BAD MECHANIC: Praetorian toons can't unlock EATs.




According to support, Praetorian toons can not unlock EATs.


If Praetoria is billed as 'the new starting zone for new players'. This means new players who only use Praetoria as their starting zone WILL NEVER UNLOCK AN EAT.

That's not good. And if that information is right, it should change.

From support:

Question Why can't I make an Epic Archetype character in City of Heroes?

Answer There are four unlockable character archetypes in City of Heroes. Two begin their careers as Heroes and two as Villains. They include:
  • Heroes: Peacebringers, Warshades (also known as Kheldians)
  • Villains: Arachnos Soldiers, Arachnos Widows
The requirements for creating a new "Epic Archetype" character is to first have a character on the same gameplay account that has advanced to Level 20. A Hero character at Level 20 or higher will unlock Peacebringer and Warshade at character creation. Likewise, a Villain character at Level 20 or higher will unlock Arachnos Soldier and Arachnos Widow.

It is not possible to change archetypes for existing characters, nor is it possible to start a new character as a Praetorian Epic Archetype (if you have Going Rogue).

I have a Level 20+ character, but I can't create a new Epic Archetype character!

Log into the character that's Level 20 or higher. Wait about 30 seconds, then log off. The option to create a new Epic Archetype character for the Level 20+ character's "side" should be available.

Note: Level 20 characters that started as Praetorians do not currently unlock Epic Archetypes, though in-game messaging might suggest otherwise. Only characters created as a Hero or as a Villain will count.

Note: Epic Archetypes used to require a character be advanced to Level 50. This was changed in April 2010 with the release of Issue 17.


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Maybe we are going to get a new Epic AT for those that do start in Praetoria,

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Considering that any player that only uses Preatoria as a starting zone can't create an EAT even if they've unlocked them, I don't see it as an issue.



I think this fits into "annoying" rather than "VERY BAD!"

But yes, the information support gives is correct. What they should fix is the misleading "Epic AT Unlocked!" message you get when you hit 20 in Praetoria.

And if they were to unlock something, what would they unlock? they hit 20 prior to being able to chose a side. They'd either have to add programming to allow them to chose which they get, add programming to delay the choice until they pick which side they want to go to or up the level requirement for epic ATs to say...25 or so.



This isn't particularly good from a marketing standpoint. Marketing is trying to bring in new players and GR is supposed to be one of the tools they are using to market to new players. If new players are using GR's Praetoria as their starting zone, as one might expect they would, then they will never be able to unlock an Epic AT until such time as they level a new alt as a hero or a villain.

Other games unlock special character types by levelling a character of any origin/alignment/faction to the specified level. Honestly, I don't see the problem (from a game play standpoint - programming is obviously a different issue) with unlocking both types of EATs when you've levelled one character in either faction to the appropriate level. When the level was still 50, I had multiple PB's and WS's blue side, but because I didn't play red side often, my highest level character there was only approaching 30 so I didn't qualify to get a VEAT.

Ah well. It would be great if they change this mechanic completely (allowing you to create a hero or villain EAT once you've levelled a character of any faction to 20. But, barring that, they need to make it clear right when starting a Praetorian character that this character will not qualify you to unlock Epic Archtypes for either hero or villain factions -- and then also remove the "Epic AT Unlocked!" message when the Praetorian character reaches level 20.

Just my two bucks.


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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Note: Level 20 characters that started as Praetorians do not currently unlock Epic Archetypes, though in-game messaging might suggest otherwise. Only characters created as a Hero or as a Villain will count.
That does say currently. That either means that it's a known bug, there's a mechanic that they can't get working correctly (likely unlocking the EAT based on your moral choices rather than starting AT), or else there's a plan to create a different reward for Praetorians.

Honestly, Zombie, I've never known you to be such an alarmist. Until there's a developer statement regarding the topic, there's no reason to go about using your caps lock like that.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Note: Level 20 characters that started as Praetorians do not currently unlock Epic Archetypes, though in-game messaging might suggest otherwise. Only characters created as a Hero or as a Villain will count.
Well, the red text is the only part that I consider bad. The rest seems a pretty trivial issue.

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Originally Posted by Tradok View Post
Considering that any player that only uses Preatoria as a starting zone can't create an EAT even if they've unlocked them, I don't see it as an issue.

PLUS, there needs to be SOME reason for people to still play in the regular CoH/CoV zones so that existing characters <20 will have SOMEONE to play the game with.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Honestly, Zombie, I've never known you to be such an alarmist. Until there's a developer statement regarding the topic, there's no reason to go about using your caps lock like that.
Alarmist. That's not alarmist.

When I become alarmist fire will rain down from on high.

Just so you know.

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It leaves it open to develop a third Epic AT for goldside.

It also makes sense to me, in terms of that the AT are epic in story line not powers, so you need to expereince so of that story line side forst.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Tradok View Post
Considering that any player that only uses Preatoria as a starting zone can't create an EAT even if they've unlocked them, I don't see it as an issue.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



A guy from Praetoria isn't really going to know what an Arachnos or Kheldian is when they step out, so it doesn't really make sense that they should unlock the EAT. The EAT's are too heavily integrated into the story of the rest of the Game to just plop them down in the Praetorian's lap.

A new player is eventually going to start in Paragon or the Isles', just to experience all the game has to offer.

Still, I'm betting the reason the EAT's don't unlock is because Praetoria is going to have its' own faction story going on. There's tons to pick from. Clockwork, PPD, Ghouls, and Syndicate to name a few.



