How about killing of Statesman...and other possible avenues as such.




Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
He's definitely in the Villain version of Mender Silo's arc (was the only EB my Elec/Elec brute couldn't take down) and I assume he's also in the Hero version.
He's in the Hero Mender Silos TF, yes. Appropriately enough, he's held hostage by Lord Recluse.

Another Silos TF-related fun fact: Citadel is the only hostage you rescue who's an EB. The rest, including Statesman, are either pet or boss rank, I cannot quite remember.



They have so many unresolved threads in the CoX universe; I'd rather that they finish one of those off first before they decide to off one of the main heroes in the game. "The Coming Storm", anyone?

(Apparently, the Coming Storm has stalled somewhere, delaying its arrival. Be sure to enjoy the sunny day folks!)

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I guess ill pop in here and comment. You say we arnt comic fans because we think this is a bad idea but let me ask you. When an iconic character in normal comics dies what happens? There is a short story about it then the whole world gets retconed because its a bad idea.

You Cant even imagine the actual story based consiquesces that would happen if he was removed from the picture.

As well this game is all about us being new heroes and learning from the older generation. Statesman and all the survivors of the Rikti War are there to guide you on your path. You are ment to feel like a "sidekick" to them because you arnt as skilled/powerful/experienced as them.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



Good old Jack, still able to get people fired up even though he's gone.

Hope he got better at playing Super Mario Brothers.



Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Wow, lot's of terrible comments.

It's one thing not to agree with a person, and their ideal, and wholly another with how that response is dictated.
As proof you'll note that all my original posts have no attack, malice, ect.
Originally Posted by The_Britisher
You fail.
Originally Posted by The_Britisher
Continue to find malice in your own shadow(s). It's just dumb.
Originally Posted by The_Britisher
The community at large is a very poor representation of true comic fans of the world. Sure they act elitist, and tend to jump to every wrong conclusion for lack of actually trying to understand the correct one. And also have that faux supremist ideal that if they can;t understand it then it's not right.
Originally Posted by The_Britisher
Too many moronic doomsayers that jump to conclusions here. BTW, you can;t blame it on ADD/ADHD, because willful negligence is a chosen stupidity.
Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Wow, lot's of terrible comments.
Nope, no malice here.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...




Okay, to bring everybody else up to date, I already sent the original poster a PM dealing with this. Since the original poster has either decided to not read the PM, or didn't understand that it was a knock it off request... I'm now going to do this more publically, and more directly.

Knock it off Britisher.

Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Wow, lot's of terrible comments.
No. You don't get it do you.

Several players have pointed out exactly how pointless it is to kill off Statesman as a character. I stated very clearly in an earlier post that the impression I got is that you have an axe to grind against Jack Emmert.

Fine, you don't like the guy. You don't like his character.

That's entirely your choice. You can't, however, use that entirely as justification to remove his signature character from the game, which is what you are doing throughout this thread.

If you want to read malice into a possible plot thread, then go into politics.
No. We are reading malice into your desires based on your posts. You come across as a very unpleasant individual, and you so far have rejected any semblance of sanity or common sense in this thread.

Fix the world.
The world is not broken. Ergo, it does not need to be fixed. You have not established a valid point of view that the in-game world is broken under any factual conditions.

This is a game, and I have no interest, or reason to hate anyone.
Uh huh. See, you might not know this, but we can click on your name and get a list of all the posts that you have made, and your posts do not back this statement up.

In fact, I even tried Champions for a time when CoX got stale.
So, you went and tried a worse game. Okay? What does this have to do with anything?

I just didn;t like the graphics, costume creater feel, and the missions were a bit thin for replayability.
Hang on... isn't that... you know... EVERYTHING FROM THE GAMER?

Yes, yes it is. You didn't like Champions Online. We get that. Citing Champions Online and likes or dislikes when discussing City of Heroes is a mugs game.

However, web-swinging was great. I'm all for every possible avenue to play superheroes as much as possible.
Again, what does this have to do with anything in this thread in respect to arguing whether or not Statesman should be in the game? You've just gone off on this random tangent pulling a singular topic out of relatively no-where. So you don't like Champions Online as a game, but you like something they did in the game? This is just being incoherent.

That being said.
What being said? You haven't established any sort of argument, debate, or point?

