Base Committee Forming???

Adeon Hawkwood



So, any update on the progress of the committee's formation, possibly even progress on talks with the developers?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Chant View Post
ANY changes would be good at this point as far as I'm concerned. It would show that the developers realize that the community exists. If we don't like all the changes, we can still appeal directly to the devs or to the committee.

This talk of a "shadowy" making decisions for us is ridiculous. I would be concerned about it if the shadowy agency was making decisions regarding what food I ate, or as in the case in real life... how much of my money is going to be taken from me and spent on military spending. But it's just a base! A base that has for too long been forgotten and left behind, but still just a base. If this committe makes bad choices, we can deal with the consequences. But at least give them a chance to actually get SOMETHING done around here.
I doubt anyone sees this as a conspiracy. I believe that the committee was formed with the right intention, to get changes made. And I doubt anyone is seriously against the formation of a committee, because we all truly want to see changes made. It's the secrecy that's the issue, not the people or the committee per se. I'm sure they have an agenda of what they want to accomplish, but so far getting them to part with what's on the list is like impossible. Therefor, secrecy is breeding mistrust and a loss of faith.

Is not hard to understand why people are against this thing on principal. It is hard to trust a person or a group when their intentions are unknown. As a committee formed to represent "all of us", all of us aren't feeling represented since there was and is no debate on the agenda as of this time.

Originally Posted by Chant View Post
If this committe makes bad choices, we can deal with the consequences. But at least give them a chance to actually get SOMETHING done around here.
We have seen past efforts on behalf of the players and we've seen dev interest come and go, all with no results. The fear here is that IF the agenda is too demanding or way off the mark, those in the position to say "yes" or "no" to changes will say "this is too much of a time investment for the benefit of too few players". If they blow this one, there may or may not be another chance in the future, but there will be like a hundred "I told you so" posts in this thread.

Originally Posted by Chant View Post
I still say that the main focus should be on reviving Super Groups in general, not just bases.
This is absolutely correct, in my opinion. This is the key ingredient in the solution and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. What we have now is a list of things we want fixed and added without dev interest, so the key is a reason for them to care. By putting all the fixes and demands on the backburner and addressing the sg concept as a whole, we may find we get that whole list of wants and needs filled. They do not need a committee to tell them what they already know. They know there are a ton of fixes needed, that there is a ton of cool stuff they could add and they already know that the base editor is terrible, there is just no motivation to repair/replace any of this.

The devs need to give sg's some benefits, rewards, tangible reasons to have the player community interested in joining larger sg's. Since base raids are not the answer, we need to look into what the devs can give to supergroups that cause players to WANT to be in a larger sg. Things that aren't overly time intensive for the devs at the onset. Getting players into larger sg's makes bases important again. As long as players can make a 1-man storage facility and sg bases have no real benefit to players, then sg's are not important. If sg's are not important to players, there is no real reason the devs should take time away from other tasks to tinker with bases.

If the devs have a reason to invest resources into bases, then overtime, we will get more of what we want.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
So, any update on the progress of the committee's formation...
*clears throat*

Heh. Funny you should ask...

A couple weeks ago, Turbo asked if I would be willing to become involved.

I know I've stated that I would prefer to see appointment by vote, but I'm also pragmatic enough to see the difference between idealism and reality.

So I did accept the position. My role will be the "list keeper".... appropriate, I suppose, since I already have a little head start on it (thanks to the previous efforts of Mad Scientist, Snow, & others).

I feel both humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve the community in this capacity and I sincerely hope I can earn your confidence in this endeavor.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
*clears throat*

Heh. Funny you should ask...

A couple weeks ago, Turbo asked if I would be willing to become involved.

I know I've stated that I would prefer to see appointment by vote, but I'm also pragmatic enough to see the difference between idealism and reality.

So I did accept the position. My role will be the "list keeper".... appropriate, I suppose, since I already have a little head start on it (thanks to the previous efforts of Mad Scientist, Snow, & others).

I feel both humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve the community in this capacity and I sincerely hope I can earn your confidence in this endeavor.

Congratulations, Kat!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Congrats on the position Kat. But I guess what some of us would like to know is what is on the front burner and what is on the back burner for the committee



Time to beat the dead horse and ask on how the base committee's doing?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Time to beat the dead horse and ask on how the base committee's doing?
Unfortunately, a few RL "distractions" have cropped up for a couple folks, so things are moving a bit slowly at this point. I'm hoping that once we get through the holiday madness, and RL settles a bit, we will be able to pick things back up.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Unfortunately, a few RL "distractions" have cropped up for a couple folks, so things are moving a bit slowly at this point. I'm hoping that once we get through the holiday madness, and RL settles a bit, we will be able to pick things back up.

