How about killing of Statesman...and other possible avenues as such.




Ok, not sure which one is the submission area for ideas of here we go.

I was just thinking about Statesman as I passed him in IP/States TF out of a Tip door mish.
Since Jack Emmeritt no longer is involved with the game, actively at least, why not have a change of the guard by having some cataclysmic event (such as killing him) happenb to Statesman?

It's a good plot premise, and actually allows for another of the Dev toons to take the symbolic lead of Paragon City. Plus, there are alot of possible plotlines. States would still be represented somehow. Maybe in several ways, but just taking more of a background role.

Just off the top of my head: (Naturally, the scenarios could be any or all)

-Maybe have a whole event revolving around the death, or maybe disappearance, of Statesman. IN FACT, player participation on how the event unfolds could directly affect the outcome of whether Statesman returns (not knowing how until after can be part of the mystery too).

-Involve the Nemesis (as they are largely underused..or maybe the Malta), or others.
Something about clonjes, and reality warping sings strongly to me here.

-Have States replaced with an alternate version from another dimension (other than Praetorian Earth). This could allow for changes to powers, costume, persona...anything.

Lots of possibilites.

This would allow for the Devs to symbollically show how they've moved on from Cryptic Studios as well. During the event, there is always the possiblity that the new leader is figurehead material. Maybe it's time that this Superman/Captain Marvel-esque clone takes a back seat to a potentially more original hero. (Personally, I've always found that having a Patriotic hero with Greek/God bestowed powers to be a bit mismatching. Kind of like wearing a plaid shirt and striped pants together. Doesn't seem to mesh well..and yes, I understand the homage but it's IMO).
And if the new look heroes don't take then he can always be brought back. Nothing would have been any differnt for the attempt either.
Just good fun, interesting content, valuable fan testing for various future plots/ideas, and another idea to draw in new subscribers.

-A possible added feature could have one players character become a new trainer as the newest recruit.

All of these ideas can just be unconnected plot threads, but I thought it might be nice to voice them to see if they ever reach someone's ears in the creative design department.
Cutting edge content is what keep s the players craving for more, and nothing is edgier then, potentially, messing with an icon.
Just do it better then what's happend to Batman, Supes, Captain A, or drop me a line.
I'll do it right. :P

So let's kill the invincible old *******.



He already died once in the Comic Books and since the Comic books are tied to the game now, I don't think they be doing that, Also they have to remove all the content with Statesman with it, which would be to much to count for.

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Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Ask the mods to move this to the suggestion forum. I don't see the question for players.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
He already died once in the Comic Books and since the Comic books are tied to the game now, I don't think they be doing that, Also they have to remove all the content with Statesman with it, which would be to much to count for.
Why would he need to be removed? Some content could be tweaked, and others aspects could just have him replaced with another character. Not a ton of work if MA is any indication.

His death was a bit "shammed/hacked" in the comic anyway. This has meaning on alot of levels and would directly interact/affect the game.

Maybe just have him disappear then (whether for an event, for an extended time, or permanently is all wide open).

Who wouldn't want to particiapte in a server wide "murder/disappearance mystery"?
It's the stuff of UBER Crossovers!



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Ask the mods to move this to the suggestion forum. I don't see the question for players.
Good Idea. Didn't see it.

However, there question(s) posed here are thoughts, ideas, improvements?



I... just don't see it happening. Ages ago when he actually left, I could see it as being a symbolic move. But at this point, after so long, I wouldn't see it as symbolic as much as thumbing our collective noses at him.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
I... just don't see it happening. Ages ago when he actually left, I could see it as being a symbolic move. But at this point, after so long, I wouldn't see it as symbolic as much as thumbing our collective noses at him.
Not rally, he's still in parts of the spirit, and should always be part of the game.
That's more of a subtle transition, since Cryptic is no longer with CoX.
It;s really about the marquee figurehead changing, or being the catalystic plot point for some future content.
It could even involve the moon zone, or whatever's on the docket.

TRhe Rikit event was major. The Rularuu event was...meh. The Fith Column event is still ongoing, but that wasn't known for a long time. It has always felt unfinished, as is obvious why now, but was still unfulfilling.

