You know you're an old gamer when...
Then I must be ancient at 36.
you know your old when you reference the old superfreinds
cartoons ( remember the wonder the twins )
or the old hanna barbera(sp) like secret squirl, el Kabong,
ricochete rabbit, hong kong fuey and no one your team knows what you are talking about.
So up and atom........

How about no one recognizing
"When In this world the headlines read,
of those whose minds are filled with greed.
Who rob and steal from those in need.
To right this wrong with blinding speed comes
(insert hero name here)"
You might be an old gamer...
If you know what a Grue is.
If you know what The Keep on the Borderlands is.
If you ever thought 64k of RAM was awesome.
The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)
Infinity server
Damn you are old!!!
My dad plays, and he's 52. Whenever people are talking about their ages, it's like he has an automatic 'I win' button.
or the old hanna barbera(sp)
[/ QUOTE ]
Ha. Thundarr the barbarian. Herculoids. Laugholympics.
Can you name all three teams from laugholympics? - answers at bottom:
1.) Scooby-doobies (hmm, are they trying to say something?)
2.) Yogi-yahooies
3.) Really Rottens
Damn you are old!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I resemble that remark.
I'm not old, I'm youth-challenged.
You might be an old gamer if.....
You ever owned an Intellivision.
You know the game "microsurgeon"
The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)
Infinity server
My dad plays, and he's 52. Whenever people are talking about their ages, it's like he has an automatic 'I win' button.
[/ QUOTE ]
We've got a 52 yr old in our VG/SG. He and his wife play.
Funny story:
I was feeling old the other night, so I decided to take a poll of the 6 people that were logged into the VG.
As it turned out, I was the youngest in the whole bunch.
And I'm 33.
I love this game.
Be well, people of CoH.

if you ever owned a collecovision(sp?)
you still have the original boxed set for D&D (ok I got it used I'm not that old)
you've played text only MMOs and understood them and all their functions
you have a bind for costume changes for use with your ingame 'twin' WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE
you remember when space ghost was a hero and NOT a talk show host.
you have a toon a named Gary Gnu (Gno Gnews is Good Gnews!)
you realize there is ONLY one Daisy Duke, and it aint Jessica.
well im def in the gold club lol...i have both coh/ 13/8/4 all play.. of course i had an orig. lavender/purple boxed D&D game..the basic rules set..:P
also i remember Shazam & Kaboobi as a cartoon and not the tv show Shazam which i watched alot as well
and the other cartoon Shazam/Isis which i also watched..sat morn cartoons were real good bak then..sat morn you would wake up with out the alarm clock or a parent trying to make you get was "SAT MORN" is here and up and to the tv you went lol
yes i loved thundar/ the Hurculoids/ and of course Hong Kong Phooey, i also enjoyed wathcing Space 1999 tv show even tho i was a youngun..but just so yall know i am ONLY 39..
who remembers "HR Puffnstuff"
i find that most detailed and thought out Bios on some toons are from the older crowd tho there are alot of creative players out there of all ages..i love this game as well..of course i had the Champions Boxed pen & paper game and the Marvel super hero pen & paper Boxed game as well..
and yes my 4yo is pretty good he knows the concept of hlpin others and tries to hlp tho he usually pulls agro to the one he wants to hlp which i have had to keep an eye on..i usually run with him, you will know it is him if the toon is unchanged from the initial pallet and his names is something like this "sdgfehfie"
other than that he loves the Master Mind archtype in cov..he loves those Helpers..
alos i did have a collicovision but i also had a console "PONG" was black and had 2 dials on and my sister would play it.. loved that black box...and also we had the Atom computer..i called it the Atom Bomb since we had it a cpl weeks then dad just took it back because it wasnt working right
tho i learned the long way to write programs..entering line by get a pixle "ski slolum race" i loved that comp. it was our first.
well im sure most are tired from readin all this but figured i would post..
You owned an Amiga 500
Your mom threw away your copy of Fantastic Four #1
You know who Big Jim was
You catch yourself singing the theme to Super 6
You watched the original run of Ultra Man and Ultra 7
You watched The Green Hornet
You remember when comic books were $0.35
You had a Fisher Price record player
You owned a Batmamobile made by Gorki (sp?) toys (you know the one which would pop the blade on the front and had the mortar on the back that shot off little yellow pellots that you lost the day you got it)
You remember when computers had lots of flashing lights and big reels of tape.
'nuff said!
Gotta go cash my Social Security check....
oh yes! you remember when there WAS such a thing as Social Security
You remember when computers had lots of flashing lights and big reels of tape.
[/ QUOTE ]
You might be an old gamer if...
You know what an 80 column punch card is.
You ever programed in basic.
You nearly fainted the first time you saw an RGB moniter.
The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)
Infinity server
-You remember the game Adventure on the Atari 2600 (nothing better than your char. being a large pixel)
I also had a Radio Shack 16k computer, ran mainly text only games, loaded off of cassette tapes. I had one cartridge game that was a fantasy adventure game, with horrendous graphics. Black backgroud with white lines, no color at all. Wish I could remember the name of that game.
