Me, a Master of Run and Temp Powers
PvP zones are not for PvP. They're for people picking on people they know they can't lose to. Random Controller passing through to get a temp is the perfect target. As much they mouth about PvPing, you could literally drop level 1 immobile players with no powers in the zone and they would happily run over and assassin strike them.
I like going on my Widow and placating Stalkers when I'm getting nukes.
What were we talking about? Oh, I agree that the PvP zone stuff should be separate from actual PvP. There are accolades and temp powers that require you to go to PvP zones. It's an archaic, hamfisted tool to try and get people interested in PvP that doesn't work.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
This one time, at Recluse's Victory, must have been sometime in aught six, back before we had those fancy IO sets and Ouroboros portals and assemble the team vet rewards and all that newfangled modern stuff we have now, I had my level 50 energy/energy blaster parked in the train station where the contaminated guys would show up on occasion so she could make glacial progress toward that... that... outbreak badge... when one day I logged in and lo and behold there was a villain - a stalker! Oh noes! Hey, where'd he go? Aiee! He's attacking!
Only thing I can figure is his player must have been a knube because when he didn't kill my blaster in the standard two hits, she plastered him all over the inside of that train station and wrote "BLASTERS ROOL AND STALKERS DROOL" on the walls in his blood. Never saw him again.
The moral of this story: in RV, walk softly and carry a big Total Focus with two Accs and 3 damage/mez Hami-Os.
Of course this was before Total Focus was nerfed, and there were two separate train lines, and no superduper sidekicking and no Fusionette or Faultline revampe or... ramble, ramble, ramble...
This would all be solved if the (current) Devs would accept that no amount of carrot is going to make non-PvPers want or enjoy PvP, and make it possible to get the PvE temp powers they put in those zones available by other means.
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Faces of the City
Sounds like you need to come to Guardian. There is practically no PvP. I have help people all the time do Shivan and Nuke Runs even being an "enemy"
Occasionally there will be a PvP event, but it is usually prodcasted on Global Channels. Mainly because they need more players for teams.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
So I tried again today and to my surprise he/she did it again. I politely asked after the 5th time he/she stole my codes adn explained why I needed the nukes. Sure enough he/she let me but not after a looong conversation about PvP and how Castle ruined it blah blah blah.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
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Also: I parsed the OP's title as "Me: a master of running and temp powers", which led me to believe it might be about someone who is playing a character using only temp powers and running around. Imagine my disappointment.
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It's frustrating, but what can you do?
I did this last Summer I think, and someone attacked me just as I was ready to launch the rocket. I was on Mouse Police, a very heavily IO'd katana/regen scrapper... so I attacked back and killed them, and still got my launch off. Happy times all around, especially since we had several more duels afterwards and talked a bit. But it had the potential to be very frustrating had I not managed to finish my mission.
A couple of months ago I joined a badger group trying to take on the AVs in Recluse's Victory, and it was an exercise in futility due to repeated attacks from PvPers. We fought back... but after 10-15 minutes we were no closer to accomplishing any of the things we'd come there for, so we had to give up and leave. I was on Mouse again, I know I can hold my own in PvP even though it's not a PvP-specific build, but... meh. I'd like to get those AV badges... someday.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
For me honestly, I know I entered the PvP zone and I knew it's risks. I knew I'd get killed by PvPers and I'm willing to accept that. But the fact that there were TEN of us in the zone at the time and he/she kept singling me out was what really made me angry.
I agree with most of you to a point but Gob has a valid point. Let's forget about Nukes for a second and look at something else...
Marshall Badge which adds 5% to your total End and requires the Weapons of Mass Destruction badge located in.. WARBURG. We are talking about an exploration badge here people and the only way to get it and obtain all of the requirements for the accolade is to enter that PvP zone.