I just think it's time to "Change the Guard" so to speak.
Put him in the background for somethings. It's can be symbolic of the ever-changing growth of the character developments if symbolism is needed.
Plus, an event wide mystery would be very cool.

Call it: "These times They Are A' Changin'. "



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
I... just don't see it happening. Ages ago when he actually left, I could see it as being a symbolic move. But at this point, after so long, I wouldn't see it as symbolic as much as thumbing our collective noses at him.

At this point, "killing" Statesman would only serve one single purpose. It would be an insult against Jack Emmert.

My impression is, when I read the opening post, is that is the only reason that poster wants this done. They have an axe to grind against Jack, and removing his symbol from the game is the best kick in the nads they can come up with, and every other reason is just fluff to justify the axe.

Okay. Fine. Jack Emmert has done some things that have legitimately ruined any potential good feelings a significant portion of the player-base could ever possess towards him. I don't think that our current development team is that petty.

Our current development team has not stooped to the level of lazily one-upping everything their former owners do. Our current development team, to the best of my knowledge, has only publically leveled one pot-shot at their former owners in an anniversary address.

At this stage in the game, Statesman is Statesman, regardless of who first wrote his story, and regardless of how he appears in the game. Yes, he's one big freaking Mary Sue capable of playing Frisbees with Rikti Motherships.

Big. Freaking. Deal.

Let me ask this question as seriously as I can: Who Cares?

Statesman doesn't need to be killed for the story of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles to move forward. He doesn't need to be shoved to one side and marginalized. This isn't even touching on the gaping plot-hole of How do you kill something that plays Frisbee with a Rikti Mothership?

Statesman can't be everywhere at once, and if push comes to shove, Dr. Aeon and his writing team can just punt Statesman through a portal and into another dimension for a little while if they need him out of the way for a bit.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

At this point, "killing" Statesman would only serve one single purpose. It would be an insult against Jack Emmert.

My impression is, when I read the opening post, is that is the only reason that poster wants this done. They have an axe to grind against Jack, and removing his symbol from the game is the best kick in the nads they can come up with, and every other reason is just fluff to justify the axe.

Okay. Fine. Jack Emmert has done some things that have legitimately ruined any potential good feelings a significant portion of the player-base could ever possess towards him. I don't think that our current development team is that petty.

Our current development team has not stooped to the level of lazily one-upping everything their former owners do. Our current development team, to the best of my knowledge, has only publically leveled one pot-shot at their former owners in an anniversary address.

At this stage in the game, Statesman is Statesman, regardless of who first wrote his story, and regardless of how he appears in the game. Yes, he's one big freaking Mary Sue capable of playing Frisbees with Rikti Motherships.

Big. Freaking. Deal.

Let me ask this question as seriously as I can: Who Cares?

Statesman doesn't need to be killed for the story of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles to move forward. He doesn't need to be shoved to one side and marginalized. This isn't even touching on the gaping plot-hole of How do you kill something that plays Frisbee with a Rikti Mothership?

Statesman can't be everywhere at once, and if push comes to shove, Dr. Aeon and his writing team can just punt Statesman through a portal and into another dimension for a little while if they need him out of the way for a bit.
Whoa, get back on your meds and off the anger pills.
You assumptions are just that...and wrong. It's nothing personal, unlike how your post reads, and all about chaning the status of a past icon form the foreground to the background.
Did you even READ the OP?
Just spitballing ideas. Kindap/Disappeance..whatever. Could be a major plotline to introduce a new zone. Use a little used Enemy group...Even provide a transition to Positiron being in the forefront perhaps.

I have no ax to grind, and have enjoyed this game as my first MMO, and the best Super Hero MMO out there. In fact I rank it tied with WOW as the best MMO to date, with a few small QoL changes that still need addressing to keep soloing on par for teaming...but that's for another thread.

Just an interesting idea. Change is good. And OF COURSE Statesman wouldn't sisappear. That'd be dumb. I offered alot of different ideas/variables for story ideas, and it seem you read the header and ran off on your own tangent.
ALot of people do that on here. If you can;t take the time to actually fully read the content, and digest it, chances are you'll shoot off an incorrect response to what the OP intended.

