Favorite support set to team with?
Having just come from another thread my vote/s would go to Sonic Resonance and Kinetics, both have their pros and cons but if both were on the same team then things are gonna get steamrolled.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
everybody loves kinetics....extra recharge, good buffs all around.
I enjoy sonic because as a fortunata, I lack heavy resistance.
Cold domination is actually one of my FAVORITE support sets to see, great armor buffs, great enemy hindering.
I also, of course.....enjoy Rads to be on the team, and if not rads, empaths.....
oh and....I guess you could classify fortunata teamwork as a support set.
but overall favorite= cold
Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue
Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue
Overall I love all of the support sets, which one I love best depends a bit on the situation and on what character I'm playing.
I think my overall favorite though is probably Cold Domination since it combines a little bit of everything. In fact the only bad thing I can say about it is that it needs a lot of recharge to perma its -regen power.
Well, any support is great. But speaking as a tanker just a little short of perma-hasten and a Scorch -> GFS -> Incin attack chain (and not that far off Burn -> FSC -> Fireball AoE chain), I'm always glad to see Kins and Rads. +Recharge/+recovery is delicious. Emps are nice too, but I understand why they keep exchanging ABs or putting them on the blaster to override nuke crashes. But either way, I'm glad to see any Defender, Controller, Corruptor or MM who's actually using both of their powersets. Hell, I'm not even picky about that - we had a "pure" empath on a Kahn last night, and he did a very solid job of keeping everyone healthy and well-buffed.
It depends. I mostly play support sets so my opinion may be warped. Pretty much any time I'm on a team there's at least one buffer/debuffer (me).
Leveling up prior to 45, Force Field. Least favorite before 45 is Traps by a large margin.
After 50, Radiation. I wouldn't call it my "least favorite" but Force Field does falter in this range, at least as a teaming set (it's still ok as a personal source of Super Reflexes on ATs that don't get Traps).
Kinetics and Dark are good all along. Cold can be very good at high levels when lots of AVs are around but suuuucks prior to getting Sleet... and now that Dominators can get Sleet and everyone can get Cardiacs I find I'm less impressed by my Cold Controller, at least.
Sonic and Trick Arrow I'm not a big fan of mechanically. But players with these sets are rarely power gamers, usually somewhat more experienced, and often pretty patient. So I kind of like having them around for their attitudes. The polar opposite of Kinetics and Traps, unfortunately.
Storm Summoning is a gamble. It's either okay or makes me want to throw things. Storm MasterMinds being the worst for me, since chaos on top of hindered visibility make my interest in the game plummet.
A blaster. Great hit point debuffs and they recharge fast.
Another vote here for cold. I like rad, but hate having to turn the toggles on. On speed teams there's no comparison. I also have 3 achilles heel slotted in my earth/cold, it's a beast!
@MARTy McFly
To play, rad is my favorite support set. You never have trouble finding a team as a rad. My fire/rad corr is great solo and always feels useful on teams.
To team with, cold. I just can't get into the dual mindset of "buff teammates/attack-and-debuff" to play myself, but I'm always happy to see a cold on a team.
I like to play Trick Arrow because there's little an enemy or teammate can do to throw me off my game.
I like teaming with Empaths. Adrenaline Boost: it's that fantastic.
Having just come from another thread my vote/s would go to Sonic Resonance and Kinetics, both have their pros and cons but if both were on the same team then things are gonna get steamrolled.
My vote is very specific. I would vote for a Sonic/Sonic Defender. They are rare, one of the most rare builds you will find being actively played everyday. Like another post above said, the people who usually play these sets often are mature and experienced and know what they are doing. The debuff are DEVASTATING, take a look at this--
Sonic/ primary on a Defender, Sonic Siphoon is a -30% resistance debuff, disruption field toggle (to boot!) is a -30% resistance debuff as well PbAoE on targe ally. That's a very nice -60% resistance debuff.
31 resist buff on teammates on all dmg except psy and an additional 21% resist buff on teammates, a very significant resistance buff of 51% to your teammates from dmg. Tell a shield brute with a Sonic/ Defender that his numbers are better, overall, than a decked out invul/ tanker. Then you have a mez protect in the Dispersion field and CLARITY is just the equivalent of clear mind from empths. That is just fantastic.
In STFs or Khan or other similar circumstances, they can and will cage other AVs, when you are concentrating on one and do not want the other AVs to bother or hinder what you are doing. Depending on their recharge, they can cage two for your team, kill one AV then move on.
Speaking of the /Sonic secondary, the attacks from a Defender do -20% resist debuff. Taking an opponent to more than -100% resistance debuff in seconds is just SWEETNESS.
The only bad thing I see with Sonic/Sonic Defenders is they are just as rare as purple recipe drops. I am inclined to think I get more purple drops than I get to see Sonic/Sonic Defenders.
Favorite? Cold no doubt. But a sane cold, not the stupid type that skips the shields. I agree with Adeon that it takes a lot of investment to get the debuffs perma, but once you get there, no other debuff set can even begin to compare to what Cold can bring.
@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor
Force Fields. Soft capped defenses for the team, mez protection for the squishies. Nothing else comes close.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Cold Domination (when they don't skip the shields).
Just find them useful in everything that a team could use.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
@MARTy McFly
My favorite support character is the one that fills the gap in my team, and has a good player behind it.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Well played traps is the best debuff set in the game.
Stacked acid mortor -res
Stacked seekers -dam and - to hit
Poison trap effectively shuts down regen, slows rech, holds, AND forces vomit interrupt (and can be stacked!!!!)
Caltrops to protect squishes from melee
And they provide status protection AND defense?
It always makes me die a bit inside when people pass up a traps for a rad because traps is better.
When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...
Thermal and Cold.
With Kinetics and Sonic being close second.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
I actually second this, but if I had to name an actual de/buff set, Dark Miasma.
We call certain sets 'support' because of misconstrued concept that the damage dealers are the ones 'doing the work', which just isn't correct. You'll very rarely hear a team say "nice blasting", whereas you'll often hear a team say "nice heals." It is taken for granted that the damage dealer was being supported by healer.
If a player is getting damaged, the Blaster/Scrapper shouldn't sit back and say, "Not my job. I don't have any controls. I don't have any heals." They can help support their fellow player by pulling aggro and defeating the enemy. Even though we misconstrue the word 'support', they do support the team through their tools available. A toon providing -res to amplify damage output no more supports the damage dealer than the damage dealer supports the player providing the -res. It's a mutual partnership, and they mutually support one another.
Cold, Dark, Rad or Traps. All are primarily debuffers and still have some kind of buffs, but what's more important, all of them have what I consider the most important debuff of all - shutting down the regen of AVs.
I misread this thread as the best support set that I like to play on a team... and I know I'm probably a pretty small minority on this, but I really enjoy playing an Empath on a team that's struggling. The crazy rush to keep everyone buffed and healed... definitely not for everybody, but I love it.
Who to be on the same team as? Geez, just about anyone is friggin' awesome. Defenders are my favorite archetype, and every time I see someone join my team with one of the less popular sets, it brings a smile to my face, and whenever someone's playing one of the less visible debuff sets ("Trick Arrow? I don't see you doing anything! You are sucks!"), I always make sure to let them know when they're doing a good job. ("Wow, everything is just MELTING! Yay for Trick Arrow!")
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
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I was just wondering what support set you guys all like teaming with the most and why?
I personally like cold domination the best. Great shields, sleet debuff for large mobs and good single target debuffs for strong single targets, and +recovery!
So what do you guys like having on your team?