Oddest Powersets We Play
I played a Rad/Sonic Corruptor for a lengthy period of time, and it was indeed nice being special and such. I played him as a team leader that fills the gaps: Makes a brute tank better(I took medicine too), makes the teams to-hit issues go away, and makes everything die faster.
I didn't find it an amazing combination, as it was pretty endurance heavy and drew a lot of aggro. Nowadays with the cardiac alpha and the aggro adjustments to disruption field it would be better, but I retired the character due to RP reasons.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
I've played an AR/Rad corruptor as well....Mr. Iran....pretty much agree with your assessment.
I also leveled a Ill/sonic troller, which may not be that odd but haven't seen another one on my home server. Enjoyed Tina/Maria arcs as it proved a fairly effective EB/AV killer, Phanty toughened up nicely with the shields.
Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."
Invuln/Ice Tanker - Still have only seen two others on Virtue in the last couple years. And it's fun, too. Lots of people are like lolicemelee (at least to me... since I really like the set) and then I meatshield them to death and it doesn't matter anymore.
AR/Mental Blaster - Still never seen another one of these, which is surprising 'cause I've seen just about everything paired with /Mental on Blasters.
Those are the two oddest (I guess) that I play regularly.
I've also got...
WM/EA Brute for maximum pretty and strong
Thugs/Thermal MM for no reason in particular
Rad/Fire Blaster which I'm more surprised than anything doesn't get played more. I've seen it around more than the others but I mean... talk about a fun character...

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker
I also leveled a Ill/sonic troller, which may not be that odd but haven't seen another one on my home server.
I went through a point where I took combinations that were popular in one AT and put them on another AT - so I have a few fire/kins (corrupter, tank,) fire/rad (corrupter,) or I'd do the reverse of a FOTM (Ice/Energy was a popular blaster, so I've got an Energy/Ice, for instance.)
I'm not sure if any combo of power sets has ever really surprised me. I see a few repeats but for the most part people seem willing to experiment.
I have a Mind/Cold Controller. I know of one other one out there because of the boards, but never seen one in the game. There are probably a few hanging out there, although Illusion/Cold outnumbers this combo about 50 to 1.
Ice/Thermal troller was my first 50. There are a couple of these around. Very unusual combo in terms of playstyle.
Ice/Rad Controller isn't exactly the rarest combo, but it plays completely unlikely anything else in this game... or any game.
Odd combos I liked:
-Sonic/Ice/Munitions Blaster. I've been mistaken on teams as a controller. A stun and hold, KD patch, cone slow on teams and 3 AoE sleeps when solo. You don't see that many Sonic blasters nor a lot of /Ice, but together, they're a lot of control and high ST dmg for yourself and the team.
-DP/Fire Blaster. I haven't got him that high yet (lvl 31) but the idea is, damage auras + long animating PBAoE crashless nuke = synergy. Over all I enjoy the concept and he'll be going Ice epic when I get in that range. Not sure what's the rap DP gets on the boards, but I'm usually the blaster making all the kills...and I'm usually using cryo rounds.
-Spines/DA Stalker. I don't believe I've seen many. DA only recently became more widely played on Stalkers and Spiners usually stick with /Nin or other defense sets. There is no inherent synergy with a Spines/DA stalker, no stacking stuns or fears, no stacking slows, both can be heavy on endurance, being at range actually hinders one set...but the way I have him built, he just works really well. He's full of AoEs and takes down spawns very efficiently and yet can start off a fight by giving the bosses a head-start toward death.

My unusual set is a shield/ice tank. Not so much in the way of impressive damage, but huge amount of survivability with the -recharge and slow, and ice slick. I don't think I've ever seen another combo of that style around.
Somewhat odd use of powersets to achieve a certain thematic effect on my other half's Gravity/Earth Dominator: the Gravity powers are white and blue and the earth powers are icy blue crystals. The character wears the new pack's Cryogenic Aura colored white, and their powers all appear to be manifestations of cold control...even though they're really just Gravity Control and Earth Assault.
