Issue 20 info is up!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Issue 20: Outrage for some, miniature American flags for others.
Can I have half and half please?

As usual I'm neither outraged or overbrimming with excitement over i20.

I know. Filthy Neutral.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Can I have half and half please?

As usual I'm neither outraged or overbrimming with excitement over i20.

I know. Filthy Neutral.
I think there aren't many neutrals like us around here because everyone who's in here's all up and angry about someone else, but a guy like me doesn't really care enough to post anything either way most of the time, heh. Oh well, we can be neutral buddies.



Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
I think there aren't many neutrals like us around here because everyone who's in here's all up and angry about someone else, but a guy like me doesn't really care enough to post anything either way most of the time, heh. Oh well, we can be neutral buddies.
All I know is that my gut says 'maybe'.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I dont understand yet how it works...
If I want to unlock and slot lets say judgment, I cant?
I dont have interest in pets, but I do want AoE goodness NAO.
The four new incarnate levels we get are judgement, lore, interface and destiny.

The order they unlock are as follows [iirc]

Judgement > Lore
Interface > destiny

Now one trial provides the XP for the one tree and the other trial provides the XP for the other trial. Now when you start the trials and start gaining the incarnate XP it will automatically go towards the first level in the tree [so either judgement or interface depending on the trial your on].
Once that level has become unlocked [The xp bar is full] you can now craft and slot the powers that are in that section IF you so wish. Whether you chose to start crafting them or not however, the next time you get incarnate xp it will automatically go to the next line of the tree [so if you unlocked judgement level it will now go to the lore level] until you have unlocked it also.

Now that you have unlocked both of that side of the tree you can craft and create whichever power in the slot as you want. Want a lore power and not a judgement power? Thats fine you dont need to craft a judgement one and go onto the lore. All that it will take however is you will need to unlock the judgement level to get to the Lore level. Of course since the powers you want are in the judgement slot it will be the first one you can unlock on that side of the tree

Hope that helps.

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Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Issue 20: Outrage for some, miniature American flags for others.
I'm not overly thrilled with I20, but I'd hardly call it outrage. I was hoping for another round of powerset proliferation to be honest. Since I'm not really all that fond of the Incarnate System that's the sort of thing that would keep me happily churning away on various characters like I've always done.

I may try an Incarnate Trial or two, but if it's as laggy as I suspect it will be, it's not the sort of thing I'll be doing often. I'm also not a big fan of TF's so while I may try the new 20-40 TF's, again it won't be something I'll be doing often.

So for me it's more like Issue 20: Meh?



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I'm not overly thrilled with I20, but I'd hardly call it outrage. I was hoping for another round of powerset proliferation to be honest. Since I'm not really all that fond of the Incarnate System that's the sort of thing that would keep me happily churning away on various characters like I've always done.

I may try an Incarnate Trial or two, but if it's as laggy as I suspect it will be, it's not the sort of thing I'll be doing often. I'm also not a big fan of TF's so while I may try the new 20-40 TF's, again it won't be something I'll be doing often.

So for me it's more like Issue 20: Meh?
Welcome to side Filthy Neutral.

Here's your beige flag and low level apathy.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I'm not overly thrilled with I20, but I'd hardly call it outrage. I was hoping for another round of powerset proliferation to be honest. Since I'm not really all that fond of the Incarnate System that's the sort of thing that would keep me happily churning away on various characters like I've always done.
That's more or less where I am. Not really sure when (or if) these things will ever get worked on, but some of the things that would make me really happy include:

*Powerset proliferation
*Further power customization
*New costume pieces and sets, especially if they cover brand new concepts.
*New weapons (pretty please?)
*Backpacks and jetpacks.
*New powersets. Pistols, Demons, Kinetic Melee and Electrical Control were great. How about Dark Control?
*Updates on currently underperforming sets like Devices.

'Course, you can't have all of that stuff in a single Issue, I get that. But I still hope I21 has at least one of these.

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Here's your beige flag and low level apathy.
Oh, and when are we going to get our Apathy Corruptors, damn it!?!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Solo a few arcs" and "get some shards" do not go together, unless you're talking of the specifically GIANT arcs like World Wide Red or To Save a Thousand Worlds, which take quite a few hours to run through. I've tried to gather Shards that way, and it's far from "log in for an hour, get a Shard."

Besides, within the context of the Incarnate system, that's only relevant for the Common Alpha, and at most the Uncommon Alpha. Everything up from that is team-only content. And, no, an intentionally prohibitive option does not count.
Wasn't there mention already of you being able to grab a notice of the well solo, in i20 already?

Kinda like how they mentioned shards dropping off every enemy (which wasn't mentioned in the overview).

But again, the point stands. Even if it is slow grueling process, one can do all the soloing they want, it'll just be long and drawn out.

