Running enemies... Yet again!




I have a very simple question: What is it about Masterminds that make enemies lose their nerve and run away almost immediately? And I'm not talking about running 10 feet away then turning around to shoot, oh, no. I mean taking excursions into neighbouring states for the summer, then maybe settling there forever. And this isn't one enemy here and there. This isn't one specific faction or one specific enemy. It's EVERY spawn I've fought with my Mastermind. I'll attack them, do NOTHING but order henchmen to attack, and no more than 4 seconds later, or just about after one attack per enemy, the NPC villains will scatter like cockroaches.

Normally, this isn't such a big problem, since I can either immobilize them with Web Grenade, slow them with either Caltrops or Poison Gas Trap, knock them down via various Robot attacks, or out and out kill them before they go too far. But when we're talking about an elite boss, I have to start grumbling a bit. More specifically, I'm talking about Burkholder, as found in Jenni Adiar's arc.

So I see the dude spawn into distance, set my robots to Bodyguard and wait. Brukholder comes down the corridor, shoots at me once, misses, then keeps on running right past me, around the corner, down another corridor and far, far away. It felt almost like that comedy sketch where two people run at each other to hug, only it turns out one of them was going for someone else and completely misses the other person. Brukholder literally ran right past me and took almost no interest.

But I figure, OK, maybe it was the Acid Mortar that scared him, so I waited for him to come back, by which time my mortar had timed out, robots still on Bodyguard. He comes back, shoots at me once, misses again, then takes off running. He did this several times, until I realised he had no intention of attacking me, so keeping my robots on Bodyguard was pointless. Instead, I set them to Attack/Aggressive and essentially spammed Bruckholder with Web Grenade, managing to hold him about 2/3 of the time before his resistances timed out my effect. During this entire time, Bruckholder made no attempt to fight back. He just kept trying to run away as my bots shot him to ****, if you'll pardon my language.


Seriously, what is it about the AI which makes them just not want to fight Masterminds ever? Why am I having to spend 3/4 of my time chasing runners? Why will elite bosses refuse to fight me? What possible purpose could having enemies tour the map possibly serve for the game as a whole? And why has nothing been done about it since Leandro posted a Fraps video of pretty much the same thing with Nosferatu?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



IIRC, Castle reported the running mobs as WAI.

Which is stupid, but that'd be why it's not fixed.



Running in general, yes (even if I still disagree), but elite bosses who never fore off more than a couple of shots can't be working as intended. I could have had 1 HP the entire fight and I'd never have been in any danger, because Bruckholder never fired off more than a couple of attacks, either at me or at my robots. All he did was try to run away.

Essentially, I fought a Mole Machine.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It's not just Masterminds, I noticed this happening a lot on my Brute this weekend.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I hate the running 90% of the time. Then there's that 10% where it makes me laugh.

Example: I, on my Dark/Dark Brute, hover in to a group of Nemesis. After a leisurely Soul Drain I proceed to hammer all but one Nemesis Dragoon into the ground with little effort.

He stares at me, being out of range of my melee attacks and my DoT aura.

I stare at him, waiting for Gloom to recharge.

He takes the **** off and the next time I see him he's slowly walking back from the other end of the map.

"Maybe he forgot about me, maybe he forgot ab-- OH GOD THERE HE IS!"

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought you Villain types would love seeing your enemies flee in terror at your power?
He was running Jenni Adair's arc, GG. When's the last time you saw a villain running arcs in Talos?



Another mission, another elite boss, another absurdity. This time it was Protean, an elite boss I probably wouldn't have been able to beat, had he not acted like an idiot. Why unable to beat him? Well, he had SERIOUS outgoing damage, enough to almost two-shot me even through bodyguard, I noticed, and enough to just about one-shot all of my bots. Not only that, but it's exceedingly difficulty to escape his Power Syphon when it's me, a Forcefield Generator and six robots that don't like to listen to commands. In fact, he caused me to retreat several times, and run away to buy inspirations once.

