Help me watch the new Doctor Who in order.
I think you need to clairfy a little for us, Marcian, as far as I know there are NO movies inbetween episodes, barring the TV movie of the 8th Doctor, Paul McGann!
Or did you mean the dual episode storylines, the 2-parters spliced together?
FOr starters, which Doctor are we talking about? You say New Who, which would suggest you've started with the 9th Doctor, Christopher Ecclestone, followed by David Tennant and Matt Smith being the new one.
If you mean the old ones, dear gods, so many
Also, if you want to be a purist, you should also watch the series for Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures, are there are several reference and even a few guest appearances and sort-of-crossovers
SJA is a great series, Torchwood improved dramatically, worth getting through
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

The only movies I can think of are the Christmas specials and the occasional mini-episode for Children in Need set in-between Season 1 and 2 or Season 3 and 4, for example. If you're watching the series on DVD, all of those should be included somewhere. The Christmas Invasion is on the first disc of Season 2, and Voyage of the Damned is on the first disc of Season 4 (along with the relevant CiN specials). --edit-- Almost forgot The Runaway Bride, which should be on the first disc of Season 3.
After Season 4, there were four specials (five if you count both halves of The End of Time individually) that led up to the end of David Tennant's run on the series and transitioned into Matt Smith as the Doctor in Season 5. Those specials are The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and The End of Time Parts I & II, in that order.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I'll answer more when I get home. Netflix insists that there are movies starring the new Doctor Whos, and this confuses me. I can't pull up the list of what they insist here.
And yes, Coin, what I mean is that I started with Brian Ecclestein and am in David Tennant's first season.
Hm, maybe these movies are the specials. Are they on the season DVDs and will come up naturally, or do I need to watch them all after Season 4?
David Tennent did some Doc who movies, right before he died (as the doctor) Waters of mars is one of them, it basically explains how matt smith became the new doctor, that might be what netflix is picking up.
David Tennent did some Doc who movies, right before he died (as the doctor) Waters of mars is one of them, it basically explains how matt smith became the new doctor, that might be what netflix is picking up.
As usual, Wikipedia has a handy guide for the mainstream viewer, diligently annotated by true fans.
Yea Marcian, your thinking of the post season 4 specials.
I'd watch them after season 4. Since that's when they were aired. Haz already named them (in airing order as well, IIRC), so you should be good in that respect.
Thank you for the time...

I'll answer more when I get home. Netflix insists that there are movies starring the new Doctor Whos, and this confuses me. I can't pull up the list of what they insist here.
And yes, Coin, what I mean is that I started with Brian Ecclestein and am in David Tennant's first season. --- Hm, maybe these movies are the specials. Are they on the season DVDs and will come up naturally, or do I need to watch them all after Season 4? |
If I recall, the movies should go Planet of the Dead, Waters of Mars, and End of Time (I can't remember if The Next Doctor was part of that transition group or a Christmas special).
As for the Christmas specials, they should be in the proper order on the DVDs. If you're streaming them online, the specials are usually separated from the rest of a season, but the place where they're supposed to be is fairly obvious. Unfortunately, not all of these specials are available for streaming from Netflix

Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Okay, the best way to track them is by who's in them.
Season 1
New Who starts with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.
Xmas Special 2005 - The Christmas Invasion
David Tennant takes over from Eccleston, Billie Piper remains.
Season 2
DT and BP carry on their adventures.
Xmas Special 2006 - The Runaway Bride
One off adventure with David Tennant and Catherine Tate (who would go on to become a full time companion later on). Fun trivia point - look out for the villain who is 'Empress of 'Rachnoss.
Season 3
David Tennant continues his run with new companion Freema Agyeman.
Charity Special - Time Crash
Fun, one off ten minute episode seeing David Tennant's Doctor come face to face with his previous incarnation played by Peter Davidson. Unavailable on DVD but can be found in full on Youtube. EDIT: Found it! -
Xmas Special 2007 - Voyage of the Damned
Terrible movie episode with Kylie Minogue as temporary companion.
Season 4
David Tennant teams up with new companion Catherine Tate.
Xmas Special 2008 - The Next Doctor
Easter Special 2009 - Planet of the Dead
Autumn Special 2009 - The Waters of Mars
Xmas Special 2009 - The End of Time: Part 1
New Years Special 2009 - The End of Time: Part 2
Season 5
David Tennant hands over to Matt Smith with Karen Gillan as the new companion. New writing team takes over as well.
Blimey, I can't believe I wrote all that...
There's also a handy episode guide on the IMDB:
As noted, all the specials are movie length so get miscategorised sometimes. There are also normally a couple of 2-parters in each season which can get lumped together to make a film length production.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Ah, I see now. Thank you all very much!
Excellent write up, glad people are helping, but to add to the fun, and for a completionists sakes.....extra bits in black
Season 1 New Who starts with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. Xmas Special 2005 - The Christmas Invasion David Tennant takes over from Eccleston, Billie Piper remains. Season 2 DT and BP carry on their adventures. Torchwood Season 1 - Introduction of the Cardiff team of Torchwood with Captain Jack in charge. Xmas Special 2006 - The Runaway Bride One off adventure with David Tennant and Catherine Tate (who would go on to become a full time companion later on). Fun trivia point - look out for the villain who is 'Empress of 'Rachnoss. ![]() Sarah Jane Adventures Special - one off episode to introduce the characters Season 3 David Tennant continues his run with new companion Freema Agyeman. Sarah Jane Adventures - Season 1 - First full series, all about 30 mins long in 2 parts for each of them. Charity Special - Time Crash Fun, one off ten minute episode seeing David Tennant's Doctor come face to face with his previous incarnation played by Peter Davidson. Unavailable on DVD but can be found in full on Youtube. EDIT: Found it! - Xmas Special 2007 - Voyage of the Damned Terrible movie episode with Kylie Minogue as temporary companion. Torchwood Season 2 - New series with Freema Agyeman appearing for about 3 episodes, first real crossover between the series Season 4 David Tennant teams up with new companion Catherine Tate. Sarah Jane Adventures season 2 - New character introduced, more references to events in Doctor Who Xmas Special 2008 - The Next Doctor Easter Special 2009 - Planet of the Dead Torchwood Season 3 - 5 Part storyline called Children Of Earth. VERY well recieved by fans and critics and by far the best of the Torchwood stuff. Sarah Jane Adventures season 3 - Has a 2-part storyline in it with David Tennant as the Doctor. Great fun! Autumn Special 2009 - The Waters of Mars Xmas Special 2009 - The End of Time: Part 1 New Years Special 2009 - The End of Time: Part 2 Season 5 David Tennant hands over to Matt Smith with Karen Gillan as the new companion. New writing team takes over as well. Sarah Jane Adventures season 4 - Again, great fun with a 2-part story featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor! |
If you are an obsessive geek like me, it's worth trying to watch them all in this order as it does add to the fun, there's a lot of little references and comments that connect the shows, the Turn Left episode, for instance, mentions a villain from the Sarah Jane show.
None of these extras are needed as such, but it's good fun doing it :0
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

