Base Committee Forming???

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
I am boiling at this point over the backroom nature of this whole thing and that a select few players are now setting the official priorities on what happens next with bases.

But I've always said I'd be for anything that produces results. This pretty much tests the limits of that comment.
Well, if it makes you feel better, I said I'd buy a pack with just emotes.
So I won't blame you if you're among those who feel that this is a case of "privillaged minorities choosing for the majority"
The third option might be to offer some help, input, and/or support.
If it makes you feel better, it gives you even more reason to be angry if things don't work out!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
I am boiling at this point over the backroom nature of this whole thing and that a select few players are now setting the official priorties on what happens next with bases.

But I've always said I'd be for anything that produces results. This pretty much tests the limits of that comment.
In contrast, I wouldn't say I'm "boiling" over any of this. I'm just taking a wait and see approach. Not real keen on the idea of a small circle setting the agenda, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

To be quite honest though, I find that too often the wish-lists pushed for by the majority of the base builders community are too far-reaching and likely work against any kind of implementation in our lifetimes. That's not to say I don't share some of those goals, but I see too many around here who have a "Give me everything and give it to me now" mentality in regards to base costs, editor changes, item additions, etc.

If the committee is successful in getting anything done, then I salute their efforts. Given what the general consensus around here usually amounts to though, I do hope you'll all understand if I don't count on any of it ever seeing the light of day.

I wish the committee luck.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))




As far as the wish list is concerned the #1 should be the wxyz axis tool.

If we were going to get any base editing updates, that should be the top on everyone's list.

I would suggest a small start with just that tool alone before adding textures or objects.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



That is personally what i would like changed about the editor. No more sconces needed to get an angle, man that would be nice. The programming part of that however is a logistical nightmare. To my knowledge, safes and gray desks are the only objects that can be seen from all angles. Everything else has at least one invisible side. So to bring that system into the editor they would need to re-render alot of those pieces.

Honestly new skins and objects (with wxyz system in mind) would be a logical way to go. But we will have our first meeting soon and i will make sure that is a main topic.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
The third option might be to offer some help, input, and/or support.
If it makes you feel better, it gives you even more reason to be angry if things don't work out!

This small group of self-empowered individuals should have come to the community FIRST to garner our support.

Something along the lines of, "Hey guys, some of us are thinking about putting a committee together to open the lines of communication with the Devs... Anyone interested?"

THEN there might not be this feeling of closed door, back room dealings that sets some of our teeth on edge.

I posed a series of questions earlier in regard to how this committee is being formed and who is being "allowed" to participate... and have not yet received a satisfactory answer.

Jus' sayin'.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post

This small group of self-empowered individuals should have come to the community FIRST to garner our support.

Something along the lines of, "Hey guys, some of us are thinking about putting a committee together to open the lines of communication with the Devs... Anyone interested?"

THEN there might not be this feeling of closed door, back room dealings that sets some of our teeth on edge.

I posed a series of questions earlier in regard to how this committee is being formed and who is being "allowed" to participate... and have not yet received a satisfactory answer.

Jus' sayin'.

and saying it quite well for all the right reasons.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
That is personally what i would like changed about the editor. No more sconces needed to get an angle, man that would be nice. The programming part of that however is a logistical nightmare. To my knowledge, safes and gray desks are the only objects that can be seen from all angles. Everything else has at least one invisible side. So to bring that system into the editor they would need to re-render alot of those pieces.

Honestly new skins and objects (with wxyz system in mind) would be a logical way to go. But we will have our first meeting soon and i will make sure that is a main topic.
You seem to have a realistic and logical approach to this. Certainly far more of one than is normally seen here, IMO. I always find it amusing to see the question of "what existing thing do you want for bases?" answered with some variation of "this thing that doesn't exist." Looks like you understand the difference.

Color me at least cautiously optimistic if this is the sort of thinking being brought to the devs by this committee.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post

As far as the wish list is concerned the #1 should be the wxyz axis tool.

If we were going to get any base editing updates, that should be the top on everyone's list.

I would suggest a small start with just that tool alone before adding textures or objects.
Um... you do realize that's not a small start, right? A small start would be asking for things that do exist, not things that don't exist yet.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Sorry just got a chance to post.

Ok as far as your post Imp, that is basically what we are working on as of right now. Sorry I havent replied yet, but there were alot of posts and I was trying to address everyone in one post. I work through the weekends.

But anyway, here's what we are working on as far as the committee itself when referring to membership. It will not just be the 3 of us making all decisions, nor will it just be the 3 of us in the committee itself. We havent exactly figured out all the specifics (like i said before the rumors hit fast) but we do know we want it to be a small number of people. We are trying to funnel the best ideas to the devs, we don't want to create the same problem within the committee.

