BAD MECHANIC: Praetorian toons can't unlock EATs.




I don't think its a bad mechanic myself. It ensures that people will not abandon paragon/rogue and will still level from 1 - 20 in Paragon City and Rogue Isles.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



When you ding 20 in Praetoria, there's great big letters spelling out that you have unlocked an epic archetype.

That should prob'ly be changed.



Regardless of whether this is a bad mechanic or not, there's problem of bad information here. Since this isn't clearly stated in the game information, there's no expectation being set for new players, and there will inevitably be some disappointment.

I honestly don't care whether they allow EATs to be unlocked by Praetorians, but they should make this very clear at the character creation screen.