Ninja Run??
It's meant as a weak alternative to travel powers. If it stacked it'd be too valuable/important I think.
It doesn't stack with Combat Jumping for the same reason Super Jump won't, I've heard. Which would be that the jump speed increase would stack?... except that sprint works with Ninja Run...
Frankly I think it's great enough on it's own. I'm just disappointed that it apparently has 100% combat suppression... That one I really don't understand. It already has a massive endurance cost.
Travel power toggles have never stacked with themselves. CJ/Jump Hover/Fly have always been exclusive. They do stack with powers from the fitness pool or powers that boost movement speed like Lightning Reflexes and Quickness. Just the way it's always been.
To be perfectly honest, if you're in an AT with a buld that includes Mental Training/Lightning Reflexes or it's equivalents, you don't need a travel power. That inherent boost, when properly slotted along with sprint/swift/hurdle is more than enough to compensate.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Ok, so why is it you can stack Ninja Run with Sprint and not with Combat Jump? Or Ninja Run with Super Speed? Or Ninja Run with, etc...If you pay for this power, why can't it stack with other travel powers? I am sure that the animation is the biggest reason people like the power. But why not allow it to stack with other travel powers?
E.G. You can't run CJ and SJ at the same time, nor could you run the Zero-G Pack Temp power (for superjumping) at the same time as CJ or SJ.
Ninja Run serves as both a running AND jumping power and cancels out both SS and SJ. Which i'll suckage. I'd love to run at SS with the NR anim and Super Ninja Jump.
However...there ARE a few loopholes to this. Kinetics Defender, Corruptor, or Controller can use Kin powers such as Siphon Speed and Inertia reduction to nearly or completely hit the caps for run speed, jump speed and jump height while using ninja run. Of course, the Kinny can also SB and IR his ninja running buddies to reach the same ends.
The Warshade power of Nebulous Form can be used with ninja run to greatly enhance the jumping aspect of the Neb Form power (or enhance the jumping of ninja run..depending on how you look at it). The reason, i think, behind this is because Neb Form is first and foremost an Intangiblity power with a side effect of a boost to jump height and speed, and not a travel power in and of itself, so it can be stacked.
Also...for the record. I love the anims for Ninja Run. I just about had a nerdgasm when i saw them for the first time.
PS. After GR/i18 went live, my Elm/Ela stalker is now running at 80 mph and jumping at 74 mph with the new boost to sprint. Before he was clocking in at about 73ish running. damn....FAST! Granted that took me some slotting that most people would most likely never even think about...much less actually do. 3 slot sprint, swift, and lightning reflexes for run speed and 3 slot hurdle for jump. For me tho...not that big of a deal since it's only 3 more slots than i'd use for a fully slotted teleport. But hey...i'm weird like that.
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Actually, I've found you can use the Temp Jet Pack from the Recipe with Ninja Run, entirely by accident.
Using it on a claws scrapper or night widow while your claws are out makes you run like Sonic.
I love NR's utility, but I can never bring myself to use it as a dedicated travel power because of the animation. Yuck. :X
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
I think the crouched pose is a little silly, but the flips are totally awesome.
Regardless, most people use this power for the run/jump speed not because they like how it looks. People who hate how it looks still use this power probably. It's THAT much better than sprinting, especially at low levels.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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The Idle is a very typical "preparing to run" stance.
It looks awesome when you use it with Dual Pistols out. It just sucks that you have to keep pressing an attack button to keep your pistols out.
I agree though, the idle stance is really cheesy. I wish there was a way to toggle something in the options menu to make my character take his weapons out and keep them out while using ninja run without having to press an attack button every so often.
Nothing looks more silly right now than half the people crowding around the trainer or vendor in Nova all in the Ninja "power crouch" idle animation. I hate the idle animation. The running and flipping around is not so bad.
But I do love the utility of the power and the animations while running/jumping are cool - especially with weapons in-hand.
Really? You hold your hand in front of your face before getting ready to run?
![]() |
If the position was just for running, it would probably be wiser to have your arm to the side, but still forward of your body, but I imagine the arm in front is there more as a fighting stance, as opposed to a pure running stance.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Love the Utility of the Ninja Run Power, and love the fact that so many use it instead of a 'real' travel power. I like a world where most Powered Folk don't fly like Supes, jump like the hulk, or run like Flash, and NR makes COH more like that.
That said, the running animation annoyrs me so I jump when traveling as much as possible. The legs pumping piston-like while leaning forward without the torso moving much is okay (somebody running 90 mph would probably not have a jogging animation - as SS currently does). But I can't stand the right arm sticking backwards. Man I wish there was a more symmetrical alternative... The crouch itself doesn't suck, but I will not stay in it once I stop

But I have it on a hotkey so I just toggle it when I'm standing.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
Ok, so why is it you can stack Ninja Run with Sprint and not with Combat Jump? Or Ninja Run with Super Speed? Or Ninja Run with, etc...If you pay for this power, why can't it stack with other travel powers? I am sure that the animation is the biggest reason people like the power. But why not allow it to stack with other travel powers?