Issue 18 and Going Rogue Launch Address by Melissa "War Witch" Bianco




Hey, everyone!

I am so excited about introducing our newest expansion, City of Heroes: Going Rogue!! Everyone here at Paragon Studios has been working tirelessly on it, dedicating their time, creativity, and talent to ensure that it not only fulfills our promise of bringing you more of what you love but also creates a fun and unique experience for our veteran and new players alike! Missions! Zones! Going Rogue system! Villain Groups! Costumes! Emotes! (Okay, I could go on, but then it’ll just get silly). Our goal for this expansion was to reinvent City of Heroes and I truly believe we’ve achieved it.

There were times when I logged into our new Praetorian zones with Ultra Mode on and I went, “WHOA. This is amazing!” I hope that all of you have just as many “oooh”, ahh”, and “aha!” moments when you discover the new zones, missions, features, and – of course – easter eggs that await your exploration.

This is the best work that we have ever done and that’s saying something since we’ve put out some pretty fantastic content over the years. When you look at how far we’ve come, both in learning what works and in paying attention to how you respond to our content, we are constantly forcing ourselves to be better. In a space where an MMO has very little time to distinguish itself and gain a community, it says something that we started strong and have continued to be successful for over 6 years! It comes down to you the players so we take our development role seriously. This expansion is also an important accomplishment for Paragon Studios because we strive to not only distinguish ourselves from our previous work, but set the standard for how we will move forward as a studio, as a leader in our industry, and as a litmus test to determine how best to support City of Heroes moving forward.

We’ve received excellent feedback from you during the Going Rogue Closed Beta period, which has directly affected many of the features you see in the Going Rogue expansion and I want to thank all of you that participated and took the time to write up your comments – both from a “broken” perspective AND from a subjective perspective because even if something is functional, it doesn’t mean it’s fun. The iteration on feedback has paid off because we made some significant changes that have made our features more enjoyable!

So I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your loyalty, your passion, and your commitment to City of Heroes and I hope that you enjoy all of the work that we have put into it. Thank you so much for making City of Heroes an amazing game to work on, thank you for your continued enthusiasm and excitement about this Going Rogue expansion (and beyond!), and – most of all - thank you for playing!

Melissa “War Witch” Bianco

"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)



She did not use "the next level"

That being said, congratulations on a job well done!



Thank you, War Witch and team, for an incredible game. You all did a great job. My partner and I are having a fantastic time exploring every avenue of this update. You really knocked it out of the park.



One of the most interesting things I came across on Praetoria is the PPD/Resistance npcs, and their offensive powersets. They seem to have a variety of attacks that eminate from their powergloves (for the PPD) or from large scale ranged weapons (for the resistance). Has there been any discussion about making these available in the (hopefully near) future as prestige ATs (similar to the Peacebringer/Warshade from CoH and Spider/Widow from CoV)?



I said it Here yesterday, hoping you all might see that, but congratulations on a really great job from all of those efforts and from everyone involved.
What a project, eh?!?!
It's a thrilling thing to unveil the product of all that hard work and I'm glad it's being received so well... And I'm glad it is so awesome!!
I'm enjoying the heck out of Tip Missions alone, hehe!

Paragon Studios is definitely the leader, in my eyes, in designing original ideas and giving their game and player base a unique brand to truly enjoy.
And I am very thankful for that!
Keep leading the way!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Good job Devs! You really took COH "to the next level"! Take a little time off and enjoy yourselves!



Nice job...Beta looked good, now if I can have the slots I bought last week to build my Praetorians I'll look at how it actually was implemented...


Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.



Congratulations War Witch and crew. It's clear you all worked very hard on Going Rogue and it shows.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Energy_Aura View Post
Nice job...Beta looked good, now if I can have the slots I bought last week to build my Praetorians I'll look at how it actually was implemented...

Exactly, it looks great, but I can't create any praetorians on my chosen server and neither can most of my friends, this is turning into a bit of a fiasco.

You REALLY need to get the server transfers working and the store open, there is mutinous talk about.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
there is mutinous talk about.
This is an MMO forum... Need I say more!?



GREAT JOB on preatoria. Beutiful The missions are awesome as are the Tip missions for either direction. Cannot wait to se the high level end game content later on... Anyhow I have a question as well as the compliments.

? At what time will the free server transfers commence? If their was a post on the time I must have missed it. ?



I'd really enjoy it if I could actually make a new character....



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Exactly, it looks great, but I can't create any praetorians on my chosen server and neither can most of my friends, this is turning into a bit of a fiasco.

You REALLY need to get the server transfers working and the store open, there is mutinous talk about.
Seriously, I'm getting really irritated. 2 days with it down is just unacceptable. Whats the point of all this new content if many of us can't even play it?



