Thoughts about KM




I really didn't care for KM on my Brute in beta (at least at lower levels) but I'm liking it more on my current Scrapper. I don't have Power Siphon yet (didn't want to delay a more useful power pre-SO when it would be down most of the time) but at 22 I'm finding the set decent and very cool looking. Once I can take PS and slot some serious recharge in it I suspect the damage will actually be quite nice, though I hate the fact that Burst isn't a 15 foot radius or so... the animation looks way too powerful for what you actually get.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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Originally Posted by Valkyrie_EU View Post
Thats not because KM sucks... thats just because SS is overpowered as hell.
Yeah, but you more than pay for it with end cost.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I made a Kinetic Stalker so I don't have Replusing. The PbAoe attack has 100% critical from hidden which is decent but at the cost of small radius. I am just happy that Stalker has at least one aoe from the set.
Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
What!? Seriously? This is the first I'm hearing of this...might have to make a KM stalker then.
Don't expect it to remain that way - Castle posted that he changed it late in beta when someone else mentioned the guaranteed critical, but I guess it was either overwritten in another patch or else hasn't made it completely through the pipeline.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



The animations tend to feel long because of what's happening on the screen. All of the attacks have a wind up to a final, quick burst of damage -- wave, wave, wave, BAM!

In other words, it's a set a quick-executing Knockout Blows and Eagle's Claws, with long windups to a final shot of damage. It would *feel* as fast as it actually is if the damage were happening throughout the animation, like Shadow Maul and some of the multi-swipe Dual Blades attacks.

As it is, yes, it's kind of silly thematically because why would anyone sit there and watch you wave your hands around instead of using that awkward pause to kick you in the sack? Eagle's Claw -- why would I stand there when a ninja guy jumps in the air in slow motion with his foot cocked back like he's going to put a footprint on my brain? Knockout Blow -- We've all seen Popeye cartoons... when a dude winds up like that? Newsflash -- he's gonna hit you in the face!

So just like with Dual Pistols (though not nearly as bad), it's a set full of style over substance. I've enjoyed playing the set so far, but yeah, you don't wanna spend too much time thinking about it because the animations are silly in a melee set.

A Kinetic Blast set with the same exact animations would be pretty great.

Global @Watchdog



Originally Posted by Watchdog View Post
The animations tend to feel long because of what's happening on the screen. All of the attacks have a wind up to a final, quick burst of damage -- wave, wave, wave, BAM!

In other words, it's a set a quick-executing Knockout Blows and Eagle's Claws, with long windups to a final shot of damage. It would *feel* as fast as it actually is if the damage were happening throughout the animation, like Shadow Maul and some of the multi-swipe Dual Blades attacks.

As it is, yes, it's kind of silly thematically because why would anyone sit there and watch you wave your hands around instead of using that awkward pause to kick you in the sack? Eagle's Claw -- why would I stand there when a ninja guy jumps in the air in slow motion with his foot cocked back like he's going to put a footprint on my brain? Knockout Blow -- We've all seen Popeye cartoons... when a dude winds up like that? Newsflash -- he's gonna hit you in the face!

So just like with Dual Pistols (though not nearly as bad), it's a set full of style over substance. I've enjoyed playing the set so far, but yeah, you don't wanna spend too much time thinking about it because the animations are silly in a melee set.

A Kinetic Blast set with the same exact animations would be pretty great.
I don't temporal manipulator only seems to be going slow but is really going so fast there's no time!

All in the concept

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Watchdog View Post
The animations tend to feel long because of what's happening on the screen. All of the attacks have a wind up to a final, quick burst of damage -- wave, wave, wave, BAM!

In other words, it's a set a quick-executing Knockout Blows and Eagle's Claws, with long windups to a final shot of damage. It would *feel* as fast as it actually is if the damage were happening throughout the animation, like Shadow Maul and some of the multi-swipe Dual Blades attacks.

