Server differences




Is there any major differences between the servers? Would the population say, "Server A is typically where X people go?"

@Murphy - 10 Murf Beam/Traps Corruptor on Virtue(4 retired 50s)



Originally Posted by Murphy_NA View Post
Is there any major differences between the servers? Would the population say, "Server A is typically where X people go?"
Freedom is the busiest server and the unofficial PvP server. Lots and lots of good players there, but the added traffic is also an double extra helping of dumb.

Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami.

Justice/Infinity/Champion are next-busiest. Justice is likely the unofficial raid/TF server. For it's population size, I think Justice offers the most developed TFage, and regular Hami and ship raids. Also, much of Justice is on test server and in Beta and so prior to launches the server populations drops into the bottom bin.

The others all have strong communities, but are tougher to find for outsiders.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami
This has happened to you? I've taken down Hami dozens of times on Virtue, but the other situation hasn't happened to me yet...

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



If you're looking for more information about this and other topics, follow the link in my signature to the Mentor Project.

We have volunteers on all servers, NA and EU, and they can answer any specific questions you might have such as finding the server's main global channels, notes of interest, etc.

It's not just for new players.

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Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami.
Yeah... I'm thinking you've had some rather unfortunate luck in terms of your encounters with RPers on Virtue. The majority are generally better than that.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami.
Hey, I'm only 43!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



In 7 years I've only had one bad RP experience on Virtue as opposed to the dozens if not hundreds of jerks I've run into on Freedom or "Freedumb" as it has been unofficially nicknamed by the players, which is much to the chagrin of the hundreds of decent Freedom players.



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami.
Stop propagating stupid myths like this. How much experience on Virtue do you really have? Fact is, you can only see ERP if you go to Pocket D.

One major misconception about Virtue (and RP servers in other games) is regarding the percentage of people that actually RP on them. It's easily less than 20%. The rest of the population? Competent, polite players. And we run a lot of regular Hamis.

My other server is Freedom. And let me tell you, the "Freedumb" trope is way more relevant than the "ERP Catgirl" trope is for Virtue.

I used to have characters on Victory...Used to.

I still have a few on Infinity. If they do free transfers again, I won't any longer. The big servers do spoil you.



People make Freedom out to be worse than it really is. I started out playing on Guardian, but realized pretty early on that I like playing on big teams, so I switched to Freedom where the population is much larger. I'd never switch back.

Yes, there are more rude idiots on Freedom than on any other server, but that's mostly because there are more people period on Freedom than on any other server. I play around 10 hours a week, and nearly all of it is on large PuG teams. I run into maybe 1-2 players a month that are really unpleasant.



Other than the big obvious servers (Freedom and Virtue), the smaller servers do have their own personalities... but they're hard to really define with a few words.

I started on Infinity, and even though I can't really describe how, it just feels like home when I'm there. The average of all the personalities of people who choose to play on a server, combined with what character you choose to play there, can make a difference.

Not that much of a difference though. You can get the same general experience on any server. Mostly friendly, helpful people who are nice to play with, with a thankfully rare scattering of jerks and weirdos.

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

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Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Virtue is second busiest server and the unofficial role playing server. You are just as likely to find yourself caught in some erotic role playing with a fat 45 year-old shut-in living in his mom's basement as you would taking down Hami.
I ERPed with Hami. Totally Awkword when his mom brought him his Ramen. I knew something was up when he just blinked out.

Virtue is a great server though. The people are friendly, the pugs are....Puggy? Puggish? Frustrating sometimes, but your global friends list will be large, and gosh darnit people will like you!



Freedom really isn't as bad as it sounds from standing in Atlas Park. Having said that, even if you have 12% more terrible players, that's an average of one extra wretch per team of 8.

Freedom's rep is based on the fact that, for seven years, you've been able to get to 50 without teaming with the same person twice. So unlike a smaller server, there's absolutely no incentive to change your behavior just because your teammates all hate you. And, just like "bad roommates come in pairs" [J. Whedon], bad teammates feed off each other.

It doesn't take a lot of leeches, loudmouths, griefers, losers, scumbags, brats and whiners to ruin a task force.

That said, some of the best players I know spend most of their time on Freedom.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



How dare you stereotype my server! All the stereotypes are wrong unlike the stereotypes about your server, which are all 100% true!

Edit: Seriously now, is there any reason for the seeming enmity between Virtue and Freedom players or is that just some kinda silly rivalry based on being the two biggest servers?



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
How dare you stereotype my server! All the stereotypes are wrong unlike the stereotypes about your server, which are all 100% true!

Edit: Seriously now, is there any reason for the seeming enmity between Virtue and Freedom players or is that just some kinda silly rivalry based on being the two biggest servers?
No no. I am sure it's fine. Freedom says it does not like RPers or finds them silly and Virtue people RP that Freedom People are Mindless monkeys who don't get the attraction of dressing like cat girls and mating with lobster bois.