Acceptable all in all, while one of the big reasons i asked this was in light of the new issue, I would imagine new base options might not be available until after issue twenty.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I hope something bears fruit here. I keep playong and seeing random objects all throught CoX and think to myself: this would be sweet in my base... many of hte gaming tables in PocketD for example.

I hope bases get addressed again some time, because i love my base, but I have been one of hte few that went for function of form... Ive got all the stuff that makes a base a base excepot it doesnt look particularly amazing. i mean... 5 years into it and i just started fooling around extensivly with stacking items...

Being a one man SG thats doesnt pile up tons of prestige doesnt help either, but I for one was sad to see the monkeys go... i built up quite a bit in thsoe days.

So any headway we see on the base editor being worked on, stuff for bases being added, and the prestige system being addressed or ability to earn prestige made a little easier, I would love it. anything really, SG/base specific coming from devs and mods and rednames and such is good.

But please, please dont make me buy it on top of what i already paid for three games, COH, COV, and GR.... plus my monthly fee. that isnt just mean and wrong.. its straight up villany



Originally Posted by Longboard View Post
So any headway we see on the base editor being worked on, stuff for bases being added, and the prestige system being addressed or ability to earn prestige made a little easier, I would love it. anything really, SG/base specific coming from devs and mods and rednames and such is good.

But please, please dont make me buy it on top of what i already paid for three games, COH, COV, and GR.... plus my monthly fee. that isnt just mean and wrong.. its straight up villany
Well, it already was made easier to buy stuff not that many issues ago, when prices dropped. I don't think this is the solution. Making it easier for EVERYONE to own a awesome base in no times makes them no longer Super Group bases and more like personal player houses on various chat sites I won't mention. It's already easy enough as far as I'm concerned. Part of the challenge of a small SG is making due with what you have and working your way up. Inviting new members and teaming together will build prestige FAST. And if you are determined enough you can drop a few billion of influence straight into prestige. Making it easier undermines those groups that busted their rears for months to get what they have.

I do agree that we need progress on the base editor. We have the same exact items from ages ago. Would I mind paying extra for extra base items? No, in fact that sounds like a great idea. Paying them will encourage them to do more and if my base has shiny items that other bases do not, then chalk it up to capitalism.

So Rednames, it's time for a BASE PACK.



OK... sorry for the long wait. I have been getting a spoonful of real life lately and it wasnt heading for my mouth.

But as far as the committee is concerned the idea is not dead. Maybe punched and dragged into the street for a minute but we have recovered and are now finishing the ground work which is just structure of the committee and the charter. Once that is done the contests will begin and the discussions on what should be done in bases will as well. We will have our first meeting soon so that we can all say our piece and get a chance to open a dialog that will benefit most.

Just have to give us a little more time, think through the holidays we will be able to finish this up and it wont be so "cloak and dagger" anymore.

As always if I have confused you, angered you, or just gave you more question, just send me a PM and we can talk on Vent. Seemed to help others lol

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



As a random question, without managing to join the committee (mainly because i'm honestly unsure WHAT I could contribute), what can I do to support it as well as improve support?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
As a random question, without managing to join the committee (mainly because i'm honestly unsure WHAT I could contribute), what can I do to support it as well as improve support?
To provide support, and to encourage support, right now... I think mostly it'd be expressing what you'd like to see the base committee do. Granted, acting as a focal point for talking to the devs (one that won't up and disappear because there's a new issue coming out!) is a primary task, but what else?

- Hold decorating contests?
- Sponsor base tours?
- Enlist builders for building "seminars" ?
- Collect and write more FAQs and How-tos?
- Something else?

I know the base community well enough to know that we engender lively discussions when we get involved with something. So... let's have this conversation. Have it on the BaseBuildersInc. channel and report back summaries. Have it here, and let's see what we can think of.

Base builders do form a community in this game, and that's honestly fantastic - and that will be a big support for the committee all by itself.

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Cende, did you steal my thoughts when I wasn't looking?

I would love to see more general chatter in the BBInc. channel. The trick seems to be "timing". Channel conversations are ... limited, in that they can only be seen for a small amount of time. If someone has an interesting conversation in the BBInc channel or even just in the game, I would love to see it brought up here, if just for the sake of "longevity".