That last paragraph SHOULDN't have needed to be stated.
What last paragraph should not have been stated? All of your posts? A random segue into something else to try and divert attention from a bad idea?

Again, this is just being incoherent.

Continue to find malice in your own shadow(s). It's just dumb.
No. We are finding malice in your posts.

Also, Statesman doesn't HAVE to die (or even die permanently),
Yet you open up the thread with How about killing off Statesman, only to do an about face when you realize that you have pretty much burnt the bridges that would even enable such a discussion?

but it is a great plot device.
How? How is this a great plot device? Killing off a major brand-name character that is used to promote the game as a cover symbol in all markets? You have not established any practical or coherent reason detailing why this is a good idea. Other players have already come in and spelled out why it is a bad idea.

Somebody already pointed out why DC Comics got away with it in the Death of SuperMan comic-books. The Superman comic had decades of comics releases, not to mention a franchise total of 5 films, before the 1992 event.

It's just a shame the community, in general, is as staid/limited in vision as it's always been.
So... let me get this straight. The community responds with coherent and thought out arguments detailing why such a move is a bad idea from a plot point of view. The community responds with coherent and thought out arguments detailing how, and why, such a move would only be seen as an insult to Paragon Studios former owners.

Yet you state the community is limited in it's vision.

No. Get this straight. It is you who is limited.

Lacking in perception. Use some reward merits to buy a clue.
Make an effort to read the posts by the players.

Get this straight. You are the one who is lacking in perception here.

And States,man IS overused.
You have been proven wrong on this multiple times by multiple posters actually citing in-game events, and yet you still cling to this weak statement? You are going to have to come to terms with the fact that you are wrong.

Statesman is not overused in the game. Statesman is deliberately played down and pushed into the lore of the game for the sole reason that even the original writers realized he was a horribly unbalanced Mary Sue.

Not necessarily in actuality, but in intent.
Ah. So here's how it works. You get proven wrong on a salient point, and then immediately try to change the point itself after arguing that no, you weren't actually wrong on the point.

There's a saying you should look up. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Pick an argument and stick with it. Either Statesman is overused or he is not.

There is a shadow that tends to loom. It simply turns the rest of the group into sidekicks.
Which group? The Freedom Phalanx? Last I checked Statesman actually needed them to cover his own weaknesses, and in the comics, Statesman already died without their assistance. So, this statement does not hold up in aspect to them.

To the players? Statesman barely interacts with the players, and in one specific case, actually has to call on the players because he's been countered by, of all people, Dr. Aeon.

As I said. Maybe just have a disappearance as a murder/mystery tyype event.
I never stated kill him off and wipe him out.
Too many moronic doomsayers that jump to conclusions here. BTW, you can;t blame it on ADD/ADHD, because willful negligence is a chosen stupidity.

As for proving my about a glance at the top of the page...who are the two icons focused next to the City of Heroes logo? Right as we read, and comment, the proof positive is there.
Statesman, and Lord Recluse are the Singular personifications of the game. I say shake it up. Mess with the players. Maybe he stays dead. Maybe he doesn't. But the event would be insane. Guaranteed. And everyone would have fun, because the idea, and how I've preliminarily explained in, is an excellent premise.
And though it wasn't stated, because so many idiots here need to repeat that B comes after A...ect.
The elementary aspects are understood. Stop with the repetition.
It could've been a Ouroborous doesn't matter.

The community at large is a very poor representation of true comic fans of the world. Sure they act elitist, and tend to jump to every wrong conclusion for lack of actually trying to understand the correct one. And also have that faux supremist ideal that if they can;t understand it then it's not right. Sorry if I'm above many of you, but I don't just float in the clouds...I live in them. Queue the many negative/bashing comments that seem so appropo at this point.

The difference is that comic fans what the characters to grow, want the stories to change, want to shake things up to make things better. Comic fans are creative. They evolve. This community (as a whole) is holding the game back.
The very fact that it's been stated by the Devs that they don't open up TFs to solo players is because the community would whine is proof enough.

It's one thing not to agree with a person, and their ideal, and wholly another with how that response is dictated.
As proof you'll note that all my original posts have no attack, malice, ect. Only in response to said attributes do I become reactive in kind. I am a mirror. Those of you that feel offended, then go look in a mirror and fix yourselves. You use your voices for the wrong reasons.
You fail.