I knew I said "I do" for a reason. That and the french toast. Mmmmm, nom nom
-DB/Fire Brute lvl 39 created it the same issue DB got introduced it has lots of aoe going for it and now /fire will add fire damage to DB attacks, will go for Ghost Widow pool
-Ninja/Storm Resistance MM but it's only 12
I've got an Assault Rifle/Trick Arrow Corrupter that's a lot of fun at lv 13. I mean to get him up to lv 18 or so over tonight. I think it'd be fun to have Full Auto, Flamethrower, Oil slick Arrow, Acid Arrow, Disruption Arrow, and Ignite all in the same character.
I've got a DM/EA Brute who's a lot of fun, but definitely not what I'd call an AoE machine. With Energy Drain, Dark Consumption, and Life Siphon, though, he's much more solid than I'd been led to believe. He'll never be "t3h pwnz0r", but I like him anyway.
Ran a Sonic/Mental Blaster all the way to 50, and it's a great character. The -Recharge and -Res debuffs might not be a whole lot, but they certainly help teams when fighting AVs, EBs, and GMs. My build went for Elec Mastery and has three nice cones, which are sustainable as an entire AoE chain when Hasten is up. World of Confusion and Combat Jumping are a good combo for safety, and Psychic Shockwave is a nice additional AoE to fire off right before using the kind-of-gimpy version of EMPulse that blasters get.
Too many alts to list.
Grav/TA controller, an intergalactic bounty hunter. So rare I ended up writing a guide to them as well. A fun combo too, very tactical but does tend to get slightly lost on high end steamroller teams.
My Earth / Trick Arrow is an odd duck that I've not seen too much of, considering the popularity of each set individually, I'm not surprised.
What I WASN'T surprised by was how effective it was. I created the character with one goal in mind, and that goal she fulfills quite famously: Permanent strong AOE control. Additional aggro from multiple spawns becomes irrelevant when you have as many debuffs and controls at your disposal as this combo.
Quick Sand + Glue Arrow + Earthquake = Nothing moves.
Stalagmites + Quicksand = Nothing moves.
Volcanic Gasses + Quicksand = Nothing moves.
Oil Slick Arrow + Glue Arrow = Nothing moves. *
EMP arrow + Haha who am I kidding nothing at all = Nothing moves. *
* I have yet to level her high enough to achieve these lofty goals.
The absence of Stone Cages is intentional: It interferes too much with my AOE knockdowns, and those of others. Not to mention the advantages to be gleaned from being able to make enemies move to where you want them, however slowly. Undirected and irrelevant Immobilize spam from controller teamates is a minor peeve of mine (Though usually it's not a deciding factor in a fight, so I keep my yap shut and just keep knocking skulls), so I'm avoiding the opportunity myself.
Also excels at stacking controls on multiple bosses with the 2 single target holds. Finally, if the team IS defensively solid, she can focus on QUicksand, Disruption arrow, and Acid arrow, with stalagmites as an opener, to be a fairly effective force multiplier.
While she supplies little in the way of her own damage, she enables even defensively reedy teams to really cut loose, having SOME kind of control available every spawn.
Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.
I'm still in the planning stages, but my next toon is going to be a Mental/Sonic troller, focused on solo-play... Just have to finish up my widow first...
Edit: I already hate that you have an ally anchor for disruption field rather than an enemy anchor...
Grav/Sonic controller I play on a static team.
Emp/AR defender that I solo.
Also, there's a good chance that any given character of mine is the worst combo available to that particular AT, as crowned by popular opinion. Grav/Sonic troller, AR/Dev blaster, MA/Fire scrapper (though maybe not anymore). I don't plan it that way, but it does seem to happen a lot.
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.
I don't think there are any odd combinations. I have seen pretty much one of everything. Add to that the fact that there are oddballs out there who will make a toon based on unpopular or seemingly unsynergistic combos just because it has that status.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
My Earth / Trick Arrow is an odd duck that I've not seen too much of, considering the popularity of each set individually, I'm not surprised.
