Power Spamming Prevention WWs Blue Side




It must be possible to turn off all powers in Wentworths now on the blue side. I am sick and tired of MMs arriving blue side with their minions on, lagging WWs and causing graphics disturbance and noise (Demons particularly). Who do they think they're impressing?

Please Devs - TURN OFF POWERS automatically in Wentworths on the Hero side. Or MMs use the dismiss option -it's not that hard to reload them and its getting very boring now! After several years of CoV - we know what they look like...

Nuff said.



The funny thing is, that 1) they implemented this in Preatoria's zone, and 2) there is an option now for players can have their power's auras off while out of combat... problem is few a are taking advantage of that option. I do agree that there should be at least one market area where powers are supressed in Paragon and the Rogue Isles.



Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
The funny thing is, that 1) they implemented this in Preatoria's zone, and 2) there is an option now for players can have their power's auras off while out of combat... problem is few a are taking advantage of that option. I do agree that there should be at least one market area where powers are supressed in Paragon and the Rogue Isles.
Unless there's more than one, Praetoria's market is behind a door, so that means that they can isolate it in several ways. That might be the key as to why this isn't in place in PC/RI.



It was easy in Imperial City, since the market's an enclosed space.

It's possibly doable in Paragon City, as it's a semi-enclosed space inside Wentworths, but it's slightly more troublesome in the Rogue Isles, with their alfresco open air markets. The edges of the market space are less well defined, and especially in Sharkhead where Scrapyard likes to wander by, having powers suppress could have the potential for griefing.

Maybe the Black Markets have made enough profit by now that they could afford to rent warehousing in the Rogue Isles, which would alleviate a lot of the trouble, and move the semi-legal at best activity off the open streets?


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Unless there's more than one, Praetoria's market is behind a door, so that means that they can isolate it in several ways. That might be the key as to why this isn't in place in PC/RI.
Leave Wentworth and the Black Market exactly as they are, just add a door leading to a "downstairs" room for folks that like things quiet, and add in a clickable door to the back of the Black Market truck where you can go inside the big rig which would be their version of the quiet room.

Then grab a beer and call it a day and a job well done.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Power suppression doesn't kill pets. If you don't believe me I will meet you with my pets in the AE power suppression room.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



there is an option now for players can have their power's auras off while out of combat... problem is few a are taking advantage of that option.
The only auras that are combat-sensitive now are the costume auras, as far as I can see on the costume editor. Those aren't the kind of auras that are annoying.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Power suppression doesn't kill pets. If you don't believe me I will meet you with my pets in the AE power suppression room.
Then people should be considerate and turn them off...



They do have outdoor power suppression areas. Just try to cross the sonic fence in Praetoria. The tech is there to flag Wentworths as a no-powers area.



Originally Posted by Actagamic View Post
Then people should be considerate and turn them off...
You don't notice ones who do just as we don't notice people who aren't spamming their powers in the markets.

Your complaint is over 3 years old apart from this recent addition of masterminds blueside. How have you handled the morons spamming their auras and doing footstomps in the market all this time?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



The pets don't bother me much. It's the people that leave their AoE heals on autocast that I find annoying. The Praetorian-style consignment houses are less convenient than WW or BM, but if that's what it takes to get rid of the heal spam then so be it.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
You don't notice ones who do just as we don't notice people who aren't spamming their powers in the markets.

Your complaint is over 3 years old apart from this recent addition of masterminds blueside. How have you handled the morons spamming their auras and doing footstomps in the market all this time?
Mega-owned. Applause. I laughed at this thread because the OP thought this was just a blueside "problem."



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Your complaint is over 3 years old apart from this recent addition of masterminds blueside. How have you handled the morons spamming their auras and doing footstomps in the market all this time?
We've been being annoyed by them all this time. This complaint and suggestions on how to deal with it comes up somewhere every month or so. Of course there haven't been demons roaring every three seconds all this time. Just people running Quills or putting their farming PbAoE or Build Up or heal on autofire, or deciding that you absolutely need Thermal shields in order to do your marketing in safety.

The problem with power suppression at Wentworths is that I went to a lot of trouble to get my little portable workbench, and how would you suppress powers without disabling the workbench? It's not just my laziness that is at stake here; nearly every time I drop the thing someone else walks up and starts using it. And what about all the self-only, noiseless, often FX-less toggles some people run a lot of? Very annoying to have to turn them all back on.

The obvious solution: shut the demons up. Seriously. We get it, they're big and scary, they don't need to keep roaring to prove their point. Remove the roaring while they're idle and there goes a huge chunk of their annoyance factor. That is, assuming my invisible pet fence idea isn't feasible.

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Originally Posted by Actagamic View Post
Then people should be considerate and turn them off...
Yes they should, just like I should get eight hours of sleep every night, or like my neighbors should be more considerate about noise at late hours of night. Bus some people aren't considerate, and they don't care because they're selfish. I'm not pointing any fingers at anyone in particular, just human nature in general.

Back on topic though, putting suppression in a non-enclosed space would be a technical quandary. AFAIK, I've only seen it in enclosed spaces (Praetorian Action House, AE Studio B, etc.).



As I originally suggested, the solution is to add a separate room where power suppression is enabled (and add an SG base market interface). During the meantime, of course, those who find it annoying can simply choose to avoid the grand total of two busy market locations, as it's a lot simpler and more reasonable for you to change your habits than it is to expect everyone else to change theirs to suit you.

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Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
Leave Wentworth and the Black Market exactly as they are, just add a door leading to a "downstairs" room for folks that like things quiet, and add in a clickable door to the back of the Black Market truck where you can go inside the big rig which would be their version of the quiet room.

