Boxing vs Kick
Don't even give these powers a spot on your power tray. Don't even waste an additional slot on these powers. Flip a coin, pick one of them, and then forget about it.

Get kick. At least it's an excuse to scream "This... is ... SPARTA" randomly and kick grey con mobs off buildings.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
I've used 'em for set mules, and if that's the case, pick the one that'll give ya what you want. I used Kick for Kinetic Crash for some awesome bonuses on my MA/Fire. Otherwise, don't waste slots on them. They both suck.
Don't even give these powers a spot on your power tray. Don't even waste an additional slot on these powers. Flip a coin, pick one of them, and then forget about it.
If your build absolutely requires it, you can use Boxing as a mule for a Stun set (+Rech bonus with 5 slots), Kick as a mule for a KB set (very cheap +Rech bonus with 6 slots) or either as a mule for Kinetic Combat (3.75% S/L def for 4 slots). Even after slotting I wouldn't give them a slot in the powers tray, though.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
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There're a few instances where it makes sense to have one or the other, but most likely, your build won't benefit more from one than the other.
They both will suck with just one slot. And if an enemy enters melee range, you will not want to waste your time animating the attack.
If I had to choose one for a Corruptor, I would take Kick with the Kinetic Combat KB proc added. The skill and proc combined would grant a 32% chance of knocking back an opponent, something that will work on most Boss and Lt. foes just as well as on Minions. The Stun on Boxing is only mag 2, so unless you stack mag, which is very rare, you will only really be stunning minions.
The Scrapper should take Boxing, because it has better DPS. However, I prefer the Kick's "THIS IS SPARTA" animation.
Depending on your build, you may want to seek 3.75% SM/L defense by making this a Kinetic Combat mule.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I am NOT planning on doing anymore than the single slot for these. So I will probably just forget about the one for my K/SR scrapper and just add the knockback IO for Kinetic Combat on Kick on my DP/Kin corrupter when all else has been slotted.
Boxing does more DPA, so if your'e going to use one of them use that. I actually use boxing in my dom's attack chain. I switch between mind probe and subdue, but when hasten is down there's enough gap between the two that I can fit in a punch, so I do it.
If you don't use it as an attack you should get kick though. You can already punch guys with brawl, so you might as well gain the super power ability to kick people.
Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)
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If your build absolutely requires it, you can use Boxing as a mule for a Stun set (+Rech bonus with 5 slots), Kick as a mule for a KB set (very cheap +Rech bonus with 6 slots) or either as a mule for Kinetic Combat (3.75% S/L def for 4 slots). Even after slotting I wouldn't give them a slot in the powers tray, though.
About the only characters I have that actually get any use out of either power are my low level controllers, and that's just because Boxing and Kick both deal Containment damage. They stay useful up until about level 20-22 and then get removed from the tray.
Can't think of anyone else that has ever used them.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Get kick. At least it's an excuse to scream "This... is ... SPARTA" randomly and kick grey con mobs off buildings.
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I've used 'em for set mules, and if that's the case, pick the one that'll give ya what you want. I used Kick for Kinetic Crash for some awesome bonuses on my MA/Fire. Otherwise, don't waste slots on them. They both suck.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
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If the alt uses weapons based attacks take Kick to prevent re-draw. Don't waste any slots on it but I'd keep it in your power tray in case of -recharge - other than that yeah....not really worth using.
L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR
Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller
If your build absolutely requires it, you can use Boxing as a mule for a Stun set (+Rech bonus with 5 slots), Kick as a mule for a KB set (very cheap +Rech bonus with 6 slots) or either as a mule for Kinetic Combat (3.75% S/L def for 4 slots). Even after slotting I wouldn't give them a slot in the powers tray, though. |
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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About the only ATs who use either Boxing or Kick is my Brutes, and that's for the 'Fury Builder' attack (in which case, it's obviously Boxing). And if it's used for such a thing, then it will probably have a set in it to help out with the secondary (as is the case for my Super Strength/Super Reflexes Brute).
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The Stun on Boxing is only mag 2, so unless you stack mag, which is very rare, you will only really be stunning minions.
I'm taking Kick on all my characters who get the fighting pool, for these reasons:
Get kick. At least it's an excuse to scream "This... is ... SPARTA" randomly and kick grey con mobs off buildings.
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I have fighting on SS and EM characters (as well as dual pistols and archery blasters) so the kick is better since I already have enough punches (SS/EM) or it fits the set better (DP/Arch). I didn't slot them (not even as mules) so they're only good for effect, for me.
@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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I used Kick on my old, old MA/SR scrapper to mule 6-slotted Force Feedback to achieve capped positional defenses after the Blessing of the Zephyr nerf.
(This scrapper doesn't use Weave either., just Maneuvers)
I chose Boxing on my Inv/SS tanker because it fit thematically.
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Funny, My illusion/FF uses the following, Kick, Boxing, Weave, Jumpkick, and Flurry.
I was soloing and could not damage a fly, so I addded all of those things and she is essentially an untouchable melee scrapper that holds enemies and runs around in a hampster ball.
Plus people think it's wierd and funny that she is in melee, so it makes me giggle.
I use boxing as a compliment to Jab at the moment, it is only one slotted (with 1 acc) though.
With the Incarnate Alpha slot I'll take the two recharge slots out of Unstoppable (it doesn't need 3 recharges, was a silly move) and putting one in Jab and one in boxing, putting 1 acc/1 dam and then moving all the slots from Jab into a freshly respecced into Punch.
Will get the +Dam Alpha slot enhancement to further boost their usefulness and give me around 60-70% dam for those two attacks.
That way I get two light but fast recharging attacks and one decent heavy hitter out of the deal.
On a toon without KB protection, getting the 3 points from kinetic crash in the kick can help.
I actually slot and use boxing on several toons where it doesn't cost me a redraw, stone melee and fire melee typically where a fast attack helps my brute build fury. I will probably reconsider this in the light of the I18 fury changes and I19 freeing up 3 power picks with inherent fitness, although on a granite, you can't have too many attacks, so I do use it.
I agree with the point about kinetic combat using the proc. You'll be surprised how much added mitigation you get from that proc in both stone fists and boxing.
Also the mag 2 stun from boxing goes very well with the same from oppressive gloom.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
For myself it depends. If I was on a Melee toon where redraw wasn't an issue, boxing. On a ranged toon Kick. Otherwise I wouldn't really bother with it.
Well, for me it's always dropped from the tray.
So, I pick mine purely from concept perspective, or in how I plan to slot it.
Kick usually gets picked on most characters, as a lot of attacks use the hands already.
That's for Melee ATs, with Martial Arts being the exception inwhich I always pick boxing.
Ranged back to what I think fits the concept.
The exception to concept would be if I want to slot the purple stun set, inwhich case has to go to Boxing.
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I use kick one slotted with a force feedback chance for KB. Theory behind it is, i have plenty of accuracy so it always hits, and if my recharge gets nerfed, i can use kick as a last resort and get some recharge back if it procs. Also, it's fun to kill people with it in pvp.
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With the refund of Fitness coming soon I have freed up the Fighting pool on most of my characters to get the added defenses from Tough and Weave. I have never tried this pool before and am wondering which is the better attack. I am looking in on this with a Corrupter and a Scrapper, so neither really needs the extra attack.
I am thinking that Boxing would probably be better just for the IO that gives the Disorient bonus (vs the immobilize in Kick). Any thoughts or suggestions? The last option would be to just pick one and never slot it or add it to the tray at all.