Who & what was your 1st character?




The first character I created was in i6, shortly after the release of CoV, which was OblivionX, a Necro/Dark MM. After over a year of casual play, it turned out to be my first 50 too.




My first hero was Fire Floe, ice/fire blaster. I made her on Liberty due to a miscommunication with friends about where they all play, but I only got her to something like 6 before I was told that Champion was the primary stomping ground. I promptly remade her and my second character (BS/DA scrapper) over here.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
First character ever was an Ice/Dev Blaster called Dime, made on a friends account. I think he got to like level 12 or something.

Second character and first 50 was my D3 and original namesake, Silas Midnight.
Man, I thought I knew you.

First character I created was a Dark/Dark brute named Madori Murasaki. She was my first and second 50.

I made a ton of characters in between there until my third 50 ended up being an Empathy/Archery Defender named Ecnatsnoc (yes, my name backwards).



The first character I created on game was a Dark Melee/Dark Armor scrapper
"Eternal Night"

My first Champion character was "Si" Fire/Fire blaster. My namesake/main,first 50 and most loved character.

: ) Si

Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..



<------ My first creation in I1 and was my first 50. He is also my global channel namesake.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



My first character was a stone/stone tank that got deleted the next day, when I made my fire/fire blaster, Hero Sheema. Then I4 came out, and after having the nerve to actually win a 1v1 in the fancy new arena, a very irate opponent vowed to petition my name, and shortly thereafter it was shortened to Sheema.

I remember when CoV came out, I had a hard time finding a villain that "stuck", so I had a lot of villains, few over level 10 or so. Then I rolled Oblivia, and ice/dark corr - a toon that I got a lot of miles (and a lot of early days RSFs) out of.



My first character I made, was named Big Dallas ... a Ice/Fire Blaster ... he never made it out of the tutorial ... His concept went on to become BigMoneyHustla ... which was the limit on how many characters you could have in your name at the time (14 to be precise).

And here's a picture of his original costume ...




cool, thanx bigmoney for your hefty donation the other day....
was able to get a 2nd set of UC, which bumped them over 200% w/ hasten



Very first characters (in order):

1) Captain Infinity (FF/Rad)
2) Satori (ILL/Rad)
3) Star Fire (PB)




My very first character was my namesake: Juzam (INV/SS Tanker).

I used to be an avid M:TG tournament player and EVERY name I tried during creation was taken. Anxious to start playing I just picked the name of one of my favorite cards

Many, many, many tanks later Juzam still logs in every now and again. He is usually busy entertaining the harem in his bottle!

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.



My Namesake, Puma Pete, was my first character and first 50. Kat/Regen scrapper. He was made a week after COH released, had a strange career trajectory. Started out gimped (regen didn't do much back then prior to level 28 and instant healing), hit l28 and enjoyed his godhood status, then, in a cruel twist of fate, had his godhood toggle taken away from him and has since settled into mediocrity. Plans are afoot to revive him back to his destined godhood status.



The first toon I ever made was on a different server by accident. It was a Spines/invuln scrapper. I remade it on Champion and it was originally named MorningStar. I hated the . at the end though... it finaly made 50 and has become a fun toon with IO's. It is now known as Morgenstern (and no friggen . ) It took a while to get to 50 after ED and the only reason i didnt delete it was because of the celebrant badge.

My second toon, and first 50, was Ice Ember,my fire/ice tank(?) which has gone through various states of hate. i unfortunately made that toon my badge toon which has turned out to be a mistake.

My third toon, and now the one I play most often is my Rad/Rad defender, which is now known as Kronomancer. (Originally was Fallen.Star and I still hated that blasted .) I HATED this toon in the beginning. But is now rather fun and may become my badge toon... but I have ALOT to catch up on if I decide to do that. (I still have Malaise pants on a costume and I wish they were still an option)

Quick Witted, Mind/kin troller, was the second 50 and very fun. I just brought it out of retirement and almost finished an IO build for it. it had every debt badge before level 50 courtesy of the Shadow Shard TF's.

I have an elec/elec blaster which will now forever live on test server at lvl 36. D'Fibrilator was deleted after ED and the gutting that electricity took.

I deleted a BS/Regen three times before I created Asya, who is now retired.

Too many other toons to list and tell stories on.

Ice Ember



My very first toon which was also my first 50 Stone Knee- stone/stone brute still have him but dont use him anymore .



My first toon was my namesake. I made Koriel my emp/psy back in i2 on Victory server. After the Euro servers came out my friends list dwindled and he languished over there. Got a couple other toons to 50 first on Champion, and eventually him as well. RV mechs were the key.
The day server transfers came out I couldn't wait to get home and bring him to Champion, and that is where he has happily been collecting badges ever since, mostly thanks to great teamwork from folks in BMT. All my toons have been made on Champion ever since, and my roster is now filled with 36 lv 50s.

