All good things...
Castle will you ever reveal your private account name to people? Also best of luck to you in your journeys.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Oh noes!
Farewell Castle, You will be surely missed!
It really does feel like Going Rogue was a dangerous gamble that hasn't paid off as well as the Devs wanted. Now we're seeing special sale offers, staff downsizing and much less Dev interaction. I hope Issue 20 will turn things around
Castle - thanks for the kind words from back when I took a longish break from the game. If you just happen to, oh I don't know, accidentally "nudge" the coding of Psy Shockwave so it slides a bit closer back to what it used to be, I'm sure nobody would notice
Good luck in the future! Go make a Chess simulator and or something
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

So long, Castle, and thanks for all the fish!
You will be sorely missed...
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Er, dumb question time:
Why can't you out your private account once you've left the company? Is it against company policy, or do you just not want to log in every day to 20 fresh emails blaming you for things that are totally outside your control?
Can we have the change made to Energy Transfer kindly reverted now and the fun brought back to the Energy Melee set?
Can we have the change made to Energy Transfer kindly reverted now
and the fun brought back to the Energy Melee set? |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
First...your sig is massive and breaks the forums if you have images disabled like I do. Maybe reduce font size?
That said, Castle is a character I created for a Champions game in the late '80s or early '90s. When I had him put into City Of, I gave up the rights to him. He now belongs to NCsoft, which is fine with me. He's part of something a lot bigger than he would be otherwise and that makes me happy. As for not playing him's not like I don't have dozens of other characters! ![]() |
My sig is two very small png's maybe one...I'll have to check, your the first one say anything about it.

[edit] I switched to editor mode and OMG there was a lot of invisible code left in there.

I guess having a something you created be apart of something bigger is kinda cool.
Since this seems to me like you gave notice and all that, can you give us hint where you are going from here?
And first time ever being quoted by a dev, so cheers, best of luck to you.

I like Castle.
I consider myself a power-gamer. I play this game for the powers-building process. So in that sense, I feel like Castle was the gamemaster for my favorite activity in CoH. It's amazing how many times in the last 6 years, I'd find an interesting way to abuse some power only to have disappear before I had the toon built to exploit it. Castle was on top of his game, and did an amazing job of balancing what is easily the most complex powers system I've ever encountered in my gaming career.
I believe of all the dev's that could have left, I will miss Castle's work the most. I hope those who replace him are able to keep up the same standards he maintained. Castle certainly made some very difficult choices and changes in the last 6 years. But without those choices, we wouldn't have the game we have today, and I appreciate him for that.
Good luck. Even though I don't know you, I feel like I'll miss you.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
A very sincere thanks for all the hard work you put into the game.
Best of luck to you in the future and I hope you find success and joy in your new professional endeavors.
[B] GUARDIAN 50s:[/B] [B]Tank[/B]: Ice/Fire, Fire/Fire, DA/SS, Inv/WM, SD/Elec...[B]Scrap[/B]: BS/Reg, Spin/DA, DM/SD, Fire/WP, Claws/SR....[B]Troller[/B]: Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin...[B]Blaster[/B]: Fire/EM....[B]Defender[/B]: D3...[B]Brute[/B]: Elm/ElA...[B]EPIC[/B]: Widow, PB, Crab...CURRENTLY: 45 Stone/Stone Tank...38 AR/Rad Corr...21 Ice^3 Dom
I'm one of the people who, despite staying quiet in the forums most of the time, liked most of the things you did in the game (or that were attributed to you anyway) and often spoke with enthusiasm about them to my RL friends. So I, too, am sad to see you go and hope you embark in even greater and fun projects in your future. I'll miss your (and BAB's) more technical comments in the forums most of all, about how things work under the hood.
I didn't read the entire thread, so I'm not sure someone asked about this already (except for, in a way, TonyV), but when you know and are allowed to talk about it, would you let us know what else you'll be working on? Say, via some tweet or something...
Playing CoH with Gestures

At least now they can fix pvp, amirite?
Jokes aside I have to say I have never really had a chance to get to know Castle. His outside appearance at all the conventions made him seem open, for the players, and wanting to give to us as much information as he could. It was always fun hearing him talk at panels.
If you can allow me to remissness for a moment my very first Castle Memory was at the first Hero-Con at Dave and Busters. I spent all night trying to buy him drinks in hope that I could get some kind of secrets. But, being the consummate professional that he is, he would deftly avoid me at all times and refused to acknowledge any of my questions.
He will be missed.
well, on our side, this is a loss, i'm hoping that this does indeed lead you to something new and fun. admittedly, not being much of a power gamer, i never really followed of you the way i did with babs, but i do recall you being part o the rockjaw meltdown, and that was an incident where both you and babs earned a lot of respect from me. as others have mentioned, losing both chatty devs at once hurts, you are going to have to hook david up to a jolt-cola i.v. drip before you go to cover the posting duties of both of you.
Best wishes for the future.
What you called "Surly" I tended to view as informative.
Hope whatever you plan pans out.

