What are the worst villains you can think of?




I'm gonna make a video about a small little list entitled "The Top 5 Villains I could do without". Basicly the idea is villains that are completely terrible from things that are otherwise enjoyable. I'll give an example. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7. I like Final Fantasy 7 but I think Sephiroth is a terrible villain. This list is going to be entirely based around my opinion but I want to make sure I'm not possibly forgetting/overlooking a villain that should be included so I ask you all.

Who are the worst villains from shows/movies/games/comics that you otherwise enjoy?



I don't think you'll get much support about Sephiroth. He's one of the most popular villains.

Wosre meaning poor concepts or simply ineffective?

Ineffective, you could go with Bowser, Wily or Robotnik. Robotnik may fit the other definition as well.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I don't think you'll get much support about Sephiroth. He's one of the most popular villains.

Wosre meaning poor concepts or simply ineffective?

Ineffective, you could go with Bowser, Wily or Robotnik. Robotnik may fit the other definition as well.
Meaning they just weren't enjoyable as a villain. Either they had no character, they felt undeeded, they replaced a better villain, etc.



Jesse and James from Pokemon.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Well, let's start close to home, shall we?

Lord Recluse in City of Heroes

What does he do, really? Other than stand around and look all spidery or robbing banks. (I suppose a super-villain needs a hobby...) And giving really corny speeches. For the really big bad of the game, he's just not impressive enough. Nemesis is a more interesting villain, and Nemesis is kind of annoying.

Ganondorf in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Now don't get me wrong, Ganondorf was a nice series of boss fights, and he's usually a welcome face in the Zelda games. His Wind Waker appearance was probably his strongest outing yet, but he really wasn't needed in Twilight Princess. Zant was more than enough villain, he even hurt Midna badly, and with a few minor adjustments he would have been as awesome a boss fight as Ganondorf. There's a reason that there's a trope named Hijacked by Ganon. Go away pig-sorcerer-man. We HAVE a decent villain here already. Go menace some other princess and boy in green clothes. Or get another hobby, you're getting a little creepy now.

Sigma in the Megaman X series

I'll give him credit, his first scheme was decent, and he managed to kill a main character. That's pretty good for a villain. Then he became obsessed with resurrecting and/or killing Zero and was turned into a virus. That really came from Zero. Then things got weird and Sigma, while still putting up a fight, just became a token final boss. Until he was dropped completely in X8. Poor old Sigma, he should have stayed dead after the first few defeats.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Well, let's start close to home, shall we?

Lord Recluse in City of Heroes

What does he do, really? Other than stand around and look all spidery or robbing banks. (I suppose a super-villain needs a hobby...) And giving really corny speeches. For the really big bad of the game, he's just not impressive enough. Nemesis is a more interesting villain, and Nemesis is kind of annoying.
Honestly, they need to make GW the main villain. She at least does stuff and is more a challenge to put down then LR.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Spider-Man has had a ton of bad villains.

The White Rabbit.

The Grizzly.

The Gibbon.

Pretty much anyone animal-themed.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Sephiroth is easily the laziest villian. He doesn't do anything himself but sit around and wait for everyone else to complete his plans for him. He was easily defeated by Cloud the first time and horribly crushed the next time the faced off. His greatest claim to fame is killing Aeris....a kneeling girl with her back to him. Which is still suspect because it could easily been yet another Jenova clone (which you promptly battle after she dies.) So really what has he actually done himself or atleast been shown to mastermind? He's got nothing on Kefka, Kuja, or even Ex-death. Both actually kill combatants head on and cause far more carnage than Sepiroth. Their plans came far closer or actually succeeded. (and he's got nothing on Luca Blight.)

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Honestly if Sepie would have not killed Aeris no one would have given a damn. Heck 13 years later and I still dont care about that cast one bit.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Dropping some Villian Logic, yo!

(Darth Maul > Count Dooku) < Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker and EP3 Darth Vader < EP4,5,6 Darth Vader

(EP2 Boba Fett < EP5 Boba Fett) and (EP5 Boba Fett is >Special Edition EP4 Boba Fett and EP6 Boba Fett) but = Star Wars Holiday Speical Boba Fett

Doctor Evil is > Goldmember

Die Hard Villian > Die Harder Villian > Die Hard with a Vengence Villian > Live Free or Die Hard Villian

G1 Soundwave > G1 Star Scream > G1 Megatron > Any other incarnations of all three

Pennywise the Clown > Giant Spider

The Beyounder from Secret Wars > The Beyounder from Secret Wars II

For reference

Are you kidding me? Seriously?

Fun topic! I can go forever.



Reading that TVTropes page I linked to reminded me of a villain that was good, but then turned really bad.

I present to you... umm... Ansem? Xehanort? His Heartless? Or was it his Nobody? Maybe both... Let me try that again.