Then the next time I fought him, he was a pushover. Why? Well, he lost about 10% of his health, and he took off running. I was able to web-grenade him in just about in place, and my robots shot him into raw stakes without him firing off a single shot in return, or indeed fighting back at all. Had I not been able to immobilize him, however, Protean would have continued to run through the curiously selective fire that burns me but not him, making it impossible for me to take him down.

You know, this ranges between making the game unplayable to making it too damn easy, and that cannot be working as intended.

I just about gave up on using Traps summons. I kept the Forcefield Generator up and did use Web Grenade, but Protean ran around so much there was no way to make use of anything else. He'd just leave it behind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yeah, something is seriously out of whack with Enemy A.I. at the moment. They seem to have had added cowardice programming recently...or again. I lose track. Either way, its seriousl annoying and could bear looking at with some scrutiny.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



As I recall, Burkholder is supposed to be something of a coward and opportunist. It's possible that his "run" AI setting is cranked to 11 to simulate screaming, pants-wetting wussiness. It's annoying, but at least it's sort of plausible.

Regular mobs running away so much is a nuisance. I've got the impression that debuffs, especially AoE debuffs, really push the "Run away!" button. That can make it a royal pain for some sets, including Traps. I try to make sure my debuffers always have a good immobilize (or an excellent slow or two), but sometimes it's not enough, or concept doesn't allow for it.

Worst of all, in my opinion, are panicky giant monsters. Deathsurge and Scrapyard are notorious in this regard; I've chased Scrapyard over half the island with a single lowbie corruptor. Even if running away is WAI for most mobs, giant monsters really ought to stand their ground more.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Hey Sam, is your MM Alpha slotted? Is it possible that mobs are more inclined to flee from our Alpha slotted characters? Hmm...



Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
As I recall, Burkholder is supposed to be something of a coward and opportunist. It's possible that his "run" AI setting is cranked to 11 to simulate screaming, pants-wetting wussiness. It's annoying, but at least it's sort of plausible.
Would that it were only Brukholder, I wouldn't mind, but it's everything. Bosses, minions, elite bossed, NPCs of all cations. As I whined about later in the thread, Protean did the same thing, all the while talking about how he'll make me beg for mercy like Galaxy Girl's little sidekick. Towards the end, I was indeed begging for mercy, to PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP RUNNING!!!

As you mention, there's nothing more silly than having big bads like monsters and AVs running, and I include elite bosses in that. Not only is it absurd, it makes the fights unnecessarily easy.

Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
Hey Sam, is your MM Alpha slotted? Is it possible that mobs are more inclined to flee from our Alpha slotted characters? Hmm...
No, he's a fairly new character. I created him on Saturday, and even with double experience he's still level 28. Not even at full strength yet.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It's not just traps; it's the frankly retarded AI. I've have chased numerous minions, bosses, lieutenants and Elite Bosses across dozens of maps. I even made my own thread about it.

The problem isn't when one or two do it for concept; it's when they ALL do it regardless of circumstance. Even the new bluside arc, "Bad People, Good Intentions" was marred by the Zeus Titan E-B running around the Sky Raiders' floating fortress. My first redside GM was Scrapyard and we must've spent an hour chasing him round the dockyards and we weren't even winning.

And don't get me started on the uber-cheat of them all: Director 11. Level 54 and still runs like a little (beeswax) only he gets to leave mines eveywhere around him (even if he's not there).

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I did those arcs with my tanks and none of the enemies seemed to run at all.



Its you, Samuel.

Your reputation precedes you.



The biggest difficulty I've found in soloing Giant Monsters is their habit of running all over creation -- the first GM I soloed on my bots/traps took 45 minutes, because Babbage insisted on taking the grand tour of Boomtown. I've gotten better at controlling them so they run *through* the poison gas cloud rather than away from it, but it's still annoying.



The pattern I notice is that enemies will start running when they start accumulating masses of DoT--regardless of actual damage dealt, which is further bolstered when the enemy can't hit the player be it due to high defence or floored tohit.

This makes things unnecessarily tedious for trap players (hello, acid mortar), MMs (where the majority of damage dealt is through a steady stream), widows, spines/thorny players, etc...

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
IIRC, Castle reported the running mobs as WAI.