Thelonious Monk
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
to echo a few statements....nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
....But seriously, you will be sorely missed Castle. Thank you for all the hard work you've helped put into CoX to make this a great game to play and enjoy. And for putting up with us, you're oh-so fickled players and fans of the game. I'm sure both of these weren't always easy tasks...tho which one was the more difficult one could be debatable. Wish you the best of luck in whatever undertaking you set yourself to from here on out.
And do whomever takes on Castle's role after his've got some big shoes to fill. Really...he's CASTLE...and castles are HUGE! ...Unless it's a Lego castle....then...not so big...but our Castle ain't made outta Legos. At least I don't think he he? Hmmmm.... of luck when you enter the meatgrinder that is.....US! MUAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! hehe
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to send a note out letting you know that my last day working for Paragon Studios is this Friday, December 24.
Ive been working on City of Heroes in essentially the same role for six years now. It has been a fantastic learning experience and I have become a far better designer as a result of my time here. Id especially like to thank all of you City of Heroes fans. I appreciate the passion that you feel for your hobby, even when that passion was, shall we say, directed towards me in a rather negative fashion? I have always tried to keep an open mind and treat your feedback fairly. Ive loved seeing what you have done with the tools we have provided you with. Some of the MA arcs Ive seen are brilliant and some of the base layouts are simply amazing. Ive seen costumes made that, quite frankly, are completely beyond my ability despite having access to the exact same tools. Then, there are the wonderful people Ive met at Hero-Con and Meet & Greets. It has definitely been my pleasure to work with this community. In closing, Id like to thank you all for the good times and putting up with my sometimes surly nature. Going forward, Synapse and Black Scorpion are the go to guys whenever you have a powers or entity related question or problem. Feel free to direct your inquiries to them here on the boards and they will do their best to address them. Ill have PMs turned on as Castle until 12:00 Pacific, Friday, December 24. Feel free to PM me or post here Ill try and answer or comment as best I can! |
Castle, you've been fantastic. I've spoken with you briefly at a couple events and you were always very gracious. You've been one of the most active red names on the boards for the entire time I've been reading the boards and the community as a whole has been better off for you having taken the time to speak with us and answer our questions, even when we were rude.
I'm sure I'm not the only one sorry to see you go, but I wish you the best success in your new endeavors.
3 Cheers for Castle!
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Soooo... You're leaving on the 24th, eh?
Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.
Wow, how did I miss this? For a whole day?
Sorry to hear you're going, man. Hope you've still got great plans for Christmas, and you move on to something great in the next year.
Words fail me, and that's odd for me.....
Saying we will miss you is an understatement of grave proportions, Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication.
The void you shell leave be hind will take many to fill. May all your future plans pan out, (less they are plan's for world domination or some such)
.........were not going to have anyone entertaining left to talk to on these forms if we keep loosing devs to attrition like this..... :P
There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over
Part of my is praying you are moving to help with Guild Wars 2 *grins*
Now, seriously, you have done a lot for this game and I wish you well on anything you set your mind on doing from now on. You'll be missed
Dammit you can't leave you never got around to fixing Mercenaries!
Best of luck in your future endeavors!
So, I just learned about this.
You've gone from beta tester to developer and you've helped turn City of Heroes into one of the best MMOs ever made.
Thanks for all you've given us and good luck in the new job. I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead.
...Wow... well, Castle, you'll be missed, but I'll be looking forward to whatever project you attach yourself to next.
On a more selfish level.... DAMMIT.... my first "pilot" storyboard for resuming my comic guides used a fake interview with BaBs... I finally reworked the "recyclable" material in the script to fit an I20 release "interviewing" Castle... the same... I'm gonna scrap that format entirely before EVERYONE I like is gone...

Too many pages to read through, so if anyone has already said this I apologize;
Castle, can I have all your stuff?
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.