, or retain, more than a small portion of the player base; I'll wager my mortgage on it. All it does is make a few detail focused players happy or unhappy.
Well the devs are wagering their mortgages on it, or more precisely they're counting on the new endgame attracting/retaining more people than it drives away. Only time will tell, of course, but the game has lasted 7 years with no endgame to speak of, so what has the 'silent majority' of players who've been clamouring for one been doing all this time?

At this stage in an MMOs life cycle a significant leap in population is just not going to happen. If they're going on the 'build an endgame and endgamers will come' principle they're in for a disapointment. If they squander a year of development trying that to unimpressive results then they're going to be in a worse place than they are now, as they'll have burned a lot of bridges with the 'story content minority'.

The masses do not care about the story from all the evidence I have encountered.
And endgamers do not care about anything except the next shiny. How long are two trials going to last? Until I21 in 4 or 5 or 6 months time? I doubt it.

As for the 'vocal minority', the biggest thing I've noticed about the negative reception to I20/All-Prae, All-the-time/Endgame is that there's a lot of people attacking it for different reasons - for the story, or the grind, or the forced teaming, or the nature of the powers (hello, Lore slot) or a mix of all of the above. How many minorities does it take to make a majority?