Defense...maybe I just don't get it.




Ok...maybe someone like Arcanaville can explain this better.

I've never been a fan of defense sets. Mostly because anything remotely based on 'luck' generally means it will fail for me. But even I am kind of appalled at how quickly and easily I died in this situation.

Was doing a tip mission with my level 22 SS/SR brute Parity.

Now I have Focused Fighting and Focused Senses each 4 slotted with two 25 common defense IOs and a 20 common defense IO as well as a single 20 end reduction IO. That's 21.04% to melee and ranged.

Then I have both Agile and Dodge two slotted with a 25 and 20 common defense IO for 7.57% to melee and ranged.

I have evasion only slotted with a single end reducer so it is at its base of 13.88%.

Ok...I do a tip mission and engage a +1 slag golem boss and a minion. I hit rage and dispatch the minion first. Then I start in on the boss. And it is just hit after hit after hit on me like I have no defense at all. Ironically...his AoE attack missed. But every melee just landed before I could even get him down to 1/3 of his health.

Now I had a small and medium green and used them both over the course of this fight but he just kept hitting. I know I have lousy luck...but that was insane. Is that level of defense simply inadequate for fighting +1 bosses? Even my elec/elec never got taken out quite so fast by a slag golem boss at 22. I felt like wet tissue paper.

And that's not the first time I have gotten beat down due to insane hits time after time. What level of defense is even considered adequate in a situation like that?



The defense sets don't really get good until you get really high defense of 40% to 45% (max). You'll want Combat Jumping, Weave, and whatever IO bonuses you can get especially the +3% defense to all special IO.

But try this, instead of carrying a lot of green healing inspirations, carry some luck inspirations. Pop a Luck inspiration before fighting a boss or big group. You will see a dramatic increase in survivability as that will boost you up into the 40% range. If you are losing the battle, pop a second Luck inspiration. That will put you past 45% and then you will feel nearly invincible.

You will be a lot more out of using a single Luck inspiration at the right time rather than using multiple greens for healing. Without using inspirations, you will be hit hard and often until you reach very high levels of defense.



Originally Posted by HeroJunkie View Post
But try this, instead of carrying a lot of green healing inspirations, carry some luck inspirations. Pop a Luck inspiration before fighting a boss or big group. You will see a dramatic increase in survivability as that will boost you up into the 40% range. If you are losing the battle, pop a second Luck inspiration. That will put you past 45% and then you will feel nearly invincible.

You will be a lot more out of using a single Luck inspiration at the right time rather than using multiple greens for healing. Without using inspirations, you will be hit hard and often until you reach very high levels of defense.



Originally Posted by HeroJunkie View Post
The defense sets don't really get good until you get really high defense of 40% to 45% (max). You'll want Combat Jumping, Weave, and whatever IO bonuses you can get especially the +3% defense to all special IO.

But try this, instead of carrying a lot of green healing inspirations, carry some luck inspirations. Pop a Luck inspiration before fighting a boss or big group. You will see a dramatic increase in survivability as that will boost you up into the 40% range. If you are losing the battle, pop a second Luck inspiration. That will put you past 45% and then you will feel nearly invincible.

You will be a lot more out of using a single Luck inspiration at the right time rather than using multiple greens for healing. Without using inspirations, you will be hit hard and often until you reach very high levels of defense.
I know that defense gets really effective once you start to hit near the cap. But I think it should be effective period. Not that I never get hit...but most times I feel like I'm either dodging everything or getting pounded.

There should be a reasonable middle ground where I'm not mister untouchable, but you can't just smack me around like a redheaded stepchild either.



perception plays in, not much really can be done, you will remember the faceplants because they are when things go wrong, but as you said, they seem to be binary and there are times when you are perfectly safe. plus, slags hit really hard, i had difficulty with them on my widow as well. I have polayed sr since near launch, and i feel your pain, but like i said, its perception, plus, when you get a heavy hitter like slags or rikti chief soldiers, the times that things go wrong leads them to go REALLY wrong.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I know that defense gets really effective once you start to hit near the cap. But I think it should be effective period. Not that I never get hit...but most times I feel like I'm either dodging everything or getting pounded.

There should be a reasonable middle ground where I'm not mister untouchable, but you can't just smack me around like a redheaded stepchild either.
That reasonable middle ground is pretty much at 25% defense, when you are hit half as often as when you are at zero defense. That said you are still gonna be super squishy at 25% defense. As someone upthread said, carry purples, they will benefit you a lot more than greens because they are building on your already substantial level of defense.