Okay. At this point, I realized I have better things to do. The arguments are incoherent, details change at the drop of a hat, and you do everything you possibly can to not be pinned down or held to one particular point of view.

Yes, I could keep going through point by point ripping you a new one, pinning you on each and every line you type, and hoping that at some point you realize that nobody here on these forums is ever going to take you seriously now.

But what's the point? Am I that deeply invested in protecting Statesman? Am I that deeply invested in protecting one of NCSoft's brand?

Oh hell no. I'm not. I'm not being paid to sit here and pick apart brain-dead ideas from players that have absolutely failed to grasp the scope of the game's plot, or even the basic design mechanics of the game.

Like all of your other demand posts, you deliberately post in the wrong forums, and you deliberately post ideas you know are going to get shot down. Then you deliberately ignore any, and all, posts that would dare to counter anything you typed.

So I stand by my assessment. You are one throughly unpleasant individual.



Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
...Stateman and Recluse are pretty much the singular focus of each alignment...
Statesman isn't very active or even close to the 'singular focus' of Paragon; if you want to see what the world is like when he is go to Praetoria.



Patch Notes for 10/07/2010

City of Heroes changes:
  • Statesman got died. Find out that Nemesis did it in a new TF!
City of Villains changes:
  • Recluse dieded too.
Praetoria changes:
  • None
Also, no more semi-colons for you, mister.



Bad idea. Then I would have to change my Statesman bedsheets and pillow cases.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Another Silos TF-related fun fact: Citadel is the only hostage you rescue who's an EB. The rest, including Statesman, are either pet or boss rank, I cannot quite remember.
fun fact for silos sf: all of the heros are AVs except for infernal and malaise as they are only boss rank signatures

GW is also only a boss class signature and scorp is only a pet class signature (both of them are allies and usually die within a few fights because they are insanely weak vs the mass amounts of AVs you fight)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
For me, it's less about shunting him aside as the question of "who takes his place"? Who else would Paragon City (and the world) consider its shining beacon of hope? You've got the Phalanx as a group, which isn't too bad as a whole, but really there's no single living hero who might have stepped into that role.
The player.

I would somewhat approve of killing off Statesman, not because of the ex dev, but because he's not a particularly interesting advertising mascot and he's a bad concept.

However, the incarnate who seriously needs to be killed off is Recluse. He actually does make a nuisance of himself in many arcs, unlike States. Make Ghost Widow the leader of Arachnos instead and remove any assumptions of loyalty to them. They make an appropriate antagonist group, not protagonist. This, of course, is not going to be done since it would be of little benefit compared to resources involved. However if that were not the case I'm fairly confident it would improve the openness of the game considerably.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Wow, lot's of terrible comments.
Feel free to go back and edit them.

That being siad. That last paragraph SHOULDN't have needed to be stated.
What last paragraph? You opened with a single sentence.

Continue to find malice in your own shadow(s). It's just dumb.
Again, you can continue to deny it. Great, fine and wonderful! Unfortunately, were Paragon to follow up with your suggestions, they'd be seen as espousing the sort of malice we're talking about.

Also, Statesman doesn't HAVE to die (or even die permanently), but it is a great plot device.
For a very long-running comic book where the main doesn't die every few years (or has never died)? Sure. Especially if you have bi-weekly or monthly circulation across multiple titles.

However much this GAME espouses comic book convention, it's NOT a comic book. It's a GAME. Updates come fewer and further between. And there's only one title. City of Heroes. It would be nearly impossible to explore the situation in the same way comic books are able to, simply due to the differences in sheer volume of content and delivery medium.

It's just a shame the community, in general, is aas staid/limited in vision as it's always been.
Sorry, but your view of the community is skewed by your own biases. The problem is, you're so biased, you wouldn't recognize moderation if someone shot you with it and caused you to land in another pile of it.

The one with the "limited" vision here is you, sir. The whole "let's kill him" thing has been done several times in the last decade in mediums better suited to it than CoH is. Yet you wanna rehash this same concept, AGAIN. In whether the medium of CoH is suitable for it or not.

Lacking in perception. Use some reward merits to buy a clue.
Tell me again, who has the blinders on here? We're not the ones proposing Paragon rip off Superman/Batman/Captain America here.

And States,man IS overused.
That's a personal value judgement. Not a fact. Please supply facts.

