Cobra Strike and Eagle's Claw changes.




Since the NDA was lifted, what does everyone think about the changes to Cobra Strike and Eagle's Claw?

Just curious :P

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Don't forget that Crippling Axe Kick was buffed, too.

I'm going to be using a FreeSpec to swap Crane Kick for CAK, with the Haymaker animation, instead of that retarded default one. And I'll be replacing the Stun IOs in CS with Damage IOs.

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Good point, CaK escaped my gaze for some reason.
I have a 50 MA/WP, and these changes will perhaps breath new life into him(or not, who knows..)

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



I have not seen the changes yet....mind sharing?

Don't I know you???



Martial Arts

* Cobra Strike changes:
o Decreased Recharge Time from 20 seconds to 12 seconds
o Increased Endurance Cost from 10.14 to 11.86
o Increased damage scale from 0.25 to 2.28
o Reduced Stun chance from 100% to 75%

* Martial Arts/Cobra Strike - Updated Long Help Description to match the powers new damage and recharge values.
* Martial Arts/Cobra Strike - Reduced Recharge from 12 seconds to 10, reduced damage from scale 2.28 to 1.96, decreased end cost from 11.86 to 10.19.
* Martial Arts/Eagle Claw - Increased recharge time from 12 seconds to 16 seconds, increased damage from 2.28 to 2.92, increased end cost from 11.86 to 15.18.
* Martial Arts/Cobra Strike - Changed Long and Short help to display Medium damage.
* Martial Arts/Crippling Axe Kick -- increased recharge to 11 seconds, and increased damage and endurance cost appropriately. Added 10 second unenhanceable Defense Debuff.
* Martial Arts/Cobra Strike Critical damage now matches the base attack damage.

The changes havn't really done much in terms of making me excited to play MA to be honest, anyone else feel the same?

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



I guess im just underwhelmed with how my MA/WP plays...maybe the changes will alter that perspective, who knows.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



So, they added damage to CAK and EC, and gave CS a reason to be used in an attack chain finally

Don't I know you???



Also a crit-bonus to the set in the form of a 2 second duration after using EC.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Don't forget that Crippling Axe Kick was buffed, too.

I'm going to be using a FreeSpec to swap Crane Kick for CAK, with the Haymaker animation, instead of that retarded default one. And I'll be replacing the Stun IOs in CS with Damage IOs.

My favored attack chain is likely to become Storm Kick, Cobra Strike, CAK, with a Dragon Tail every chance I get.

This is adding a 75 percent chance for a BIG stun and -7.5 percent defense debuff every time the chain cycles, which is pretty darn fast.

No, the dps isn't going up, much, but Martial Arts is EVEN MORE the uncontested king of scrapper mitigation sets.




Unless I missed a patch note, they didn't increase the damage to Eagle's Claw for Scrappers. That increase was for Stalkers.

Scrappers got a 33% increase to crit chance for the next 2 seconds if Eagle's Claw hits. This essentially translates to "on the next attack if you have it queued up."

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Unless I missed a patch note, they didn't increase the damage to Eagle's Claw for Scrappers. That increase was for Stalkers.

Scrappers got a 33% increase to crit chance for the next 2 seconds if Eagle's Claw hits. This essentially translates to "on the next attack if you have it queued up."
I retract my last post for reasons relating to what Eva stated.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Unless I missed a patch note, they didn't increase the damage to Eagle's Claw for Scrappers. That increase was for Stalkers.

Scrappers got a 33% increase to crit chance for the next 2 seconds if Eagle's Claw hits. This essentially translates to "on the next attack if you have it queued up."
Yeah, for my purposes, I ignore that "extra crit" silliness.

In my opinion, the primary use for Eagle Claw now is as an 'opening shot' with CAK queued up right behind it. After that can-opener I doubt I'd bother with EC in a chain again, until time to start the next beat-down.

Is that enough of a benefit to make it worth taking EC? Depends on how tight the build is, and what I could mule in it.

Except, of course, that Eagles Claw is flatout pretty. I often throw it just to watch it.

(sigh) I lose more dps that way....



Yea I honestly can't say that im excited to play my MA scrapper

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Except, of course, that Eagles Claw is flatout pretty. I often throw it just to watch it.

(sigh) I lose more dps that way....
Yeah, me too....all these MA buffs would have been the perfect opportunity make EC actually worth taking, but noooooo....we get another buff to CaK, the ugliest power in the set (both for looks and secondary effects), and another secondary effect presumably chosen by throwing darts at a list.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Going to have to agree with Eva...I feel as if these buffs are more along the lines of "That'll shut em' up" rather than a creative change to a set in need of some much needed love.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



I'll probably just swap Crane Kick with Cobra Strike. I like the animation/secondary effect more, and there isn't really much room in my attack chain for another move as much as I enjoy sending an enemy flying. I don't really need it for mitigation purposes with how quickly Dragon's Tail recharges, but it's nice to have all the same.

