Animal Pack Facebook picture




Originally Posted by Blue Star View Post
1000hrs in MS Paint
Real men use MS Paint.


Also on Steam



As I view these images, I find myself forced to reflect on the fact that as far as we've come as a species, civilization cannot currently generate enough electricity to adequately fulfill the data storage requirements necessary to fully store the number of "e"'s I wish to attach to the following necessarily abbreviated sentiment:

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
Here's the thing. I know for a fact I can't draw. Stick figures that I draw are even pretty horrible. But what I do know is what a human body should look like when somebody draws one. And Rob Liefield doesn't know the first thing about human anatomy, nor does he understand how to draw it. It's a pretty basic concept for an artist to grasp.
As a fine connoisseur of all things American cartoon, anime, "furry" artword and concept drawings, I will say that "human anatomy" isn't always the holy grail of artistry that people present it as. In fact, I've found myself the most bored with characters who are the most realistically presented and proportioned. That's part of the reason why I only have a mere handful of ordinary-looking humans in my character roster, and most of mine are aliens, robots, animals, mystical creatures, inanimate constructs, abstract apparitions or generally anything that has a humanoid body, but is not a literal human.

That's not to say I enjoy Rob Leifeld's artowrk, in whole or on part (that instance when one guy hits another WITH HIS CROTCH comes to mind) I nevertheless enjoy some of his designs, anatomical incorrectness and all. I take my fiction as a form of escapism, and if it gives me cool themes and images, I'm more than willing to overlook its lack of realism.

Rob Leifeld is as famous and influential because - whether some want to admit it or not - people liked what he made and sought to copy it. You can condemn society, tastes or judgement if you choose to do so, but you cannot argue with history. Even if no-one will admit to liking his artwork now, enough liked it to make the man part of popular culture in the past, and that counts for something.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As a fine connoisseur of all things American cartoon, anime, "furry" artword and concept drawings, I will say that "human anatomy" isn't always the holy grail of artistry that people present it as. In fact, I've found myself the most bored with characters who are the most realistically presented and proportioned. That's part of the reason why I only have a mere handful of ordinary-looking humans in my character roster, and most of mine are aliens, robots, animals, mystical creatures, inanimate constructs, abstract apparitions or generally anything that has a humanoid body, but is not a literal human.

That's not to say I enjoy Rob Leifeld's artowrk, in whole or on part (that instance when one guy hits another WITH HIS CROTCH comes to mind) I nevertheless enjoy some of his designs, anatomical incorrectness and all. I take my fiction as a form of escapism, and if it gives me cool themes and images, I'm more than willing to overlook its lack of realism.

Rob Leifeld is as famous and influential because - whether some want to admit it or not - people liked what he made and sought to copy it. You can condemn society, tastes or judgement if you choose to do so, but you cannot argue with history. Even if no-one will admit to liking his artwork now, enough liked it to make the man part of popular culture in the past, and that counts for something.
So, you're saying mistakes were made?

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Just ick.



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
So, you're saying mistakes were made?
"Mistakes were made" is probably the vaguest, least informative statement I have heard in my life, right up there with "Things are improving." Yes, I'm saying mistakes were made. When? By whom? In what? To what effect?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
OMG, not anatomically correct...Dis no art!!1!!one
Ahhhh, Liefeld is an abstract artist! Riiight...that makes a helluva lot of sense...

Explains why it's such a load of crap for one thing...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Mistakes were made" is probably the vaguest, least informative statement I have heard in my life, right up there with "Things are improving." Yes, I'm saying mistakes were made. When? By whom? In what? To what effect?
And I'm humor impaired myself. It was a joke

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post

OMG, not anatomically correct...Dis no art!!1!!one -.-
So Leifeld is a surrealist now? That WOULD explain things ...

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



So how about that animal pack huh

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hey, Minotaur fans! Your about to bevery happy

The fact they haven't released the pack yet is abominabull.

I say they should just take the bull by the horns and release it, I mean do they want to cause udder chaos with all this teasing?

Frankly I find this constant teasing to be a load of bull, if they just got a moooove on we could have this pack now.

Ok I'm done.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
That he does.

I think you missed a teensy bit of Sarcasm in my response.


When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As a fine connoisseur of all things American cartoon, anime, "furry" artword and concept drawings, I will say that "human anatomy" isn't always the holy grail of artistry that people present it as. In fact, I've found myself the most bored with characters who are the most realistically presented and proportioned. That's part of the reason why I only have a mere handful of ordinary-looking humans in my character roster, and most of mine are aliens, robots, animals, mystical creatures, inanimate constructs, abstract apparitions or generally anything that has a humanoid body, but is not a literal human.

That's not to say I enjoy Rob Leifeld's artowrk, in whole or on part (that instance when one guy hits another WITH HIS CROTCH comes to mind) I nevertheless enjoy some of his designs, anatomical incorrectness and all. I take my fiction as a form of escapism, and if it gives me cool themes and images, I'm more than willing to overlook its lack of realism.