Which, really, I have to ask, why does it matter?

So far, fromt he look of it, these incarnate abilities, while useful at level 50 regular content, isn't really needed, and much more useful at the incarnate it's not like you'll be needing them for much.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Which, really, I have to ask, why does it matter?
I kind of already posted that, probably a couple of pages before, I don't remember. You're right - there really is no point to have a solo option to what is ostensibly a team content gate. I've managed to make peace with that, myself, since there's really no reason to look for "other ways" to earn passage into content you don't want to do to begin with.

I can also see why they'd add a quote-unquote "solo option" just so they could say they have one, and I can see why they'd make it unviable. We're supposed to be playing the Trials, if not to unlock the powers then to use the powers. And that's just fine, really.

Like I said - better to have content you don't want to do than to have content you want to do but can't.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Which is a problem for some folks, as the Well of the Furies is very origin specific.

Me I don't care. I'll take any power I can get at any time.
Not really.

It's already been said the Well of the Furies is responsible for opening up the 5 Origins of Power as it is. Now they're just saying it's giving you more power directly.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Welcome to side Filthy Neutral.

Here's your beige flag and low level apathy.
I'd wave the flag for you, but I'm afraid I'm too apathetic about it.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's more or less where I am. Not really sure when (or if) these things will ever get worked on, but some of the things that would make me really happy include:

*Powerset proliferation
*Further power customization
*New costume pieces and sets, especially if they cover brand new concepts.
*New weapons (pretty please?)
*Backpacks and jetpacks.
*New powersets. Pistols, Demons, Kinetic Melee and Electrical Control were great. How about Dark Control?
*Updates on currently underperforming sets like Devices.

'Course, you can't have all of that stuff in a single Issue, I get that. But I still hope I21 has at least one of these.


Oh, and when are we going to get our Apathy Corruptors, damn it!?!
Oh goodness yes, I totally forgot about one of my bigger wishes: pool power customization. Please Devs, I am begging you, let me set Hasten to a "no graphics" option.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's more or less where I am. Not really sure when (or if) these things will ever get worked on, but some of the things that would make me really happy include:

*Powerset proliferation
*Further power customization
*New costume pieces and sets, especially if they cover brand new concepts.
*New weapons (pretty please?)
*Backpacks and jetpacks.
*New powersets. Pistols, Demons, Kinetic Melee and Electrical Control were great. How about Dark Control?
*Updates on currently underperforming sets like Devices.

'Course, you can't have all of that stuff in a single Issue, I get that. But I still hope I21 has at least one of these.


Oh, and when are we going to get our Apathy Corruptors, damn it!?!
I think we all want that, no matter what sort of player you are.

I to was hoping there'd be some power proliferation/new powers with i20, and the NDA having to be signed it really put some hope in for that.

I don't even care if it's only Power Proliferation for a few ATs, it's not like I'm the type of player who only plays one AT. I'm sure the players who only play one AT would be all feelings hurt and stuff, but the majority I don't think would care.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
The Well of Furies isn't one origin, it is all of them. It's the reason why a rich boy whose parents got murdered trains himself to be an expert archer and kicks crime in the face, rather than pissing the family fortune away in a self destructive grief cycle. It's why a person can be born as a mutant with the ability to control fire, and not just be born with a few extra toes. It's the reason why an inventor can make a power suit, and not just a toaster. Why a scientist can be gifted with control over gravity after a lab accident, and not just end up in a hospital bed waiting to die.
Yeah, we're aware of it. We didn't like the concept when the Origin of Power arc was introduced, but there was less complaining because it could be handwaved away as the ramblings of people who didn't really know what they were talking about. Now it's become an integral part of lore, and can no longer be handwaved away, since everything going forward is based on it.

It was a bad idea then, and the writers should have listened to all the people who pointed out why it was bad, instead of making it worse.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Plus that Kronos monster class in that one mission Thats a toughie solo
It's only an AV in the instanced mission, which means it scales down to an EB when solo. It's not an easy EB but it's doable.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I am. And this is not a new argument. It is, in fact, the same argument I made about Patron Powerpools in I7. Yes, I can see why the storyline would justify us borrowing other entities' powers, my beef isn't that it doesn't make sense. My beef is with why it was deemed necessary to write a story where we had no alternate explanations but that we are borrowing other entities' powers?
Because I think the devs are starting to take the view that many players take: the story is just an excuse to punch things in the face, and isn't as important as the mechanics because people are just going to click past it anyway. It feels like it's being slapped on as an afterthought, as a bone to people who actually care why they're punching stuff in the face. At the same time, I think they're grossly underestimating the standards of the people who do read this stuff. Every time someone posts something like "oh, stupid stuff happens in comics all the time, so it's ok" I cringe, because I fear the devs are listening to them.