Enmity? Isn't that one of those plant, underwater things. I should RP one.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Freedom really isn't as bad as it sounds from standing in Atlas Park. Having said that, even if you have 12% more terrible players, that's an average of one extra wretch per team of 8.

Freedom's rep is based on the fact that, for seven years, you've been able to get to 50 without teaming with the same person twice. So unlike a smaller server, there's absolutely no incentive to change your behavior just because your teammates all hate you. And, just like "bad roommates come in pairs" [J. Whedon], bad teammates feed off each other.

It doesn't take a lot of leeches, loudmouths, griefers, losers, scumbags, brats and whiners to ruin a task force.

That said, some of the best players I know spend most of their time on Freedom.
So far (up to and incld. Fulmens, it's where I stopped reading and decided to chime in), the comments have been relatively fair-handed regarding my home server, so thanks for that, everyone.

My suggestion to the OP: Pepper some toons on each server to level 10 or so, and get the pulse of each server with random teaming. Ultimately, it's YOUR impression that matters, not what other people's impressions are. Some things apply: If you dig RP, go to Virtue. If you're a New Yorker mentality, go to Freedom. If you like alcohol, go to Protector. Etc. But beyond that, what matters are the people you meet, and naturally gravitate to for teaming.

Most people I know (on Freedom and elsewhere) have no objections to global friending you, or to inviting you to their group's global channels. Server globals are one thing, but ofttimes the real milk and honey of the server comes from the niche groups that liked each other so much they made it unofficial.

Here's one case study: I've encouraged a group called the "Freedom Horde", which is a public gathering of quality players, under the wings of E-Man and Luna. They organize semi-daily sorties for TF and arc work, and it's not a SG mentality; everyone has their own SG, but the commonality is the community. Some people "play" better than others, but that's not the point of it. Some people are brand new, while others have been around since pre-ED (which, funnily enough last night, elicited an "oooooh wow it was like that" from one of the new players... fack I feel old...). Some builds are min/maxed, some are barely SO'd up. But you don't play with builds - you play with people, and that's where I think Freedom's variety really sells itself. You have the maximum value of choice there.

Best of all, if you don't dig one server, you can always transfer to another one. The mechanic is extremely clean, and only costs $10 if you think you need to go that route. I wouldn't entertain that 'til you hit at least lvl 40 though; anything before that, you can rebuild with a week or two of reasonable effort.

So, OP: Shop around! Check out the various server global channels, insert into PUG teams and start TALKING to players. See who you like. If you find jerks, /ignore 'em and enjoy the blissful silence. But most of all, have fun. That's something EVERY player here has in common.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
No no. I am sure it's fine. Freedom says it does not like RPers or finds them silly and Virtue people RP that Freedom People are Mindless monkeys who don't get the attraction of dressing like cat girls and mating with lobster bois.
I knew I wasn't wrong about you people and your crazy crustacean porn. If only your toon wore more clothes, Nyx. (Yeah, I read your other post about being naked. People complained about THAT on Virtue?... did you run into an RPing Amish supergroup?...)

Side note: There IS a quiet but living RP community on Freedom too. They stay underground by necessity for general scorn, but on teams that are mostly-RP, it comes through. We got 'em too, they're just not in your face and on the city council like it is on Virtue. One group that comes to mind is Young Paragonians, but I know little about them beyond reputation (although I enjoyed a rather sedate Apex run with them a few nights ago).



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I knew I wasn't wrong about you people and your crazy crustacean porn. If only your toon wore more clothes, Nyx. (Yeah, I read your other post about being naked. People complained about THAT on Virtue?... did you run into an RPing Amish supergroup?...)
LOL. No no. It's was just a random catgirl who's claws needed a manicure. Most of my other toons are pretty covered up in tech armor, well, maybe not White-Swan, but thats not her issue, she traded in her clothing as an act of empathy for those in need and now heals people in order to earn the right to wear clothes again. Penance! PENANCE!

But Virtue is great for the most part. I might make one on Protector though. I like drinking, and the only thing I like more than drinking is pulling mobs when drinking!



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
LOL. No no. It's was just a random catgirl who's claws needed a manicure. Most of my other toons are pretty covered up in tech armor, well, maybe not White-Swan, but thats not her issue, she traded in her clothing as an act of empathy for those in need and now heals people in order to earn the right to wear clothes again. Penance! PENANCE!

But Virtue is great for the most part. I might make one on Protector though. I like drinking, and the only thing I like more than drinking is pulling mobs when drinking!
I'll make you a deal. You roll up a nostly naked toon on Freedom, and I'll roll up an Amish superhero to keep your wily wimmenly ways in check for company. This has all the makings of a comic book.