Then grab a beer and call it a day and a job well done.
That would be excellent, I'm all for it. I'm so tired of getting shoved around by pets (not just MM pets either - I got moved quite a ways by someone with fire imps earlier today) and listening to the noise and having my eyes bleed because someone decided their Shadowfall/Steamy Mist REALLY needed to be electric pink with neon green edges.

Of course, it would help if the zones were designed more conveniently. Most of the markets in the game do NOT have quick access to a university, bank, and SG/VG portal. I'd kill for more places to be designed with the convenient access that Cap gives, and to a lesser extent, Talos and Steel. There's a REASON those are the busy markets in the game, because it's much more inconvenient in other zones.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
As I originally suggested, the solution is to add a separate room where power suppression is enabled (and add an SG base market interface). During the meantime, of course, those who find it annoying can simply choose to avoid the grand total of two busy market locations, as it's a lot simpler and more reasonable for you to change your habits than it is to expect everyone else to change theirs to suit you.
I cant see why I have to be any more reasonable - I am being so - I turn mine off and have done from the outset; nothing more annoying than a full toggled Fire tank burning the house down, so they are all extinguished. Giving into it and putting up with this nonsense is not right. I have a fully kitted MM but I dont run round the Isles with them trailing behind me - why induce more lag than we have already.

Living in Atlas doesnt fix the issue, especially as there is no Uni. Running back and forth to SG Base to craft is not as convenient. Admittedly the ironcially named Masterminds start in Steel, but the convenience of the Uni is key. And they are now appearing in Atlas too - greatest place to show off I suppose.

And as for the comment by Swell on foot-stomp, where have you been? I cant think of the last time someone did that deliberately in WWs. Most of the problem from heroes is forgetting the toggles on AoEs, but I guess for some MMs invoking "dismiss" must be something of a mental challenge...



I honestly don't get why people are so bent out of shape about powers at the market. Sure, it can be a little annoying sometimes, but to get this upset suggests that perhaps your life is dreamily devoid of ACTUAL problems.

That being said, I like mac's suggestion.

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.



Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
Leave Wentworth and the Black Market exactly as they are, just add a door leading to a "downstairs" room for folks that like things quiet, and add in a clickable door to the back of the Black Market truck where you can go inside the big rig which would be their version of the quiet room.
Outstanding suggestion.

When it's quiet, no need to use the back room, but when the MM with Steamy Mist parks their pets on the vendor and I can't shop due to the SM lag-fest, I can hit the back room. Fantastic for those days I'm outfitting after a respec and am spending a LOT of time at the market; hit the back room.

Really like this idea. Don't know how hard it would be to do, but the rooms wouldn't have to be large.*

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Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
The pets don't bother me much. It's the people that leave their AoE heals on autocast that I find annoying. The Praetorian-style consignment houses are less convenient than WW or BM, but if that's what it takes to get rid of the heal spam then so be it.

The Cow-Monsters are three times as annoying as hearing that autoheal sound.



Originally Posted by Actagamic View Post
It must be possible to turn off all powers in Wentworths now on the blue side. I am sick and tired of MMs arriving blue side with their minions on, lagging WWs and causing graphics disturbance and noise (Demons particularly). Who do they think they're impressing?

Please Devs - TURN OFF POWERS automatically in Wentworths on the Hero side. Or MMs use the dismiss option -it's not that hard to reload them and its getting very boring now! After several years of CoV - we know what they look like...

Nuff said.
When I visit the auction house I usually tether my pets to a tree or something outside. So they don't mess up the nice flooring with their loud, steely metal feet. Yesterday, I had one that kept coming to me and I kept sending it back out. I felt bad for the thing, it just wanted attention.

Although, I do think a "no pets beyond this point" field would be nice. Something that caused the Pet AI to want to get out of it (even if it had to override the Stay/GoTo command), but just past the perimeter of the field, instead of running halfway across the map.

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Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
Outstanding suggestion.

Really like this idea. Don't know how hard it would be to do, but the rooms wouldn't have to be large.*
WWs always have a store area at the back - maybe that can be closed?



With regard to the separate rooms with power suppression at BM/WW, was there ever a good explanation as to why a base item like a market terminal was an unworkable option? Such an item would get most marketeers out of the Zone markets and improve crafting speed. By doing your market activities in your base wouldn't that reduce load on markets like Cap and Talos?



Oh, come now.

I want to provide a contrasting viewpoint, a different perspective on the matter. Particularly, while at the WW, seeing some characters with their powers running - especially in the modern day of power customization - I see new, interesting, and imaginative ways to interpret powers, which in turn, inspires me to play.

I've also had people ask how I get effects, which I didn't even realise I had running because I was sitting in WW, selling stuff. I've had people tell me they're going to go make an X, or a Y, based on what they saw visually from my character while in a common, 'at rest' position.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Oh, come now.

I want to provide a contrasting viewpoint, a different perspective on the matter. Particularly, while at the WW, seeing some characters with their powers running - especially in the modern day of power customization - I see new, interesting, and imaginative ways to interpret powers, which in turn, inspires me to play.

I've also had people ask how I get effects, which I didn't even realise I had running because I was sitting in WW, selling stuff. I've had people tell me they're going to go make an X, or a Y, based on what they saw visually from my character while in a common, 'at rest' position.
This is also true.. I saw a toon named War Behemoth on Virtue Spines/Elec scrapper that made me go whoa I wonder if I can do that with my spines fire... I couldn't.