Also, creating a little "base chatter" in the other sub-forums is another way of keeping the subject warm.

Links in your sigs... such a simple thing. Link your favorite base thread.

The idea of holding "base events" has merit for keeping people interested and active in this game feature. What kind of events would you like to see?


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
I know the base community well enough to know that we engender lively discussions when we get involved with something. So... let's have this conversation. Have it on the BaseBuildersInc. channel and report back summaries. Have it here, and let's see what we can think of.

Base builders do form a community in this game, and that's honestly fantastic - and that will be a big support for the committee all by itself.
Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Cende, did you steal my thoughts when I wasn't looking?

I would love to see more general chatter in the BBInc. channel. The trick seems to be "timing". Channel conversations are ... limited, in that they can only be seen for a small amount of time. If someone has an interesting conversation in the BBInc channel or even just in the game, I would love to see it brought up here, if just for the sake of "longevity".

Also, creating a little "base chatter" in the other sub-forums is another way of keeping the subject warm.
Yeah, it's one of the things I bring up at any opportunity.

And base-building is loved on the EU side of things too. I've witnessed and built a few things of my own (this being my latest project). There's a few EU players who'd lend support to this, myself included. Alas the global chat isn't global in the same way the market is yet but bases (and wishlists) do come up regularly on our chat channels.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
There's a few EU players who'd lend support to this, myself included. Alas the global chat isn't global in the same way the market is yet but bases (and wishlists) do come up regularly on our chat channels.
Well, it's annoying that the chat channels don't cross servers like the markets do, but I suppose that might be asking too much of the global chat server... after it, it's quite so handicapped as it is. I certainly didn't mean to leave out the EU, I just keep forgetting that they're quite so distanced from the rest of us (which is unfortunate in the extreme, and something I'd personally change immediately-if-not-sooner, but that's another rant).

Still, since anyone who's not on a channel can't see what's said while the discussion happens... it doesn't matter where the conversation occurs, if some record of it comes back for the rest of everyone to make comments on it. In this way, EU and US can still add to each other's thoughts and opinions (and get confused by the slang that we don't quite get).

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Unbidden | Star Patrol | Real World Hero



Just want to put my 2 INF in here. Sorry if it's been said before - it's waaaay too late to read over every single post here - but I wanted to get this out there.

I would like the idea of seeing 'building blocks' for walls and floors. Maybe at different cost levels for different sizes - from a 1x2 up to a 16x16 floor unit for doing multiple floors in one of those large base rooms. (If you look at it, you can have up to 3 'floors' with maximum space settings.)

I'd also like to ask for some simple items, like a fridge and stovetop for a base kitchenette. I never warmed to the idea of having to use up to 5-6 items to put something like that together - or using one of the metalic counters and claim it's an industrial sized griddle - and then if I wanted to move it I'd have to move each of those pieces seperately.

And specificly for one of my SGs, I wanted to build a private movie theater, but I ended up having to use 33 thousand of the frameless canveses on one wall. Again, yet another example of where 'building blocks' would be useful.

I remember when I first came onto these forums, and heard about other people wanting stuff like this, and thought "Oh gawds no, it'd just be 'The Sims COH'!" But now, in a way, I'm thinking that that is what I and many others actually want - at least for the bases and simple apartments.

Oh, and one last thing, could we have more coices in beds? At least beyond the simple either/or choice between an army cot and something that looks like it was designed by the Marquie de Sade?

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



This has been a long time coming but we are well on our way to having proper representation thanks to several key members.




SO who do we have to thanks and where do we grease the wheels to keep this thing rolling?



Originally Posted by unjust View Post
SO who do we have to thanks and where do we grease the wheels to keep this thing rolling?
To borrow from Raiders of the Lost Ark: "We have top men working on it now."

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Dave_67 View Post
I remember when I first came onto these forums, and heard about other people wanting stuff like this, and thought "Oh gawds no, it'd just be 'The Sims COH'!"
I've heard people say something similar as if it was disparaging. What's wrong with SIMs CoH? SIMs is making a profit, innit?

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



Is there anything new with the base committee?



I've posted this before but for bases to see any real attention in the future they need to be a part of a new issue in some way. I touched on this in a post I made awhile back (for the curious

Basically if you're going to try to get to the devs to work on bases then you need to show them how bases can be a feature in some way of a new issue or have an issue completely revolving around them. At its core there needs to be a broad use and selling point to making a new base building tech. This tech needs to be able to dynamically create maps in game. For a reference consider the old Neverwinter Nights toolset which had various tilesets with static features part of the tileset and placeable objects you could detail the created area with further. One feature the nwn tilesets didnt have that a coh one might benefit from is the ability to swap textures (consider the tech lab map thats retextured to be a longbow base for that one tip mission. same old tech map but looks vastly different by a simple texture swap). Ditching the current "buy a room" model and replacing it with a "this specifc tile is this type and texture" model is the way to go IMO.

