Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Teaser




Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I dont get it. So now we discovered the transformers back in 69 on the moon landings, and those from then just decided to chill out with popcorn on the moon and watch during all the action of the first two movies?
I'd say we don't know much yet, considering it was just a teaser trailer

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I wouldn't feel bad for him.
I don't feel bad FOR him; I feel bad ABOUT him.

As in, I don't enjoy most of his movies even though his style seems to be something I'd usually enjoy. (I did kinda like The Rock)

Like how people often criticize comics for stuff like repeat deaths, crazy aliens, clones and/or evil twins, "X-Men vs. Vampires"... etc.

I'm all for that type of out there stuff, and Bay seems to have that kinda style. So I feel bad that I can't enjoy the movies he does make. Transformers 2 alone made me feel like I was playing Halo online. Lots of fast action set to the tune of warring ******-bags.



QuiJon - I was thinking the same thing. The first movie, Megatron was discovered in what the 1800s in ice(am I remembering correctly?). Then in the second an entire group of Decepticons were stuck on Mars(right?) and were reawakened. Now we have transformers found in the '60s and what? We left them there? AND they didn't bother waking up when all of the above transformers did?

Yes I realize we haven't seen much but that little bit is quite confusing timeline wise.

BUT I will say I loved that when the astronauts crested the hill to see the space shipe that it looked very similar to the image from the G-1 cartoons. I watched the first two and enjoyed them for the action flicks they were. I'm sure I will watch this one and dismiss all the plot holes and oddities just like the first two and enjoy it well enough.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I dont get it. So now we discovered the transformers back in 69 on the moon landings, and those from then just decided to chill out with popcorn on the moon and watch during all the action of the first two movies?
Maybe they are like the people from the second Austin Power's movie. "OMG She was a Fembot!" "Yeah we knew the whole time." :P

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
BUT I will say I loved that when the astronauts crested the hill to see the space shipe that it looked very similar to the image from the G-1 cartoons. I watched the first two and enjoyed them for the action flicks they were. I'm sure I will watch this one and dismiss all the plot holes and oddities just like the first two and enjoy it well enough.
Yeah, I will give him that, set pieces like the first reveal of the Autobots in the first movie, the intro to the second, and the shot of the Nemesis as the 'nauts went up the hill (It's the freaking Nemesis. I saw that thing and, ok, part of my inner nerd gltiched the hell out)
He does good set pieces. He does great explosions. The bits where he actually manages to stick to the canon (Its the freaking Nemesis!) tend to be great.
But...those alone can't hold a movie. Not a movie with actual plot and dialogue, anyway

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Shatterghost View Post
I'll probably go see it, loved the first, hated the second, wary of the third.

Rumor has it that Shockwave is the big bad this time around.
I'll see your "hated the second" and raise you "couldn't stand to finish watching the second"



"No sir, we are not alone..."

I think Hollywood is getting the general public ready for something.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I dont get it. So now we discovered the transformers back in 69 on the moon landings, and those from then just decided to chill out with popcorn on the moon and watch during all the action of the first two movies?
Logic has no place in a Bay film.

And yes, that was part of my thinking as well. So this big thing happens in '69 and yet it just sits there until now? It doesn't come after us? We don't come after it? Really? "But the movie hasn't explained it yet?" With what, Bay logic?



Hey it doesnt matter if Bay is directing this.....Steven "freakin" Speilberg is the Executive Director of this flick.....So its good to see that he has input into this, I mean after all how many films about aliens has he done????

I didnt think the second flick was really all that bad....could it have been better? Certainly, however how many movies have we all seen that we wish were better or thought we could have made better???

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I'm okay with that. You can criticize Bay for a lot of things, but he does excellent baysplosions. Quality pyrotechnics there. It's the parts of his movies where stuff doesn't blow up that could use a bit more. But the explosions? Perfect.
no... not perfect, AWESOME!



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
QuiJon - I was thinking the same thing. The first movie, Megatron was discovered in what the 1800s in ice(am I remembering correctly?). Then in the second an entire group of Decepticons were stuck on Mars(right?) and were reawakened. Now we have transformers found in the '60s and what? We left them there? AND they didn't bother waking up when all of the above transformers did?
Timeline (new stuff is bolded):

17,000 B.C. - The Primes land on Earth looking to use the sun as a power source; Primes discover early humans, decide against it; Fallen gets pissed, starts a war, but is eventually sealed within his ship which is hidden away under the Egyptian pyramids.

19th century-early 20th century - Megatron is discovered by Captain Archibald Witwicky; years later Sector 7 discovers the All Spark and builds Hoover Dam to conceal it.