Which is stupid, but that'd be why it's not fixed.
In Leo's thread Castle explained HOW it was supposed to work. He didn't say that it was WAI.



I have seen Rommie and the Nictus Take off for a trip around the World when truing to pull him. Also Rommie cannot use stairs to well, when being pulled to the grass.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Last night I was running Posi 1 and 2 with some friends. I anchored Darkest Night onto a clockwork boss. Not long after, another boss aggro'd and came running over. The very second he touched the Darkest Night debuff effect he took off running. I understand that it is part of the run away code that mobs will flee if they detect they are very strongly debuffed. But come on! A single Darkest Night? I didn't even have Tar Patch down at the time.



Hmm, I'd have to ask what powerset for Mastermind, but typically, there are a lot of powers in the MM powersets that cause AI scatter/fear. For me, the Incendiary Missiles are really bad about it because they create burn patches.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Hmm, I'd have to ask what powerset for Mastermind, but typically, there are a lot of powers in the MM powersets that cause AI scatter/fear. For me, the Incendiary Missiles are really bad about it because they create burn patches.
I use not a single power which has an Afraid or Avoid aspect to it. As a Bots/Traps Mastermind, you might think Caltrops does that, but I don't use it, and you may think the Assault Bot's Incendiary Missile Swarm does it, but it doesn't have that yet (only level 28 at the moment). Beyond that, what they have is Laser Burst and Heavy Laser Burst on the Drones and Protector bots, Plasma Blast, Dual Plasma Blast, Flamethrower and Smash on the Assault Bot and Pulse Rifle Burst and Pulse Rifle Blast from me. That's all the powers I use to cause elite bosses to turn into sissies.


Another mission, another two elite bosses down (four EB fights, but only two actual elite bosses - Castillo, Castillo, Castillo and a Zeus Class Titan). Obviously, I'm talking about Roy Cooling's arc, whose writing I overcame by not reading it.

First fight with Castillo devolved into a Benny Hill chase around the room, but he teleports before taking too much damage, so that was easy. Second fight with Castillo, he tries to run but I manage to web-grenade him in place (he seems easy to immobilize) and my bots shoot him to hamburger meat while he does not fight back. Castillo finally breaks free and runs, but drops off the platform just as he goes blue reticle. Third fight with Castillo is disastrous. He runs away, drops off the rig and disappears. I don't have idea one where he went. After two minutes of looking for him, he strolls back to his original spawn point. I Web Grenade him and prevent him from running away, which he attempts as soon as he catches sight of me, but isn't able to Castillo falls.

Zeus Class Titan elite boss spawns, aggroed on me, personally. Obviously. He's one of those ambushes that will follow you through doors and never lose aggro. He insta-kills half my robots and... Runs away. I run away in the other direction, expecting he'll follow me so I can ambush him inside the door to the rig. No dice. I go back to find the thing idling in place, with Peter kneeling in front of it. I attack the Titan, it fires a missile swarm of some kind, misses and IMMEDIATELY takes off running, dropping off the rig completely. I set my bots to chase it, Web Grenading it from the air, but it just keeps on running around like an idiot until it loses half its health.

At that point, "something" happens to force the Titan to stand and fight (I don't know what it was - it wasn't anything I did) and only NOW do I realise just how tough that thing is. You know, now that it's actually fighting back, instead of Baywatch-running away from big mean ole' me. THEN it turns into a hard fight, with my bots going down to its Incendiary Missile Swarm (wish the Bots version were this strong) and not reacting to either Acid Mortar, Poison Gas Trap or Seeker Drones. I lose all of my robots several times over, as well as losing the Sky Raider Forcefield Generators, but with enough resummoning and Repairing, I'm victorious. In one of the dumbest fights I've fought in my life.

So far, that's Brukholder, Protean, Castillo, Castillo, Castillo and the Zeus Class Titan, all refusing to fight me and choosing instead to run away while my bots shoot them into goo, all the while not fighting back. Again - this CANNOT be working as intended. All right! What other EBs can a level 28 heroic Mastermind try just so I can add more names to the list of sissies?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.