The bad guy from Kingdom Hearts II

Okay, let's see in the first game we had "Ansem" who stole the Hearts of worlds in order to plunge the multiverse into DARKNESS! Got beat up by a kid wielding a key, Donald Duck, and Goofy. That was a pretty good villain. Corrupted the hero's best friend, kidnapped the girl, had a grandiose scheme. Hit all the good marks on the villainy list. Then the sequel hit... oh boy. Turns out, the guy named Ansem? Yeah, he not. His name is Xehanort, a student of Ansem the Wise (voiced by Christopher Lee!) who managed to split himself in to two halves. His Heartless (which is made from his heart) and his Nobody (which is made from his body). The Ansem you killed in the first game? That was just his Heartless, in the second you faced off against his Nobody.

It's at this point where you just stop and go "What." Now he does act as a decent villain in the sequel, but seriously. What the hell. Ansem is not Ansem, and the guy you thought you killed was only half of not-Ansem. Why would you bother making it so needlessly complicated? KH1 Ansem vanished in a flash of light, you could easily have brought him back. Instead we get... that abomination of a plot twist. And the series only got worse with that from then on.

As an added bonus, all the named Nobodies have an anagrammed name with an X added. Which makes "Xehanort" into either "No Heart" or "Another". Who names their kid that?

I suppose if you want to list him by name, the real name is Xehanort's Nobody from Kingdom Hearts II.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Calendar Man.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Sephiroth is easily the laziest villian. He doesn't do anything himself but sit around and wait for everyone else to complete his plans for him. He was easily defeated by Cloud the first time and horribly crushed the next time the faced off. His greatest claim to fame is killing Aeris....a kneeling girl with her back to him. Which is still suspect because it could easily been yet another Jenova clone (which you promptly battle after she dies.) So really what has he actually done himself or atleast been shown to mastermind? He's got nothing on Kefka, Kuja, or even Ex-death. Both actually kill combatants head on and cause far more carnage than Sepiroth. Their plans came far closer or actually succeeded. (and he's got nothing on Luca Blight.)
Not to drag out the whole Sephiroth vs Kefka debate yet again, but Sephiroth did quite a bit more than just the death of Aeris. Inflicting mass panic and paranoia in the world as well as engineering the collapse of the driving economic and technological keystone of the entire world. Both got their "supreme item of power" and made the good guys run. Both had their evil "burn this place to the ground" moment (Doma's poisoning and Nibelheim). Both were painfully easy boss fights. The only real difference that I can see between them is that Sephiroth was built up to be this big, looming monster of power that you had no chance against while Kefka gets chumped repeatedly until he plot armored his way into ultimate power.

Now Kuja and Ex-Death I can definitely agree on. Kuja legitimately wiped out an entire world (and not just this "we needed to use a new overworld map" nonsense) and Ex-Death conquered one and essentially broke another. Neither of which have anything on Yu Yevon. Not only did he caused complete devastation to a planet, he maintained it for a thousand years AND got the survivors to build a world-wide religion around it. Now THAT'S good villainy.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Not to drag out the whole Sephiroth vs Kefka debate yet again, but Sephiroth did quite a bit more than just the death of Aeris. Inflicting mass panic and paranoia in the world as well as engineering the collapse of the driving economic and technological keystone of the entire world. Both got their "supreme item of power" and made the good guys run. Both had their evil "burn this place to the ground" moment (Doma's poisoning and Nibelheim). Both were painfully easy boss fights. The only real difference that I can see between them is that Sephiroth was built up to be this big, looming monster of power that you had no chance against while Kefka gets chumped repeatedly until he plot armored his way into ultimate power.
Not really. Septhiroth didn't even get the item himself. The good guys would have defeated him by DOING NOTHING. If Cloud and his friends all sat at home...he would have lost. The only reason he got the black Materia was because Cloud brought it to him like a dumb-***. It was actually safe right where it was. It was in a booty trap that not even Septiroth could have gotten past without alot of help. (his clones were too stupid to gained the Black Materia for him.) I mean if he could have retrieved it himself he would have and not have bothered with Cloud at all.

Kefka and the Gang would have taken down the Espers with or without the help heroes presence. The Espers were easily tricked and weren't too hard to defeat. The heroes just made it easier. Kefka was more than willing get his hands dirty, and go into the trenches to get what he wanted. He happened be in the right place at the right time or his liege would remained on top. Otherwise Kefka was pretty good at planning , and did actually ravage the planet while Sepiroth barely did anything.

He killed some scrubs, but even the weapons didn't cause that much damage that he unleashed. Shinra managed to repel their attacks without the heroes help. Hoenstly FF7 should just picked one villain rather than splitting the plot between Shinra and Sepiroth but the game was collective plot was like 3 stories ran thru a meat grinder and made into a sausage. It was all over the place, so it's no wonder why Sepiroth was just kind of there. Kuja was the villain Sepiroth should have been.

Granted Ultimecia of FF 8 was the lamest of all villains of the series. Again she only had a chance because the good guys let her win. (even more so than Sepiroth.)

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




The Architect from the second and third Matrix movies.

