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  1. People will argue and complain about anything... All I can say is that I'm glad those few aren't the ones that need to be convinced, it's the developers. If they're going to make a selfish and incomprehensible argument, they may as well not be arguing at all, 'cause the developers certainly aren't going to listen to it.
    Some of the people arguing against this have already said themselves they rarely if ever run into the issue of having to go AFK after a fight because Rest is down, so this change doesn't affect them. From what I gather, most of them are willing to screw over the people that do deal with this issue to prevent some ridiculous situation in which they have to deal with a bad player somehow created by this.
  2. I agree about regular ammo being 70% Lethal 30% Smashing, and while I would really like Negative Ammo, the ones we have are already pretty redundant. It's hard to imagine other types having a real purpose when most of the ones we already have don't. Regular, Cryo and Acid are all basically just mitigation, and I can't see any reason to use one over the other unless you need to exploit a damage-type weakness.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    It's been suggested, and shot down, multiple times because it's a horrible idea made by players that don't have the first clue about what the blaster secondary sets are designed for.

    The developers have never said "never" to doing a martial arts themed manipulation set. Then again, the developers rarely say "never" to anything.

    They have, however, expressed the opinion that the melee heavy Energy Manipulation is an aberration within the blaster secondary sets and, and that any future manipulation sets will be based more on the Psionic Manipulation model with limited straight melee attacks, more ranged attacks, and a greater focus on soft-controls. It has been stated that due to the cottage rule, Energy Manipulation won't likely be revamped to make it into more of a manipulation set.

    The developers have also indicated in the past that blasters will not be receiving any native damage reduction powers outside of Epic / Patron pools, nor will blaster's be receiving any anti-mez powers outside of the current Defiance model.

    So, if you can come up with a manipulation set that only has at most three straight damage attacks, at least one ranged attack, maybe a weak stun / damage pbaoe, some soft control, has an immobilize for the first power that has to be taken, and includes build-up, then hey, feel free to pitch something that features a punch and a kick at it's base.
    Kinda harsh. Not only is it really easy to make a Martial Arts type secondary that isn't just all punching/kicking for blasters, but I don't think the developers are against the idea. Haven't you played in Praetoria yet? 90% of the Resistance members you play with (I'm not sure about against) use Assault Rifle/Energy Manipulation.
    Why do you think it is that they all use Energy Manipulation? Because it looks like ordinary hand-to-hand fighting aside from the glow.

    It could easily look something like:
    Crane Kick (Knockback Kick)
    Storm Kick (Damage Kick)
    Dragon Tail (AoE Kick)
    Focus Chi/Build Up
    Concentration (+ToHit/Perception/Range toggle)
    Cobra Strike (Stunning Punch)
    Intimidating Gaze (Cone Fear)
    Resurgent Chi(?) (Recover Endurance, AoE Disorient)
    Eagle's Claw (Slow Damage Attack)
  4. Yeah, Blasters really don't have any Natural-type secondary. Devices is the closest thing, and that's a pretty hard-core Technology set.
  5. That animation is awesome, and you're both terrible people for saying otherwise. Terrible.
  6. That probably is a good idea. Around the teens when enemies are tough enough to put up a fight but you still lack stuff like heals or Fitness or good mitigation, I often have to just go AFK after certain fights because I've already used Rest and am out of Green/Blue Inspirations.
    Actually, under the right circumstances, that could happen to you at pretty much any level. You just might not have to go AFK as long.
  7. And ever so slowly, the very nature and purpose of the Olympics dies, one step at a time...
    I don't even care about the Olympics because of stuff like this, but that mentality is spreading through a lot of other physical competitions as well.
    The fighters in UFC aren't even allowed to use a downward elbow strike because some jack*** judge or committee member or something like that saw a demonstration where some random guy broke a block of ice that way, and got it to pass as a rule... There's actually a massive number of odd things like that in UFC, and other sports as well.
    People break concrete slabs in demonstrations with an ordinary punch, too. Maybe the fighters should just dry hump and tickle each other to see who wins >_<

    And what happens when some idiot blasts someone in the eye with a laser gun and temporarily blinds them for a few seconds. That would just be so horrible...
    Just another reason to be disappointed in humanity.
  8. I actually despise Aim; it's just a second Build Up with more ToHit and less Damage.
    While I despise Swap Ammo as well, I think the best thing to do is to make Dual Pistol's secondary effects just as strong as other sets.
  9. I could have sworn I'd read something about trading merits for Super Inspirations. It may have even been in-game... maybe I'm imagining that.
  10. Khiva

    Ninja Run??

    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    If I were a video game or cartoon ninja, yes.
    Or if you'd ever participated in Track.
  11. Khiva

    Game Time Cards

    As far as I know you can't get CoH Game/Time Cards anymore. You have to get an NCSoft Game Card.
    I was able to order one off Amazon, but the main page of this site has a link that tells you what stores carry them:
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FluffTrooper View Post
    compared to crusaders, yeah loyalists are heros
    Yeah... I've got a Crusader mission right now where I'm supposed to help them drop a neutron bomb on Nova Praetoria and kill every living thing to "prove a point" if I recall correctly.
    A bomb that was intended to take out Hamidon and they stole, no less.