I adore people like you.
Also, I love doing this because I'm such a Who Newb, but...
You forgot the 2005 Christmas Special. It goes between your first two lines.
If you are an obsessive geek like me, it's worth trying to watch them all in this order as it does add to the fun, there's a lot of little references and comments that connect the shows, the Turn Left episode, for instance, mentions a villain from the Sarah Jane show.
Then comes this gem set just after the end of Season Four, courtesy of the Proms...
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
The real key to making sense of the New Who is that you must watch "Doctor Who and the Daleks" and "Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D." before you get to "Voyage of the Damned"
This is vital to understanding the ultimate storyarc of the new Who, as key aspects are revealed about the true nature of the character portrayed by Bernard Cribbins.
Always remember, we were Heroes.
TURN LEFT remains probably my favorite episode of New Who. There are many that were brilliant, but that one I adore to pieces.
Then comes this gem set just after the end of Season Four, courtesy of the Proms... Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Turn Left was good but I still like the episode named "Blink" (I think) the best so far (or at least one of the best).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Turn Left was good but I still like the episode named "Blink" (I think) the best so far (or at least one of the best).
![]() |
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
'Blink' is outstanding, and Steven 'The Grand Moff' Moffat is a fantastic writer. I thoroughly and utterly enjoyed the first Matt Smith season and the two parter season finale was wonderfully audacious.
Pretty much all of New Who is good (aside from Davies' propensity for Peter Jackson levels of sentimentality at times), with occasional lapses courtesy of Mark Gatiss normally.
One of these times I should share the story arc and stories I wrote for my Doctor Who roleplaying game...and yes, there is a proper version of it out there now.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Also, I love doing this because I'm such a Who Newb, but...
You forgot the 2005 Christmas Special. It goes between your first two lines. ![]() |

Not sure they are exactly canon though

We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Just finished the end of Season 2. Held it in until the Doctor got cut-off midsentence. Started bawling like a baby.
Just finished the end of Season 2. Held it in until the Doctor got cut-off midsentence. Started bawling like a baby.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Okay so I just finished watching the Doctor Who "Water of Mars" episode (movie in Netflix :P) since I finished season 4.
Okay, so in this episode The Doctor says something along the lines of, "I've been told that I will hear 4 knocks before/when it's my time to die and I don't hear knocking, do you?"
I don't remember that ever being said. Which episode was that in? I did skip like 2 episodes in season 3 and 4 (maybe 2 even)....any clues (maybe I did see the episode it was said in but don't remember it)?
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Welcome to the universe of Dotor Who! I need to watch season 5, but Netflix doesn't have it yet. Blink is one of my favorites, "Don't blink, don't ever blink."
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff."
Okay so I just finished watching the Doctor Who "Water of Mars" episode (movie in Netflix :P) since I finished season 4.
****SPOILERS AHEAD DON'T READ UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE SPOILED!**** . Okay, so in this episode The Doctor says something along the lines of, "I've been told that I will hear 4 knocks before/when it's my time to die and I don't hear knocking, do you?" I don't remember that ever being said. Which episode was that in? I did skip like 2 episodes in season 3 and 4 (maybe 2 even)....any clues (maybe I did see the episode it was said in but don't remember it)? ![]() |
Don't forget the first appearances of the 9th - 13th Doctors.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Doctor Who may think of time as all Wibbly-Wobbly, but I don't as much.
I'm watching the new Doctor Who, and I noticed that there are movies interspersed throughout the regular episodes.
What movies do I watch and when? I'm part way through Season 2, as a reference.