Turbo has been point on all of this, he has started the dialog with the devs, he has written the charter, pretty much the guy with the plan. The reason I and Sidhe were picked wasnt for popularity (because many of you are much more vocal in the base forum than I am) or because we know the right people. But we all care about this game and the people who play it. Thats what makes CoH different than other games, we play for experience not XP and we love a noob (that is open to suggestion of course.) We care that many of you are angry to the point of quitting the game in some instances.

But we are trying to do this professionally and concise. If you have too much emotion involved it can turn into the British Parliament real fast.

We are not trying to leave anyone out, and like I said there will be more people involved directly and indirectly very soon. We are just trying to get the red tape out of the way first. And my first task was to keep you folks informed. Sorry if I am not doing that quickly enough or clear enough, thats why if there are questions continue to post them here and I will try to get to them all.

I know its hard to trust someone when they say their intentions are for the good of the people, but they truly are. Words dont mean alot these days though so just keep an eye out in the coming weeks and I promise it wont be so hard to believe then.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Um... you do realize that's not a small start, right? A small start would be asking for things that do exist, not things that don't exist yet.
Are we going to start going at each other now? I'd rather not and just say you are right.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.




Please remember that your committee was not chosen by the anyone in this section. So to ease any mistrust, you will have to communicate clearly your intentions and plan. This has not been done, and should be rectified as soon as possible. If nothing else, give an intended date of posting the charter, so everyone knows what the plan is.

Good luck.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
Are we going to start going at each other now? I'd rather not and just say you are right.
If you're insinuating that my comment was meant as a personal attack, then no, that's not what is happening. I was merely trying to point out that asking "only" for something that doesn't exist and suggesting it has to be the first priority to the exclusion of all other issues they might be able to work on for bases is probably setting the bar a bit too high to be realistic.

There's certainly no ire or ill will on my end, regardless of what you might think.

I just think we need to have a little perspective about what may be big or small. You just happened to be the one to jump out there with the latest request for "x" base item/feature that doesn't exist yet, so I responded to that.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post

Please remember that your committee was not chosen by the anyone in this section. So to ease any mistrust, you will have to communicate clearly your intentions and plan. This has not been done, and should be rectified as soon as possible. If nothing else, give an intended date of posting the charter, so everyone knows what the plan is.

Good luck.
I'm not part of this little committee, but before anyone else speaks of mistrust, it appears that a leak somewhere made it so everyone heard about this little endeavor of theirs before they were ready to announce it, which is presumably why they haven't presented the plan you're asking for (and one I was pondering myself before taking this into account).

*shrugs* Far as I'm concerned, we should all just give them a few days to figure out what their exact message and goals were going to be announced as. If they've got the time to dedicate to this and an ability to calmly and rationally discuss it with the devs, with an open mind to see both sides of the story, more power to them.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



I'm mostly staying out of this conversation, because while I have my own opinions, I know perfectly well that nobody but me cares what they are.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
I'm not part of this little committee, but before anyone else speaks of mistrust, it appears that a leak somewhere made it so everyone heard about this little endeavor of theirs before they were ready to announce it, which is presumably why they haven't presented the plan you're asking for (and one I was pondering myself before taking this into account).
In reference to the bolded bit above: I think the problem some people are running into was that the endeavor was started without any discussion or input from this section of the game population that it claims to represent. There shouldn't have been a leak "before they were ready to announce it," because it shouldn't have been a secret in the first place. They're running into the problem of -> what happens if we don't want to be presented with fait accompli?

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
I'm mostly staying out of this conversation, because while I have my own opinions, I know perfectly well that nobody but me cares what they are.

In reference to the bolded bit above: I think the problem some people are running into was that the endeavor was started without any discussion or input from this section of the game population that it claims to represent. There shouldn't have been a leak "before they were ready to announce it," because it shouldn't have been a secret in the first place. They're running into the problem of -> what happens if we don't want to be presented with fait accompli?
This emphatically this.

I have a real gorram problem with the idea of secretive shadowy people wanting to represent me behind my back and without my permission.

Make a survey or something up with a list of the people that want to be on the committee and let us vote on who we want representing us.



The most likely "small" changes would be stuff that does not require major coding changes.

Like turning off the stacking restrictions for Desks, or adding new items.

Heck, making it so room columns count as walls for sticking wall items to them would be nice - then put in a version of the floor tile that sticks to walls.


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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
This emphatically this.