This represents a trend in writing that I've been arguing about for years now - the game becomes less and less tolerant towards allowing us to pretend this is our story. The old Launch content was very inclusive, permitting characters of all mentalities, all motivations and types of power. The Epics we got with I1 were even better - just more powers that could easily be used to extend the ones we already had, and seamlessly so. But ever since CoV came out, the storyline has assumed more and more, decreed more and more and excluded more and more, and we keep being allowed to borrow other people's powers, and thus lie our characters to other people narratively.
It's easier that way. It's much much easier to write for a protagonist you know than one you don't, so they make assumptions and force player characters to become the characters they want to write for.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
As I already said, I can see them allowing us powers that come from the system but don't relate to the Mary Sue, Marcus Cole and his farts are omnipresent in every dimension, story we have going now, eventually.

Just . . . not right now.
Honest question and not trying to start an argument, but how do you see them doing this? The Well, Praetoria and the Incarnate powers are being presented as inextricably linked. You can't get the powers without connecting to the well through the Praetorians.

And a more important question is, what makes you think they will? They have yet to remove any of the other silly unnecessary story explanations for gameplay elements, in fact they expand upon them even after being told by the people who critically think about these things beyond stating "it's awesome," "it sucks" or "I don't care." Powerset proliferation didn't need a story explanation, and yet it got one, which was then expanded on. The origins didn't need any more of an in-game explanation than the character creation screen gives you, and yet they were expanded on. The medical teleportation system didn't need any more explanation than "we appropriated Rikti tech to bring heroes back from the brink of death," and yet it got its own arc. What's next? A new story arc explaining how we can change our costumes so fast?

Datamining will tell them that players are flocking to Praetorian pets in droves, either because they don't care about the backstory or RP element or consider the power upgrade worth it, or just because everybody else is doing it. They will be seen as fine. It's notoriously hard to get the devs to change anything once they've decided it's fine.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yep, you can use your Praetorian pet anywhere, apparently.

Why must the pet be Praetorian? Why not a more generic pet? Or better, a generic pet with multiple models to choose from, like the buffing pets from the vet rewards? Oh right, never mind. Hail Emperor Cole, future overlord of the multiverse.
Ahh, that stinks if the pet is explicitly Praetorian. I was thinking this might be a good way to implement the long-sought after sidekicks, especially if there is progression built in there.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Not really.

It's already been said the Well of the Furies is responsible for opening up the 5 Origins of Power as it is. Now they're just saying it's giving you more power directly.
Which is why I said it's a very specific origin. Play on words. Damn my jokes are too out there it seems.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Ahh, that stinks if the pet is explicitly Praetorian. I was thinking this might be a good way to implement the long-sought after sidekicks, especially if there is progression built in there.
But Praetorians are so uber powerful, so it should make you feel powerful that they are your pets.

I can see why they don't allow for a fully customizable NPC pet, like your sidekick suggestion seems to imply. I don't see why the pet is Praetorian, except that the devs love them and want us to love them too. Frankly, tying a slot called Lore to Praetoria is just dismissive of all the actual Lore that came before, and dismissive of everything else we've done before.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Yeah REALLY don't like the Praetorian only pets...that kinda sucks.

Make them generic...please, please don't make EVERY SINGLE THING to do with Praetoria where the Incarnates are conscerned, especially not the most obvious power.

Heh yeah right, like they're going to listen, as said above, Praetorians are the current Dev love and I doubt they would change anything this late in the cycle.

PPD, Longbow, Arachnos (heck the patron pools already have the pets in place, Spiderlings, Blasters and Toxic Tarantula, make a Fortunata the buffing pet with the three leadership clone powers or Mind Link) and job done are pretty damn obvious choices when it comes to the power as a Primal version, heck I'm sure there are some groups that could also be fairly easily converted over (could be not saying it would be).

I wouldn't mind my character leading a small PPD special forces unit (Beat cop for minion, Swat Officer for Lt, Hardsuit for Boss and a Psicop providing buffs...heck they can even be given mind link like a Fortunata or...once again...the Leadership toggles) as a 'counter-Praetorian' special unit.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

Honest question and not trying to start an argument, but how do you see them doing this? The Well, Praetoria and the Incarnate powers are being presented as inextricably linked. You can't get the powers without connecting to the well through the Praetorians.

And a more important question is, what makes you think they will? They have yet to remove any of the other silly unnecessary story explanations for gameplay elements, in fact they expand upon them even after being told by the people who critically think about these things beyond stating "it's awesome," "it sucks" or "I don't care." Powerset proliferation didn't need a story explanation, and yet it got one, which was then expanded on. The origins didn't need any more of an in-game explanation than the character creation screen gives you, and yet they were expanded on. The medical teleportation system didn't need any more explanation than "we appropriated Rikti tech to bring heroes back from the brink of death," and yet it got its own arc. What's next? A new story arc explaining how we can change our costumes so fast?