AS for asking "Who Cares?" well the answer is simple. I do. I asked because I had an idea I wanted to share.
While its all fair and balanced to have someone like you post a completely unnecessary post/comment, maybe it's better served elswhere and you should just move onto being a tool somewhere else.
Move along. Trolling goes under the bridge.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
At this point, "killing" Statesman would only serve one single purpose. It would be an insult against Jack Emmert.
You owe me a new keyboard.

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

He doesn't need to be shoved to one side and marginalized. This isn't even touching on the gaping plot-hole of How do you kill something that plays Frisbee with a Rikti Mothership?
Easy, have Emperor Cole do it. Wait.... would that be suicide if you from another dimension kills you?

None the less I do agree with the OP. I would like to see a major shift in the story. The old content is garbage. Ever try to run the story arcs from 1-10? They are just meh compared to what is out now. If people really want to run them, fine leave it in Oro and come up with better arcs and give us something else to do other than sewer runs and radio missions.

I like Praetoria but not all of my characters start there. I only start toons there if I intend on taking them to the opposite side. Blaster --> Villain, Brute --> Hero.

I say let someone step up or bring in someone new to fill the role. Besides they can always bring him back later if they want to.

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Our current development team has not stooped to the level of lazily one-upping everything their former owners do.
At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I think our current development team have far more than one-upped the former owners.

The new content is so far above and beyond the stuff that was around when I started, and looking back with my friends who played in i1 through i3, wow.

I get what you are saying, but they do far more than one-up the competition. In my book anyway. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



There's no reason to "kill off" Statesman. "It was Jack's character and he's not with the company now" ... well, so what? If you went into game and mentioned his name, you'd probably get a lot of "Who?" (or "who lol") replies.

And if we're removing no-longer-PS employees, we'll also have to remove Recluse, as Zeb no longer works at PS, either - having left before there *was* a Paragon Studios. We'll also probably have to remove Sunstorm (the Peacebringer contact) - nobody's heard from that dev in a long time. I'm sure there are others, as well.

In short, Statesman is Statesman. Not Jack. The guard, in game, HAS been changed - thus the signature heroes mostly standing around training everyone else. There's no reason other than personal beefs against Mr. Cryptic to "kill off" the character. And "showing they've moved on?" They've been separate long enough. Many things that weren't "doable" before are being done. That's "symbol" enough for me.

(And Nemesis... underused? You're kidding, right?)



At worst, I'd just start a running gag where Statesman and any of his counterparts knock low-threat minions off sufficiently tall structures, and then fly after them, never to be seen again.

We've already got one!

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



something that would prolly be easier to implement is in another version of earth where recluse killed statesmant sort of how cole killed stephan in praetoria

now thats a world i want to see, where "evil triumphs over good because good is dumb" lol (whoever gets the quote gets 5 internetz lol)



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
something that would prolly be easier to implement is in another version of earth where recluse killed statesmant sort of how cole killed stephan in praetoria

now thats a world i want to see, where "evil triumphs over good because good is dumb" lol (whoever gets the quote gets 5 internetz lol)
Spaceballs FTW.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
There's no reason to "kill off" Statesman. "It was Jack's character and he's not with the company now" ... well, so what? If you went into game and mentioned his name, you'd probably get a lot of "Who?" (or "who lol") replies.

And if we're removing no-longer-PS employees, we'll also have to remove Recluse, as Zeb no longer works at PS, either - having left before there *was* a Paragon Studios. We'll also probably have to remove Sunstorm (the Peacebringer contact) - nobody's heard from that dev in a long time. I'm sure there are others, as well.

In short, Statesman is Statesman. Not Jack. The guard, in game, HAS been changed - thus the signature heroes mostly standing around training everyone else. There's no reason other than personal beefs against Mr. Cryptic to "kill off" the character. And "showing they've moved on?" They've been separate long enough. Many things that weren't "doable" before are being done. That's "symbol" enough for me.

(And Nemesis... underused? You're kidding, right?)
Sorry man, but wrong tangent.
This has nothing to do with Jack. Another person jumped on those wrong tangents.
I did mention that the change in leadership could signify a changing of the guard, but that was more of a subtle undertone at best.
In fact, I'm all for having their toons somehow in game as an homage. Just like Coyote.

