Bumper stickers I wish I hadn't seen.
First Bumper sticker I saw when crossing into Texas for the first time in my life: Welcome to Texas...now go home.
"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin
In brazil,we have one that says "Vou rezar 1/3,para conseguir 1/2 de nos arranjar 1/4",what means that he'll pray a lot to find a way to acquire a room,prolly for sex.Its funny cause he uses numbers.Prolly ppl wont understand,but here's mine.

"If you're gonna ride my ***, at least pull my hair."
Vegetarian: Indian word for "Bad hunter"
"I still miss my ex... but my aim is improving".
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
Be Nice To Nerds: Chances are, you'll end up working for one.
I may be skirting board rules here with drug references but I laughed my head off when I saw:
"This ****'s good, it feels like I'm driving."
I had to pull over and stop laughing before I caused an accident.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

"My kid's bright enough to earn me a free bumper sticker."
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

"Nuke 'em til they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark" And of course it had an image of Iraq. I just felt sorry for the guy.
I was in Florida not too long ago. I was driving somewhere on I-95, there was this sick looking hearse with skulls and skeletons decorated on it; driving in front of me and then I noticed the bumper sticker that read: "Discount Redneck Funerals."
My contribution doesn't really fit the theme of bumper stickers I wish I hadn't seen, because I thought it was the best political bumper sticker I'd seen in a long time.
"Re-Elect... No One"
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
and oldy but a goodie... 'Don't Blame me, I'm From Minnesota'.
If you were in the 'states in the 80s, you know what its about. It was the first Minnesota liscence plate I ever saw. It almost sent me off the road I laughed so hard.
Lady Valentyna Penderghast, Archmage
"Love her not, lovely though she be/
Watch warily: there lies/
A glint of ghoulish ancestry/
Deep in her green bright eyes..."
Where I worked we had a guy with a bumper sticker that said:
"Christians. Can't live with them, can't feed them to the lions anymore."
Which while being hilarious has never left my mind for ultimate bumper sticker.
Myself and Lady Cyrsei just have an FSM Pirate Fish on our car.
I may be skirting board rules here with drug references but I laughed my head off when I saw:
"This ****'s good, it feels like I'm driving." I had to pull over and stop laughing before I caused an accident. ![]() |
Its TOO funny
I'm big into "politikin" so I'm not tryin to start a war so don't take it that way OCHO!
Anywho the one I seen was a pic of GW saying "Miss me yet,hows that hopey changy thing workin for ya".Man I about pissed myself...
I wish I hadn't seen that one that's popular in Portland. A certain politician's name merged with a swear word, printed in two colors so you know exactly which one of each they're spouting.
I swear quite a bit in RL, but there's a time and a place for everything.
I wish I hadn't seen that one that's popular in Portland. A certain politician's name merged with a swear word, printed in two colors so you know exactly which one of each they're spouting.
I swear quite a bit in RL, but there's a time and a place for everything. |
And in keeping with the politics bumpers, I saw one in the parking lot at my work several years ago that said "Save the environment, plant Bush back in Texas."
Global: @Darkojin
Plain white bumper sticker with simple letters that reads, "Upon advice of counsel, this bumper sticker bears no message at this time."
The guy who has it on his car is a litigious jerk, too.
"Earth First! ... We'll log the other planets later!"
"Sorry for speeding I really have to poop."
"Was his."
"Honk if you love Jesus text if you want to meet Him."
"If you can read this you're to f***ing close."
"Hows my driving? 1-800-Get-Bent"
"I brake for... Oh s***! No brakes!"
I roll with two-
My President is Lee Marvin, with a classic shot of Lee.
I've had that one so long its seen two administrations.
and one a friend who taught at Carnegie Mellon sent me,
Robots WILL Kill You
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
"Limit politicians to two terms: one in office and one in jail"
"I love animals, they're delicious"
"I eat vegans"
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup"
"Unix is very user friendly, it just picky who it's friends are"
"Mostly harmless" (Kudos to you if you get the reference)
"Dyslexia is fnu"
"Honk if your horn is broken"
"My other car is a piece of **** too"
I was inspired today to make this thread, wondering if I was the only one who was occasionally subjected to these absouletly BIZARRE custom bumper/window stickers on peoples cars.
There are two rules to this thread.
1. No posting of images, links to images, or links to sites where you say you saw some image. I will not have this thread turn into a spouting place for memes or animal pictures. You will be reported if you post one, so please don't be immature about it ^_^.
2. Personal experiences or experiences others near you have had in real life. This thread is not for things your friends have seen photo shopped onto the back of the presidents limo.
Right then, I'll begin. I was driving home today and on the back window of this car in front of me, in big pink letters with sparkles dotting the I's was stuck "I've always been daddy's little girl....and now he's mine". ....now.... there's a number of different ways that can be taken, and none of them are good @_@