Base Committee Forming???

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Heya folks,

Just wanted to drop in here and voice a few of my thoughts. When approached about this idea, we were immediately excited. We think that the base building community would be well served by an organized committee that focused on the communities needs, and are happy to do what we can to aid in such an endeavor.

I also think that it is best for a small group of like minded individuals to initially do much of the work in forming such a group, without seeking extensive input from the community. The reason for this is committees are not effective in getting things done initially and the early organizational efforts do not require extensive input but merely setting up the framework for later interactions.

Having said that, obtaining validation from the community that any committee purports to represent is crucial or the whole effort is in vain. Much of the discussion I've had with Turbo has regarded making sure that the community will have access to the committee and be able to participate if they are interested. That being said I believe that the intention is there and the structure is coming along well.

Looking forward to working with you folks,
There we go.
The committee's formed, the best we can do now is support and hope for the best.
The Ocho agreed, don't bother him about it.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Looking forward to working with you folks,
I am cautiously optimistic, but the past neglect of this community is also playing into this feeling.

Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Just wanted to drop in here and voice a few of my thoughts. When approached about this idea, we were immediately excited. We think that the base building community would be well served by an organized committee that focused on the communities needs, and are happy to do what we can to aid in such an endeavor.
I really wish the development and OCR teams had come to that conclusion several years ago.

Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
I also think that it is best for a small group of like minded individuals to initially do much of the work in forming such a group, without seeking extensive input from the community. The reason for this is committees are not effective in getting things done initially and the early organizational efforts do not require extensive input but merely setting up the framework for later interactions.
Ocho, the sticking point was that there was zero input from the community. I understand that doing the initial work forming the group can be done without extensive input, but at this point it does feel like they've went behind the community's collective back with this. There is also the built up cynicism that anything will actually be accomplished due to some very long standing base issues, some of which date back to 2005 and CoV's launch.

Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Having said that, obtaining validation from the community that any committee purports to represent is crucial or the whole effort is in vain.
It is very hard to obtain validation when the group the committee is trying to represent distrusts said committee because they were not up front with what they were doing. This thread essentially "outed" them.

I realize that Dead West isn't likely to be a professional spokesperson, but throughout this thread he talks of three distinct groups: The development team (including the OCR team), the base committee they are working on, and the community. However given some misrepresentations and wording it is hard to feel "included" at all:

Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
All we are going for is getting some dialog going and a little of that ole lime light shined on you guys. I get that many feel its a waste of time but if it is then its our time that was wasted, not yours. And when the committee is formed and it seems like something you want to help with then great.
"We/Our" for the committee compared with "you guys" for the community. This doesn't exactly demonstrate inclusiveness.

Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
In the past the devs were trying to listen to everyones thought and opinions on bases. And when a crowd is shouting different things you cant understand most of them.
This is a gross misrepresentation. For the last 2-3 years (starting around Issue 8 or 9), we've had a single cohesive thread (even sanctioned by stickying to the top of this section of the forums), with a consolidated list of issues and concerns. A single voice of organized concerns that have lasted pretty much intact without any response. The same person that publically made the badge issues threads (before I took those over, with his help) in the exact same format.

Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
We have already compiled lists of concerns, ones mentioned here and ones from the great lists that are already on the forums. We are going to prioritize these wishes and complaints, find out from the devs what is a quick fix all the way to nigh impossible.
Here Dead West is pretty much saying what the committee will do before consulting the community they are saying they are trying to represent. It sounds like they are going to be putting personal bias on the concerns.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Thank you very much, Ocho, for weighing in. It really is appreciated.

Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Heya folks,
... We think that the base building community would be well served by an organized committee that focused on the communities needs,...
Could not agree more.

... and are happy to do what we can to aid in such an endeavor.
I'm sure the assistance is very much appreciated.
But this does bring a tiny question to my mind...
Is this really a player created committee? or an NCSoft created player committee?
It's a slight distinction that I'll have to mull over for a bit.

I also think that it is best for a small group of like minded individuals to initially do much of the work in forming such a group, ...
I can understand this, and agree somewhat...

without seeking extensive input from the community. The reason for this is committees are not effective in getting things done initially and the early organizational efforts do not require extensive input but merely setting up the framework for later interactions.
This is where it gets sticky for me... extensive input may not be necessary, but I'm of the opinion that communication is.

