Either buff Swift or nerf Hurdle
No. Sprint's 0.1 buff translates to 10% of base jump height, less than .5'. That 0.06 provided by Hurdle, however, equates to a 166.8% increase, effectively almost tripling jump height at level 50. Hurdle's JumpHeight buff is almost as high as Combat Jumping's (200%).
Sprint provides more of a vertical jumping boost than Hurdle does (0.1 JumpHeight vs 0.06, specifically).
Modifiers matter. Sprint uses Melee_Ones, Hurdle uses Melee_Leap.
The powers are fine. Hurdle's bonus to jump speed is balanced by the lack of control. Without using an additional power, you can't stop instantly, change direction instantly, reach top speed instantly or even turn effectively, as opposed to running.
It would of been better to just make these things as new travel powers or as alternate animations to the horrid animation SS has but I guess making us pay for stuff is good too.
...Put...a...Run...enhancement...in...Swift? ...Maybe?
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Eh, after being caught in caltrops, earthquakes, ice slicks and quicksands, you kind of get why jumping is so good...because it can easily be negated by a patch while running is always good.
You can slot for -movement resists but not for -jump.
You can slot for -movement resists but not for -jump.

Nah, I don't want to have to pick up SS to run different. I'd probably agree to making them simple inherents that you can choose between as well as alternate animations for movement powers, but currently we cannot customize pools so...

Vanden, I like you, but...what?
All my characters with jump based travel powers take hurdle, including my namesake character and they all can skip about town. My comment was more of what I've been told by others seeing an 7 1/2 foot tall Santa skipping inside of missions.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Vanden is absolutely right.
Originally Hurdle was Buffed to be stronger than Swift because toons that focused on Jumping were at a slight disadvantage.
Now that Everyone has both powers that justification is gone.
Swift should be buffed.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
Buff Swift, nerf Vanden
This is just dumb. Now that everybody has all the Fitness powers, that means everyone jumps faster than they run. Anyone who wants to move faster just has to jump everywhere and they'll get where they're going more than half again as fast as just running.
Seriously, how does it make sense that the horizontal movement buff of the ostensibly vertical movement passive is four times as strong as the buff from the actual horizontal movement passive? |

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
That's just uncalled for.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Yes, it is.
Ok, then, serious time:
The fact that Sprint makes RunSpeed nearly equivalent to JumpSpeed with Hurdle and/or Ninja Run would be a big hint that this is balanced around Sprint. Sprint costs End, but you don't have to keep activating it like you do with jump, which can be a pita during battle. Balanced. |
Always has been. Is now. And always will be. TheEnd.
Sorry you don't like it being used in this game. But to get rid of inconvenience-as-a-balancing-factor, the entire power mechanics would have to be gutted and rebuilt from the ground up.
That's the way it is.
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And "nerf something because I don't think it's fair" isn't?
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Great post, but you should have just said to buff.
This is just dumb. Now that everybody has all the Fitness powers, that means everyone jumps faster than they run. Anyone who wants to move faster just has to jump everywhere and they'll get where they're going more than half again as fast as just running.
Seriously, how does it make sense that the horizontal movement buff of the ostensibly vertical movement passive is four times as strong as the buff from the actual horizontal movement passive? |
There are lots of people who are desperate to find any post they can rebut, so any excuse will do. Encountering attitudes like so makes me want to go into some sort of confrontational analysis of what it says about human cultures but let's not get into that.
Suffice to say that if the game had equal run and jump and somebody suggested to make it as it is now, nobody would support that, so it's not any better an idea just because it's status quo.
It doesn't make any kind of sense or balance for the base run speed to be higher than the base jump ability and it's only that way because the powers were made to be alternative choices rather than inherent.
In fact they did buff run speed just 1 issue prior through sprint. It'd make tons of sense to take some of that and transfer it to inherent fitness instead, with intent to keep the sprint speed the same as it is now, but make the base run and jump of equal speed.
The one reason I would oppose it might be choice. Base run speed is already near the border of where it gets so fast that it can be hard to control with precision. I'd support it if swift were faster with some kind of startup, but its current speed during the first 2 seconds of running.
If I were to rewrite your suggestion I'd make it "increase swift speed to be equal to hurdle but only after 2 seconds of running"
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
The way I see it, altough I love the inherent Fitness pool, now I HAVE to take Hurdle and I find it to be a pain, even unslotted. Why is that? Because..... I had it perfectly figured out how far I needed to be away from something to land on it.
Having greater speed on jumping allows us to choose whether we want to move fast or not. A nerf on Hurdle or a buff on Swift would remove choice from the equation. So, no.
NOT ANYMORE! Now I am leaping all over the place like some latter day rabbit on steroids, even with Hurdle unslotted. This is most noticeable in missions such as Trapdoor's, where I have to jump down twenty vents in the floor to progresss through the map - and in a tight space, at that.
I'd be fine with nerfing Hurdle and buffing Swift. People who SJ are way too catered-to in this game and Flight needs a little love. For people who love to jump, their stuff has no downsides. Can Flight say the same? We all know the answer.
I picked up on re-aligning my jumps pretty quick, in all fairness. There were a few times I manages to get my team to laugh at my failure to control my character though.
The way I see it, altough I love the inherent Fitness pool, now I HAVE to take Hurdle and I find it to be a pain, even unslotted. Why is that? Because..... I had it perfectly figured out how far I needed to be away from something to land on it.
NOT ANYMORE! Now I am leaping all over the place like some latter day rabbit on steroids, even with Hurdle unslotted. This is most noticeable in missions such as Trapdoor's, where I have to jump down twenty vents in the floor to progresss through the map - and in a tight space, at that. I'd be fine with nerfing Hurdle and buffing Swift. People who SJ are way too catered-to in this game and Flight needs a little love. For people who love to jump, their stuff has no downsides. Can Flight say the same? We all know the answer. |
Nalrok Ath'Zim: ((Alright, going in))
*sails clear over the group and pulls two others*
Nalrok Ath'Zim: ((Oh right, Hurdle))
Ring Mistress has defeated Nalrok Ath'Zim.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I've never had Hurdle before. Always got Swift instead. After a couple of days I got used to it despite being without it for nearly 7 years.
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Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Actually, I agree with the OP. By giving us Swift and Hurdle together, the result is we jump faster than we run. I used to hate this about Hurdle back in the day. Compared to, well, every game I've played, it is weird/uncomfortable to me to constantly be jumping everywhere to speed up.
But a "nerf" isn't exactly what's needed IMO. Total base Run Speed should simply be equal to total base Jump Speed. It's not like you'd be getting there any faster. You just wouldn't have to keep jumping.