If you haven't already, take a read of Dechs Kaison's excellent writeup on defense. TL;DR: every point of defense is more valuable than the point before it; the first 25% cuts your incoming damage in half from zero defense, and the last 5% cuts your incoming damage in half from 40% defense, so at 20ish% defense, you are not quite mitigating half of the incoming fire.

It gets a lot better. Stick with it, once you get up there and get some good slotting in your defenses, you will feel like a bullet-dodging maniac. Hit the softcap (45%) and you will be a tiny god.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I know that defense gets really effective once you start to hit near the cap. But I think it should be effective period. Not that I never get hit...but most times I feel like I'm either dodging everything or getting pounded.

There should be a reasonable middle ground where I'm not mister untouchable, but you can't just smack me around like a redheaded stepchild either.
i don't remember whether slag golems have it, but many critters with slashing attacks have a -def effect. If you get hit a few times by them (getting shot by guns, hit by some swords, etc.), your defense will quickly go negative.

I suggest you use the combat attribute monitor and watch your actual defense values. It can be very instructive, and will tell you when you need to pop purples.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
i don't remember whether slag golems have it, but many critters with slashing attacks have a -def effect. If you get hit a few times by them (getting shot by guns, hit by some swords, etc.), your defense will quickly go negative.

I suggest you use the combat attribute monitor and watch your actual defense values. It can be very instructive, and will tell you when you need to pop purples.
With SR though, your defense debuff resist is really high. And I have about 4 powers with defense debuff resist in them. So I don't think I got debuffed that much...although that may have been a contributing factor.

I suppose I'll see what happens once I get 3 slots in the passives. And yeah...I probably should have had at least one purple. Still...that really hurt.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
With SR though, your defense debuff resist is really high. And I have about 4 powers with defense debuff resist in them. So I don't think I got debuffed that much...although that may have been a contributing factor.
A suggestion, to be sure in the future: turn on your combat monitoring and have it display your positional defenses. I have the key numbers displayed on all my defense or resist based characters. If I'm getting debuffed, I want to know it before I'm facedown in the dirt.

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Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Ok...maybe someone like Arcanaville can explain this better.

I've never been a fan of defense sets. Mostly because anything remotely based on 'luck' generally means it will fail for me. But even I am kind of appalled at how quickly and easily I died in this situation.

Was doing a tip mission with my level 22 SS/SR brute Parity.

Now I have Focused Fighting and Focused Senses each 4 slotted with two 25 common defense IOs and a 20 common defense IO as well as a single 20 end reduction IO. That's 21.04% to melee and ranged.

Then I have both Agile and Dodge two slotted with a 25 and 20 common defense IO for 7.57% to melee and ranged.

I have evasion only slotted with a single end reducer so it is at its base of 13.88%.

Ok...I do a tip mission and engage a +1 slag golem boss and a minion. I hit rage and dispatch the minion first. Then I start in on the boss. And it is just hit after hit after hit on me like I have no defense at all. Ironically...his AoE attack missed. But every melee just landed before I could even get him down to 1/3 of his health.

Now I had a small and medium green and used them both over the course of this fight but he just kept hitting. I know I have lousy luck...but that was insane. Is that level of defense simply inadequate for fighting +1 bosses? Even my elec/elec never got taken out quite so fast by a slag golem boss at 22. I felt like wet tissue paper.

And that's not the first time I have gotten beat down due to insane hits time after time. What level of defense is even considered adequate in a situation like that?
I have been saying this to you for years, Sparky. Black Arachnia had issues until post 40, and that was why I took a hiatus prior to I5 and the GDN. I new what ever happened was going to hurt /SR badly. This is also why I loathe the Earth Casters and most CoT. They simply blew past my defense. Behemoths forced me to use alot of lucks and respites, as with one shot they took 1/2 to 2/3 my health. And they never seemed to miss lol.

It does get better as I have said before, it just took awhile. Most of the other posters here will give you a better idea of when and what though. I have never been a numbers player.

edit: I also noticed the slag golems hitting alot and doing some major damge with my Crab spider VEAT. I have alot of the defense and resist sets, but they still did a number on me. The group itself maybe particularly difficult for some AT's or power sets.