Having said that, obtaining validation from the community that any committee purports to represent is crucial or the whole effort is in vain. Much of the discussion I've had with Turbo has regarded making sure that the community will have access to the committee and be able to participate if they are interested.
This was the most important thing in the entire post.

That being said I believe that the intention is there and the structure is coming along well.

Looking forward to working with you folks,
I am glad to hear that you have faith in the intentions, and I also look forward to seeing the results of this endeavor.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
But this does bring a tiny question to my mind...
Is this really a player created committee? or an NCSoft created player committee?
It's a slight distinction that I'll have to mull over for a bit.
Player created, this is not an area in which we interfere. We don't handle creation, dissolution, internal matters, etc. All we do is offer to help player organizations with tools to make their jobs easier. Any players can request this, and our help is based on 1) viability, 2) perceived benefit. Base building is an area which we feel a player committee could benefit the entire community greatly, and it is viable for a player group to become established.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
We have already compiled lists of concerns, ones mentioned here and ones from the great lists that are already on the forums. We are going to prioritize these wishes and complaints, find out from the devs what is a quick fix all the way to nigh impossible.
Here Dead West is pretty much saying what the committee will do before consulting the community they are saying they are trying to represent. It sounds like they are going to be putting personal bias on the concerns.
Yeah, I think this was a BIG sticky point for some folks.
Pretty much seemed to be putting the cart before the horse.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



This will likely be my last post in this thread as I think I've made my point and feelings clear.

Kat, from past experience, it is exactly as theOcho has said: They will offer tools to make the player group's job easier, but allow the groups to maintain their own structure and will not dictate how the groups will act.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Player created, this is not an area in which we interfere. We don't handle creation, dissolution, internal matters, etc. All we do is offer to help player organizations with tools to make their jobs easier. Any players can request this, and our help is based on 1) viability, 2) perceived benefit. Base building is an area which we feel a player committee could benefit the entire community greatly, and it is viable for a player group to become established.
Thank you very much for clarifying.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This will likely be my last post in this thread as I think I've made my point and feelings clear.

Kat, from past experience, it is exactly as theOcho has said: They will offer tools to make the player group's job easier, but allow the groups to maintain their own structure and will not dictate how the groups will act.
I have three wishes.

1. I wish for you to stay.

2. I wish to see the return of the City Scoop.

3. I wish to see an explosion of base editors in this fine game.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This will likely be my last post in this thread as I think I've made my point and feelings clear.

Kat, from past experience, it is exactly as theOcho has said: They will offer tools to make the player group's job easier, but allow the groups to maintain their own structure and will not dictate how the groups will act.
As someone who was on The City Scoop, PERC, PVPEC and other committees I can attest to this.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I agree with the twisted rabbit thingee that runs the "Twisted Burrow" (infinity SG).

Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I have three wishes.

1. I wish for you to stay.

2. I wish to see the return of the City Scoop.

3. I wish to see an explosion of base editors in this fine game.

Some see a flow in the right direction and hope to see it pick up strength and speed.

There is no reason to stop a train or jump off if the destination is common or close to common. Many of us want the same things, point in the same direction, and sometimes are a few degrees off.

S.I.N. - Strength in Numbers



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I have three wishes.

1. I wish for you to stay.

2. I wish to see the return of the City Scoop.

3. I wish to see an explosion of base editors in this fine game.
I guess I wasn't clear. I am staying.

1) I love this game. I'm not going anywhere else anytime soon. My subscription is active until late summer 2011 at this point. I'm also not going to quit either the base or badge communities, even though I refuse to waste my time with stacking. I feel I have better uses for my time. Like I said in this thread, I'm taking a wait and see approach to the committee, but I am disappointed in how it came about.

2) Sadly, the Scoop in the form it was last seen is likely not coming back due to many technical issues. Something might take its place, but that remains to be seen.

3) I would love for everyone to have the opportunity to build their own lair/base in addition to the larger super group bases. I've never been against it, but without the developers making it a priority I don't see it getting done anytime soon.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
This is where it gets sticky for me... extensive input may not be necessary, but I'm of the opinion that communication is.
but havnt they had extensive input already? list after list of things that need to be fixed, things we would like added, new items, new textures, new ideas, honestly if they don't know what we want by now then what is more extensive input going to do?

Im quite happy that anything is being done, and more concerned about our hopes being built up only to be dashed upon the rocks.



