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  1. 7:55pm, still no COH? Any clues on it's return?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by that_ninja View Post
    war machine is cool and don cheadle is a good actor. I see nothing wrong with this so far.
  3. Titaniuma

    what ?

    Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
    Ok a burning irritation of mine is that when you have a waypoint selected on the map...ie the trainer or wentworth's/black market... and your teammates enter a mission, the way point goes away and have to reset the way point... its not game breaking and maybe a minor annoyance to some...but seriously is this ever going to be fixed?
    I hate this as well, also not a game breaker for me but annoys me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    Its nice to see Bond going forward, only mostly cause they have been making the movies so long it would be a shame to see it die. However Craig is really not my idea of Bond. I know a ton of people like him and the new style of his bond movies, but it just doesnt feel as cool as the older movies IMO.

    The new movies are much more IMO like Bond meets Bourne. Which on there own i also liked the bourne movies, but they werent bond or vice versa in my mind.
    Craig is the second best Bond. No one will beat Connery.
  5. I love comics. I ran 2 different comic shops.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    I'm liking it so far as well.
    Me too.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
    I gave up on syfy when wrestling started airing,I'm still waiting for someone to explain how that is considered "sci-fi".
    That's the reason they changed to SyFy instead of sci fi, they wanted to do m,ore than science fictyion
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Thor >>> TF3.
  9. Web slinging/swinging too? Want any more MARVEL powers?
  10. COH has PVP?! I been playing on n off since 2004 and I've never seen any PVP here, it's why I love this game. If I want PVP I go play Eve Online.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    With all the folks leaving its got me wondering if thats what they are going to announce at some point.
    People are leaving? I just came back after a 2 year break.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by zeldo View Post
    Good points, all.

    The sound mods are officially sanctioned, though, and help and tips on the sound mods have been provided by the devs... as long as the EULA constraints on not hacking the game client are followed.

    I hadn't even though about nude mods - my purpose is to go the other way and substitute normal costumes for "with skin" costumes, so my young son can play without my wife getting all up in a huff.

    It'd be nice if they added a "Modest" setting in addition to the profanity filter, that hid some of the skimpier outfits. It wouldn't affect player visibility for PvP and such, but could appease overbearing moms. And I recognize the game is T rated and am not complaining about that.

    Mebbe I'll turn his graphics all the way down.
    I'm not complaining or bitchin to you to STFU because I fully understand your(wifes) problem with the "skin", but does she not let him watch tv? Because you see the same stuff and more on tv, even on network tv. Worse on cable.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shocklust View Post
    Happened to me also.
  14. The movies are not an integral part of the story. They can be watched without the show and vice verse.
    I assume you're talking of the TV movies like 'Waters of Mars'?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tellis View Post
    I can confirm that Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium Edition is also extremely stable.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rezin View Post
    <--- eating left over chili W/ a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Yum!

    The place is cold and dark.
    "click" Stake a fire in the big screen.

    I was trying to remember a syfy series that ran on the syfy channel a few years back.
    It was on about the same time as Lexx.

    a few human (guy and girl), a short robe wearing alien (kinda like alf), a blue alien chic (very frigidity), a big alien dude (braided bread thing) and a alien lady with mind powers.

    Anyone help?
  17. "What's this button d......"*BOOOOOOOOOM*
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
    Because it's grand?
    And it's a ville....
  19. Bolwevil. It's a type of insect. Boll-wee-vil
  20. The best build is the one you like to play.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lascher View Post
    Jim...... I know! I played the game and sold my stuff for years, and only ever managed to io out 1 toon with decent sets. Unless your heavily farming or doing many tf's, just playing the game and selling your stuff ain't gonna cut it. Maybe if you get many real lucky drops, maybe. Now thanks to a-merits tho, I finally have a nice bank account. Still can't purple out a toon, but can get some decent sets now on any toon I want!

    I haven't agreed with the direction of this game in general the last couple years....but the a-merit system was a winner for me!
    I been gone from COH about 3 years, what's an a-merit?