As it is, yes, it's kind of silly thematically because why would anyone sit there and watch you wave your hands around instead of using that awkward pause to kick you in the sack? Eagle's Claw -- why would I stand there when a ninja guy jumps in the air in slow motion with his foot cocked back like he's going to put a footprint on my brain? Knockout Blow -- We've all seen Popeye cartoons... when a dude winds up like that? Newsflash -- he's gonna hit you in the face!

So just like with Dual Pistols (though not nearly as bad), it's a set full of style over substance. I've enjoyed playing the set so far, but yeah, you don't wanna spend too much time thinking about it because the animations are silly in a melee set.

A Kinetic Blast set with the same exact animations would be pretty great.
Spoken like a true brawler AKA someone who hasn't the faintest idea how to fight. There's much more to fighting then simply throwing punches. Try to watch an old Seagal movie, they show it adequatly. Weaving your hands in the correct postions will make it hard for an opponent to successfully hit you. Also it tends to confuse the hell out of people, unless they are trained. The only "unrealistic" part is that the animations are too slow, but I suppose that's for our benefit, so we can watch and be awestruck



Originally Posted by Hippaforalkus View Post
Spoken like a true brawler AKA someone who hasn't the faintest idea how to fight. There's much more to fighting then simply throwing punches. Try to watch an old Seagal movie, they show it adequatly. Weaving your hands in the correct postions will make it hard for an opponent to successfully hit you. Also it tends to confuse the hell out of people, unless they are trained. The only "unrealistic" part is that the animations are too slow, but I suppose that's for our benefit, so we can watch and be awestruck
Again, looking at actual animation times, KM falls squarely into the average category. They're not slow--but they are pretty backloaded. All the damage happens at the end of the animation. The animations also have a lot of broad hand waving, which makes it feel slower than it actually is. In combination, it makes KM feel like a very slow, low damaging set, but if you queue up your powers like you do for any other set without looking at your character's fancy magic tricks and instead time the actual attacks or read the combat log, KM falls squarely between average to near Super Strength.



To me the animations make it actually feel faster, instead of slower. I don't have the last 3 attacks yet though.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



i made a kinetic melee brute and i even deleted my other toon for it, kinetic melee is suppose to lower the enemies damage but the debuff is so small i only shave off only 1 hit of damage, and what if i dont want power siphon, thats not fair that all other powersets debuff doesnt need a build up power to work well, and even then at least they have debuffing enchanments to make it stronger, and kinetic melee doesnt, there are so many disadvantages to this kinetic melee and i really dont care about how the powers look like but just how they function, so PLEASE can you fix this problem to make it fair to the other powersets



Originally Posted by PoisonHeart View Post
i made a kinetic melee brute and i even deleted my other toon for it, kinetic melee is suppose to lower the enemies damage but the debuff is so small i only shave off only 1 hit of damage, and what if i dont want power siphon, thats not fair that all other powersets debuff doesnt need a build up power to work well, and even then at least they have debuffing enchanments to make it stronger, and kinetic melee doesnt, there are so many disadvantages to this kinetic melee and i really dont care about how the powers look like but just how they function, so PLEASE can you fix this problem to make it fair to the other powersets
Power Siphon is not required to activate the -Damage debuffs. The text is deceptive. The ONLY effect of Power Siphon is the +to-hit and +damage buffs to yourself.

Also, the -damage is not KM's only source of mitigation. It also has knockdown/back and stun in many of the attacks.

Finally, most people don't slot enhancements for mitigation into their melee attacks anyway. They'd rather be slotting for more accuracy/damage/recharge/endurance most of the time.



Originally Posted by PoisonHeart View Post
i made a kinetic melee brute and i even deleted my other toon for it, kinetic melee is suppose to lower the enemies damage but the debuff is so small i only shave off only 1 hit of damage, and what if i dont want power siphon, thats not fair that all other powersets debuff doesnt need a build up power to work well, and even then at least they have debuffing enchanments to make it stronger, and kinetic melee doesnt, there are so many disadvantages to this kinetic melee and i really dont care about how the powers look like but just how they function, so PLEASE can you fix this problem to make it fair to the other powersets
not wanting Power Siphon is like not wanting Blinding Feint or Follow Up, much less any other +damage power...

my KM/Elec is currently lv30, I've yet to see any disadvantages as far as PvE goes.