1969 - NASA astronauts discover what appears to be Nemesis on the Moon.

2007 - Mars rover catches a glimpse of a Decepticon on the Red Planet; Autobots and Decepticons land on Earth and search for the All Spark; Megatron is reawakened.

2009 - Megatron discovers The Fallen who is eventually released from his "cage" and attempts to blow up the Sun.

I don't see this so much as a form of retconning or anything all that confusing, but just that we keep bumping into stuff/long classified material is suddenly coming to light. All the stuff that happens before 2007 is just classified/hidden information coming out in the open, because of what's going on in present day; for the audiences' sake.

But as someone else said, if all movies/TV shows/books/comics/games followed perfect logic, there wouldn't be a story for those things. How many horror films would we have if the victims just vaporized, torched, blew up, or shot the guy trying to kill them? If Batman had just shot the Joker after their first encounter, or Superman melted Luthor's brain, how long would those stories have lasted?

EDIT: Also as far as the "weird" title name: I thought I'd remind everyone that Optimus Prime is a semi-truck.

EDIT 2: Alpha-One nailed it.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



A movie, based on a 30 minute toy commercial from the mid-80s. All it needs is giant robots and explosions. Enough with the Bay-hate already, he's doing exactly what the majority of Transformers fanboys already want. GIANT ROBOTS and EXPLOSIONS.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
All it needs is giant robots and explosions. Enough with the Bay-hate already, he's doing exactly what the majority of Transformers fanboys already want. GIANT ROBOTS and EXPLOSIONS.
And yet Transformers fans are among the movies' harshest critics.

Funny that.



This teaser has filled me with questions:

How plastic will the Megan Fox stand-in look while staring into the distance, backed by lens flare? Megan Fox-level plastic, +1, or -1?

Will we finally learn the fate of Anthony Anderson's throwaway character from part 1? Or will he get his own spinoff?

How many racial caricatures will be featured in this film? I don't see blockbusters unless they prominently feature at least 4. The stakes are raised.

Will Ma Witwicky's wacky-meter be raised again? I want to see them have to clam her down with a mallet to the head, followed by stars twirling around her cranium.

Will they----screw it, it's gonna suck.

"America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-[censored] speed."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

...brought to you by Carl's Jr.



I was hoping when they walked over the ridge that the entire dark side of the moon was gonna be a transformer.



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
A movie, based on a 30 minute toy commercial from the mid-80s. All it needs is giant robots and explosions. Enough with the Bay-hate already, he's doing exactly what the majority of Transformers fanboys already want. GIANT ROBOTS and EXPLOSIONS.
Funny, this Transformers fan wanted a movie about Transformers, not crappy looking giant robots.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Funny, this Transformers fan wanted a movie about Transformers, not Shia Lebouf and his neurotic tendencies or weaksauce relationship issues.
Fixed that for you.

But I'm with you if you meant they should make the Autobots and Decepticons actual characters instead of eye candy cannon fodder. Sure, the 'bots and 'cons in the old cartoons had the most paper-thin of personalities and character traits, but at least they were there.

Who among the Bayformers do we actually know or care about so far? Prime, Bumblebee and maybe Megatron and Starscream?

And nobody WANTS to know or care about the Twins...

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The Youtube commentsare very enlightening as to why Bay gets away with what he does.

A movie has;
1) Action Sequences
2) Some hot chick
3) Profit!

I...shouldn't be surprised. I really shouldn't. But it's so mind numbingly depressing as to just how easily people are satisfied.
Heaven forbid people sit back and just enjoy a spectacle. I consider it the movie equivalent of watching a fireworks display. Sit down with a drink, some popcorn, watch pretty explosions for 90 minutes and just have some fun.

I think there's room in this world for both deep thought provoking films and films that are just explosions and stuff. No reason people can't have and enjoy both.



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Funny, this Transformers fan wanted a movie about Transformers, not crappy looking giant robots.
Psst, Transformers IS crappy looking giant robots.



Originally Posted by MisterTorgo View Post
This teaser has filled me with questions:

How plastic will the Megan Fox stand-in look while staring into the distance, backed by lens flare? Megan Fox-level plastic, +1, or -1
That's the best part of this one; no Megan Fox.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Heaven forbid people sit back and just enjoy a spectacle. I consider it the movie equivalent of watching a fireworks display. Sit down with a drink, some popcorn, watch pretty explosions for 90 minutes and just have some fun.