Rob Leifeld is as famous and influential because - whether some want to admit it or not - people liked what he made and sought to copy it. You can condemn society, tastes or judgement if you choose to do so, but you cannot argue with history. Even if no-one will admit to liking his artwork now, enough liked it to make the man part of popular culture in the past, and that counts for something.
Eh, there's a difference between harshly criticized bad art/design an highly stylized alternative art/design. The main difference with an artist like Leifeld and someone else....(somebody help me out here...maybe Eiichiro Oda? I can think of 2 other artists with interesting styles but not sure if I want to mention them >_>) is consistency. One can like or not care for specific style but 'bad anatomical decisions pressed along by obvious habit' doesn't seem like a style, in my book.

I'm not one to criticize other's art though. Honestly, if Leifeld can push out great quantities of his art decently and at a high pace, who am I to judge? One can look past certain mistakes and still favor an artist's style but if you already know said artist is pursuing a specific look, it's harder to overlook said mistakes when they're in contrast of the artist's goal.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
bunch of words about art
Speaking as someone with what now is a 20 year career in the arts--mostly gallery and museumy stuff with numerous side stints in various commercial arts when the fine art couldn't subsidize itself, the BIGGEST problem with any articulated art criticism is that the reasons why we dislike bad art are never universal.

But I don't mean universal in the manner that you might be thinking. One artist or another may be widely reviled. (I think George Lucas has done a wonderful job of working himself into this corner in the past 15 years as well.) And the reasons for their unpopularity may very well be as universally held as all the aspersions flung towards Mr. Leifeld. BUT a good artist--nay--a GREAT artist is one that takes those very same articulated prejudices (you can't make draw people without feet/with pea heads/tons of pouches/bad poses/etc. etc.) and turn them on their ear make great works with all the same constituent elements as the artist you hate. And there in lies one of the great mysteries of art. It's all in the aggregate.

To go back to an analogy used up thread about knowing good food when one tastes it: a lousy chef can take the best ingredients and make a terrible meal. But food doesn't need to taste as bad as it does sometimes. Often, a great chef can take those same ingredients and make an orgasmic taste sensation. (But there was one cooking fail show--early Gordon Ramsey--with a restaurant that had prawns under chocolate sauce as its "signature dish." I can't really see how anyone could redeem that one... Who knows. Maybe Wylie Dufresne could.)

Anyways, point is, it can be useful when critiquing art to clearly and honestly articulate what it is that makes something work or not work. But when it turns into a semantic back and forth over the words, it falls further into the realm of critical theory (ugh. ) and then becomes quite vulnerable to all sorts of games of word logic to prove or disprove one's original position. And THAT is where I tend to abort when it comes to art criticism of any sort.

As many have said, Leifeld is fairly widely reviled as both an artist and a public figure. For many of the reasons already stated. But no, those criteria by which he is deemed a lousy artist do not universally mean that anyone with similar distortions in their work are also equally lousy artists or so lacking in people skills. Basically, most people arrive at those criteria the same way. They internally know they consistently don't enjoy the mans work versus what they expect or hope for from a comic book. They are not pleasantly surprised. Nor does his unique style grow upon them. And upon self reflection, they basically land upon many of the already outlined traits as things that make Leifeld's drawings different from others in his genre. But the true source of why he's soooo bad will remain as large a mystery as the sources of Rembrandt's and Shakespeare's genii.



Can everyone go back to discussing the pictures?



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
Can everyone go back to discussing the pictures?
I didn't think I'd like talkies, but Chaplin proved me wrong! The Great Dictat...
Those pictures!!
Yeah, I love Dali...


Those pictures...

I want them to release the non-silhouetted versions yesterday and the pack NOW!
I see many posts have been removed from this thread... some people found some images somewhere that they weren't supposed to see! Heehee...
I've discovered that I am really really hoping for beast/monster feet for normal legs.

Not positive if that will be coming in the pack, but I do like everything I've seen thus far.

I wonder if the Bull head just comes with those horns or if there are options to put the horns on (that head and/or all monstrous heads).

I'll say this, regardless of what is or isn't in there... the artwork that I have seen thus far is fantastic (not that I am surprised).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I want them to release the non-silhouetted versions yesterday and the pack NOW!
I see many posts have been removed from this thread... some people found some images somewhere that they weren't supposed to see! Heehee...
Huh, yeah I posted the non-black versions a little while ago but my post is gone. Ah well, sorry mods! Great stuff either way.



Marketing's really hyping this pack up. Guess the marketing team is stepping up their game on advertising from here on out. And yeah, I think this pack'll be coming out next week.



It better be...bored of waiting now...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
It better be...bored of waiting now...

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...