    Originally Posted by SirFrederick View Post
    A man who would murder to achieve a democratic republic might become a model citizen once living in one. We might forever look at him askance, but stranger things have happened.
    People can't really look at him as anything when they're all dead
  13. Khiva

    Ninja Run??

    The Idle is a very typical "preparing to run" stance.
  14. This'll be rough since I still don't own Photoshop or a tablet. Luckily I have a whole month to do it
  15. You don't need anything real strong to play CoH on Ultra. I built my desktop with only around $300 and can play on nearly maxed out settings (I had to turn something down, I think it might have been Anti-Aliasing). And I think I've been getting around 40 FPS.
    I'm using an ATI 4670 Video Card, 2gigs RAM, and 2.6 Dual-core AMD Processor on Windows XP.

    And contrary to what Call Me Awesome said, the case is actually very important.
    You want it to be big so you can fit any parts you want, you want it to be small enough to easily fit wherever you want to place it, and it needs to be well ventilated with places to attach fans on both the front and back (side could work as well).

    If you just go extremely compact it'll overheat quickly from poor air-flow and will greatly limit what parts you can put in it, and if you just make it gigantic it will take up a lot of space, may require much stronger/bigger fans (which would also be louder), and could also potentially limit your hardware options.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
    That would just be straight up hero in the context of this game... I guess, other than the "kill" part. This game is defining vigilante in a very specific way, differently than the colloquial usage. A Vigilante here is a hero that seeks to stop criminals by any means necessary, even if that means going through innocent people to do it, and it often does. Remember, the whole point of the vigilante missions is that you're on the path to villainy.
    I've really gotta question the logic... aren't you stopping those criminals to save people? So you stop those criminals from killing innocent people by... killing innocent people?
    I could understand if every once in a while they made you choose between killing a few innocent people yourself to save a lot of people, but not only does it sound like they really over did that, it sounds like they have you killing a lot of people just for the hell of it as well. Like the one mentioned where you run around mercilessly slaughtering reformed ex-freaks who are no harm to anyone, while they beg for their lives.

    Vigilantes/Rogues are supposed to be in a morally gray area, but from what I've read Rogues sound like a bunch of Robin Hoods, running around causing innocent mischief while saving random bystanders. While the Vigilantes sound like the kind of lunatics that would run around shouting "My dark god tells me that you are all sinners, and demands that you die in righteous hellfire! Muahaha!"
  17. Surround the link text with [img] [/img] tags.
  18. I'll warn you that NCSoft Support will ask for information that most people don't have. I wonder sometimes if anyone has ever gotten it all to them.
    I think I had heard though that it should be alright if you can just get most of the information they ask for.

    As an example, a big one is that they ask you for the authentication code for your account, each of the expansions you may have added independently, and every bonus/upgrade code you've ever added to the account.
  19. That's odd, I could have sworn I've seen many enemies die when I fought them on a rooftop and they tried to flee at low health by diving off. I never had any DoT on them.
  20. Khiva

    Ninja Run??

    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Is that sentence intended as sarcasm?
    You may not like it, but most people do.
    I love the animations themselves, but most people would probably like it just for the fact that it replaces the base run/jump animations made by a far less adequate team 6 years ago.
  21. Khiva

    Ninja Run??

    It's meant as a weak alternative to travel powers. If it stacked it'd be too valuable/important I think.
    It doesn't stack with Combat Jumping for the same reason Super Jump won't, I've heard. Which would be that the jump speed increase would stack?... except that sprint works with Ninja Run...

    Frankly I think it's great enough on it's own. I'm just disappointed that it apparently has 100% combat suppression... That one I really don't understand. It already has a massive endurance cost.
  22. Awesome, thanks for all of the help. It sounds like I'll be playing a Rogue. I'd probably go Vigilante instead, but I don't think you can do contact missions on the other side.
  23. So I want to be able to do a lot of missions with my character that have me fighting demons and other supernatural creatures.
    I always just kind of assumed Heroes had more of this because you get to fight the Circle of Thorns, Council and Hellions among other things. But apparently, Villains get to fight the Circle as well, they can both join the Midnighters, and Villains seem to get a full-blown Demon Hunting arc from Hardcase. It also seems that the entire zone of Cap au Diable focuses on demons.
    I didn't really expect that from the "villain" side, and now I'm confused on which side I'd rather play.
    Any suggestions?
  24. Wait, wait, wait. You basically get the choice of Hero or Villain in each tip mission, and have to do the villainous stuff both to acquire (maintain?) Vigilante status, and to switch over to full-blown evil villain? The same stuff?
    I wasn't sure how I expected that to work, but wow.
    That means between the border groups, Rogues are effectively the good guys, and Vigilantes are actually the bad guys... Odd.

    I was hoping to play a Vigilante to go around killing the bad guys and doing necessary evils, not kicking puppies.
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here.
  25. I haven't been able to find any information on this. are we able to create supergroups while still in Praetoria?
    If we can, does anyone know where the registrar is? Paragonwiki doesn't list one, and neither do any of the Going Rogue notes or guides.