Just to add, looking at KM's final attack, it has a very suitable amount of damage for its animation. I don't think there's a Scrapper attack that does more damage without having at least twice the recharge. It's one of the best ST attack in any set, being balanced pretty much only by its longer animation time. Again, Scrappers especially benefit from its chance to "crit" and immediately recharge Power Siphon, which gives an overall large boost to the rest of the set's damage.

Overall, the set is a bit above average, with a variety of good tools. It's balanced. There are other sets that aren't quite so balanced. Most new sets without obvious I win buttons (design flaws that get innocuously [or not] exploited) require some feeling out, otherwise they always feel sub-par. KM is actually a rather solid set. Scrappers and Tankers have obvious benefits (Power Siphon reset and better secondary effect numbers respectively), I'm not sure about Brutes and Stalkers yet.



If a set is going to be subpar till later levels its not a well designed set.

Also it sounds like a vacuum and Im constantly killing things while the KM is in suck mode with hideously "Oh Im so cool standing around not doing much" animations.

You can math the crap out of it.....and come to the conclusion that its adequate or even slightly better.....but If Im still killing things while Km dude is going all animatrix then its a subpar set.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
If a set is going to be subpar till later levels its not a well designed set.

Also it sounds like a vacuum and Im constantly killing things while the KM is in suck mode with hideously "Oh Im so cool standing around not doing much" animations.

You can math the crap out of it.....and come to the conclusion that its adequate or even slightly better.....but If Im still killing things while Km dude is going all animatrix then its a subpar set.
So, you not liking the animations makes it a sub par set...

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
So, you not liking the animations makes it a sub par set...
No, he is just saying in a very roundabout way that the KM animations are slow, when that has been debunked seemingly a million times so far that they are perfectly average compared to most melee sets. But of course as he says feeling > numbers, or more importantly, feeling > reality.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
If a set is going to be subpar till later levels its not a well designed set.
damn, then I guess most of the melee sets are just terrible then



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
If a set is going to be subpar till later levels its not a well designed set.

Also it sounds like a vacuum and Im constantly killing things while the KM is in suck mode with hideously "Oh Im so cool standing around not doing much" animations.

You can math the crap out of it.....and come to the conclusion that its adequate or even slightly better.....but If Im still killing things while Km dude is going all animatrix then its a subpar set.
I think the devs were testing us when they designed Kinetic Melee.

devs: Alright! Here it is!

players: WTF! This set is stupid slow!

devs: *looks at animation times* Actually, much of the animations are actually faster with some being basically on par wi-

players: Nope! Slow! And the damage sux too!

devs: *looks at numbers that coincide with Super Strength* Uhh....

players: And this Siphon thingy is retarded! Why I gotta use this stupid gimmick to make this set even playable!?!

devs: 'Future Note - Players don't know what the f*** they're talking not listen to them.'



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I think the devs were testing us when they designed Kinetic Melee.

devs: Alright! Here it is!

players: WTF! This set is stupid slow!

devs: *looks at animation times* Actually, much of the animations are actually faster with some being basically on par wi-

players: Nope! Slow! And the damage sux too!

devs: *looks at numbers that coincide with Super Strength* Uhh....

players: And this Siphon thingy is retarded! Why I gotta use this stupid gimmick to make this set even playable!?!

devs: 'Future Note - Players don't know what the f*** they're talking not listen to them.'
Yeah, it's almost comical. I asked my friend why he picked stone melee and didn't try out kinetic melee for a brute he was taking to 20 then abandoning, and he told me he couldn't handle kinetic melee's long animations....

What? Really?

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Tsuji View Post
Yeah, it's almost comical. I asked my friend why he picked stone melee and didn't try out kinetic melee for a brute he was taking to 20 then abandoning, and he told me he couldn't handle kinetic melee's long animations....

What? Really?
Complaints about how 'slow' KM is even tho it isn't probably make the devs think, "Why bother making a nice looking set?" It seems some people just want a basic melee set that has better damage numbers then the ones before it and the damage must be immediate!

