Yogi Bear Teaser Trailer




The first trailer for the Yogi Bear movie (which came as a surprise to me, I didn't know they were making one) has been released. It was released through YahooMovies.

I've posted it here, along with the teaser poster.

Not sure how I feel about the movie, but it looks like it could be fun.



I was hoping for something more edgy.

I hope Disney answers this movie with their own CGI bear + ranger bromance, bearmance maybe, with a CGI movie based on this.

Bump Bump



This is the type of movie they show in hell.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I was hoping for something more edgy.

I hope Disney answers this movie with their own CGI bear + ranger bromance, bearmance maybe, with a CGI movie based on this.

Bump Bump
They did. It was Country Bears, and it has Christopher Walken in it.

"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
This is the type of movie they show in hell.
And to make it worse Satan does have 3d movie technology. If you end up in Hell you have to watch this movie in 2D.

Repent Sinners. Repent.



I never would have thought Justin Timberlake could voice Boo Boo.



That trailer made me feel like it was 10 years ago and I was still in elementary school grumbling that we had to see this movie as though the other 800 renditions weren't sufficient.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
I never would have thought Justin Timberlake could voice Boo Boo.
Me neither, but he seems to have gotten it...better than Aykroyd doing Yogi.

Looks like they've gotten the tone right. Now to see if anyone still cares about Yogi Bear.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



And once again, Hollywood wows us with yet another original movie.....

I think I'll just laugh now the next time someone asks me why I haven't been to the movies in a while.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by KowaiKawaii View Post
They did. It was Country Bears, and it has Christopher Walken in it.
I can never hear the words Country Bears without immedietly thinking of this.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
I can never hear the words Country Bears without immedietly thinking of this.
Haha that clip is just win.



I didn't find that trailer too bad. Dan Aykroyd though sounds terrible as Yogi though

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Yogi sounds closer to Jackie Mason than Art Carney.



didn't sound that bad to me *shrug*



Dan Aykroyd creeps me out

Nice Eye-line match in the animation, NOT!

Some of Yogi's facial expressions were on the mark, like when his rump was bouncing on the fence posts.

All in all I'll give it a creepy Meh,

P.s. I think Dan Aykroyd has webbed feet. Really I do. He creeps.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Me neither, but he seems to have gotten it...better than Aykroyd doing Yogi.

Looks like they've gotten the tone right. Now to see if anyone still cares about Yogi Bear.

This was my thoughts exactly, didn't like Yogi, but thought Boo Boo was pretty close.



I think the Aztecs were off a year for the end of the world. It was 2011.

a Smurfs Movie and now Yogi Bear.

it is the end of the world as we know it.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Now to see if anyone still cares about Yogi Bear.
I'd put him in the same basket as Alvin and the Chipmunks and the Smurfs



It's the animated holiday movie that nobody asked for.

There again, I don't have any kids that will be easily impressioned by the ensuing TV ads, so I think I will be able to avoid being drug to this.

Well, at least he won't get stuck in New York City like the Smurfs. I can smell that stinker from here.

Edit: Dec. 17th? Oh, I see, it will be the "safe family alternative". No thanks, I have another film to see that night.



When I first read the title, my only thought was "Dear God no". Then I saw who was in it, and my next that was "Dear God in Heaven, no"!

Now, after watching it... I kinda wanna see it...

"L'on'das: "Query: madness? Current location: SPARTA!!!!!!""



Yogi's okay,but for animated bears and rangers, I think I'd rather see a film with Humphrey and the gang



Way I see it, Dan Aykroyd does a ****** Yogi Bear.



I predict, Bullwinkle

Only without the star power.



I liked Bullwinkle.

But then again, I love lame puns and bad jokes.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by NeoDarke View Post
When I first read the title, my only thought was "Dear God no". Then I saw who was in it, and my next that was "Dear God in Heaven, no"!

Now, after watching it... I kinda wanna see it...
Yes and agreed. They aren't doing any of that garbage like "Them... in the real world!" or a "zany" twist on a beloved formula. They're simply sticking to what made the series so popular originally: Two unusually smart bears with usually mundane ambitions.

"I wonder if her noticed the pie..."

(I laughed...)