I have a real gorram problem with the idea of secretive shadowy people wanting to represent me behind my back and without my permission.

Make a survey or something up with a list of the people that want to be on the committee and let us vote on who we want representing us.
My point is that what's done is done at this point, and these are the people who are supposedly talking with the devs and now have their ear. Rather than summon up the pitchforks and torches, see what they have to say first instead of burning them at the stake. If you don't like what they actually push for (or get), then scream for their heads and form up a posse. I'll light the torches for you.

Otherwise, why waste the energy when so many people have had discussions with the devs in the past that went absolutely nowhere?

Are some of you just angry that after all this time of being ignored, someone other than you figured out how to talk to the devs in a manner that got them interested enough to take those talks at least semi-seriously? Are some of you afraid that your own pet projects for bases will be overlooked now because someone else is talking to them instead?

Seriously, the cat's out of the bag, and everyone knows that those three are talking to the devs now. Ball's in their court now to tell us what their agenda is, not for the rest of us to complain that they might actually succeed in getting something done.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
My point is that what's done is done at this point, and these are the people who are supposedly talking with the devs and now have their ear.

...why waste the energy when so many people have had discussions with the devs in the past that went absolutely nowhere?
This is true. Done is done.
But it was not necessarily done well.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Are some of you just angry that after all this time of being ignored, someone other than you figured out how to talk to the devs in a manner that got them interested enough to take those talks at least semi-seriously? Are some of you afraid that your own pet projects for bases will be overlooked now because someone else is talking to them instead?
Not at all.
But most of us are "American"* enough to feel wary when someone says they are representing a community without actually involving said community in the process.

Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
...Ball's in their court now to tell us what their agenda is, not for the rest of us to complain that they might actually succeed in getting something done.
I don't think anyone is complaining that they might succeed... In fact, despite feelings about how this was implemented, I think several folks have expressed well wishes.

However, I do think it would behoove the Committee to move forward in a more open fashion... hence the bolded part in the quote above.


*ETA: to clarify, I mean "american" in an euphamistic kind of way, not as a dig to any other nationality.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
Are some of you just angry that after all this time of being ignored, someone other than you figured out how to talk to the devs in a manner that got them interested enough to take those talks at least semi-seriously?
Nope. Not me. I've always wished anybody who talks to the devs the best of luck and I always meant it. Still do. But I always thought we players were equals. Looks like that dynamic is changing right under our noses. I'm supposed to pipe down while it's set in concrete that a player Committee will officially determine priorities "for the benefit of us all" because the devs can't/won't? And I am supposed to just sit back and let this happen and then complain after it's a done deal? Pfft.

Are some of you afraid that your own pet projects for bases will be overlooked now because someone else is talking to them instead?
Honestly? You bet. Like you kind of implied in a snarky way, I've spent years publicly and privately promoting a base agenda based on improved functionality without success. Now it's time to throw my blind trust behind one of our premier elite decorators (the opposite of functionality) in hopes a backdoor deal is worked out that may favor something I want? Looks like there is no choice in the matter is there (they have the ear etc.)? But is it the right way to go? Should we sanction these guys as our official spokespeople? Based on their promises alone?

Seriously, the cat's out of the bag, and everyone knows that those three are talking to the devs now. Ball's in their court now to tell us what their agenda is, not for the rest of us to complain that they might actually succeed in getting something done.
Seriously, dictators can get the trains to run on time. That's getting something done. thanks. I know of no other Committee in any other aspect of the game that "filters" (puts their priority spin) in an official capacity on player input (through backroom secret talks no less). Talk about your "slippery slope" even under the best of intentions. And that was the reason for my anger.

Despite the rocky start (pipe down indeed!), there's still an opportunity to salvage a lot of good from this both in terms of "results" and in terms of player/dev communications "structure". I really am still pulling for it to work out in a good way.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
My point is that what's done is done at this point, and these are the people who are supposedly talking with the devs and now have their ear. Rather than summon up the pitchforks and torches, see what they have to say first instead of burning them at the stake. If you don't like what they actually push for (or get), then scream for their heads and form up a posse. I'll light the torches for you.

Otherwise, why waste the energy when so many people have had discussions with the devs in the past that went absolutely nowhere?

Are some of you just angry that after all this time of being ignored, someone other than you figured out how to talk to the devs in a manner that got them interested enough to take those talks at least semi-seriously? Are some of you afraid that your own pet projects for bases will be overlooked now because someone else is talking to them instead?

Seriously, the cat's out of the bag, and everyone knows that those three are talking to the devs now. Ball's in their court now to tell us what their agenda is, not for the rest of us to complain that they might actually succeed in getting something done.

