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  1. Prefer to keep it generally realistic myself. When first starting out used the sliders for all proportions to make my own shape. In the end I've three basic types I use. One is really lithe and has a small cup size. The next is what I feel is average, a little more on the legs, midsection and hips match, cup size is in the center and so on. The last is what I feel is the superwoman. Cup slider to the max. Waist in the center. Hips almost at the the max, legs all the way up.

    Was asked about the cup size of my character once to which I replied:

    "She is a polygonal representation of a superhero in a game of super powered individuals and holds no sway over my opinion of you or anyone else I meet. She does stand as a manifestation of a fantasy woman, yes. Her proportions are not something I feel is a standard for real women nor do I feel any sexual gratification from watching her move about. You don't see me pointing at the men with more muscles then I have and saying "Thats sexist" do you? I don't complain about them cos I know they are not real people and in the scheme of things mean nothing to me or any other rational person. They are avatars in a game and nothing more."

    She said "Oh." and I asked her how come she had asked. She told me it was cos she had not seen me create a character with such an ample amount of breasts before.

    In my case, however, I spend a great deal of time making certain she doesn't doubt my attraction to her. I never discuss the game, my characters, or my role playing sessions with her at all. For the most part I never play when I am with her as well. She has seen the game a few times, could not tell you much beyond "Its colorful." and "It something he enjoys."

    Which I feel, is how it should be.

    Warmest wishes;

  2. "Sorry for speeding I really have to poop."

    "Was his."

    "Honk if you love Jesus text if you want to meet Him."

    "If you can read this you're to f***ing close."

    "Hows my driving? 1-800-Get-Bent"

    "I brake for... Oh s***! No brakes!"
  3. A couple of times now I've had ideas for characters and found out cos of my selected gender I couldn't make what I had in mind. A time displaced Orc warrior for example, could be made if it were male, not female.

    I understand facial options (for the most part) need to be gender specific, as do (some) costume sets, would it be possible to include a tusks option or two for women? Or making non-gender specific hair styles? What about an eye color option?

    Warmest wishes;
