Who loves knockback?
Oh boy, do I. My first 50 is an energy/energy blaster and he is all kinds of crazy fun. If you start something on Freedom, I'm game.
i do on all my toons that do!
While I love knockback Solo...I can see why (I play a scrapptroller) it can annoy.
Do I love it! YES! Do I think it's mitigation! YES! because it is frankly, even if others complain.
My Main is a tank/scrapper/stalker friendly Grav/FF. Min knockback etc, however I will not hestitate to use wormhole to pull mobs off of our defender or squishies and I never get complaints.
I love it, and I hate it. Stunns break mobs nearly as much but they dont take people out of melee range, however a knockback should not be appologized for, as I have seen it (Especially my Rad/NRG Blaster) save my life more than almost any form of mitigation.
Yes, it's fun. It feels powerful. I'm getting the urge to play my Energy/Storm corruptor...
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Knockback is ok. I think that its value varies considerably depending on the nature of the power it shows up in. For example:
In Bonfire: 100% chance for autohit knockback. Easy to position power, few slots required to make it work. Not attached to an effect that you would much need outside of the knockback itself. Excellent power.
In Repulsion Field: Again 100% chance for autohit knockback. Power moves with you and does not cause travel suppression. Somewhat circumstantial. Locked kb mag also means this power will always fling an enemy the same distance, even if they are flying or hovering.
In Handclap: Ugh. Knockback almost as a penalty to prevent the power from doing too much damage. NPC allies with this power cause enough problems that many teams speed past them to prevent them from using it.
In Energy Blast powers: Depends on the player. I personally find the attachment of KB to your main source of DPS extremely frustrating and limiting to my DPS function. Set would be much stronger to me with a 100% chance to KB in 1 or 2 blasts and 0% in the others. Particularly dislike the set on Defenders, who get extra KB mag and take even longer to kill things. Somewhat improved by the fact that some sets can now take AoE immobilizes to at least choose when they want to KB.
In Dual Pistols powers: Extremely good. Option to decide whether you want to KB or not by switching ammo types sells this set for me no matter the complaints about animation times. Knockback itself is not necessarily an issue; for me its knockback that you are forced to deal with because it is attached to some other action you are trying to perform, e.g. damage. On a spreadsheet, Energy Blast outperforms Dual Pistols (sort of--Hail of Bullets makes this a difficult contest to call), in practice I would play Pistols 10 times over Energy Blast. The presence of optional KB in this set also puts it in the top tier for me no matter what anyone says about its damage ratios, because knocback itself is good when you have some control over when it happens.
I love chaos, so I love knockback.
I do if I'm playing solo. If I'm on a team, it's too much effort to try to contain my knockback so I'm not annoying my teammates.
I love knockback but I always say talk to your team to see if they do and in what situations it's applicable. There is nothing more frustrating then herding up 2 groups of vills only to have them scattered by some idiot with knockback on all their powers that has no regard for anything the team is trying to accomplish.
I absolutely love KB. My first character to break L30 (way back before ED even) was an energy/devices blaster. However, after ED killed my original playstyle with that character (basically, 6 slotting damage in attacks and relying on targetting drone to boost my hit chance) and numerous attempts to play blasters over the last 6 years I have reached the conclusion that I simply cannot adapt to the playstyle they require solo except for a few sets (specifically archery/dev - which is my only L50 blaster) and groups are iffy for a serious knockback character - not that I can't find groups but I also expect to have to solo a lot.
So, I finally re-started my energy blaster as a mind/energy dominator. Now that a dominator can take energy torrent and explosive blast in primal forces mastery, I can basically play her as an energy blaster with excellent controls. I won't get all my AE until nearly L50, but so far she is a single target damage monster at L13. I expect her to eventually be an awesome Jill of all trades char - Decent AE and great single target ranged and melee damage plus controls.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

OP, I think that would be an awesome superteam. It leaves a fair amount of room for individual variation, too. (Cows With Guns, while an awesome idea, meant that everyone looks like a cow and NO ONE is a tank. )
Energy, FF, DP covers many ATs. Doesn't AR have some knockback too?