EDIT: I even have the perfect name. Jumpin' Jehosephat.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I'll make you a deal. You roll up a nostly naked toon on Freedom, and I'll roll up an Amish superhero to keep your wily wimmenly ways in check for company. This has all the makings of a comic book.

EDIT: I even have the perfect name. Jumpin' Jehosephat.
I like it.

But I just realized something interesting.

The Action type servers and the RP servers have always in any game I have ever played have had the same style of rivalry, although truthfully it's not as horrid in this community. Not at all really.

I played AoC, and well...That community could leave mental scars on the brain dead. And the RPers hated the PVPers and the PVPers hated everyone, and the RPers would then RP more hate, and then get called carebears and cry secretly in their ramen noodles.



On topic:

Listen to Turgenev and just spend some time on each server. Play with a few pick up groups or spend a couple nights eavesdropping on the more popular globals there if you can. And don't feel you need to limit yourself to just one server either. Many people have characters spread out and there are entire SGs with branches across multiple servers.

Off topic:

Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
Stop propagating stupid myths like this. How much experience on Virtue do you really have? Fact is, you can only see ERP if you go to Pocket D.

One major misconception about Virtue (and RP servers in other games) is regarding the percentage of people that actually RP on them. It's easily less than 20%. The rest of the population? Competent, polite players. And we run a lot of regular Hamis.
A large part of the Virtue = ERP stuff comes from Virtue players themselves. And I say that as someone who plays mostly on Virtue and is just as guilty of making those kinds of jokes. Heck, check out some of the "Hi, I'm new," threads in the Virtue forum. Invariably they will be told to feed the catgirls (or not to feed the catgirls, or feed them but not after midnight) and to be careful of Pocket D ERP, as if just setting foot in the place is going to have you spammed with tells asking what kind of underwear you are (not) wearing.

And yet that doesn't happen. Pocket D always has people in it on Virtue and almost all of them are not ERPing away in a corner. It's not uncommon for a second instance of the D to spawn outside of any event from people just dropping in to "hang out." I'm not saying that there aren't people engaged in ERP, but it's a small minority and it mostly becomes apparent through a mistell (most of which are faked anyway) and it tends to get mocked pretty quickly.

I think that on Virtue there's a general feeling of "I can make ERP catgirl jokes because I play here." I don't have a problem with that and I do it too, but I don't think we can complain when people who don't spend time on Virtue take it at face value and expect that every trip through Pocket D requires you to schedule an STD test.

I also think if you count people who are "casual roleplayers" (which is always defined differently) that the number moves closer to 50% but probably still not a majority.
((Although I don't think you'll last long if you get annoyed by by people talking in brackets))
((There's also a general bias against text type speak; spell out your words, even if you make constant spelling errors like me))

And on Hami, yeah, we take him out a lot. I'm sure it's changed with incarnates and shards now, but for a while Virtue had more Hami raids than any other server. Virtue even had people go over to Freedom to help organize some raids there. Which is proof of just how much the two servers hate each other despite all the bluster.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



I know Virtue people who joke about ERP, because when on virtue thats what you do. It's the inside/out joke and we make fun of ourselves.

I have been on fantastic RP battles where it "Feels" like a comic book! Like an actual comic. It's interesting to see the dynamic when it happens.



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
Stop propagating stupid myths like this. How much experience on Virtue do you really have? Fact is, you can only see ERP if you go to Pocket D.
I was just kidding. Virtue is about the only place you see any ERP at all and so I was just joking about it, as I sometimes do when I'm playing on Virtue, which admittedly isn't much anymore. My experience on Virtue? I have a full slate of toons, two 50s, but probably haven't been there in a year.

In my absence, said toons are probably ERPing with each other in the base with the power shut off.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
And on Hami, yeah, we take him out a lot. I'm sure it's changed with incarnates and shards now, but for a while Virtue had more Hami raids than any other server. Virtue even had people go over to Freedom to help organize some raids there. Which is proof of just how much the two servers hate each other despite all the bluster.
I'd argue that Justice has/had about as many Hami raids per week, but with a smaller population. I know that, on Justice, by the time the Hami raid is scheduled to start, the Hive has long been full.

But, without a doubt, if you want regular Hamis, it's either Virtue or Justice.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



My main server is Champion, so I can only give insight to that one.

It's heavily bent toward power-gamers, but usually nicer power gamers. There are a few very terse individuals around, but that crowd is limited. The server has many weekly events, and there's a constant stream of TF/SF runs. The downside is that it is very insular. If you aren't connected/invited to global channels you will not know about much going on. Oh, and it's much more a blueside/night server.

I also play on protector, which seems to have a good number of knowledgable/nice players, but I play exclusively with my hero group there, so I don't have much experience with the community. (It's my 'blue' server, and I prefer red/grey.)