Star Wars Saga FINALLY coming to Blu Ray




Yay! Time to buy it again. That'll be the 4th time I'll buy the original trilogy. VHS classic, VHS Special Edition, and DVD version.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
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Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Grumble mumble mutter, and prepare to buy.
What he said minus episodes 1-3 of course.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



of course it's coming to blu-ray... Lucas has to get th money he donated to charity back obviously...

Also... Han shooting first and second will both be on the blu-ray and it will simply ask you which way you want it to go at that point or randomly decide with each viewing ^.^



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
What he said minus episodes 1-3 of course.
I'm just a little pissed off that these deleted scenes weren't on the last complete edition that I bought.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Dont you know nothing, there is going to be more "deleted" footage for each time the movies are re-released. Personaly, I think when Lucas dies is when we will have all the stuff he held back.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



hmm cool ...



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Yay! Time to buy it again. That'll be the 4th time I'll buy the original trilogy. VHS classic, VHS Special Edition, and DVD version.
Eh. I want to know more detail on what's showing up as "deleted scenes" and the like. Of course, if I buy it, I'll have to buy a blu-ray player as well.

I don't want to think about how many editions I've bought. >.< Unfortunately, some have gone missing over the years (including the VHS set with "from star wars to jedi" included.) Though I still have the THX edition with THreepio's dialog missing. I find it far too amusing - everyone standing in the Death Star just sort of looking at each other as the voiceover doesn't play....



Well if you're considering buying a Blu Ray player, this year might be as good a time as any, with stuff like Back to the Future and The Goonies coming out on the format this fall. Plus there's tons of other childhood favorites, like the Ninja Turtles movies, Monster Squad, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, etc already available.

Plus the players themselves are getting pretty cheap. And there's the added bonus of being able to use Netflix streaming with a lot of them.

... I swear I'm not a BR shill.

Even though these are the Greedo-shoots-first versions, I'll probably get them. They'll get bonus points if the box looks good, at least.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Eh. I want to know more detail on what's showing up as "deleted scenes" and the like. Of course, if I buy it, I'll have to buy a blu-ray player as well.

I don't want to think about how many editions I've bought. >.< Unfortunately, some have gone missing over the years (including the VHS set with "from star wars to jedi" included.) Though I still have the THX edition with THreepio's dialog missing. I find it far too amusing - everyone standing in the Death Star just sort of looking at each other as the voiceover doesn't play....
I wish there was something I could sell over and over and over again to make billions without doing much work.



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Will Han shoot first in the blu ray edition?
That's the only way I'll buy it.

Est sularis oth Mithas



The scene described was also in the Novelization of the movie.

Think they will put as extras the Biggs / Luke scene from the beginning of Star Wars, as well as the Tosche Station scene?



I just want all six in a frackin' box set!



Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I just want all six in a frackin' box set!
I second the motion.



Originally Posted by Green_Screen View Post
I second the motion.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Already confirmed that all 6 Star Wars films will be included in the blu ray boxset.

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I was at Star Wars Celebration V when the announcement was made, and the deleted scene was very cool. The way it was shot really creates the impression that Luke might turn to the darkside.



having no BluRay player, i feel glad that Lucas will be unable to get money out of me for another release of the movies! (until of course, i get a BluRay player.)



I've given enough money to Lucas. I'll be skipping this.

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Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
I just want all six in a frackin' box set!
Fourthed! I still have four of the six movies only on freakin' VHS. I've been waiting sooooo long for them to come to Blu Ray!



Originally Posted by mr_squid View Post
fourthed! I still have four of the six movies only on freakin' vhs. I've been waiting sooooo long for them to come to blu ray!



For some reason, I don't own any of the Star Wars movies. Odd since, since I like them all. A six-movie box set would be swell.

Edit: Fall 2011? Son of a *****!

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