Top Ten things I wish were in City of X...




Okay folks tonight from our home offices in Gainesville, Fl... I bring you the top ten list! (Crowd cheers!)

Tonight, the top ten things this player wishes were in the City of Franchise of games :

#10. A musician archetype who weilds lp's and cd's and also throws cassette tapes and eight tracks. * level 50 attack uses Yoko Ono lps!
# 9. Voodoo class to match Circle of Thorns, like a with doctor with powers that target specific areas on enemies bodies!
#8. The horrible joke teller armed with an arsenal of corny jokes taken straight out of the citizen's of City Of... make the enemies run in terror!
#7. The Sin Eater - This will purge the enemies of their sins as they unwilingly tell their deepest secrets and loose hp until they drop with guilt!
#6. Whips - Ya gotta add whips, straight ones, tethered ones, all kinds of whips! Tons of whip-lashing powers to boot!
#5. Animated Fast food costumes for shakes, fries, and burgers and gigantic walking deadly TACOS from hell!
#4. Lawyer Enemies just to beat up on
#3. A monster made entirely of SLIME that is translucent, playable!
#2. Make Stephen Colbert and John Stewart contacts!

And the number one addition to City of Heroes and City of Villains this player would love to see, but in no way on Earth actually expects to be added...

(drum roll please...)

....... Squirting giant ketchip packets... really!

nah.. just kidding... this is my REAL idea :

Supergroup Theme Music .. the SG leader can upload an mp3 of their own creation to be their theme music, to be downloaded by sg members for thier own excitement while playing.

Clickable option on all SG members for non-Sg members to stand close to them and they can hear the SG theme from like, 1 meter maybe.





Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
Top Ten things I wish were in City of X...
Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#3. A monster made entirely of SLIME that is translucent, playable!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
nah.. just kidding... this is my REAL idea :

Supergroup Theme Music .. the SG leader can upload an mp3 of their own creation to be their theme music, to be downloaded by sg members for thier own excitement while playing.

Clickable option on all SG members for non-Sg members to stand close to them and they can hear the SG theme from like, 1 meter maybe.

I like my (former) SG Leader (he jumped ship to a game that sucks), but as his RL friend, I know that his taste in music is far from mine. I really do not like the 1950s-70s era of Country music, nor am I a big fan of country in general. (I'm tolerant of a somewhat narrow portion of it, but I digress)



#11 The ability to actually kidnap your victims in villain missions. Clearing the map and forcing the hostage to the entrance, while he/she struggles and screams for help.

Having them just follow you around has always seemed kinda lame



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
#11 The ability to actually kidnap your victims in villain missions. Clearing the map and forcing the hostage to the entrance, while he/she struggles and screams for help.

Having them just follow you around has always seemed kinda lame
Now THAT gets my /signed right there

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
#11 The ability to actually kidnap your victims in villain missions. Clearing the map and forcing the hostage to the entrance, while he/she struggles and screams for help.

Having them just follow you around has always seemed kinda lame
Being able to throw someone over your shoulder would be awesome. Seen it done with one NPC who was carrying a bodybag and you had to escort said NPC to the door. Redside mission.

Being able to carry NPC hostages like that would be cool. As would being able to carry/drag defeated teammates.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Being able to throw someone over your shoulder would be awesome. Seen it done with one NPC who was carrying a bodybag and you had to escort said NPC to the door. Redside mission.

Being able to carry NPC hostages like that would be cool. As would being able to carry/drag defeated teammates.
Wormy from The Fambly!!

Yeah, that would totally be cool, if we could carry/drag them.

I've also run across Family throttling an NPC in Port Oaks, and wished I could beat up the Family dude doing that, and then when the NPC expresses their gratitude, I take over throttling them...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Is Steelclaw on holiday?



wow that got derailed fast... but no biggie it is good to see other people's ideas too, even if they interject them with #'s like my list but completely change the text to their own idea... that's quite a clever derailment so I have to give it some credit, lol.

heh.. kidnapping isn't a bad idea either and I actually quite like that.

what do we mean by the family THROTTLING someone? I'm not quite clear on the throttling technique through these words could somebody clarify that action for me? That definition was clied from my brain somehow.

CLIED - Look it up in a scrabble dictionary, its not in Websters.




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

OKay... its green and glowy... and it has the sheen of slime, yes ok... it's just that I'm actually meaning an ameoba-like blobular creature with free-flowing um... features..yeah.. but really nice application to the suggestion, I do like it still.




I would like to see actually animals in the game for instance cats and dogs, how can you have a city and not have stray cats and dogs? One of the missions for heroes could be get 10 stray dogs and 10 stray cats and put in humane society shelter. For villians it could be capture 10 stray dogs and 10 stray cats and bring to lab for experiments. Now I know alot of people do not like animal experiments, but this is a game and we already have a redside mission where we capture homeless people for someone to do experiments on.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
I would like to see actually animals in the game for instance cats and dogs, how can you have a city and not have stray cats and dogs? One of the missions for heroes could be get 10 stray dogs and 10 stray cats and put in humane society shelter. For villians it could be capture 10 stray dogs and 10 stray cats and bring to lab for experiments. Now I know alot of people do not like animal experiments, but this is a game and we already have a redside mission where we capture homeless people for someone to do experiments on.
you don't see animals because the skeletal system does not support animal frames.

