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  1. I agree with at least the initial concept. It makes sense, follows similar game mechanics that already exist, and helps those who for whatever reason don't or can't team.
  2. My unusual set is a shield/ice tank. Not so much in the way of impressive damage, but huge amount of survivability with the -recharge and slow, and ice slick. I don't think I've ever seen another combo of that style around.
  3. Duchess_Frost

    Blaster Nukes

    I believe you're exaggerating the situation a little bit.

    Most tier 9's are situational powers (not all, but most), and should be regarded as such. Also, you're using unenhanced numbers for damage comparisons against mobs. Most blasters usually have their nuke 3 slotted with damage, at least 1 acc, and at least 1 recharge reduction, so you can double the damage there.

    Add in aim and buildup to increase the damage, and a tight group is pretty well decimated except for the occasional lt, and most bosses. Pop a blue and use a end recovery/modification feature like conserve energy, hibernation, consume, etc., and the blaster is back in business endurance wise.

    As far as accuracy is concerned, remember you have aim, and slot at least one accuracy. You normally get 2 hits average out of 3, so you do get good damage - while freak rolls can happen, it's not very often. The perception of missing a lot is just that a perception that fools the human brain.

    Archery and Assault Rifle are the exceptions, but you need to consider that they actually do less damage, AR I believe only targets 10 because it is a cone, and they are both lethal damage, which is the most resisted damage in the game, and it's moderately well balanced. Is it perfectly balanced? No, but the variety is a good thing.
  4. Duchess_Frost

    Blaster Nukes

    Also note, the electric nuke is similar to Blizzard - it is a ranged nuke, the lesser damage balances out the fact that you don't have to close with the enemy, like most of the other nukes listed (fire, psi, sonic, and energy). A smart Electric Blaster can safely nuke around corners.
  5. Duchess_Frost

    Dear Santa...

    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    That's 35-50. And why does everyone forget about the poor Lady Grey? Imperious was SO last millenium. Come on, people! Fight some Rikti for a change!
    Lady Grey has been restricted to 45 to 50 since a couple issues back, unless SSK has changed that issue.
  6. Duchess_Frost

    Your Blasters...

    Lot of fun with Blasters:


    Working on:
  7. It's taking a little bit to get used to the new format, but it seems cleaner in some ways than the older forums. Learning about the new features have been interesting so far...
  8. Thanks for the review Venture. I just checked on those trouble spots you talked about - tested it with a dark/melee ninjitsu stalker and had similar problems - which is funny because I didn't have problems with either my corruptor or dominator, both which can hold/slow boss level mobs. Different AT's mean different issues. I thought I had eliminated all the aim/buildup powers on the sets - will double check that, and eliminate the rage as well per your suggestion.
    I was near the size limit for the arc, so I was worried about going over with text. I'm going to revamp the first and second missions, and add more flavor text, and probably eliminate a couple of the custom mobs to get more room, and tweak the arc to try and give it a little more of a story. Thanks again for the review, it helped point out the weak spots.
  9. Duchess_Frost

    Guide to CoX Zen

    It's not the mobs you see that will get you, it's the mobs you don't see that will get you.
  10. I'm 41 and I remember:

    Had the old D&D boxed set (the white box), then went to the AD&D sets.

    (For SoCal people) Remember when Disneyland rides had tickes - and the best rides were E tickets?

    Champion was the first Superhero RPG game you played - I was introduced to that in college... and the reason why I joined the Champion server....
  11. Good Post - give nice basics. Just some notes - if you PVP, frozen fists and ice sword are valuable as toggle droppers, otherwise, if you only PVE, they are skippable. Ice slick is very useful, you just have to set it up properly. I find using it before I pull can give me an additional safety net in case all the mobs charge. I pretty much went a similar route you did, including leadership, fitness, and flight pools.
  12. Good luck to your brother in Iraq, and that he comes back safely.

    While being a newbie at the forms (been stealth for the last month) I appreciate the developers responding to the comments, and when problems do occur (ie, the negative accuracy with movement in I4) you respond quickly based on input.