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
You REALLY need to get the server transfers working and the store open, there is mutinous talk about.
this is different from any other day how exactly?

anyway, GRATZ on the launch, things look spiffy and I'm sure bugs will be assassinated with your usual efficiency.

/ric flair

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
Seriously, I'm getting really irritated. 2 days with it down is just unacceptable. Whats the point of all this new content if many of us can't even play it?
First: Going Rogue only officially launched today. If those servers aren't operational by 12midnight Western time (1am Central, 2am Eastern), then, and ONLY then can you say anything about amount of time with the external servers down.

Second: Going Rogue is playable, today. Right now. If you don't have a slot on your favorite server, tough. Go play on another server.

Exactly, it looks great, but I can't create any praetorians on my chosen server and neither can most of my friends, this is turning into a bit of a fiasco.

You REALLY need to get the server transfers working and the store open, there is mutinous talk about.
Same goes for you. If your friends can't play on the server you picked out, move to a different server. Problem. Solved. Not that big a deal. You can always transfer back in later.

Basically, get those bunched panties unbunched.



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
2 days with it down is just unacceptable. Whats the point of all this new content if many of us can't even play it?
so you have all your slots on every server filled up?


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
Seriously, I'm getting really irritated. 2 days with it down is just unacceptable. Whats the point of all this new content if many of us can't even play it?
Keep in mind that yesterday was a gift. They didn't have to put it on the live servers yesterday, but they did. So I wouldn't count that since it wasn't supposed to be released till today... Some people need to spend sometime outside or something and calm down...

Also, it wasn't down yesterday for me or most people. That was something that happened this morning. This is what the Devs came to work to this morning. In Central time, assuming they go to work at 8AM Pacific time, they got to work at 10AM my time. This means that they haven't been working on it that long at all.

Sadly we live in a "fast food" society. We expect anything we want to only take a few minutes and if it doesn't its not worth the trouble and we want our money back, or just forget the item altogether. The weather here in the Midwest is the nicest it's been in awhile. Go outside and do something and come back later. No reason to get all bent out of shape people. SHEESH!!!



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Second: Going Rogue is playable, today. Right now. If you don't have a slot on your favorite server, tough. Go play on another server.

Same goes for you. If your friends can't play on the server you picked out, move to a different server. Problem. Solved. Not that big a deal. You can always transfer back in later.

Basically, get those bunched panties unbunched.
This is not constructive.

Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
Sadly we live in a "fast food" society. We expect anything we want to only take a few minutes and if it doesn't its not worth the trouble and we want our money back, or just forget the item altogether. The weather here in the Midwest is the nicest it's been in awhile. Go outside and do something and come back later. No reason to get all bent out of shape people. SHEESH!!!
And this is antagonistic. People are justifiably upset. Character creation is a cornerstone of game for me, and the expectation that our paid-for, and earned free-slots be available for the Going Rogue launch day is not an outlandish expectation, much less a symptom of a "fast food" society. My family and friends play on Virtue, and we have little interest in creating toons in another community. But most importantly, the devs are obviously aware of the seriousness of this issue, so there is no need to shame people for being upset. I know you're joking, but don't add salt to the wounds.

Portland, OR Global Chat Channel: PDX
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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
so you have all your slots on every server filled up?

Apparently we never really knew what an altaholic was until Candlestick showed us how it is done.



Congratz on the DEVS on a job well done . Enjoyed the pre launch last night and enjoyed seeing the different costumes people came up with and running missions . When I hit the city for the first time , I was in awe . I knew this would be good , but you guys/gals took it to a HNL ( hole nuttha leva ) .



Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work. So far GR seems great! I love pretoria! It makes me wish I didn't have to go back to primal earth at 20. I hope we continue to see that level of quality in future zone updates, new areas, and maybe even other alternate universes that are added to the game in future.



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Exactly, it looks great, but I can't create any praetorians on my chosen server and neither can most of my friends, this is turning into a bit of a fiasco.

You REALLY need to get the server transfers working and the store open, there is mutinous talk about.
*Dials 1-800-DA-SEERS*

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Thanks you for making GR Happening and Making this game worth playing. You guys are indeed Heroes.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Robot View Post
Originally Posted by je_saist

This is not constructive.
Welcome to the forums!



Add my thank you as well.

It's probably silly, but I really like the exclamation mark help thingy that was added. I positioned it over my characters head so it's like he randomly gets sudden inspiration from a third party within his brain.

"You could probably jump over these trains"

"WOAH, I totally can!" *woosh*

I also like how the seers understand that I *always* have hostile intentions. You clearly know your players.