I think there's room in this world for both deep thought provoking films and films that are just explosions and stuff. No reason people can't have and enjoy both.
I can fully appreciate both but when a movie sinks to a level that's SO mind-numbingly stupid that even a brain parked in neutral suddenly stirs to life and goes, "Hey WTF was that?" -- well, *that's* when you have a problem, and the Transformers movies do that.

Besides, why must it be either/or? Die Hard is an awesome action movie, but it's also smart. A more recent example is The Marine, which anyone might dismiss as a vehicle for the latest WWE pretty boy, but it's actually a well-crafted (and at times extraordinarily funny and smart) action flick. Same with the Steve Austin flick The Condemned, which is essentially an updated version of The Running Man except set in our reality TV present. There's nothing especially inventive or original about it, but it's extremely well-crafted and nothing in it makes you feel stupider for having viewed it. No Michael Bay movie can make the same claim.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



There's nothing especially inventive or original about it, but it's extremely well-crafted and nothing in it makes you feel stupider for having viewed it. No Michael Bay movie can make the same claim.
I disagree about that. I've seen most of Bay's films (I didn't see Pearl Habor and I think I'm better off for it.) Bay just is very honest about what he is to himself and his audience. It's big loud, and just pure escapism. He never tries toss in some layers of preteniousness or pretends there's something deeper to what he's doing. It tends be exactly what is and extremely straight forward. I don't see anything terrible about that. I have never felt dumber for watching it. (though I did feel that way when watching several other films this board has raved about.) I mean Hollywood misses the mark on techinal aspects all the time. Transformers in general always been a rule of cool type series. This just never going be one of those things you can dive into without putting some major suspension of disbelief to it.

Could there be more plot or thought sprinkled between explosions, Absolutely. There's obviously been better written Transformers storylines than either of the existing films, with both Beast wars and Transformers animated. It hasn't quite made the mark I think everyone would get completely on board for but it's a tweaking process.

I think this will probably be the best of the trilogy as they got the budget to do what they want unlike the first where things had be done sparingly, and no writers strike so the story will get a far better chance at being slightly more than just a paper thin vehicle for stuff to explode. Hopefully...I could be wrong but I feel good about this one heh.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I can fully appreciate both but when a movie sinks to a level that's SO mind-numbingly stupid that even a brain parked in neutral suddenly stirs to life and goes, "Hey WTF was that?" -- well, *that's* when you have a problem, and the Transformers movies do that.
As I said, you're basically complaining that a technically amazing fireworks display had a stupid plot.

I haven't felt stupid after watching a Transformers film, I've thought "hey, that was pretty fun."

And you're right, a movie doesn't NEED to be either/or. But there's no reason it's CAN'T be either/or. Or are you going to complain that *insert popular dramatic film here* didn't have enough fight scenes?



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
As I said, you're basically complaining that a technically amazing fireworks display had a stupid plot.
If Bay's Transformers were a fireworks display, it'd be nothing but flash-bangs.

And someone might show their junk at some point.



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Timeline (new stuff is bolded):

17,000 B.C. - The Primes land on Earth looking to use the sun as a power source; Primes discover early humans, decide against it; Fallen gets pissed, starts a war, but is eventually sealed within his ship which is hidden away under the Egyptian pyramids.

19th century-early 20th century - Megatron is discovered by Captain Archibald Witwicky; years later Sector 7 discovers the All Spark and builds Hoover Dam to conceal it.

1969 - NASA astronauts discover what appears to be Nemesis on the Moon.

2007 - Mars rover catches a glimpse of a Decepticon on the Red Planet; Autobots and Decepticons land on Earth and search for the All Spark; Megatron is reawakened.

2009 - Megatron discovers The Fallen who is eventually released from his "cage" and attempts to blow up the Sun.

I don't see this so much as a form of retconning or anything all that confusing, but just that we keep bumping into stuff/long classified material is suddenly coming to light. All the stuff that happens before 2007 is just classified/hidden information coming out in the open, because of what's going on in present day; for the audiences' sake.

But as someone else said, if all movies/TV shows/books/comics/games followed perfect logic, there wouldn't be a story for those things. How many horror films would we have if the victims just vaporized, torched, blew up, or shot the guy trying to kill them? If Batman had just shot the Joker after their first encounter, or Superman melted Luthor's brain, how long would those stories have lasted?

EDIT: Also as far as the "weird" title name: I thought I'd remind everyone that Optimus Prime is a semi-truck.

EDIT 2: Alpha-One nailed it.
Thanks for the timeline it does help! BUT did the Autobots show up in 2007 or in 1969 on the Nemesis?