Granted I wish my kitty girls would get down on all fours to scamper around, and that I'd have pouncing animations and... wait, phone's ringing...

what... BaB's wants to see me? Out back? In a Dark Alley? At midnight? Are you sure? Can't I at least bring some backup?



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
You're not the only one who wants your kitty girls on all fours.

Bah-dum-bum *tish*

(In before the threadlock.)
Wow... I'm glad I didn't have to blow my rep for saying it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
Okay folks tonight from our home offices in Gainesville, Fl... I bring you the top ten list! (Crowd cheers!)

Tonight, the top ten things this player wishes were in the City of Franchise of games :

#10. A musician archetype who weilds lp's and cd's and also throws cassette tapes and eight tracks. * level 50 attack uses Yoko Ono lps!

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
# 9. Voodoo class to match Circle of Thorns, like a with doctor with powers that target specific areas on enemies bodies!
Are we forgetting someone?

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#8. The horrible joke teller armed with an arsenal of corny jokes taken straight out of the citizen's of City Of... make the enemies run in terror!

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#7. The Sin Eater - This will purge the enemies of their sins as they unwilingly tell their deepest secrets and loose hp until they drop with guilt!
Cool idea but again it sounds really familiar


Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#6. Whips - Ya gotta add whips, straight ones, tethered ones, all kinds of whips! Tons of whip-lashing powers to boot!
Again, it's already in the game but I would agree that a powerset that is just for whips would be cool.

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#5. Animated Fast food costumes for shakes, fries, and burgers and gigantic walking deadly TACOS from hell!
Gawd!! I hate this show!!


Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#4. Lawyer Enemies just to beat up on
Who doesn't like beating up lawyers? I'm with you 100% on this one

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#3. A monster made entirely of SLIME that is translucent, playable!
You keep forgetting things that are already in the game.

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#2. Make Stephen Colbert and John Stewart contacts!
While I agree with this one in principle, if they did, they would have to give equal time to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannerty. Oh wait!! You were joking?

Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
And the number one addition to City of Heroes and City of Villains this player would love to see, but in no way on Earth actually expects to be added...

(drum roll please...)

....... Squirting giant ketchip packets... really!

nah.. just kidding... this is my REAL idea :

Supergroup Theme Music .. the SG leader can upload an mp3 of their own creation to be their theme music, to be downloaded by sg members for thier own excitement while playing.

Clickable option on all SG members for non-Sg members to stand close to them and they can hear the SG theme from like, 1 meter maybe.

As if I don't have to put up with enough gangsta rap at work already...



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
you don't see animals because the skeletal system does not support animal frames.

Granted I wish my kitty girls would get down on all fours to scamper around, and that I'd have pouncing animations and... wait, phone's ringing...

what... BaB's wants to see me? Out back? In a Dark Alley? At midnight? Are you sure? Can't I at least bring some backup?
well, while we wont have proper movement on all fours, I am piqued by some of davids comments about new animation stuff. we have ninja run, and the growl animation gets us on all 4's, sooo, i wouldn't DEMAND it, maybe not even expect it, but i wouldn't be completely surprised by it, lets put it that way. pouncing seems to be unlikely though, since apparently we cant have targeted lunge moves, at least they couldn't pull it off with their initial idea for shield charge. i dont rule stuff out, but like long skirts/robes, i would be pleasantly surprised.

as for stuff i'd like, most likely not going to happen buut.
1. grappling. i wanna hip throw a baddie across the room.
2. china-town area, with high tech tong members and traditional supernatural and wushu themed enemies. japanese would also be welcomed in a separate zones (maybe a Korean one would be appropriate, given the publisher, id be totally on board for that).
3. more diverse city zones. primary schools, churches/synagogues/mosques, grocery stores, a mall, martial arts dojos, a library, a gym, a fire station in steel canyon..maybe badge and a fireman's hat too?
4. more martial arts animations, also more animations for elemental styles.
5. rayguns, man do i want a raygun buff/blast set. go oldschool sci fi, freeze beam, weakening ray, shrink ray may be off the table, but a gun that can turn enemies into rikti monkeys...i want.
6. a dinosaur zone.
7. as mentioned above, lunge moves, a jumping side kick to fly at enemies for ma would be niice.
8. Fredvard mention a little kheldia area in another thread, that idea was really good, would give background info for khelds, and would give the game flavor.
9. destructable buildings in mayhem missions. was thinking, this would be nice, use the degradation from fires to specific buildings in mayhems, and let villains smash...jsut tone down the zone of death when they go down.
10. customizable emanation points for some blasts, wands, rayguns, hands/head/mouth/eyes, for sonic a vuvuzela.



