Pry-toria? Pray-toria? Prey-toria?




So the new video gives us three different examples of pronunciation of Praetoria, with Noble Savage pronouncing it Pry-toria, Positron opting for Pray-toria, and War Witch offering Prey-toria.

What's been your preferred pronunciation?

(For what it's worth, I've always heard it closest to Positron's "Pray-toria" in my head.)






I believe the title Praetor was used in the original Star Trek series when they found a planet identical to Earth except that Rome was never overthrown. But regardless where I first heard the word it was pray-tor so I have always read it in game as pray-toria.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I know not what others may say, but I've been pronouncing the place as an anglicized "preh(schwa sound)-TOR-ee-uh," the adjective as "preh(soft e)-TOR-ee-an" or, occasionally, "prah-TOR-ee-an," and the title of its officials as the Latin "PREE-tor."

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The pronunciations at have the first vowel of the root word as either a long E or long I, and the second as either a long O or an aw sound. In other words, it depends.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



I grew up in Michigan
Moved to live in Massachusetts
Worked in San Francisco London and New Orleans at different times and "P-r-a-y" and "P-r-e-y" have always been pronounced identically ( but various ways, if that makes sense) in all those places...

In what English speaking region are those two words not homophonic heterographs?

( I pronounce it " prehh TOR ee uh" not sure (do not care) if that is the "correct" way...)

The Sly Bold Renardine - " I am Scraptastic!"



Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
Eh, is pray and prey pronounced differently?
This, I have never seen anyone pronounce these words differently from each other, but then again I am Canadian, so who knows how badly I am mangling the King's English



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Pray-toria. And that's the bottom line, because Emperor Cole says so!!
Emperor Cole's pronunciation is about as authoritative as Arnold Schwarzenegger's


In theory, the correct pronunciation for the Latin is Pry-tor.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Emperor Cole's pronunciation is about as authoritative as Arnold Schwarzenegger's


In theory, the correct pronunciation for the Latin is Pry-tor.
And what about "slithey toves", Brillig? Sly-thee? Slih-thee?

Did they gyre and gimble in the wabe?

Thought so!



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
And what about "slithey toves", Brillig? Sly-thee? Slih-thee?

Did they gyre and gimble in the wabe?

Thought so!
There is no e in slithy.

Used to have a hattrick team called the Slithy Toves. The stadium was The Wabe. And yes, there was much gyring and gimbling.



I pronounce it Pray-TOR-ian in my head. But it appears I was wrong. says it's pronounced pree-tawr-ee-uhn.


Doh! Ms. Mesmer beats me again

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Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
In theory, the correct pronunciation for the Latin is Pry-tor.
Huh. Most times I've heard "Praetorian Guard" pronounced, it's been "preh-TOR-ean." But that doesn't sound right when you just go for "preh-TOR." *scratches head* Darn pronunciations drive me nuts sometimes. English can be goofy in that regard, especially with old or dead language additions.

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pɹə. ˈtoːɹ. jə

English does strange things with the accent in borrowed Latin words. "Consul" is CON-sul but the verb is con-SULT. This actually mimics to some extent the Latin accent itself, which wa[s free to move from one syllable to the next as endings were added; in Latin as well, the noun was CON-sul while the corresponding verb con-SUL-ere.

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From everything I'm seeing on line, the dipthong ae is pronounce as a long a as in say, lay, clay. Which means I've been wrong about it for a long time.

Be well, people of CoH.



Meh! I hear it pronounced at several sites as:

  • Pree-Tor-ee-uh
  • Pree-Tawr-ee-uh
  • Preh-Tawr-ee-uh
  • Pray-Tawr-ee-uh
  • Pray-Tor-ee-uh
People are going to say it however they please.

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I've always thought the ae combo was pronounced as a long-A. For example: gaelic

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Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I've always thought the ae combo was pronounced as a long-A. For example: gaelic
In Latin class, I was taught to pronounce it as a long I. As in Pie.

Mmm, Pie.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I've always thought the ae combo was pronounced as a long-A. For example: gaelic

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I feel so ashamed. I keep hearing it as Petoria.



I've never spoken the word, and don't expect too

*needs more real life friends playing*