Kind of like Demolitionists versus MMs.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Ok...I do a tip mission and engage a +1 slag golem boss and a minion. I hit rage and dispatch the minion first. Then I start in on the boss. And it is just hit after hit after hit on me like I have no defense at all. Ironically...his AoE attack missed. But every melee just landed before I could even get him down to 1/3 of his health.
Take the boss out first. The minion is just going to sit there and whiff, but the boss can hit you.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Doesn't rage also have a -def during the crash; or am I crazy and remembering something from like, five years ago?



Originally Posted by PoptartsNinja View Post
Doesn't rage also have a -def during the crash; or am I crazy and remembering something from like, five years ago?
Yep. Makes it interesting when you are fighting Romans if you aren't careful.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
do slags have rage? maybe they have a to hit buff, those are hideous to sr's, i know their attacks are generally using ss based strikes, so if they have rage, life sucks.
Well, a +1 boss will have a ToHit advantage just because of his rank. Their claw attacks have -def which will make your already minimal defense even less...even for SR's -def resist, you have to slot the powers to get the debuff resist all the way up I think.



Most of what people are saying here seems to be accurate. I probably never really noticed because my only other SR toon(a spines/SR scrapper) teamed almost exclusively up into level 30 where he currently sits unplayed.

It seems like some NPCs have a sneaky +to-hit though. I have noticed some of them hitting consistently even on my Fortunata who has higher defense than my SR overall.



I think its not so much defence as the fact you're at level 22.

By then your best option for fighting a Slag Golem is probably Invulnerability, and even with that you'd only be mitigating 50% of incoming damage on a Brute (slotted TI, Unyielding and RPD). Thats equivalent to the 25% Defence or so you're already packing.

In the early game, Ive found the sets that do better are the ones with self-heals. As the game progresses, resistance and especialy defence overtake them.



Thing with defense is the closer you get to the cap the more effective it'll become.

at 0% defense, the "normal" mobs will have a 50% chance to hit you, or 10 out of 20 hits will land.
Add 5% on that and you bring it down to 9 out of 20 hits. It's one hit less, but diffrence between 9 and 10 isn't much.

Now think that you're at 40% defense, it'll mean they have a 10% chance to hit or 2 hits in 20.
Add 5% defense on that, and you'll only take 1 hit out of 20. It's one hit less still, but now you're take half the amounts of hits and it's VERY noticeable.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Most of what people are saying here seems to be accurate. I probably never really noticed because my only other SR toon(a spines/SR scrapper) teamed almost exclusively up into level 30 where he currently sits unplayed.

It seems like some NPCs have a sneaky +to-hit though. I have noticed some of them hitting consistently even on my Fortunata who has higher defense than my SR overall.
and again, it is a trade off, once i have decent defense and hit elude, anything without +to hit would make more headway against a granite than me.or so it feels.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
With SR though, your defense debuff resist is really high. And I have about 4 powers with defense debuff resist in them. So I don't think I got debuffed that much...although that may have been a contributing factor.

I suppose I'll see what happens once I get 3 slots in the passives. And yeah...I probably should have had at least one purple. Still...that really hurt.
That defense debuff resist actually isn't all that good at level 22. It goes up as you level.

And, yes, I believe the Slag Golems have a -DEF component to their attacks.

My reflexes scrapper, even in the 40s, would easily get laid out by -DEF effects (Guardians from the Devouring Earth and those horrible -DEF auras they lay down were the worst). Of course, the trade off is other foes were nothing but sword fodder.

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While I don't have the numbers on hand, my main is a Shield Defense Scrapper. At lvl 50 and her defensive powers maxed, she does great without needing to dip into Weave and whatnot.

At least in PvE. In PvP, defense still sucks donkey butt.

Carrying purples is a habit I heartily endorse for facing bosses and EBs.



To add to what others have stated I'd suggest getting as many +HP accolades and set bonuses as you can any regen bonuses help also. I'm working with around 1,445 on my main with about 24 HP/sec regen. The BoTZ nerf threw my ranged defense to about 43% which sucks because SR doesn't have a taunt aura to pull enemies from ranged to melee, but always carrying purples helps a lot.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

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Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
Guardians from the Devouring Earth and those horrible -DEF auras they lay down were the worst
Guardians don't lay out -def auras, they lay out +tohit auras, which means your debuff resistance is completely worthless.

For bonus points, the +tohit aura is +200% tohit, so your defense is worthless, too.