I already use Crippling Axe Kick so no complaints there.

I still doubt I'll take Eagles Claw, as I'd have to get rid of a pool in order to do it, Likely Medecine. While I don't really *need* medicine, it destroys the "healing monk" concept this character is supposed to have (tri-coder be ******). I'll have to run some DPS chains to be sure, of course.

Over all, pretty happy. It's just number changes though, so nothing horribly exciting.



I think it sux actually.
I built a toon and invested alot of time into a ma/da with the whole purpose of, if the attacks hit, I just added 4 mez of stun to something.

Now i'll only have a 75% chance of landing the boss lvl mez stunning on the first attack, its like they're FORCING me to use EC to add in mez if I need it. That blows.

Ya know, instead of adding a little aoe to SK, we get more damage in CAK.

Thanks devs!

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Yay! More damage!

And no more fear in Burn? My MA/Fire is getting a solid respeccing methinks.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Yeah, for my purposes, I ignore that "extra crit" silliness.

In my opinion, the primary use for Eagle Claw now is as an 'opening shot' with CAK queued up right behind it. After that can-opener I doubt I'd bother with EC in a chain again, until time to start the next beat-down.

Is that enough of a benefit to make it worth taking EC? Depends on how tight the build is, and what I could mule in it.

Except, of course, that Eagles Claw is flatout pretty. I often throw it just to watch it.

(sigh) I lose more dps that way....
This is a post From Moonlighter on dps chain after the buffs

Wow, okay so Crippling Axe Kick now hits like a truck. Well maybe not a truck, more like an Econoline Van.

At level 50 it now hits for a base of 132.63. Let's look at the current test numbers to see where it stands:

Counting boss crits and Arcanatime, the new DPA numbers:


Thunder Kick 54.79
Storm Kick 89.95
Cobra Strike 72.98
Crane Kick 72.96
Crippling Axe Kick 78.95
Eagle's Claw 59.16 (plus additional crit on next attack)

Some random attack chains and their DPS:

(Note in chains that have one of CS or CK you can freely replace one with the other.)

SK - CAK - SK - CS: 81.05
SK - CAK - CS - CK: 77.36
EC - CAK - CS: 75.53 (adds 33 EC crit to CAK)
EC - CAK - CS - SK: 77.15 (adds 33 EC crit to CAK)
CAK - CS - CK: 74.97
SK - CAK - CS: 79.07

So it looks like the old best attack chain is still best, though you can substitute CK for CS to avoid knock back.

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Just to be clear ... the +Crit for 2 sec on EC does not apply to EC itself ... right?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Just to be clear ... the +Crit for 2 sec on EC does not apply to EC itself ... right?
it gives a 33% to crit for 2 seconds after EC

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Just to be clear ... the +Crit for 2 sec on EC does not apply to EC itself ... right?
No, it does not apply to EC. It applies to the next attack, but pretty much only if you queued it.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Yeah, for my purposes, I ignore that "extra crit" silliness.

In my opinion, the primary use for Eagle Claw now is as an 'opening shot' with CAK queued up right behind it. After that can-opener I doubt I'd bother with EC in a chain again, until time to start the next beat-down.
Its also a good attack to use prior to using Dragon's Tail, if DT has more than one or two targets around to hit, because the damage boost of the enhanced critical is amplified by Dragon's Tail being a PBAoE.

The attack doesn't have to be queued immediately, but from testing unless you have a very laggy connection the next attack has to be queued prior to EC's kicking animation striking the target (if you are using that animation). If you initiate the next attack after that instant and while the backflip is occuring, its generally too late.

The effect probably needs to be about a half second longer or so at least.

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Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Going to have to agree with Eva...I feel as if these buffs are more along the lines of "That'll shut em' up" rather than a creative change to a set in need of some much needed love.
There were limits to how creative the changes could get because there wasn't time to add new mechanics for the powerset. It was use the mechanics that exist, or nothing.

Still, the single target damage of the set has improved, the AoE potential of the set has improved without adding another AoE and turning it into just another two AoE melee set, EC has a unique effect that doesn't even cost anything (the enhanced critical effect adds no endurance or recharge to the power, although the stalker version is different: it is straight-up boosted in damage with a commensurate increase in endurance and recharge, but with the net result of more alpha strike damage), and CAK isn't an embarrassment anymore. Plus the lower level performance of the set is greatly improved by not being saddled with a mez-carrier instead of an actual attack, and CS and CK are now essentially interchangeable attacks with different effects: those who do not like the knockback in CK can now swap it without cost for CS.

All of that without radically altering the nature of the powerset for those already familiar with it. All together, that's not bad as powerset revamps go.

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