Datamining will tell them that players are flocking to Praetorian pets in droves, either because they don't care about the backstory or RP element or consider the power upgrade worth it, or just because everybody else is doing it. They will be seen as fine. It's notoriously hard to get the devs to change anything once they've decided it's fine.
Because they intend to create additional slots beyond the original 10.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Ahh, that stinks if the pet is explicitly Praetorian. I was thinking this might be a good way to implement the long-sought after sidekicks, especially if there is progression built in there.
The pet is an Essence of the Well, with a ghostly aura, just like the Shadows of the Well we saw in Ramiel's arc.

They're based on Praetorians because:

1. You're fighting Praetorians as you gain this power.

2. The Well is 'siding' with Cole and Praetoria. If you call upon the Well's power for a 'pet', it's current obsession with Cole will 'color' the form of the essence.

While one may envision other types of pets and prefer to have them (e.g., vorpal bunnies), the in-game rationale for Praetorian essences isn't as capricious as it initially sounds.

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Actually that is something to consider.

Can we 'skip' slots...well I suppose you can unlock them and then not slot them.

Besides a Boss class Ally isn't exactly a huge bonus and not sure on how well the buffing pet will act.

I guess that slot I could just ignore in favour of slotting up slots which have less obvious links like Judgement, Interface and Destiny.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Actually that is something to consider.

Can we 'skip' slots...well I suppose you can unlock them and then not slot them.

Besides a Boss class Ally isn't exactly a huge bonus and not sure on how well the buffing pet will act.

I guess that slot I could just ignore in favour of slotting up slots which have less obvious links like Judgement, Interface and Destiny.
I am assuming no, because future encounters will probably be designed around the assumption you are using X number of the Incarnate slots.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
Once the first two posts are made, the rest really is unnecessary and just get everyone in a bother. Can't we just give it a rest?
I blame the past openness of the developers. Now everyone and his or her brother thinks they can change the game by hollering loudly enough.


Originally Posted by Venture View Post
One of many recent facepalm moments for me. I can't imagine what makes them think we all want Praetorian mobs for sidekicks. Praetoria really has become the latest in a long line of darlings that need to be killed.
(Imagines Venture looking all grayscale, sitting at a big oak desk, counting bills in a dark room lit by a single lamp and smoking a cigar as he says this.)


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2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Well I want A Praetorian Mob for my sidekick.

The Goliath War Walker.

The rest can go rot in whatever place echoes of the Well go to rot...probably they go and have a good moan with the Mirror reflections in the Shadow Shards, that would be a fitting place for them to be in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
I am assuming no, because future encounters will probably be designed around the assumption you are using X number of the Incarnate slots.
Ech you're probably right, won't be able to get the later powers until you the rest of the powers with a slot in AND they design encounters around everyone having atleast one pet summon.

I blame the past openness of the developers. Now everyone and his or her brother thinks they can change the game by hollering loudly enough.

If we don't holler we're not going to be heard.

Heck I don't mind the lack of solo options because I don't mind teaming. The Incarnate System is inherently less grindy than other endgame progression namely because I'm not fighting people for loot using a DKP or Suicide Kings system and having to turn up for four raids in a week to earn enough to get the loot when it eventually drops.

Just really wish that, as mentioned above, they didn't make every single thing in the Incarnate System to do with Praetoria...there are bigger threats out there...

Heck I bet even the Well itself is filling it's interdimensional trousers at the thought of Rularuu or the Banished Pantheon awakening and back at full power since they would be an Equal.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Because they intend to create additional slots beyond the original 10.
Ok, but how will this negate or diminish the current slots' inextricable tie to Praetoria?

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
While one may envision other types of pets and prefer to have them (e.g., vorpal bunnies), the in-game rationale for Praetorian essences isn't as capricious as it initially sounds.
No, but the meta rationale is. It's unnecessarily tying gameplay mechanics to a specific storyline. Again.

One might expect a slot called "lore" to be tied to the game world somehow, and I'm not complaining that it is, just that it's tied to this one specific and pretty shallow part of the world that ultimately is saying "those Oranbegan ruins you explored? That century-old Nemesis plot you uncovered? Those things don't matter." It's driving home the point that you're not earning those powers, you're receiving them as a reward for sucking up to the Well.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I guess that slot I could just ignore in favour of slotting up slots which have less obvious links like Judgement, Interface and Destiny.
You should. Not. Have. To. There is no excuse for making you choose between skipping a potential gameplay advantage and accepting a story element you dislike.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The rest can go rot in whatever place echoes of the Well go to rot...probably they go and have a good moan with the Mirror reflections in the Shadow Shards, that would be a fitting place for them to be in my opinion.
The Shadow Shard reflections don't want those praetorian losers sitting at their lunch table.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World