Perfect Endings




Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
Night of the Living Dead.
The 1968 original, of course.



Blake's 7

Life of Brian

The Sopranos

The Third Man (which the excellent Miller's Crossing cribbed from shamelessly)

Twin Peaks ("How's Annie?")



Buffy Season 5 finale when they thought the series was gonna end. If they would have ended it there I would have still been mad the series was over but they would have closed it off perfectly.

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I also like the ending to Fight Club (the movie) more so than Fight Club (the book). Even Chuck P thought the ending to the movie was better than the book.

I liked how the movie didn't wuss out of the grand scheme of Tyler. And, of course, the film reel "unspooling" and seeing the hidden frame was a great meta-flourish as well.

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The last 15 minutes of Trigun rank among my favorite 15 minutes of anything ever. There are problems in the story with how we get to that point, but the finale itself is flawless.

Inception, as mentioned, is one of the few ambiguous endings I really like, simply because its the entire point of the entire movie. Nolan also hit it out of the park with Momento and the Dark Knight.

Final Fantasy VI has its epic hour long finale. I don't think any game has ever gone so far to wrap up all of its loose ends. Terra's desperate flight to save everyone keeps it from ever feeling as long as it really is.

Likewise, FFIV puts all of its characters exactly where they should be when its finished. It's probably my all time favorite ending to a "classic" story.

The end of FLCL gets clearer and better every time I watch it.

The end of the Sinestro Corps War is absolutely flawless, giving us a very personal theological battle between Hal/Kyle and Sinestro while still ending the war with the scale and drama it needed by letting Guy drop a planet grenade on the Anti-Monitor.

Ocarina of Time has one of the best endings in gaming history. Only slightly marred later with the whole split timeline confusion.

Another from N64 era; Starfox 64's true ending is pretty flawless.


Voices of a Distant Star has a pretty perfect ending.

Plenty of others.



Call me sappy but I liked how Forrest Gump ended. And if we are doing TV series finales, then the Scrubs finale was awesome. Great music and very well done.

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Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Call me sappy but I liked how Forrest Gump ended. And if we are doing TV series finales, then the Scrubs finale was awesome. Great music and very well done.
I hope you're referring to Season 8's ending and not the botched Season 9 "We've only just begun" season finale that unintentionally turned into the show's parting shot.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Actually, concerning the Star Wars Prequels, they did one thing right: Their endings. Especially Revenge of the Sith. No, not Vader's "NOOOOOOO!", but the very final shot. We've seen a movie where everything went wrong for the good guys. The Jedi lost, hard. Then in the final shot, we see Obi-Wan hand off Luke to Owen and Beru and they step outside and watch the binary sunset, just like Luke will in Episode 4. The music swells and... END! See you in A New Hope!

For all their faults, the prequels ended exactly the way they should.

You realize though that Lucas ended the first two prequels the exact same way he ended the first two original trilogy movies right?

Star Wars - Medal Ceremony on Yavin IV
Phantom Menance - Awards ceremony on Naboo

Empire Strikes Back - Leia and handless Luke gazing out the window of the medicial frigate with R2 and 3PO nearby.
Attack of the Clones - Padme and handless Ani gazing at the Naboo sunset with R2 and 3PO nearby.

Not that the endings to TPM and AotC weren't good, they were just almost the exact same shots as 22 years earlier. I agree though that the twin sunset ending of Revenge of the Sith might have been the best ending of all 6 movies.

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Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
only if it froze at the high five and began playing a generic rock tune as the credits started to roll.
Well, yeah, I thought that went without saying.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
The Shield.

I loved how Vic lost everything he held dear, including being forced to work a desk job.
Gah! I loved that show and loved Vic and while I understand why it ended the way it did, I really wanted to see Vic come out on top.



The Usual Suspects.



The Fountain.

All these movie endings gave me chills.



The ending of Justice League Unlimited. The final scene still gives me a bit of a chill of excitement.

Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law. Somehow the final episode brought the show together, complete with the greatest final line ever possible for that show.

Freakazoid: Somehow fitting about how they ended the last show.




The Chronicles of Amber (the first 5 books)



Star Trek: The Next Generation

Monty Python and the Holy Grail




Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
The Prince of Darkness -- John Carpenter delivers one of the best scare moments of his entire film career within the last 60 seconds of this nail-biter.

The Thing -- Carpenter's version, naturally. It's a great ending to a horror movie.
Loved both those flicks, I need to get The Pince of Darkenss on DVD if I ever see it

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Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post
The Fountain.
"And then the conquistador turns into a bunch of flowers and Moby flies a tree into a nebula that is the Mayan afterlife."

"... what."

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I watched The Room the other day and that had a pretty great ending.



I'll second the nod for Shawshank Redemption. Pefect shot to end a wonderful movie.

5th Element: When we find out it wasn't her all along, it was love.

Jurassic Park: "Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration, I've decided *not* to endorse your park..."

The Postman: I personally love this movie, despite it's critics. The ending was wonderful.

Short Circuit 1 and 2 Cause J5 makes me smile

What dreams may come: "When I was young, I met this beautiful girl by a lake." Still gives me chills.

Flight of the navigator

Dawn of the dead remake: Just cause I wanted a gruesome death for that tool the whole movie.

Scarface: I mean, how else could it have ended really.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
The Postman: I personally love this movie, despite it's critics. The ending was wonderful.
Have you read the book that the movie is based on?



Book? What's that?


Seriously, I didn't even know it was based on a book. Looks like I'll be giving Amazon some money soon.

Thanks Sleestack, I've always been a fan of post apoc movies.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
5th Element: When we find out it wasn't her all along, it was love.
So evil was defeated by Captain Planet?

And yes, the original novel of The Postman by David Brin was awesome.

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Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
The ending of Justice League Unlimited. The final scene still gives me a bit of a chill of excitement.
I'm personally a fan of the special episode at the end of the first season of JLU, which is, in a sense, the Last Batman Story of the Timmverse DCAU.

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The Alamo

Pan's Labyrinth

Die Hard

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Originally Posted by Solos View Post
I watched The Room the other day and that had a pretty great ending.
You've GOT to be joking. There is nothing redeemable about that movie, even the *ahem* accident that befalls Johnny is still terrible



The 13th Warrior.



Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
You've GOT to be joking. There is nothing redeemable about that movie, even the *ahem* accident that befalls Johnny is still terrible
Yes, but the important thing to remember is... it ENDED.

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Ladyhawke (A fairy tale ending pure and simple)

The Matrix (A mind blowing end to a mind blowing movie)

Wall-E (Who says love has to have a human heart)

Iron Man (I am Iron man)

The Last Unicorn (A bittersweet ending if ever there was one but beautifully done and with a sprinkling of hope as well)

The Incredibles. (the Underminers going down)

Watership down (Hazels final moments are just heart breaking)

Godzilla (original version) A silent tear for the monster who destroyed tokyo and the scientist who created the weapon used who sacraficed himself to destroy the monster and the weapon in the end)

The Sixth Sense (a mind blowing curveball of a twist that never fails to send chills down your spine but also a nice hopeful end as wlel between mother and son)

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