Not necessarily in actuality, but in intent.
So IS Statesman overused or isn't he?

Oh wait, talking out of both sides of your mouth... Ah you crafty devil!

There is a shadow that tends to loom. It simply turns the rest of the group into sidekicks.
Well, YEAH? States and most of the FP are some of the most powerful superhumans on the planet. While we aren't QUITE at their level, we're fairly butt-kicking on our own. Since the game doesn't have the ability to present a venue of cosmic-level power ("If I burp too hard, this planet will be blasted to space dust", "I went skinny-dipping in that black hole last weekend and BOY are my arms tired!", "Yeah, the universe ended and I restored it from a backup tape THE SIZE OF JUPITER!"), and being able to simply shrug off EVERYTHING would make the game...COMPLETELY BORING...they have to have some rationale for why we're super, but not TOO super (in the name of game balance). But they still need to give us iconic heroes and villains to give us something to aspire to and something to fight.

As I said. Maybe just have a disappearance as a murder/mystery tyype event.
Have you NEVER played the Maria Jenkins arc? EVER?

I never stated kill him off and wipe him out.
Never mind that the thread title is "How about killing "of" Statesman.."

Too many moronic doomsayers that jump to conclusions here.
Here's a clue, and I won't even charge you a merit for it. DISAGREEING WITH YOU IS NOT JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS, NOR IT IS MORONIC.

But then, you didn't want a discussion of this. Not really. Otherwise you wouldn't have stooped to name-calling and trollery.

BTW, you can;t blame it on ADD/ADHD, because willful negligence is a chosen stupidity.
Yep. We're all frigging idiots. Because we let you bait us under your bridge.

As for proving my point...
Yeah. Let us know when that's going to happen.
We're QUITE patient!
But you'll have to forgive us if we don't wait around for you to do so, let alone hold our breath.

*File with "tabletop fusion" and "moon landing hoax".*

how about a glance at the top of the page...who are the two icons focused next to the City of Heroes logo? Right as we read, and comment, the proof positive is there.
So because he's the iconic character of the game he's overused.

Is Superman overused because he's on the cover of a Superman comic?


Statesman, and Lord Recluse are the Singular personifications of the game.
Wow! You recognized the fact all by yourself! How OBSERVANT of you!

I say shake it up. Mess with the players. Maybe he stays dead. Maybe he doesn't. But the event would be insane. Guaranteed. And everyone would have fun, because the idea, and how I've preliminarily explained in, is an excellent premise.
Again, the game is the wrong medium for something like this, because the dev staff cannot maintain the pace for the type of event you're talking about.

And though it wasn't stated, because so many idiots here need to repeat that B comes after A...ect.
Well, when you have some self-riteous container for feminine hygiene products adamantly certain that B comes BEFORE A...

The elementary aspects are understood.
Sorry, but your responses here indicate quite clearly your statement is a lie. A BIG one.

Stop with the repetition.
Maybe if you'd actually listen or, heaven forefend, attempt to understand what was being told to you, they'd stop.

It could've been a Ouroborous doesn't matter.
Yes, it WOULD matter. Look at the hate-on people have for Marvel (Retcons and Lousy Plot Twists R Us) in the last couple years. People simply will NOT abide by sloppy, slapdash, haphazard storytelling that isn't at least MARGINALLY sensible and internally consistent.

The community at large is a very poor representation of true comic fans of the world.
As you've never done any actual statistical work with either community, I'll ignore this unsupported opinion as the bovine fecal matter it is.

Sure they act elitist, and tend to jump to every wrong conclusion for lack of actually trying to understand the correct one. And also have that faux supremist ideal that if they can;t understand it then it's not right.
Are you talking about THEM? Or YOU?

I choose what's behind DOOR NUMBER TWO!

Sorry if I'm above many of you, but I don't just float in the clouds...I live in them.
You're not sorry. This is simply you way of trying to take the mickey out of your own childish insult before getting slapped for it.

Queue the many negative/bashing comments that seem so appropo at this point.
Nah, your post was already chock-full of them.

The difference is that comic fans what the characters to grow, want the stories to change, want to shake things up to make things better. Comic fans are creative. They evolve. This community (as a whole) is holding the game back.
Again, I take comfort in the fact that you haven't the foggiest notion what you're talking about.