Galactus from Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer



M. Night Shyamalamadingdong



Venom from Spider-man 3.

Bane from Batman and Robin.

Red Herring....

Elmyra from Tiny Toons.

Adam 12 from the Buffy the Vampire Series



Umbrella Corporation...

1)Turn everyone into zombies.

Who thought this was a great plan?

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
Elmyra from Tiny Toons.

I like Elmyra, she reminds me of some kids I knew growing up who were a little too obsessed with animals and cuteness.

On a more serious note....

Drek from Ratchet and Clank 1. He is probably the only character in that entire series I don't care for. Everyone else fits a great cartoon Cliche and makes me either laugh or enjoy them, but he is just......boring. He ends up like a sleazy real estate agent dominating the galaxy purely for money. Just...so boring compared to everyone else.

Sergeant Hatred from Venture Brothers. When this guy was Dr. Venture's nemesis I couldn't wait for the Monarch to inevitably take back the position, and then the sudden good guy change? He's just so disappointing compared to everyone else in that show, which is a kinda hard bar to top.



Foxbat from CO. All those loading screen comic strips about him, and such, he kinda seemed to me like one of the big-bads.

And then I saved a TV news channel station from him....

/em facedesk

However, I'm not quite 20 in that *cough*universe*cough*, so maybe there's worse villians (hard to believe), maybe better. I don't know yet.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Foxbat takes the cake on that one. In a previous thread, many months ago a similar conversation came up, where I found out that Foxbat is Deadpool but Foxbat was first and is, worse? They used the term expy, can't remember where the final vote on that went as far as who was first.



Skeletor from the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. the Skeletor from Masters of the Universe movie and the recently new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe at least pose a threat. Original Skeletor is about as threating as a wet sponge. However what really places him as worse villain is an episode of He-Man were Teela and Orka state they never seen Prince Adam and He-Man and that's were it clicked. Skeletor is trying to takeover a planet were the general populous is about as smart as a Michael Bay movie plot and failing miserably at it. How terrible of a villain do you have to be if you can't succeed at that.

Another nominee is Destro from the GI Joe series. It's his sheer lack of ambition and laziness that makes me nominate Destro. Destro has been shown to be a better leader than Cobra Commander, but instead of walking up to Cobra Commander, putting a bullet between the eyes, taking over, and showing GI Joe what real terrorism is. He's content to be just follow the guy with a speech impediment. There's a saying "That we are often judged by the company we keep." So if Destro is content on following a guy who has about as much military tactical skill as a fast food chef then what does it say about him.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Skeletor from the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. the Skeletor from Masters of the Universe movie and the recently new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe at least pose a threat. Original Skeletor is about as threating as a wet sponge. However what really places him as worse villain is an episode of He-Man were Teela and Orka state they never seen Prince Adam and He-Man and that's were it clicked. Skeletor is trying to takeover a planet were the general populous is about as smart as a Michael Bay movie plot and failing miserably at it. How terrible of a villain do you have to be if you can't succeed at that.
Hard to agree with that one. While yes Skeletor constantly fails, he doesn't have an army most of the time. He has a handful of lackies and only has robots when the plot seems to call for it. Conversely Hordak has conquered Etheria in She-Ra yet everytime Hordak goes up against Skeletor he ends up on the losing end. Skeletor almost killed him in one episode.



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
Hard to agree with that one. While yes Skeletor constantly fails, he doesn't have an army most of the time. He has a handful of lackies and only has robots when the plot seems to call for it. Conversely Hordak has conquered Etheria in She-Ra yet everytime Hordak goes up against Skeletor he ends up on the losing end. Skeletor almost killed him in one episode.
Wow that's bad, when you lose to a guy who can't conquer a planet mostly full of idiots.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Foxbat from CO. All those loading screen comic strips about him, and such, he kinda seemed to me like one of the big-bads.

And then I saved a TV news channel station from him....

/em facedesk

However, I'm not quite 20 in that *cough*universe*cough*, so maybe there's worse villians (hard to believe), maybe better. I don't know yet.
Originally Posted by Failure to Sense View Post
Foxbat takes the cake on that one. In a previous thread, many months ago a similar conversation came up, where I found out that Foxbat is Deadpool but Foxbat was first and is, worse? They used the term expy, can't remember where the final vote on that went as far as who was first.
No idea what he's like in "That Other Thing We're Not Supposed to Talk About", but in the original Champions PnP RPG, Foxbat (or Boxfat as my husband is occasionally wont to call him) can be downright... weird. Sure, he's an idiot who thinks it's a good idea to try to steal the Rocky Mountains. But it's the other stuff he'll do to be ABLE to try and steal said mountains that give you pause...


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drawing purely from anime...

- Dante from Full Metal Alchemist.
- Kyouji Mujo from Scryed
- Galatea from Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
- whoever it was in Grenadier, actually anyone in that series I guess counts for being so awful.

actually it's really hard to think of any more since most bad animes are hardly memorable in the first place.