It's about having a bombshell dropping event/surpise happen to a major icon.
Statesman is the biggest icon, and also the most bloated/overrused character in the 'verse. He's just not that necessary, and a great plot point would be to transition him out.

It's funny you mentoned Lord Recluse. My original idea was to see them both removed somehow, but wasn't sure if Recluse was gone, or people would complain more then having just one disappear.
It's time for a changing of the guard.
Maybe have a plot along the lines where both are removed somehow. Could even be a Ourorous TF. Maybe have some Rogue Island lieutenant and a renegade hero (have to be a major names likely) effect the cause because it turns out the world would be better w/o them? Not that they'd need to be erased from the game, or if they were it'd be striclty for in game reasons, but eventually they'd be brought back in some fashion.

Plus, seeing as how the Devs try so hard to force teaming in this game, it's amazing that Stateman and Recluse are pretty much the singular focus of eacdh alignment. The rest tend to just fade into the background with they are even remotely in the neighborhood. It's like all the other sig heroes are just LTs to the AV.
Maybe it's time to shake it up, and do things right for the next phase.
What would really be awesome would be to have Apex as the new face and Statesman/Recluse take over as the Incarnate contacts.
Apex would be a righteous choice as the new front man.
I figure Ghost Widow seems the most likely/accurate to be next in line given her ties to Arachnos/land and such.

Nemesis: Well, maybe used more accurately then. Seems they're not really definitive, and the history of Nemesis, and what they can accomplish (as well as the Crey Revenant program) still has alot of potential if done right.
Then again, there has been more inclusion. Malta still works too.



Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Sorry man, but wrong tangent.
This has nothing to do with Jack. Another person jumped on those wrong tangents.
then what was the point of even mentioning Jack Emmert in your OP?



Personally, I would think that being stuck hanging around in IP with two psychics watching your every move from the other side of the hospital would be banishment enough. That's as close to another dimension as we can get short of hopping through Portal Corp.

For me, it's less about shunting him aside as the question of "who takes his place"? Who else would Paragon City (and the world) consider its shining beacon of hope? You've got the Phalanx as a group, which isn't too bad as a whole, but really there's no single living hero who might have stepped into that role.


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Honestly, no.

Insofar as the toon itself is concerned, it's the signature character for game.

Sure, DC has killed both Superman and Batman.
Marvel has killed Captain America.

But they've had a LOT longer to build up brand recognition than Paragon has. Years. DECADES!

At this point there's no emotional impact about losing the character for most people.

On the flip side, since the character IS associated with the game so intrinsically, why the hell would they authorize him to be "bumped off". Especially when they'd have to rework several portions of the game's content to account for it. It's not just a simple matter of "The Statesman Task Force is now the SuperBobDan Task Force" and "Rescue Da Kegger from Tyrant" with Maria Jenkins.

It's a waste of time and money on a pointless gesture.

As for the other reason, a slap at Emmert. You can claim that's NOT what this is about all you want. It still leaves a distinct odor of bovine fecal matter. What's more, nobody else outside of the community who's familiar with the separation of Cryptic from Paragon is going to believe it either. Even if it WAS the truth. It's too juicy, and too petty a motive to pass up.

All this would accomplish would be to paint Paragon as an utterly petty organization with all the negative accouterments to go with it.

Again, pointless gesture is pointless.

It's great that you seem to have a desire to improve the game. Seriously. It's just that it would be better if you pushed it in a more productive direction.

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Originally Posted by The_Britisher View Post
Statesman is the biggest icon, and also the most bloated/overrused character in the 'verse. He's just not that necessary, and a great plot point would be to transition him out.
.... overused?

Are we playing the same game?

Statesman (or rather the search for him) is the focus of one 45-50 arc, heroside, and one task force. Villainside, you see him at the end of the VEAT arc and (IIRC) LRSF. (I don't *believe* he's in the Ouro TF, but I haven't run that in a bit.) You go through most of your heroic career without a peep from him. Nemesis is used more than he is. Positron is used more than he is. Hell, *Fusionette* is used more than he is.

How do you justify calling him "overused?"

It's time for a changing of the guard.
And having the "surviving 8" as trainers pretty well shows they're handing off the majority of those duties to the new heroes.

Plus, seeing as how the Devs try so hard to force teaming in this game,
.... you're definitely not playing the same game. There is almost *nothing* in this game that forces teaming. I know you're haring off on your "let me solo TFs" kick, but saying the devs are "trying so hard to force teaming" is patently untrue. There are a *very few* times, in ALL the content of the game, that teaming is forced - namely, task forces, strike forces, and the *exceptionally* rare multi-glowie missions. You can solo the vast majority of content in this game with any AT.

Saying we're forced to team is like saying people buying cars are forced to buy Ferraris. I can point at millions of Fords, Chevys, Kias, Toyotas and more that say otherwise.

it's amazing that Stateman and Recluse are pretty much the singular focus of eacdh alignment.
Villainside, yes, with Recluse's "destined one" schtik you're railroaded through. An alternate path (and ending) would be nice there - and we're allowed to start avoiding it now with being able to pick APPs instead of PPPs. Heroside, no. Statesman is not anywhere near a focus in the same way - or anything close. Statesman, for most of the blueside game, is background lore. So essentially, as far as he's concerned, you already have what you're asking for.



The "City of" Universe without Statesman is like the DC Universe without Superman.

In my opinion, with the inclusion of the incarnate system we should actually see even more involvement by Statesman and Lord Recluse. It just makes sense to me that they should take a greater interest in our characters as we begin to access a level of power approaching their own.

What shape that involvement takes could very well be determined by the alignment system and what choices we make along the way.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I don't *believe* he's in the Ouro TF, but I haven't run that in a bit.
He's definitely in the Villain version of Mender Silo's arc (was the only EB my Elec/Elec brute couldn't take down) and I assume he's also in the Hero version.



Wow, lot's of terrible comments.

That being siad. That last paragraph SHOULDN't have needed to be stated.
Continue to find malice in your own shadow(s). It's just dumb.

Also, Statesman doesn't HAVE to die (or even die permanently), but it is a great plot device. It's just a shame the community, in general, is aas staid/limited in vision as it's always been.
Lacking in perception. Use some reward merits to buy a clue.

And States,man IS overused. Not necessarily in actuality, but in intent. There is a shadow that tends to loom. It simply turns the rest of the group into sidekicks.
As I said. Maybe just have a disappearance as a murder/mystery tyype event.
I never stated kill him off and wipe him out.
Too many moronic doomsayers that jump to conclusions here. BTW, you can;t blame it on ADD/ADHD, because willful negligence is a chosen stupidity.

As for proving my about a glance at the top of the page...who are the two icons focused next to the City of Heroes logo? Right as we read, and comment, the proof positive is there.
Statesman, and Lord Recluse are the Singular personifications of the game. I say shake it up. Mess with the players. Maybe he stays dead. Maybe he doesn't. But the event would be insane. Guaranteed. And everyone would have fun, because the idea, and how I've preliminarily explained in, is an excellent premise.
And though it wasn't stated, because so many idiots here need to repeat that B comes after A...ect.
The elementary aspects are understood. Stop with the repetition.
It could've been a Ouroborous doesn't matter.

The community at large is a very poor representation of true comic fans of the world. Sure they act elitist, and tend to jump to every wrong conclusion for lack of actually trying to understand the correct one. And also have that faux supremist ideal that if they can;t understand it then it's not right. Sorry if I'm above many of you, but I don't just float in the clouds...I live in them. Queue the many negative/bashing comments that seem so appropo at this point.

The difference is that comic fans what the characters to grow, want the stories to change, want to shake things up to make things better. Comic fans are creative. They evolve. This community (as a whole) is holding the game back.
The very fact that it's been stated by the Devs that they don't open up TFs to solo players is because the community would whine is proof enough.

It's one thing not to agree with a person, and their ideal, and wholly another with how that response is dictated.
As proof you'll note that all my original posts have no attack, malice, ect. Only in response to said attributes do I become reactive in kind. I am a mirror. Those of you that feel offended, then go look in a mirror and fix yourselves. You use your voices for the wrong reasons.
You fail.