Selling points to point out to the devs include:

* New tech gives devs a more streamlined tool to create mission areas and tailor them more to taste instead of using warehouse # 3 for the billionth time. They could simply paint down some prefabbed tiles, possibly even combine tiles for different area types to create some transitioning (much like the maps that go from office to sewers to caves) and dress them up with placeables to create much more varied and interesting maps of all types. This new tech could allow the developers to design more unique mission maps than the standard stock ones we've been using for years without having to spend labor/resources on modeling an entirely new map for a mission in house. If an algorithm could be developed to randomize key elements of a map using the new tech while still keeping the pathing and mob placement viable this could revolutionize all current and future missions making their maps more interesting and dynamic.

* New base builder tech could be included into AE allowing for player made maps on their AE missions.

* New tip missions could be made that create randomly generated maps

* New tech could allow for environments we currently don't have like outer space,underwater, deserts or even alien worlds.

The idea to convince the devs shouldn't be to try for an issue devoted to base building. But base building can be overhauled if a new issue justifies the time and expense. The goal imo should be to show the devs how new tech that happens to benefit base building could be the main feature of a whole issue of content that pretty much everyone can engage in at some level.

Features that could go hand in hand with this tech and be featured as part of an issue include:

* Personal bases. These bases would be small and unique to each individual hero/villain and obtained after doing a mission at level 10 for the city official in atlas park's city hall or Kalinda much like capes at 20 and auras at 30. Such personal bases could have a feature to transit into the owner's SG base where applicable. Personal bases could use simple influence to build with and could possibly be another type of inf sink to get inf out of the system. If using inf isn't desirable the personal base could instead use a new currency called personal prestige for building. Since a personal base is of limited scope and likely easy to cap out, personal prestige would only be purchased with influence from the sg registrar much like you purchase sg prestige. The idea of personal bases opens the tech up to EVERY player's use so they can all get a taste of it.

* The mission computer could have a wider variety of missions to offer that use the tech to create unique maps. These missions could also be accessed by those not in a supergroup via the community information terminals around the city so everyone has access to the content.

* There could be new types of tip missions that only drop when you are in a supergroup and if your sg plot is of an appropriate size and you have the feature enabled. These tip missions would use your SG basemap and have a level appropriate villain group invade the base. This type of mission wouldn't have any affect on your actual base as the mission map is merely a replica. There could also be new tip missions that draw on other sg bases for their maps allowing for a variety of tip mission locations and allowing sg bases be showcased to all players. There could possibly be a badge for completing a certain number of base invasion tip missions and mission computer missions.

* Task force badges could unlock certain new decorative base objects and themes related to the TF such as certain cimeroran themed objects/textures for completing the ITF. These features could be unlocked for both personal and SG bases so everyone can enjoy them.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
The idea to convince the devs shouldn't be to try for an issue devoted to base building. But base building can be overhauled if a new issue justifies the time and expense. The goal imo should be to show the devs how new tech that happens to benefit base building could be the main feature of a whole issue of content that pretty much everyone can engage in at some level.
This is something that everyone should keep in mind when suggesting base building features at the moment.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Kyriani
The idea to convince the devs shouldn't be to try for an issue devoted to base building. But base building can be overhauled if a new issue justifies the time and expense. The goal imo should be to show the devs how new tech that happens to benefit base building could be the main feature of a whole issue of content that pretty much everyone can engage in at some level.

This is something that everyone should keep in mind when suggesting base building features at the moment.

So, why dont we expand it to the following, which would be worthy of an entire issue:
1. Revamped base editor. Forget the concept of "stacking", I'd like a full 3D map editor where you can place any item anywhere.
2. City Zone Editor / Player Housing - the devs add several new city zones, which the users can build from the ground up. The users add buildings, bridges, rivers, statues, etc. ( city blocks and components would have to be purchased by individual users, which would be another great Inf. sink ) The users also design the INTERIORS of said buildings, which can then be utilized by radio missions in the zone.
3. The users can design personal apartments or houses, not only in these zones, but also adjuncting the SG base if desired.

If they design the editor correctly, it could be expanded to benefit the mission architect system.

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