Eh, I'm guessing GR will eventually have it's own EAT, though it's hard to tell what, considering there's always at least two different EATs with the same storyline, so it can't be PPD/Resistance or something like that. Maybe PPD/Seer or something new altogether.



Not really seeing much of an issue here either. It's entirely consistent with how the EATs are unlocked:

Get a Hero to 20, unlock Khelds.

Get a Villain to 20, unlock Soldiers/Widows.

Get a Praetorian to 20... no EAT to unlock.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
If it's not going to be a reward/incentive to new players starting in Praetoria, then it's back to being ******* stupid to unlock at 20. 30/35, maybe. But 20? Pants on head retarded.
Moving the requirement in the first place was dumb, but that argument has already taken place.

I think putting in some sort of notice that explicitly tells people who roll a Praetorian that they won't unlock Epic ATs unless they have a character that started in either Rogue Isles or Paragon City is a better fix. It makes no sense to have Soldiers of Arachnos or Widows running around in Praetoria if there is no Arachnos there. Same with Kheldians running around when there's no Council, since their stories are linked to that group. Unlocking them from Praetoria wouldn't make sense either.

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I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. When you first try to make a toon in Praetoria, you can't make an Epic, even if you already have a +20 lvl toon. Its not like its HARD to get to 20 anymore. If it was still 50 (sigh), then maybe would be something to complain about. Just chill and play the game. and yes I think the text that tells you the EAT is unlocked is not good but what can you expect ? No one is perfect and we all know how bad bugs are in any new update.



I still don't know why they changed it to begin with. Having them unlock at 50 made more sense to me, as you'd have more experience with the game and could look to the EAT's for more of a challenge.

A new player fresh out the gate at level 20 would be so lost trying to roll a Kheld or soldier it would prove more frustrating to them, I'd think. Causing them to forget about them.

That said, since they are being advertised as being unlocked at level 20, then they should be unlocked at level 20 regardless of which side you start on.

Have you tried training your Praetorian to level 21? Maybe that will activate it.

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I think it should be left alone. There should be some reason to roll in Primal.

However, I have little doubt this will be changed.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



There are two possibilities as to why a level 20 Praetorian does not unlock either Red or Blue EAT:

1. There is a bug that need to be addressed by the developers, be it an overhaul of the unlocking mechanism or a simple fix, that will eventually be implemented.

2. There is going to be a created and implemented access to a new EAT (or similar mechanism) for toons created in Praetoria. Personally, I hope for this. Praetorian stories are all but over at level 20 and I would really like access to a high level reward/content for playing the Praetorian toon in lieu of access to the EAT found red and blue side.

I prefer the latter.



Originally Posted by Kitsch View Post
2. There is [possibly] going to be a created and implemented access to a new EAT (or similar mechanism) for toons created in Praetoria. Personally, I hope for this. Praetorian stories are all but over at level 20 and I would really like access to a high level reward/content for playing the Praetorian toon in lieu of access to the EAT found red and blue side.

I prefer the latter.
I agree. The bigger problem I see here is that the game manual and in-game information state that getting a Hero Archetype (one that can start in Paragon City) to level 20 unlocks HEATs and getting a Villain Archetype (one that can start in the Rogue Isles) to 20 unlocks the VEATs. Since the actual mechanism contradicts the information the player is being given, that information needs to be corrected IMMEDIATELY.

If this is a bug that the devs intend to correct, then that can be included in the statement. But as long as the players aren't given contradicting information, there's no reason why getting a Praetorian to 20 can't be left as a potential for a future reward. (Especially since previews of the Praetorian concept included an Epic AT)

If anything, it's still going to take 40 levels to unlock an EAT for a new player, even though the restriction was lowered to level 20, because they will have to unlock the Hero and Villain start areas by getting a Praetorian to 20, and then level a Hero or Villain to 20. It certainly will take less time than levelling a single character to 50, or even 40, but for the moment it makes sense.

(It will only become inconsistent if a Praetorian Epic is added. A new player would then be able to unlock the new EAT at 20, but will still have to wait for HEATs and VEATs. Then again, perhaps by that time the restriction on being forced to create a Praetorian first will be lifted)



Hmm. Well. I hope this does not get changed, but rather gets clarified in the in game text . I'm of the mind that the epics were already too easy to get - expecting them both to unlock for a Praetorian seems odd.

I expect/hope the Praetorians will get their own epic archetype (although reasonably that would be like, I21 at least, definitely no time soon) and that would be their unlock.

At minimum, as others have pointed out, leaving them tied to H/V is a good incentive to check out that content.

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Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
Hmm. Well. I hope this does not get changed, but rather gets clarified in the in game text . I'm of the mind that the epics were already too easy to get - expecting them both to unlock for a Praetorian seems odd.

I expect/hope the Praetorians will get their own epic archetype (although reasonably that would be like, I21 at least, definitely no time soon) and that would be their unlock.

At minimum, as others have pointed out, leaving them tied to H/V is a good incentive to check out that content.
I'd argue more like I25. There's waaaaay more important things that they need to add to Preatoria before this. Like actual levels 21-50 content. Just saying. COMPLETELY POINTLESS to add an epic archetype when you don't have a full path. There'd be nothing for them to do. Hell they still haven't fully fleshed out enough missions for the VEAT!

I don't see them having a complete 1-50 path in Prae anytime before I22.

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Wow, I asked Support this very question last week and got the exact opposite answer. Unfortunately, I was betting that they were wrong after reading so many threads on the problem with Praetorian characters not being able to unlock them