Obsessed with badges since issue #2. 1390 and counting. Thanks BMT and Nexus

-Cofounder of Paragon's Golden Heroes SG, and Champion server loyalist.



My first toon was Mister Freezzze. An Ice/Ice Blaster later renemed to Cajun001. I started playing again here at the end of last summer, broke him out of the box and got him some of those fancy IO's. Very vaible set that can fill several roles on a team and fun to play.

Since his creation I have made damn near one hundred toons, some I like better, but the first one will always be special to me.

"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)



I think my first was created during the Beta and he was named the Omega Prototype. Katana/SR. Lost interest in the game (was trying the beta on my mom's account). About 3 months later, I made Black Hope, a Grav/Kin Controller that I duo'd with my girlfriend's Energy/Ice Blaster.



My VERY first character in closed beta 2004 was "MadHat Turgenev", MA/SR scrapper who bored me to tears when I saw what blasters could do at a distance for what I tried to do up close. He lasted only through the last days of beta... When the game went live for headstart, I whipped up Cerulean Skie, my electric/energy blaster that I still have to this day. Call me sentimental, call me a lech, I keep her cuz she's my first, and damn, I built her HAWT.



My first toon created was my Elec/Elec Blaster named Lil'Sparks on pinnacle

then I came to champion and made my emp :P lol never looked at her again...



My 1st was Mistress Phanta (Illusion Empathy), who was also first 50. Still have her

Mistress Phanta - L50 Illusion/Empathy Controller
Blind Fury - L50 Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper
Hunter Smith - L50 Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster
Twirling Dervish - L50 Dual Blade/Willpower Brute



1st Character:

Mr. plutonium, Rad/rad defender. He made it to level 5...then when I wanted to change his costume, I had to delete him. (This was before the tailor)
He then made it to level 4, when I realized he was the wrong color.

Deleted, remade. level 3.
Too short.

Level 5. Needed a new helmet. remade.

level 7, remade for new tweaks.

level 24: decided to let him be..they added the tailor, much rejoicing was had by all.

By this time, I got a better computer of my own, and my brother whose account I shared moved to college. He kept the account, but I wanted all my characters on Champion. So all character were deleted and remade.

Mr. Plutonium now sits at level 35. I remade him a few to many times, so I seem to have lost the enthusiasm I once had for the guy.

*sigh* I still wish they allowed character transfers between accounts, but I see why they don't.



First character was on another account, @Demon Keeper's.. Suicide MD Empathy/Rad. Still around - lvl36 and now on Champion (Created on Liberty)

First 50 - also on DK's account Rise Against Spines/invuln scrap. (Moved to different server and now I have the name on my account as my Kat/SR scrap.)

First character and 50 on my account - My namesake of course - Energy/Energy/Force.



FoxxFire: Fire/Fire blaster (3rd blue 50)
AoE Madness, not nearly as squishy now as when he started.
i Nubis: Fire/DA brute (first red 50)
Changing LOL-DA into OMFG-DA! since beta.

When I wrote Foxx's backstory, I wrote in i's place, but at the time he didnt have a name. Later on with CoV, I filled out the backstory for Foxx and completed i's backstory before they met.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Drool was my very first character. Inv/SS created a few days after launch. Had an ugly blue and yellow costume going for him. Shelved him as I rotated trying different ATs. And then I finally talked my brother into playing and took Drool off the shelf. He was deleted and remade when I finally figured out that you could have more than two colors on a costume (prior to Icon existing).

Thinking back that far brings back memories of skipping unyielding stance for mobility and going for perma unstoppable. No mez protection for 32 levels. Then after perma unstoppable, having the ability to herd entire maps of bad guys around a corner. Having those bad guys stack on each other and turning my single target attacks into mini AoE attacks. Being able to duo any AV that didn't have Psi damage with my brother's ice blaster.



My first was Lady Electric, electric/electric blaster, I think on Protector. Sadly, I moved her to Champion, where the name was taken and had to rename her, now she is Lady Electric I. Very old character, probably the first Lady Electric on any server too. She has been 50 for a few years.



Arctic Quasar - Invuln/Ice Melee tanker. First toon I got to 50 as well. I wasn't too impressed with Ice Melee at the time but I got AQ to 50 months before the ED/i5 changes so was able to play as a BADASS. Now with the invention system and incarnate, he is once again a BADASS. Ice melee may not be the most popular set, but I still think it is decent. For the name i chose at the time, I am glad i used Inv/ice as my first sets. Put alot of perspective on future tankers I made in the future.