Part of what I do for a living involves content generation for a pen and paper game system (several of them in fact). My actual, real-world experience with storylines and content generation holds a lot more weight than your unsupported (and unsupportable) personal opinion.

The very fact that it's been stated by the Devs that they don't open up TFs to solo players is because the community would whine is proof enough.
Wow! Complete off-topic segue! Please get back on-subject. We need more material to laugh at!

It's one thing not to agree with a person, and their ideal, and wholly another with how that response is dictated.
Wow, some people brought up very obvious cosiderations. Ones that'd be seized upon by others reporting on the incident almost immediately. Yes, horrific response!

As proof you'll note that all my original posts have no attack, malice, ect.
Sure didn't stay that way long though.

Only in response to said attributes do I become reactive in kind.
So because someone brought up an obvious consideration, you crawled out from under your bridge. Bravo!

I am a mirror.
Okay! Now I know where this is! A funhouse!

Those of you that feel offended, then go look in a mirror and fix yourselves.
Maybe once you take your own advice.

You use your voices for the wrong reasons.
Sorry, but you aren't the absolute arbiter of right and wrong in this situation. So forgive us for not taking your word for it.

Now, if you seriously want to discuss this, please tuck your e-peen back and get that chip off your shoulder.

Until then, I have no more time for petty little drama queens like you.


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Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Ok, not sure which one is the submission area for ideas of here we go.

I was just thinking about Statesman as I passed him in IP/States TF out of a Tip door mish.
Since Jack Emmeritt no longer is involved with the game, actively at least, why not have a change of the guard by having some cataclysmic event (such as killing him) happenb to Statesman?

It's a good plot premise, and actually allows for another of the Dev toons to take the symbolic lead of Paragon City. Plus, there are alot of possible plotlines. States would still be represented somehow. Maybe in several ways, but just taking more of a background role.

Just off the top of my head: (Naturally, the scenarios could be any or all)

-Maybe have a whole event revolving around the death, or maybe disappearance, of Statesman. IN FACT, player participation on how the event unfolds could directly affect the outcome of whether Statesman returns (not knowing how until after can be part of the mystery too).

-Involve the Nemesis (as they are largely underused..or maybe the Malta), or others.
Something about clonjes, and reality warping sings strongly to me here.

-Have States replaced with an alternate version from another dimension (other than Praetorian Earth). This could allow for changes to powers, costume, persona...anything.

Lots of possibilites.

This would allow for the Devs to symbollically show how they've moved on from Cryptic Studios as well. During the event, there is always the possiblity that the new leader is figurehead material. Maybe it's time that this Superman/Captain Marvel-esque clone takes a back seat to a potentially more original hero. (Personally, I've always found that having a Patriotic hero with Greek/God bestowed powers to be a bit mismatching. Kind of like wearing a plaid shirt and striped pants together. Doesn't seem to mesh well..and yes, I understand the homage but it's IMO).
And if the new look heroes don't take then he can always be brought back. Nothing would have been any differnt for the attempt either.
Just good fun, interesting content, valuable fan testing for various future plots/ideas, and another idea to draw in new subscribers.

-A possible added feature could have one players character become a new trainer as the newest recruit.

All of these ideas can just be unconnected plot threads, but I thought it might be nice to voice them to see if they ever reach someone's ears in the creative design department.
Cutting edge content is what keep s the players craving for more, and nothing is edgier then, potentially, messing with an icon.
Just do it better then what's happend to Batman, Supes, Captain A, or drop me a line.
I'll do it right. :P

So let's kill the invincible old *******.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Killing Statesman would be silly - he's the main character used in advertising the game
Well, they could just pull a Dukes of Hazzard, substituting Coy and Vance briefly for Bo and Luke. In this case, it's Statesman's cousin, the Diplomat, who arrives in Paragon to help out while State's is away. In true DoH fashion, the Diplomat would wear States' costumes. ( ' :




He's like seventy all his cousins are in nursing homes.

Where do Superheroes go to retire in their golden years anyway?



Originally Posted by Dark Lost View Post
He's like seventy all his cousins are in nursing homes.

Where do Superheroes go to retire in their golden years anyway?
Nobody knows. None will stay old long enough to find out.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Am I like the only person who likes Statesman?

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Statesman is an Mary Sue Extrodinaire.

That, and, the name sounds like a Captain America/Superman ripoff.