I don't care who is on the committee, what their agenda is, who got voted off the island as long as they get some progress on anything base related.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



My support is behind the Committee, I don't post much but I do read just about everything on the base forums and I would love to see where this can go. If there will ever be a public meeting somewhere in game I would be there to lend my support and vote for committee members if needed.

Would some one be forming a global channel in game for the committee & supporters where we could speak in game about our concerns.

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



Just wanted to do a quick response for Snow.

I myself noticed that my past posts were not exactly clear or could to some seem that I am saying the exact opposite of what I meant.

I am working on that. I am in no way a professional speaker.

I think the main reason Turbo wanted me to rep this group is one, because I have more time on forums than I do in game, and two, I care about the community of this game and I try to post and respond with the frequency most wish that devs would.

I will try to make my posts as clear as possible from this point on, especially now that I know the "boundaries" of my position. I really regret ever using the word "prioritize". Really should have been sort.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
Just wanted to do a quick response for Snow.

I myself noticed that my past posts were not exactly clear or could to some seem that I am saying the exact opposite of what I meant.

I am working on that. I am in no way a professional speaker.

I think the main reason Turbo wanted me to rep this group is one, because I have more time on forums than I do in game, and two, I care about the community of this game and I try to post and respond with the frequency most wish that devs would.

I will try to make my posts as clear as possible from this point on, especially now that I know the "boundaries" of my position. I really regret ever using the word "prioritize". Really should have been sort.
Fair enough.

I would still caution whoever is or will be on the committee to be as forthright and open as possible. I'm not saying that everything has to be disclosed (and from personal experience that isn't always possible), but without openness this will be doomed. Make use of some of the tools the admins have and can provide: Polls, Stickies, Official Announcements, etc.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



After spending a good deal of time on vent with Dead_West I have been convinced that this is THE step in the right direction that we have ALL been waiting for.

If anyone has any doubts I would highly recommend getting on vent with DW to clear things up.

I am behind this 1000%

Our time is NOW.

Lets NOT blow our chance!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Heya folks,

Just wanted to drop in here and voice a few of my thoughts. When approached about this idea, we were immediately excited. We think that the base building community would be well served by an organized committee that focused on the communities needs, and are happy to do what we can to aid in such an endeavor.

I also think that it is best for a small group of like minded individuals to initially do much of the work in forming such a group, without seeking extensive input from the community. The reason for this is committees are not effective in getting things done initially and the early organizational efforts do not require extensive input but merely setting up the framework for later interactions.

Having said that, obtaining validation from the community that any committee purports to represent is crucial or the whole effort is in vain. Much of the discussion I've had with Turbo has regarded making sure that the community will have access to the committee and be able to participate if they are interested. That being said I believe that the intention is there and the structure is coming along well.

Looking forward to working with you folks,
I'd just like to point out that at no point does Ocho mention that they (the devs) plan on doing anything other than supporting whatever the committee is doing. AKA base contests, listing concerns or bugs, etc..

Neither was a mention that they plan on addressing fixes/updates or have anything in the works for bases.

It is possible he/they want to remain non-committal, which just means we all shouldn't get our hopes up that this is a major breakthrough.



If needed, add me to the list as one who wants to help the committee or fellow base builders in getting our information, desires and requests out to the devs and powers-that-be.

I've enjoyed building and/or designing over 30 bases (most for myself, some for other players) and with the moderate experiences I've had with doing that, I would definitely like to help.

I'm sure we all wish to get the word to the devs/powers-that-be what we see as necessary actions to perpetuate the game's current quality up-curve and the attention that needs to be brought to the bases and the incredible base building community at large.

I know it doesn't seem like there is a lot of interest from the devs in getting bases fixed/updated/revised, but, as we all know, if we work together, we can achieve more than what we have seperately.

Count me in to help where you need me.



It's about time for ANYTHING to happen with bases.

I've encouraged PERC to do SOMETHING with bases. Like a base contest or whatever. I know I have auctioned myself out to help people with bases in the Victory auctions. I know there is the base builders channel, but I've always been one of those "hands on" people who best give advice if I see the issue or best teach someone within an actual base.

I'd love for base raids to come backin some appropriate form. Too often the attitude is that bases and SGs do not matter with global channels and so forth, but for me bases offer some of the special mystique to the game.

So as for player-led base groups, I will support them if they can prove that they can do anything to help base builders. Even just ONE thing. Even is it's just a cool thing that players would want and that only bases could offer.