And yes I did have the D&D basic and expert box sets, Gamma World, Boot Hill and Star Frontiers. Long live the Isle of Dread.
- You had the GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip
- All the boys in the neighborhood wanted to be the 6 million dollar man.
- Monochrome screens were touted as easing eye strain for your computer use.
-Not only did you watch HR Puffenstuff, but also Sigmund and the sea monsters.
-And as far as cartoons go life before Scrappy doo, and the wacky racers.
-And a "good rap" was what your parents did upside your backside when you misbehaved!
-If you've ever watched Tron or Wargames
-You're excited that Kingdom Hearts 2 has a Tron level
-You know what Zork is've played Zork own Zork
-You remember when graphic adventure games had a command line wish they still did
you realize there is ONLY one Daisy Duke, and it aint Jessica.
[/ QUOTE ]
-You remember the game Adventure on the Atari 2600 (nothing better than your char. being a large pixel)
[/ QUOTE ] Yay! loved that game! lol first game i can think of with a "secret" prize, a pixel that changed colors! I had it for the 1st atari system (was that 2600?)
I was on a team yesterday and someone asked ages
my friend: "27 here"
asker: "wow! old! practically over the hill lol"
my friend: "he he what does that make you D?"
me: ":P"
36 btw and I'll never stop gaming
You used to get up at 7am on a Saturday morning just to watch Robotech. Well, it might have been 8am.
You know that Danger Mouse isn't a DJ.
You played on a Commador Vic 20. I think that's what it was called.
When all the new movies coming out weren't remakes.
You know you're an old(er) gamer (still in the 20s here, so no chance at the gold club) when...
... you spell most of the words you use in regularly conversation in game with conventional (and mostly correct) spellings :P
... some of the names and costumes you see make you wonder if these people have ever even held a real comic book.
... instead of "mom's calling for dinner" you have "have to go MAKE dinner" and instead of "have to go to bed, school in the morning" you have "have to go to bed, work in the morning " Some things never change... except I find the older I get, the earlier my bedtime ends up being :P lame
Oh man..I dont feel so old now
I remember everything you all have said and did, watched ,played all of it lol....and still have almost all of it
I'll be 34 in may. I still have all the original books and char. sheets fron AD&D
I even watched (of corse reruns) Howdy Doody lol.
And I liked all the Marty Croft shows that came on on saterday mornings
How about 321 contact remember that one? heh.
I could be here all day remembering the 70s early 80s, better times than now IMO.
By the way my mom and dad play this game, they are the ones that got me into it They are 50(yes they were very young when they got married and had me).
And to tell you the truth people under the age of 25(depends on the person) get on my nerves most of the time lol, I'm a hardcore old schooler
When your heroes are Elektra Woman and Dyna Girl.
Life - a sexually transmitted terminal condition.
You might be an old gamer...
If you know what a Grue is.
If you know what The Keep on the Borderlands is.
If you ever thought 64k of RAM was awesome.
[/ QUOTE ]
"You descend down the ladder, and the trapdoor above you slams shut. Here ends your adventure, as you will most likely be eaten by a grue."
I missed most of the Comodore times, but distinctly remember being very jealous of my friend who not only upped me by getting a IBM 486, but a damn 486"DX"!
SVGA ftw!
"Before there was Rock, you only had God."
Playing on Protector
Heroes - BurlyTorch, Johnny Tectonic, BurlyFrost, Maridon, Soul Doubt, ProtoTorch
Villians - Matt Daemon, IceLuge, Incendere, Mugwort, Vedova Mortale
The lamp goes out.
Everthing goes dark.
Just the way Grues like it.
The Avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Blue Spot, Son Spot, Cyan Siren, Polar Gale, Scarlett Fury, Stygian Warlock, Lady Lilac, Elsbeth (villian), Furious Squirrel (villian)
Infinity server
He's in second
Try 58
...or times when you feel like an old gamer!
-when you use a great and funny Star Wars quote that fits the in-game situation perfectly and your whole team goes "Star What?"
-When two people on your team, if you combine their ages, are STILL not as old as you!(if its 3 people then you are in the COH Gold club!)
-When you are playing an new AT for the first time and an 11 year old has to tell you that you are playing it wrong!(Nothing against 11 year olds, but at 34 its hard to take a lecture from anyone that young).
-When your teammate has to AFK because his mom is calling him for dinner!
-When your newbie teammate says its not really his game, his Mom just lets him play hers.
-When your teammate assumes your toon represents you in real life!(this is a good sign that they are a very young person)
This happens to me all the time, such as when a teammate looked at my toon PIMPATRON, a robot pimp and assumed I was black and some kind of rapper! Needless to say I was not surprised to find out this person was 13 years old!
Any of you veterans have any other good stories?!!!
And if any of you kids is offended by this, I'd be happy to hear stories about playing with us old folks(and yes in the MMORPG world i do feel old at 34!) LOL!