Until the same people start complaining about how said Set is boring to look at.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I think the devs were testing us when they designed Kinetic Melee.

devs: Alright! Here it is!

some players: WTF! This set is stupid slow!

devs: *looks at animation times* Actually, much of the animations are actually faster with some being basically on par wi-

some players: Nope! Slow! And the damage sux too!

devs: *looks at numbers that coincide with Super Strength* Uhh....

some players: And this Siphon thingy is retarded! Why I gotta use this stupid gimmick to make this set even playable!?!

devs: 'Future Note - these specific Players don't know what the f*** they're talking not listen to them.'
Fixed for specificity. Personally, I like the fact that KM is being so heavily underestimated. It insures that it isn't the flavor of the month, like so many new powersets become. It's an irrational preference, I know, but I like not playing a KM in a sea of KMs.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
Complaints about how 'slow' KM is even tho it isn't probably make the devs think, "Why bother making a nice looking set?" It seems some people just want a basic melee set that has better damage numbers then the ones before it and the damage must be immediate!

Until the same people start complaining about how said Set is boring to look at.
True but you'll get this on most any game's forums.



My KM/INvu Brute isn't bad now that I IOed the hell out of his defence but pre-IOing I would die while animation was playing. I have the Heal power of INvu ready to go and bout time the animation is done I'm dead and I didn't even do damage to the baddie. But now that it is harder for the guys to kill me I'm mercen, also I don't even use power syphon.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



You know, the #1 complaint about KM is "slow". I looked at the math and the first 3 attacks are pretty fast. I don't know if it's a bug or our eyes are deceiving. Kinetic attacks do seem slower even though it shows 1s. I think the problem is that the damage comes at the end of the animation so you feel it's slower. Power like Midnight Grasp deals damage very fast and then you are stuck in that animation for a while. The last 3 attacks are definitely slower especially if you use Focused Burst in attack chain.

I think it's ok if Kinetic does less damage because it has one of the most unique debuffs in -damage. The -damage part is quite obvious when you fight AV or even pylon. This secondary debuff alone makes Kinetic very unique and I like it. Well, I like the Stalker version.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
You know, the #1 complaint about KM is "slow". I looked at the math and the first 3 attacks are pretty fast. I don't know if it's a bug or our eyes are deceiving. Kinetic attacks do seem slower even though it shows 1s. I think the problem is that the damage comes at the end of the animation so you feel it's slower. Power like Midnight Grasp deals damage very fast and then you are stuck in that animation for a while. The last 3 attacks are definitely slower especially if you use Focused Burst in attack chain.

I think it's ok if Kinetic does less damage because it has one of the most unique debuffs in -damage. The -damage part is quite obvious when you fight AV or even pylon. This secondary debuff alone makes Kinetic very unique and I like it. Well, I like the Stalker version.
It's perception. I haven't seen any proof that somehow the numbers do not match with the actual performance, and they certainly seem like they take as long as they are supposed to from what I can tell. You are hitting on why some people probably think it is slower, since there is the windup/charging before the attack. That's part of the flavor of the set, though, so if someone doesn't like it, oh well. No way you can please them all.

I can look at the numbers and know Claws is a perfectly fine set, but that doesn't change me from disliking the set for some reason (I can't get around how silly that one ranged attack seems to me, but I know that's my own preference). That's different from the set not working, though.

I'm not sure what you mean by less damage in that second paragraph, though. Do you mean the lower damage to account for Power Siphon? That's okay not because of the -damage component, but because of how much Power Siphon accelerates your damage. You can put out some quite impressive numbers while that is up (and they're fine even when it isn't), and it's fairly easy to get PS or Buildup back up quickly with how the set works. I certainly prefer how it works compared to Rage, just because I kind of dislike its debuff period.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I got my KM/WP scrapper to 50 and he solos, teams, and PvPs fine. He can solo the pillboxes in RV(when they haven't been taken over yet). The only animations I found slow on KM is Focused Burst and Concentrated Strike, over that I find them all in reasonable speed.