Born in Battle which adds 5% to your health and end requires the Triumphant badge (again we are back in WARBURG after yet another exploration badge) plus it requires the Shashbuckler History badge which requires players to click on plaques in SIREN'S CALL and BLOODY BAY
Megalomanic Badge which increases the strength of holds, immobs, sleeps, ect for 60 seconds requires the Last Stand Badge in RECLUSE VICTORY and Triumphant in WARBURG
Are you staring to see the pattern here people? While the Accolades that grant these powers for a hero are different and require almost no contact with PvP unless you want it. Villains seem destined to have to visit every PvP zone there is if they want these same benefits. The point Gob is making is if its badge that anyone may want to fulfill one of these requirements .. WHY ON EARTH did they put it in a PvP zone to begin with? The game is designed so players have the choice of engaging in PvP or not. Some players enjoy that challenge others couldn't care less and simply like to play the PvE content. So lets get all those "REQUIRED" badges that don't have a thing to do with PvP out of PVP.... Sorry but you are not going to convince me that clicking a plaque or stopping on top of a badge marker constitues me challenging you to a duel? LOL
I myself have taken my badger into every one of those zones and obtained all the mission badges, exploration badges, history plaques and in Recluse Victory I am up to 50 Pillboxes and 50 Heavies and counting. I have rarely had a problem on Virtue doing any of this. I have been sent tells numerous times asking if I'd like to duel and when I explained I wasn't interested that I was only there for the badges.. I was pretty much left alone. Now if I am taking down Pillboxes in RV and I get attacked.. Its part of the game and I accept it ..that's supposedly the whole idea behind the zone to take control. Funny thing is the few times I hae been in there during peak hours when heroes and villains were battling it seemed like no one cared less about the pillboxes all they wanted to do was attack each other. Heck most didn't even bother with the heavies.. Move to slow for the style of fighting going on.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
So if it doesn't require you yo kill another player it isn't PvP? By that logic capture the flag or conquest aren't really PvP content.
I got all those badges without ever PVPing so I don't see how they can be badges for PVPing if I don't have to PVP to do them and instead have to do PVE content.
COH has PVP?! I been playing on n off since 2004 and I've never seen any PVP here, it's why I love this game. If I want PVP I go play Eve Online.
So if it doesn't require you yo kill another player it isn't PvP? By that logic capture the flag or conquest aren't really PvP content.

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
The entire concept for Warburg seems very "Vigilante" to me. In what situation would it be heroic to use illegally obtained WMDs?
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
PvP zones are not for PvP. They're for people picking on people they know they can't lose to. Random Controller passing through to get a temp is the perfect target. As much they mouth about PvPing, you could literally drop level 1 immobile players with no powers in the zone and they would happily run over and assassin strike them.
I like going on my Widow and placating Stalkers when I'm getting nukes. What were we talking about? Oh, I agree that the PvP zone stuff should be separate from actual PvP. There are accolades and temp powers that require you to go to PvP zones. It's an archaic, hamfisted tool to try and get people interested in PvP that doesn't work. |
Now I'm not saying it doesn't suck to have to go into a PvP zone to get an accolade or cool badge, but none of those are required for PvE.
As for the constant ganking, one might want to remind the ganker, that for the kill to mean anything, they need to wait 5 minutes first.
Best bet, go back to the zone later and hope for a better time.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I know a ton of other badgers like me suffer a lot when it comes down to seeking badges in pvp like Time machinist, Rocketman and sometimes even Gunner on some servers...
Tell the other 8 people in your Master run: "If you guys want me to bring in Nukes, you're going to need to come with me and cover my *** while I'm running around getting the codes". Have some stacked Tactics or yellows to keep an eye out for Stalkers, and just dogpile on any badger hunters.
There's a badge for defeating 20 of them, btw.

Character index
If you were going off about the OP ... I get the distinct impression that he was OK with getting ganked a couple times, and was half-way expecting it. But to get ganked, repeatedly, by the same person? That crosses the line; the gankor most likely got no rewards after the first kill. The reward system exists as it is in part to make people switch targets 'cause the devs don't want one guy being fodder for the whole zone. The gankor was going out of his way to be a knob; that, to me, is griefing, ya' know? |
If the person doing the attacking was working on badges, like, oh, the Fusion Generator badge for his SG, he would lose nothing for repeatedly attacking the same person. For that badge, it only matters that you get kills in PvP, the circumstances don't really matter.
If he and the OP were the only people in the zone, he didn't have too much choice about who he attacks.
Unless you think that the non-PvPers badges are more important than the PvPers badges, which just isn't true. Both parties are equally entitled to have an opportunity to earn those badges, one person not wanting to fight in no way invalidates the other's right to pursue their badge.
If you want the badges in those zones that are obtainable without engaging in PvP, you can come back later when there is no one around, and it has zero effect on your ability to get them. If someone wants the badges obtainable ONLY through PvP, they don't have that option, PvP defeat badges cannot be earned when there is no one to defeat. Saying that someone else shouldn't be allowed to get their badge because it is inconvenient for you is just selfish.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Best way to deal with them is to outlast them, I find. If you get killed more than twice while badging I just park my toon somewhere where he can be seen, but not attacked. The goal is to taunt the other player by letting them know you're still there, while you actually do something else like cook dinner or read the news or whatever. Check back on 20 mins later and most likely the PVPer has given up.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein