Thoughts about KM




Sup Heroes and Villains I've been playing the new zones and new melee power Kinetic Melee. And I was all hyped up about it until I played it. I was disappointed, I was thinking that I was going to be able to siphon the end of the enemy like Protean. but that is the lest of my let downs the big one is the total lack of damage I find that KM has. I haven't played Elev control enough to say much about it. but so far compared to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning Ken Melee is a major let down. Both DP and DS are every well rounded and match the power sets really well, but my stalker I made was way to squishy unlike the other ones I've made. I then tried the set on a higher defense archetype but found that even as a brute I wasn't dealing the damage I get from SS. I'm not sure if it is just me. But I think KM is just too much show and not enough go.

I'd like to know what you guys think. Please keep it civil. barking annoys me.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



I personally like the look and setup for the set. My Scrapper isn't too high level since I have a few new characters with Going Rogue, but if you look at the damage of the set and other threads discussing it, KM is pretty solid for damage, though it is more focused on single target damage than AOE.

Repulsing Torrent is kind of crummy, though. Still not sure how KB was seen okay on a melee set. Still, it works overall from what I can see and what I've read from the more mathematically inclined types on the forums.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Not sure why you aren't seeing much damage. Got my Kin/EA brute all through Praetoria and up to 22 and I was more than happy with the damage. IT cranks out some nice single trget numbers. Plenty of go & show.



Alter666, i agree with you. it feels all show and no go. i got my scrapper up to level 19 and just couldn't do it anymore. it feels like it's taking too long for the powers to do dmg because of the animation.

don't get me wrong. i love the sound and animation that kinetic melee provides (sounds like a jet taking off). but i think the devs need to speed up the animation and provide the set with more dmg. i'm sure siphon power helps with the dmg. but siphon power just doesn't last long enough in my opinion.

i think i'll give martial arts a try since they updated it again.



Originally Posted by Ray_Ray View Post
Alter666, i agree with you. it feels all show and no go. i got my scrapper up to level 19 and just couldn't do it anymore. it feels like it's taking too long for the powers to do dmg because of the animation.

don't get me wrong. i love the sound and animation that kinetic melee provides (sounds like a jet taking off). but i think the devs need to speed up the animation and provide the set with more dmg. i'm sure siphon power helps with the dmg. but siphon power just doesn't last long enough in my opinion.

i think i'll give martial arts a try since they updated it again.

KM is an above average speed set. This has been proven and stated over and over in other threads.



Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
Sup Heroes and Villains I've been playing the new zones and new melee power Kinetic Melee. And I was all hyped up about it until I played it. I was disappointed, I was thinking that I was going to be able to siphon the end of the enemy like Protean. but that is the lest of my let downs the big one is the total lack of damage I find that KM has.
Regarding Proteans energy drain. Protean has a very souped up version of the energy drain power found in the energy aura defense set. (Power sink from various electrical sets and energy absorbtion from ice armor can perform similar feats. Energy absorption doesn't sap as well as the other two but has a very nice defense boost) Regarding KM as a set, I have limited experience with it as a brute and I was fine with it, but I haven't really stuck with a brute before so I wouldn't necessarily know how he was doing comparitively.



On a Stalker, KM is pretty decent. It's got some AoE and good mitigation. Why would you say it was squishy? What set were you pairing it with?

I haven't had much time to play lately, only my Inv/KM Tanker, but so far, only lvl 15, he doesn't seem slow. In fact, with the 3 first attacks, they activate so fast, sometimes they activate even though the previous attack defeated the foe. I wonder if that's a bug....

As for Siphoning Endurance, I don't think it was ever said we were getting 'Siphon Melee'. Although we get a power called Siphon Power, I think the word power was with the definition of strength. The concept of my tanker is he's a martial artist with a technique that manipulates force with the slightest touch. He can alter force into its fundamental parts (mass and acceleration) allowing him to do some crazy stuff. Fits the concept like a glove, IMO



My stalker was a KM/WP(I got killed by easy people, gave me the what the hell moments)... I couldn't solo maltiple missions in my stalker because I wasn't able to take out the enemy before the took me out. I'm no sure if it is cause I was useing Willpower or what. I was able to solo all of pretoria with my KM/Invun brute, but I had a lot of trouble in some of the missions. it just seemed to take a long time to get through the missions...

Not sure if it is cause Preatoria is harder on the lowbie or what but it was just a pain to solo.I ended up skipping a the mission where you go in to find the meeting place for the destroiers and Resistance because I just coudn't survived that endless amount of Blastmasters they were throwing at me solo... I'm sure if I teamed with someone it would be no problem... but the only time I team as lowbie is when I have 20 days to hit 50. so I can unlock epic archs.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



It's prolly just me... I not a melee person anyway... I love my blasters... DP is the bomb. two shoting same level foes is awesome. I love the look of it... I'll try the willpower kin tank... more hitpoints... might not de as fast. I love the stalker concept being all ninja... they jus can't take a punch I guess. Bt this all could be my horible luck.... nah... can't be that.

I was trying to solo protean... I've done it before. but it was wih my MM. With my other toons it is inposible to solo him...

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



Missions in Praetoria are SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than those in standard CoH/V lowbie zones. I think some people are taking KM, testing it only in Praetoria, and then comparing it to experiences in Atlas Park and King's Row, not realizing the level of challenge is different.

EDIT: And when I say 'significantly', I mean, there are times where I died 3 or more times trying to solo all the waves of ambushes and such, or against a nasty Destroyer's lieutenant with too many Blast Masters around him.

Also, did you take all 3 of the initial single target attacks? And Power Siphon? At level 14 on a scrapper with all those + hasten, I'm just slaughtering stuff now.



I have a lvl 50 KM/shield scrapper and I have found it to be the most fun I have had in ages. The damage output is very good and shield charge coupled with burst works really well, especially after building up some PS. I have also been able to solo AV's with it. It can be a little end heavy in the longer fights but jsut going from mob to mob its absolutely great. I have found the damage from Concentrated Strike is awesome, yes the animation is long, but who cares, the damage is extreme and you feel like your actually thumping some1. For me KM has given CoH a new lease of life and I have found a new favourite toon.



Originally Posted by Lillika View Post
KM is an above average speed set. This has been proven and stated over and over in other threads.
i haven't read the other threads. but maybe it's the length of the animation then that i don't have the patience for.

i mean if you think about it, with the waving of the hands all over the place before you strike, the other guy is gonna say "uh oh. i better hit him first".



Originally Posted by Ray_Ray View Post
i haven't read the other threads. but maybe it's the length of the animation then that i don't have the patience for.

i mean if you think about it, with the waving of the hands all over the place before you strike, the other guy is gonna say "uh oh. i better hit him first".
Yeah, except KM actually has relatively short animations! Go look at the power details. Quick Strike animates in .83 seconds, and both of the next two ST attacks animate in less than 1.5 seconds. That's definitely on the average-to-fast side of melee attacks. The only powers with animations on the slow side compared to other sets are Power Siphon (compared to Build Up), Focused Burst, and Concentrated Strike, and those last two are very late powers in the set.

I just don't get the 'long animation' complaints because the numbers show it's just not true.



I love the look.... I guess it is just my luck with the game.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
I love the look.... I guess it is just my luck with the game.
I soloed Praetoria just fine with my Stalker (KM/WP) and have been soloing just fine in Paragon. Currently level 29. Haven't upped the difficulty yet though, as I'm waiting to get my IO sets put in at lvl 30.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Part of the reason KM feels slow is that mobs seem to react to it at the start of the animation where with other sets you hit them first before they turn round.

I'm enjoying my KM/SR stalker, but my fire/KM tank in the beta sucked (lvl 41), I have 12 50 tanks and many others 35+ and this was flat out the worst I've ever played. I was dying on occasions to 3 white minions if one of them was a sapper. I think this was a symptom of the first thing, even though I was knocking the sapper down, he was still draining all my end at which point toggles dropped and I was permamezzed till dead.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Ray_Ray View Post
i haven't read the other threads. but maybe it's the length of the animation then that i don't have the patience for.

i mean if you think about it, with the waving of the hands all over the place before you strike, the other guy is gonna say "uh oh. i better hit him first".
I personally believe that it is the sound that makes these attacks appear to be slow. I very much dislike the sounds and turned sound off for a while, and found that this set was really rocking. I've kind of learned to ignore the sound now.