But in my opinion, the first thing that should be considered is not the actual base building programming but the SG concept as a whole. The purpose of building a base is for people to see it. But when your SG is limited to 150 characters and people are flocking to using global channels because of this, it makes me wonder if base building is worth the time. Used to people would look for "established" SGs for all of the benefits and builders could really showcase their ability but now it seems that people only even go into the base to get to those hard-to-get-to zones that are not served by Oro or trains or whatever.

What I am saying is that as long as SGs continue to become less and less relevant so does base editing in the eyes of everyone. Bases need to become relevant again and for that to happen so do SGs as a whole.

Also in my opinion we should be careful about making a change for the worst. One change I regret happening is for base items to be more affordable. I think this is a thing that contributed to descreasing importance SGs because now anyone can make a base for themselves and get all they need pretty quickly. I know some think that it made it easier to start off a SG but I disagree as I started my SG years after most SGs on my server were started and we reached top 10 in less than year for prestige. If there is a will there is a way.



I guess since it seems the Committee has been formed I would like to know what exactlly they are gonna try and get accomplished. This way we know exactlly whats on the aggenda so to speak.




I am not getting overly excited because I'm sure the devs will let us down again. But I must say that I think the committee is an excellent idea and yes we need to rally the troops. The more members on the committee, the more we can show the devs how many want to see change. It is a new approach to an old problem and I think its better than just sitting around and doing nothing.

When you start talks, throw out the idea of Base decorations in booster packs. I am sure the reason that they have not spent time on us boils down to cost and platform. If they can spend the time to make new emotes and costume pieces for our money, then they can spend the time to add a couple of base decorations into their next booster. Yes they would have to have other things in the booster so that it would sell across the game community and not just target us.

I also hope that the committee isn't just a select few and the rest get left outside with no voice. I wish you luck and would love to join to help out.



Originally Posted by CohJunkie View Post
I am not getting overly excited because I'm sure the devs will let us down again. But I must say that I think the committee is an excellent idea and yes we need to rally the troops. The more members on the committee, the more we can show the devs how many want to see change. It is a new approach to an old problem and I think its better than just sitting around and doing nothing.

When you start talks, throw out the idea of Base decorations in booster packs. I am sure the reason that they have not spent time on us boils down to cost and platform. If they can spend the time to make new emotes and costume pieces for our money, then they can spend the time to add a couple of base decorations into their next booster. Yes they would have to have other things in the booster so that it would sell across the game community and not just target us.

I also hope that the committee isn't just a select few and the rest get left outside with no voice. I wish you luck and would love to join to help out.
I, for one, and getting tired of being nickel and dimed for every bit of new. If you can find the money to add whole zones and task forces for the cost of your standard monthly subscription, you can find the money to add a few base items. Microtransaction DLC thrown on top of an existing subscription model is deliberate exploitation of a captive audience. It's unnecessary and insulting. An expansion with tons of new content and gameplay systems is one thing. Asking for more money for a handful of costume parts, base items, etc. Is just ******* insulting. If we're going to keep doing "super boosters" the overall value of these packages needs to improve.

GR alone costs 30 bucks. For that 30 bucks, you end up with not only more total costume additions than any of the boosters, but all of prateoria, plus a full 20-50 spread of tip missions for four moralities. In short, it's actually a good value for the cost.

None of the boosters thusfar have even come close to being a decent value for cost. Especially the latest Origins pack which is largely the least development intensive pack, containing little more than cape textures/materials and particle systems.

No. You shouldn't be suggesting that you get nickel and dimed. You should be suggesting that players have been paying for these features for a long time. You should be suggesting that every person subscribed to the game is already a guaranteed source of income which only becomes more reliable when they are treated like valued customers in stead of cash cows.



If the committee actually gets anything done at all, then I will say that for the most part they deserve their existence at that point.

ANY changes would be good at this point as far as I'm concerned. It would show that the developers realize that the community exists. If we don't like all the changes, we can still appeal directly to the devs or to the committee.

This talk of a "shadowy" making decisions for us is ridiculous. I would be concerned about it if the shadowy agency was making decisions regarding what food I ate, or as in the case in real life... how much of my money is going to be taken from me and spent on military spending. But it's just a base! A base that has for too long been forgotten and left behind, but still just a base. If this committe makes bad choices, we can deal with the consequences. But at least give them a chance to actually get SOMETHING done around here.

I still say that the main focus should be on reviving Super Groups in general, not just bases.