The problem with secret committees is that any one can form them and go behind everyones backs with their own agendas. It wouldn't be hard for a group (or several groups) of people pissed off at what we are now learning is going on to contact the devs and tell them that the group they have been talking to does not represent the base building community and put forth their own agenda(s) of what needs to be done.

So which committee should the devs believe? The first one or one of the others that is denouncing them? The only thing they will know for certain is that the first group doesn't represent anyone but themselves. If they did there wouldn't be other groups claiming otherwise.



I am going to be politely blunt.

The comments have gone from support and mild caution to paranoid delusions that we are jihad minded base terrorists.

The reason there wasnt a vote? Part to do with we wanted to make sure we could do this before throwing a vote up. It was a shot in the dark and it hit. But mostly because of this. Everyone will either feel that someone they know or they themselves are best for the job. And everyone cant be the best. And when its not exactly what someone wants when they want it it must be bogus.

The only prioritizing we were going to do is filter the possible from the impossible, so we dont waste the time and attention we are now getting on pipe dreams. There is no hidden agenda or personal grudges going on and to think that way is unfortunately paranoid.

Turbo has done what no one else wanted to do and thats the leg work. He asked me to help and i was more than happy to. So i will continue helping as long as he wants me to. We are satill playing the waiting game so there is no need for people arguing and fighting.

not holding a vote was going to draw negative comments, i understood that. but to think we will sabotage what this community wants is absurd.

Because the majority of us want the same thing.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



And West, to put it bluntly, you're dealing basically dealing a quiet version of the PVP community.
Everyone here feels angry, disenchanted, and in many ways, outright hateful of the devs and this game (though ironically continue to play).
You've probably seen one person's comment in this thread about the game dying, you've seen many saying 'they'll never touch bases again', I myself often fall into these melodramatic moments of depression.
But on the flipside, it doesn't seem like such a far fetched truth sometimes that the devs have thrown up their arms and turned their back on bases given some of the facts and only occasionally placate the with once-in-a-great-while post that placates us with a "We'd like to work on bases".

I congratulate you on your shot-in-the-dark hitting, but for many of lost in the dark ages of base development: we didn't hear the din of the hit, no, the darkness seemed so great it even swallowed the muzzle flash.

PS. I'm not trying to be a suck up, I just suck with words.

PSS. So... you guys wanna see a sushi bar? Which is approximately 10% cooler than all those regular bars base builders put down?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Our intention was not to make anyone mad. This is not the first time someone has tried to carry this torch only for it to be dropped, then picked up again and rinse and repeat.

Turbo has gone further than anyone. If we dont support him then, if we remain on opposing sides fighting for the same cause, then yes nothing will get done.

Do we want to continue to be ignored or will we give this idea a chance?

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
The reason there wasnt a vote? Part to do with we wanted to make sure we could do this before throwing a vote up. It was a shot in the dark and it hit. But mostly because of this. Everyone will either feel that someone they know or they themselves are best for the job. And everyone cant be the best. And when its not exactly what someone wants when they want it it must be bogus.

So you guys kept the membership of this committee quiet because you knew people would disagree with you.

The only prioritizing we were going to do is filter the possible from the impossible, so we dont waste the time and attention we are now getting on pipe dreams. There is no hidden agenda or personal grudges going on and to think that way is unfortunately paranoid.

So the list of things you are putting together to approach the devs about isn't hidden but you aren't going to tell anyone what's on the list because we don't need to know it.

Secret - Adj - \se-krat\
1.a. Kept from knowledge or view
b. Marked by the habit of discretion
c. Working with hidden aims or methods
d. Not acknowledged
e. Conducted in secret
2. Remote from human frequentation or notice
3. Revealed only to the initiated
4. designed to elude observation or detection

Turbo has done what no one else wanted to do and thats the leg work. He asked me to help and i was more than happy to. So i will continue helping as long as he wants me to. We are satill playing the waiting game so there is no need for people arguing and fighting.

not holding a vote was going to draw negative comments, i understood that. but to think we will sabotage what this community wants is absurd.

Because the majority of us want the same thing.

If you don't care about public opinion then there's no reason for you to come here and defend yourself.



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
Our intention was not to make anyone mad. This is not the first time someone has tried to carry this torch only for it to be dropped, then picked up again and rinse and repeat.

Turbo has gone further than anyone. If we dont support him then, if we remain on opposing sides fighting for the same cause, then yes nothing will get done.

Do we want to continue to be ignored or will we give this idea a chance?
I know i'll give it a chance.
I'll even offer my sushi ba- *Is shot for bringing up his sushi bar*

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.