Also all of your downtime is in the animation, unlike most of the old attacks, which have a pause after the attack. I have often hitten dead enemies, because the queued attack goes off before the game knows the MOB is down.

Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Part of the reason KM feels slow is that mobs seem to react to it at the start of the animation where with other sets you hit them first before they turn round.
This is a good observation. Now that I think about it I have noticed my Stalker taking damage from nearby MOBs even before my AS completes. Though this often happens with the other attacks out of hide I don’t think I have every had this with any of the other Stalker AS's. Maybe this should be /buged, or it could just be another one of the Devs latest MOB buffs that are just affecting this set, at this time.



the rooting is horrible but otherwise its a nice set



The set isn't slow animating but it is slow killing. By the time Kinetic Melee is doing high damage other sets already have killed the entire spawn and are looking for the next. If repulsing torrent weren't a power that was more likely to slow you down than speed you up it might be a different story



Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
I then tried the set on a higher defense archetype but found that even as a brute I wasn't dealing the damage I get from SS.
Thats not because KM sucks... thats just because SS is overpowered as hell.



I'm leveling up in praetoria using it as a tank and I love it. I'm pretty sure the -damage has saved my life two times so far.

Not sure what everyone is smoking when they say the damage is low and the animations are slow. The animations are fast, so individual attack damage is a little lower, but they all chain together nicely.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I soloed Praetoria just fine with my Stalker (KM/WP) and have been soloing just fine in Paragon. Currently level 29. Haven't upped the difficulty yet though, as I'm waiting to get my IO sets put in at lvl 30.
Did you do the mission loyalist mission where you have to get the seers back from the resistance doctor? I tried to solo that mission with my KM/WP stalker and was barely able to beat the doctor before the mob of seers merced me. I was having the one guys fire tank problem dieing from three white npcs. again prolly my luck playing a hand in the game now that I'm out of Praetoria with my KM/Inv brute It's not as bad, but I'm only lvl 21 or 22.

I'm just going to make me a KM/WP tanker.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
Sup Heroes and Villains I've been playing the new zones and new melee power Kinetic Melee. And I was all hyped up about it until I played it. I was disappointed, I was thinking that I was going to be able to siphon the end of the enemy like Protean. but that is the lest of my let downs the big one is the total lack of damage I find that KM has. I haven't played Elev control enough to say much about it. but so far compared to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning Ken Melee is a major let down. Both DP and DS are every well rounded and match the power sets really well, but my stalker I made was way to squishy unlike the other ones I've made. I then tried the set on a higher defense archetype but found that even as a brute I wasn't dealing the damage I get from SS. I'm not sure if it is just me. But I think KM is just too much show and not enough go.

I'd like to know what you guys think. Please keep it civil. barking annoys me.
My kin/nin stalker doesn't have any problems. I'm soloing verything and she's doing fine. I get the impression that ghouls have some smashing resistance or something but other than that my damage output is very decent. That and the absolutley fantastic animations make this set a winner in my book, great fun to play.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
the rooting is horrible but otherwise its a nice set
It's the same as in other sets?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



KM is fine. It's a very well balanced and damaging Single Target specialist.

What makes it "feel" slow is two things:

1) The animations "feel" a bit slow. They aren't, but they do feel like it at times because you are actually using up all the animation time doing something rather than a quick hit and then a short pause of doing nothing at all.

2) With the mechanics of how Power Siphon works, the set lacks the immediate, on demand, spike of damage that other sets get with Build Up. You have to activate P.S. and then do a couple of attacks to see the big damage bonus...which easily ends up HIGHER than Build Up, but it takes a couple of seconds to get there.

Easiest way to deal with P.S. is to consider it a mini-fury.

Now, all that said, Kinetic Melee is NOT the best suited powerset for Brutes and Tanks as they lack the base damage before Power Siphon and they lack Critical Hits for the instant recharge of Power Siphon that lets Scrappers and Stalkers keep it up almost constantly.

Note that I said it's not the BEST suited powerset. It is perfectly acceptable for Brutes and Tanks (and I'm simply loving my KM/EA Brute), but you have to live with a slightly lower "top end of power" that Scrappers can achieve with it.

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