What I WASN'T surprised by was how effective it was. I created the character with one goal in mind, and that goal she fulfills quite famously: Permanent strong AOE control. Additional aggro from multiple spawns becomes irrelevant when you have as many debuffs and controls at your disposal as this combo. |
I have a 50 Earth/TA/Fire... Its very effective and scary to use.
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
war mace/electric armor brute. wasnt expecting much from it, but its really fun.
I really want to make a list of weird combos I have, but just about any combination is assuredly going to have someone reply two posts later saying something like, "Oh yeah, I have one of those, it's great."
Example that people have already mentioned: I have an Invuln/Ice Tanker, a Mind/Sonic Controller, Dual Pistols/Fire Blaster... no Earth/TA or Grav/TA Controller, but an Illusion/TA Controller (they're 50.)
But I'll give it a shot. Forgive me if these are actually some strange FOTM builds that I just am not aware of.
Stone/Willpower/Pyre Brute
Gravity/Storm/Ice Controller
Fire/Traps Corruptor (although Traps doesn't seem to be as rare anymore for Corrs.)
Mind/Force Field Controller (Also, he's a mime.)
Martial Arts/Invuln Scrapper
Katana/Fire Scrapper
Electric/Dark Corruptor (They're a robot... the Dark Miasma is smoke...)
Assault Rifle/Thermal Corruptor
Super Strength/Dark Armor Brute (My first Brute!)
War Mace/Super Reflexes Brute
Archery/Ice Blaster (named t3h Ub3rbl4st3r, an attempt to make the worst blaster I could think of... but then it ended up being fun.)
Spines/Electric Stalker (named Electric Pufferfish...)
Mind/Earth Dominator
Sonic/Dark Defender (named Elfis Lives, a recently undead singer who is also an elf)
Dual Blades/Dark Scrapper (named Atomic Lizard-Donkey)
Fire/Sonic Corruptor
Radiation/Ice Blaster
Claws/Energy Brute
Sonic/Storm Corruptor
Electric/Empathy Controller
Trick Arrow/Sonic Defender
Mercs/Force Field Mastermind
Dual Blades/Stone Brute
I think I went a little past the 'at least 30-ish' rule... how many of those aren't as weird as I think?
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
Stone/WP Brutes are quite popular, as are Fire/Traps Corrs, MA/Invuln Scrappers, and...heck, probably AR/Therm Corrs.
My favorite combo was Thugs/TA, whom I set up as a tiny little satyr with lots of cred in the neighborhood and a mission from Pan, the ancient Greek god of nature, to restore people's respect for the wild.
AR/Sonic Corruptor lvl 47, new main
I have a lvl 50 AR/Dev Blaster, and lvl 50 AR/Traps corruptor, but the AR/Sonic Corruptor is far more versatile for soloing and teams. Very little set up compared to the other two (eg shields), and the rest of the time I spend just blasting away. Pure joy, but end is a problem.
i have so far for europe dont know which are very rare:
db/stone brute
kat/invul scrapper
rad/cold corr
mind/ice domi
Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3
Do the old-fashioned brawl-only MAN builds count?
The weirdest combo I've never seen past level 20: Ice/Sonic Resonance Controller.
I did once, long ago, play this to level 13. This was when I knew less about sets and just thought Sonic was "force field with debuff." Glad I rerolled out of that one before the endurance bar overheard my plans to run AA with Sonic's toggles.
So, what's the strangest combination of powersets you've played together. Not for 1-10, but seriously played, at least to 30. Did you enjoy being "that person?" Did the build surprise you for how effective or comical it was?
I've played:
AR/Rad Corruptor. Surprisingly fun on teams. NOBODY expects the corruptor to open with full auto. The Rad buffs made the teaming part work, and AR is such a diverse set, I managed a very large amount of haste in the planned build. Sadly, he's on my second, currently inactive, account.
Dark/Dark brute. My most expensive character, he's the only one I have with a large amount of purple sets. For all that DA gets a bad rep about survival, he's pretty tough. I regularly run him at +0/x4 with bosses in all my missions, and x6 if I'm bored.
What's your favorite off-the-wall character, the one you never see anyone else playing?
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.