I'd say each member needs 2 knockback powers (early in their career, not APP) to qualify and then whatever floats your boat.
While I love knockback Solo...I can see why (I play a scrapptroller) it can annoy.
Do I love it! YES! Do I think it's mitigation! YES! because it is frankly, even if others complain. My Main is a tank/scrapper/stalker friendly Grav/FF. Min knockback etc, however I will not hestitate to use wormhole to pull mobs off of our defender or squishies and I never get complaints. I love it, and I hate it. Stunns break mobs nearly as much but they dont take people out of melee range, however a knockback should not be appologized for, as I have seen it (Especially my Rad/NRG Blaster) save my life more than almost any form of mitigation. |
I'm running a grav/storm and it feels kinda like work sometimes. O2 boost is an extremely busy power that I have to stay on top of or essentially forget about. Gale is only good as an emergency button, and it is easy to scatter with, hard to herd with.
Now FF would just be rebubbling every 3 minutes and I tend to play on a 4 person team so it wouldn't be THAT much rebubbling. It'd mitigate the damage that isn't mitigated by Hold/Knockback. And rather than the allies-only nature of O2 boost, I'd get some personal defense to help with aggro when I AoE.
I am definitely thinking about rebuilding Rebuilt Lucille. /FF even happens to better suit her former-telekineticist-rebuilt-as-cyborg-after nearly-being-cut-in-half shtick.
I love knockback. Absolutely *nothing* in this game feels as 'super' to me as opening up with a huge attack and seeing bodies go flying. Energy blast's Nova and the kheld equivalents are some of my favorite powers in the game.
Thankfully, I play on a server that doesn't seem to house nearly the proportion of KB haters as some people seem to run into. Never gotten any serious grief over it, not that I'd care anyway (especially as I *do* try to be sensible and not knock everything away from the melees, etc).
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I love knockback. Absolutely *nothing* in this game feels as 'super' to me as opening up with a huge attack and seeing bodies go flying. Energy blast's Nova and the kheld equivalents are some of my favorite powers in the game.
Thankfully, I play on a server that doesn't seem to house nearly the proportion of KB haters as some people seem to run into. Never gotten any serious grief over it, not that I'd care anyway (especially as I *do* try to be sensible and not knock everything away from the melees, etc). |
I love it. Even when playing a mele toon. Why? Because something on it's **** can't come up and stab me in the face.
The only time I've ever found KB to be somewhat of an issue is playing Willpower.
Love KB as an idea and as a visual!!!
But hate that the game mechanics while teaming discourage it. Simply put, in the current game system, it's more efficient to lump baddies together and keep them lumped. I wish KB had something to encourage its use while teaming (maybe KBd opponents receive extra damage to simulate being thrown and smashing into walls/ground; maybe a pile-on factor, where if foes clumped around you too long, your defenses starts to suffer as they pounded on you, so it benefits you to push them off you every once in a while; anything...)
Knockback mag is fun to slot.
Buckshot, grenade launcher, ****, sniper rifle...yum.
Grenade launcher I find the hardest to use because it is radial, but as long as you target the NPC closest to you, it should knock every other NPC back instead of the sides.
If I'm solo or playing on a team in a free-for-all environment (e.g. no aggro management), then I have a love for knockback. Outside of those, not so much.
Oh man. I like the sound of that. I'm running a grav/storm and it feels kinda like work sometimes. O2 boost is an extremely busy power that I have to stay on top of or essentially forget about. Gale is only good as an emergency button, and it is easy to scatter with, hard to herd with. Now FF would just be rebubbling every 3 minutes and I tend to play on a 4 person team so it wouldn't be THAT much rebubbling. It'd mitigate the damage that isn't mitigated by Hold/Knockback. And rather than the allies-only nature of O2 boost, I'd get some personal defense to help with aggro when I AoE. I am definitely thinking about rebuilding Rebuilt Lucille. /FF even happens to better suit her former-telekineticist-rebuilt-as-cyborg-after nearly-being-cut-in-half shtick. |
Even Grav Distortion field mitigates the knockback. I have Wormholed enemies who are in a Grav Distortion field just to build up magnitude because it stuns and they don't knockback at all. But the stun adds to my other holds power.
