Optimal mission level for Purple Drops
I was wondering how much of an impact mission level had on purple drops. I am working on completing my SS/FA Brute and I am looking for Armageddon drops. My favorite board to clear when I want to burn mobs to the ground is the axis america mission from Unai Keman. I can solo it all the way up to +4/8 (no bosses) and still get it cleared relatively quickly. Should I keep the level at 4/8 (no bosses) or would a drop to 2/8 (bosses) for a speed increase be more helpful. Thanks for the feedback.
I have been playing a while, coming up on my 42 month vet badge. Maybe 25% of that time has been in 50th level stuff. I alt a lot. I have gotten maybe 2-3 purp recipes in that time. It is seriously stupid how little these things drop, and how much they are on the BM. I do not even want to start with PvP recipes. i just wrote a new build for my main over the weekend, logged in to the BM, and realized it would cost about 10 billion to make it happen. seriously, 10 billion MORE. This on top of the few billion I already have invested in this one character. The devs need to figure out how to solve this, or they are seriously gonna lose gamers. No one wants to play a game so obviously rigged to favor one particular type of player.
But to this point, you don't need any of it to play the game start to finish. Sure, you can't solo TF's without a tricked out build, but that's not really part of the design intent. SOs are fine for just about anything you want to do within reason.
Soloing AVs and TFs, while fun are not necessarily what the devs think of by completing content
You shouldn't ever solo +4 spawns, it's just not optimal. As far as purple drops go, your only concern is to kill as many enemies as you can as quickly as you can. So, for that I set my difficulty to 0/x8 with no bosses.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
No joke, I've gotten most of my purples running up and down the area in front of Portal Corp killing the CoT and the possessed scientists.
Recently I just started solo-farmin a little bit with my Elec/Elec/Mu Brute on the Banished Pantheon Glowie Map in Dark Astoria and I was wondering the same thing too
I started doing it at -1 x8 and rarely got anything dropped of significance.
Then at +0 x8 I started seeing a little better results with drops. (Heck..... can't remember the last time I got a purple or something like that in a long time)
But yeah... I was wondering if there were "optimal" settings for the best drops possible myself
@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!
With hero merits it becomes kind of moot I think. I'm just doing endless Hero Merit loops, picking up prime recipes every 2 or 4 days (some cost 1 hero merit, others 2). If I still have time to kill after hitting the daily alignment mission cap I either do something to earn normal merits (ouro is good for this, or a fast TF) or log a different character for a while.
I tend to buy the recipes that only require 125 normal merits or so with normal merits and the more unreasonable expenditures I get with hero merits. If I need some fillers to complete a set and they are cheap on the market, I'll pick them up with influence.
I'm most of the way thru a very expensive build doing this. Other than the monotony of doing the same missions over and over its painless.
With hero merits it becomes kind of moot I think. I'm just doing endless Hero Merit loops, picking up prime recipes every 2 or 4 days (some cost 1 hero merit, others 2). If I still have time to kill after hitting the daily alignment mission cap I either do something to earn normal merits (ouro is good for this, or a fast TF) or log a different character for a while.
I tend to buy the recipes that only require 125 normal merits or so with normal merits and the more unreasonable expenditures I get with hero merits. If I need some fillers to complete a set and they are cheap on the market, I'll pick them up with influence. I'm most of the way thru a very expensive build doing this. Other than the monotony of doing the same missions over and over its painless. |
Correction, I calculated as if there were 5 in a set, should be 360 days...more ouch
But, if you were going to do this for purple recipies (30 Hero Merits a Pop), It would take you the better part of a year (300 days) to farm the Merits for a full purple set...ouch
*added* Correction, I calculated as if there were 5 in a set, should be 360 days...more ouch |
you can get about 1.5 AMerits per day iirc.
I think it's the PvP IOs are the ones that are 30 Amerits
I think purple sets are only about 20 Amerits
So it would be closer to 100 AMerits for 5 purps
@ 1.5 /day => about 67 days or so for a set of 5
Also consider that in the course of events, a purple may well drop.
Also consider that you get a range of levels rather than all mobs being the exact same level
For whatever reasons, lvl 47,48,&49 recipes can sell for significantly less than lvl 50 ones. So, upping the lvl to +1 or +2 can increase your income from non-purple drops. The main question being if the extra time needed to defeat the same number of enemies is worth the extra income. I expect that varies by toon
if you add in some reward merits from arcs and SFs you can reduce that significantly
you can get about 1.5 AMerits per day iirc. I think it's the PvP IOs are the ones that are 30 Amerits I think purple sets are only about 20 Amerits So it would be closer to 100 AMerits for 5 purps @ 1.5 /day => about 67 days or so for a set of 5 Also consider that in the course of events, a purple may well drop. |
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
if you add in some reward merits from arcs and SFs you can reduce that significantly
you can get about 1.5 AMerits per day iirc. I think it's the PvP IOs are the ones that are 30 Amerits I think purple sets are only about 20 Amerits So it would be closer to 100 AMerits for 5 purps @ 1.5 /day => about 67 days or so for a set of 5 Also consider that in the course of events, a purple may well drop. |

If you are only shooting for purple drops then -1x8 with bosses. If you care about selling other recipies that drop for more than vendor fodder then +0x8 with bosses.
Anyone know if bosses have an increased drop rate for better recipes?
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
Consider saving up for PvP IOs to sell, then using the profit to purchase the purples. One Gladiator's Armor +3% costs 30 AMerits and can easily sell for 2 billion. If you run five tips a day and convert 50 reward merits a day to an AMerit, you'll spend 400 million on conversion and have your recipe in twenty days. If you can find a buyer on your server, you'll net 1.6 billion for twenty days' work (plus whatever you made when running all of those TFs and Ouroboros/tip missions. You can probably buy at least three or four of the purples you're looking for with that.
A harsh truth though is you can probably get several billion for 20 to 30 dollars from an outside source ( I seen 3 billion for 30 dollars ). For some that might be 1 hour or less of overtime at work. So 1 hour or less of real time and some money could save you 40 hours of game time. Of course that kind of stuff gets you banned if you get caught. I'm not condoning it, but just bringing it up for comparison of time spent.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
Anyone know if bosses have an increased drop rate for better recipes?
The lieutenants they downgrade to fall so much faster than an actual boss on most of my builds that I turn off Bosses and farm 0/+8 when I'm solo.
Getting purples is a mathematical exercise; you want to get the most defeats you can in the time you have available.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
But, if you were going to do this for purple recipies (30 Hero Merits a Pop), It would take you the better part of a year (300 days) to farm the Merits for a full purple set...ouch
*added* Correction, I calculated as if there were 5 in a set, should be 360 days...more ouch |
The mistake people who are trying for purples make is trying to rush through things and do as little as possible to complete the alignment missions. If your goal is purples, you will maximize your chances of getting them maximizing the number of mobs you defeat per minute.
In I19 Incarnate Shards will drop only from level 50+ mobs, so you will probably want to get used to running at +0, and not bother with -1 at all. Scrappers and brutes should probably run at +0/x8/bosses if they can take down bosses efficiently, while tankers should probably run at +0/x8/no bosses. Other characters should run at the highest multiple they can comfortably.
I was wondering how much of an impact mission level had on purple drops. I am working on completing my SS/FA Brute and I am looking for Armageddon drops. My favorite board to clear when I want to burn mobs to the ground is the axis america mission from Unai Keman. I can solo it all the way up to +4/8 (no bosses) and still get it cleared relatively quickly. Should I keep the level at 4/8 (no bosses) or would a drop to 2/8 (bosses) for a speed increase be more helpful. Thanks for the feedback.