So, who uses Levelling Pact?




I have a buddy who plays casually (very). However its lots of fun teaming when
he is on. Is a levelling pact worth it? I'd say the online time difference between us
is almost 5-1. I have the feeling it will feel like a bit of a grind if I play the toon too much.

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



It can be a bit grindy when your pact buddy is not around if you are soloing. Teaming is not too bad though. I pacted with a buddy who plays about as much as I do but not always at the same time and I gotta say, its real cool to log in and find out you leveled. It might be worth breaking the pact in the 40s as that is where it really seemed extra grindy but 1-40 wasn't too bad.



I haven't used it, but I know a fair number of people who have used it. Very few if any of them have soloed something that was "leading" a pact. Most ran team content on one of the characters and used it to bring the other to 50.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I would use level pacts if my GF's computer would run the game faster than 4fps...



I recently rolled an empath, and when Beloved Spouse said the costume was cool, we decided to duo, so now my empath is level-pacted with a sonic/sonic defender. Whereupon Beloved Spouse got caught up in an awesome spy novel, and I went to hover around dropping fortitude on someone who was farming Rikti. So I think I only made level 16 or so.



I have a couple of characters that I set up a levelling pact with my sister. She very rarely plays the game, basically whenever I am around and talk her into it. So my first thought is it would be helpful to level up some characters for her that we could duo.

In retrospect, though, I'm realizing that if I level too far, her characters will all be too advanced for her to easily handle. So most of the pacts are sitting around at level 12 waiting for us to play them together. Which honestly kind of misses the whole point.



I've used it to level alts on my main account by pacting with my second account and taking that second account alt along with my 50. So I end up levelling an alt on the same account I'm playing.

It's very handy when your best fighting toon is on the same account you want to PL another alt with. Although I haven't used it in a while since GR came out and I acually like the content in Praetoria.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



My wife and I always use levelling pacts.

We recreated a number of characters, so they could be pacted.



As a tool to farm up my own characters, pretty much.



My son and I use them to make sure we always have a good pair of characters to team with. I will top off a level solo now and then, but I wouldn't just run levels with it, he would feel he missed too much.



@Anasthesia and I are currently using it on a DP/MM blaster and a DP/Kin Corrupter.

We've used it before in the past as well, and probably will again.



My wife and I use it on some pairs of characters.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I tend to use the Leveling Pact as a means to slow a characters leveling rate. Ever since the XP smoothing, I've felt that I level way too fast through the 12 - 30 range, and that's where I have the most fun.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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If it's too much of a grind to level the toon when your friend is not on, then play another toon.

Save that toon for when your friend is on.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
I've used it to level alts on my main account by pacting with my second account and taking that second account alt along with my 50. So I end up levelling an alt on the same account I'm playing.

It's very handy when your best fighting toon is on the same account you want to PL another alt with. Although I haven't used it in a while since GR came out and I acually like the content in Praetoria.
I do this as well with my 2 accounts, although sometimes, I take it a bit further and have 2 sets of pacted characters that I swap partners with (ie, take the 2nd account's character from team 2, and play him with the main account from team 1). That way, I've got 4 characters that are being levelled up at once.
Of course, its going twice as slowly, which is where Patroll XP comes in handy.



Originally Posted by Largo View Post
If it's too much of a grind to level the toon when your friend is not on, then play another toon.

Save that toon for when your friend is on.
I have to agree this is the way I ended up using it. To me I think the purpose of the pact is to eliminate the little variances that might throw a pair of characters out of sync. Like, I might end a session with my sister where we're just shy of the next level. I would then go ahead and play a couple of missions on my own so I can get that level for both of us. If not for the level pact I would have to switch to the other one to level it up as well.

There's also Patrol XP and Vet Rewards that might change our rate of levelling, even when teamed up. So it might otherwise take additional effort to make sure the characters are kept in sync.

I have to admit, I never thought of the previous poster's idea of using a third character to level the pact, so he can level a character on his own account.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
I've used it to level alts on my main account by pacting with my second account and taking that second account alt along with my 50. So I end up levelling an alt on the same account I'm playing.

It's very handy when your best fighting toon is on the same account you want to PL another alt with. Although I haven't used it in a while since GR came out and I acually like the content in Praetoria.

Ditto, same thing I do. The leveling pact is fantastic for those of us with multiple accounts and for toons where the solo work just isn't there as opposed to being in a team all the time.



Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
Ditto, same thing I do. The leveling pact is fantastic for those of us with multiple accounts and for toons where the solo work just isn't there as opposed to being in a team all the time.
This sums it up for me also.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Fritzdog View Post
It can be a bit grindy when your pact buddy is not around if you are soloing. Teaming is not too bad though. I pacted with a buddy who plays about as much as I do but not always at the same time and I gotta say, its real cool to log in and find out you leveled. It might be worth breaking the pact in the 40s as that is where it really seemed extra grindy but 1-40 wasn't too bad.

This is exactly what I ran into when I tried it out. A good friend of mine that I played with all the time and I agreed to create new characters that would compliment one another and form the pact. When it began we hooked up and formed up and for a little while things went fine. Then he ran into money issues and for a long time disappeared entirely from the game. Soloing was very tedious since half the XP I earned went to him so we'd stay equal. Teaming and TFs were not too bad but it was still a little frustrating to join a Task Force and see people getting 2-3 levels in an hour and a half and I was lucky to gain one. I also ran into another issue.. My friend is a serious badger and as I continued to SLOWLY climb upward I realized that short or Ouroborus or in the case of Safeguard missions asking to join lower levels he was missing out on a lot of badges because I was outleveling contacts that granted them.

Eventually I broke the pact after sending him an off line message explaining I felt guilty depriving him of so much content, etc while he was away. Also I had gotten to a point where I stopped playing my BS/SD Scrapper because of the grind and guilt and I did love how she played. He finally returned on one of the free re-activation weekends and had no problem with the split. I have NEVER tried a pact again LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I have two pacted pairs between my two accounts: a Rad/Mind Blaster pacted to a DP/EM Blaster and a Fire/Dark Corruptor paired with a Fire/Pain Corruptor. (I rarely play ranged damage characters, so it helps me to have options.)

I've only pacted with a second person once, and that was with my ex shortly before she and I had a falling out. The pact got broken by some technical issue, but it didn't really matter, because she quit the game to go play [that big-name fantasy game] pretty much right after.

Edit: I forgot to mention the whole reason I started writing this post, anyway.

Ever since we got Super Sidekicking in Issue 16, I don't think that the original purpose behind the levelling pact is really still valid. Everybody on a team plays within one level of the leader/mission holder, so there's no more "getting left behind" by a group. If you miss a play session with a group and get a couple levels behind, just being sidekicked to the rest of them will get you nearly caught up within just a few missions.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!