But again, if I need to use propel to hit an enemy, send them flying off of my defender, blaster or anyone really in need I love it.
Plus, knockback is epic. In movies it's always epic when someone is sent flying from an explosion or a super anime punch to the head. It's just epic to watch.
My Rad/NRG blaster is super tiny. Glitter-Bug!!! and when she hits with her "Sunshine Fist" and the huge clockwork goes flying, well...I think thats pretty darn special!
Count me in!
I cannot make a character that does not have at least one power with it anymore.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
Knockback is AWESOME! Nothing makes me feel more super than sending baddies flying around the room and watching them ragdoll into whatever happens to get in the way. It's just such a satisfying effect.
But I can understand why some people would be annoyed by it. I've had to ask many a careless team mate to be careful with their knockback lest they aggro another spawn we can't handle or knock an enemy through the geometry. I always try to use mine to benefit the team as best I can.
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

(Cows With Guns, while an awesome idea, meant that everyone looks like a cow and NO ONE is a tank.
![]() |

I'm running a grav/storm and it feels kinda like work sometimes. O2 boost is an extremely busy power that I have to stay on top of or essentially forget about.
I like to say things out loud, like yelling "SEE YA!" as they disappear over a ledge and sail flailing into an abyss.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I enjoy it on single target attacks, and on Nova. On AoEs and other PBAoEs I'm conflicted - one part of me takes a certain amount of glee at sending everything flying like that, while another part is irked that the followup AoE isn't going to be as effective now that the spawn is scattered (and lining up so terrain and angle mitigates the scatter is detrimental to the glee aspect).
Oddly, it doesn't bother me quite as much on my melee characters.
For me, there is no better way to unwind after a long stressful day than logging on my lvl 50 nrg blaster and launching level 1 Hellions from Atlas Plaza, halfway to Steel Canyon.
I love it.
Been playing on my Elec/Elec blaster lately and he has some powers with knockback. I like to try to aim the baddies for specific targets ie. send them flying through an office door or off the edge of a boat or something.
Had a fun knockback moment the other day with him in St. Martial. I had just finished a mission inside that building on the strip in Jackpot with the big neon snowflakes on it. I was going to take a quick break so I decided to hop up the elevator to the roof and leave him looking out over the rail at all the pretty lights of the casinos. Then after I got up from my computer I heard some commotion. Some blue minion from the Family was up there and wasn't going to let me relax. So i hit build-up then that PBaoe attack where you slow-mo jump up like 6-feet in the air and slam down ("thunder strike" maybe?). Sending that dude over the ledge and down Wile E Coyote style to the street hundreds of feet below - where I like to imagine he barely survived, started to raise his arm, then got ran over by a streetcleaner.
Yeah knockback is fun.
Low mag knockback is awesome. :P
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
I don't mind knockbacks but I do mind the chance to knockback in energy attacks and peacebringer attacks.
My problem is that knockbacks don't really stack "well". Once a target is knocked, what is the point of knocking again? Sometimes the target would stand up right after the 2nd knockback. The extra knockback doesn't really do much.
In contrast to other secondary effects, the debuffs stack and against AVs and Giant Monsters, it's not like knockback works well against them either.
Now, knockdown/up is good! As long as the knockdowns don't happen at the same time (it will be knockback), you can keep knocking and still enjoy the benefits.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I do. I made an energy/energy blaster, and I love throwing baddies all over the place. Im just curious if enough other people enjoy it enough to potentially put together an all knockback team. That would be so awesome.