10 - More costume pieces.
9 - More costume pieces.
8 - More character slots.
7 - More character customization in terms of power picks. (mix-match, like pistol+sword).
6 - More costume pieces.
5 - More costume slots.
4 - More costume pieces.
3 - More costume slots.
2 - More costume pieces.

and finally.




i find your ideas persuasive and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. however, may i ammend ,more costume pieces included in the issues, i buy the boosters, but i feel awkward talking to a new player who likes my costume, and i have to tell him/her that they have to spend 80 bucks to emulate my full look(5 boosters, wedding, justice/sinister and valk), and lets not get into the vet stuff. maybe give some cool stuff away here and there again, its been a bit too long.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post

as for stuff i'd like, most likely not going to happen buut.
1. grappling. i wanna hip throw a baddie across the room.
2. china-town area, with high tech tong members and traditional supernatural and wushu themed enemies. japanese would also be welcomed in a separate zones (maybe a Korean one would be appropriate, given the publisher, id be totally on board for that).
3. more diverse city zones. primary schools, churches/synagogues/mosques, grocery stores, a mall, martial arts dojos, a library, a gym.
4. more marital arts animations, also more animations for elemental styles.
The Marital arts? Sexy.

5. rayguns, man do i want a raygun buff/blast set. go oldschool sci fi, freeze beam, weakening ray, shrink ray may be off the table, but a gun that can turn enemies into rikti monkeys...i want.
6. a dinosaur zone.
I like this.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
10 - More costume pieces.
9 - More costume pieces.
8 - More character slots.
7 - More character customization in terms of power picks. (mix-match, like pistol+sword).
6 - More costume pieces.
5 - More costume slots.
4 - More costume pieces.
3 - More costume slots.
2 - More costume pieces.

and finally.

I love you.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
10 - More costume pieces.
9 - More costume pieces.
8 - More character slots.
7 - More character customization in terms of power picks. (mix-match, like pistol+sword).
6 - More costume pieces.
5 - More costume slots.
4 - More costume pieces.
3 - More costume slots.
2 - More costume pieces.

and finally.


Yep. Thats about right. I think you forgot somthing tho...


Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I must say you all have some very bright ideas. I love the gathering of animals for rescue/lab experiments.... the whole more diverse city zones idea and the chinatown ideas are great too.

I would dig a dinosaur zone, really.. that ... wow... imagine being chased by velociraptors all day while tripping over dead hellions..hahaha

All of you have some great ideas!

This might turn into one of the more interesting threads afterall!

Keep the ideas coming...

About the person commenting on my SG theme song idea... for one, the outside listener would only be so at their own option to click on the member and hear the theme... now if you are in an SG you would have to deal with the leader's choice of theme songs but I'm SO sure they could be democratic about the selection ... yeah.. I'm not one for gangster rap EITHER believe you me.

but if you read my post on this note to self, I did say an mp3 of their OWN CREATION..... so one would need be musically inclined or have a musician compose it for them.. to be fair it would have to be original. And yes, SOMEONE will make their own gangster-rap theme song all on their own so.. yeah if you feel your sg leader would do that... then it might not be such a hot idea in your case.

Well.. I'm going to be checking back in later on this thread... gotta go game before work yall... see yaz later!




10. I agree with someone for more locales in zones that we would see in any normal urban setting such as churches, airports, malls, schools, china town etc
9. More different style zones that are typical to comic books - Atlantis, Savage Land, Space station, jungle, other planets, netherworld, god realms (asgard, olympus) etc
8. animal models - not necessarily for players but for us to fight ie; guard dogs, dinosaurs, tigers etc.
7. New mission maps that are common to comics - dangerous fun house full of traps for example
6. Independent villains that arent associated with a villain group. These could be used as zone events much like giant monsters. Something like a Juggernaut/Hulk type baddie is tearing up Steel Canyon or some Magneto wanna-be is holding hostages on the bridge in Independence Port and will kill them if his demands arent met.
5. I would like to see The Paragon Times actually have an indentifiable building. I know there is one but you cant tell it at all. Also good for a new day job - reporter!
4. Random smaller missions from civilians such as save a kitten from a tree, save my baby from the burning building, etc.
3. Ability to lift and throw objects such as cars
2. New costumes, particularly a beast/monster themed one.
1. New powers are always welcome, specifically a bo-staff one

Those would be nice



Originally Posted by AncientSpark View Post
#8. The horrible joke teller armed with an arsenal of corny jokes taken straight out of the citizen's of City Of... make the enemies run in terror!
I made an Assault Rifle/Traps Blaster in full pink and yellow jester outfit. I wanted to bind really bad quips and jokes to his powers. His name? The Pun-isher. He doesn't really get played for obvious reasons.

Arc 180901: Flight of the Dreadnought



Well, I do not want to see anymore zones. We have too many and lots of those are just dead. Why not add dinos and other monsters to....MONSTER ISLAND

I would like to see them stop using the mission maps we have. They have been done to death and adding more missions with the same map, enemy etc is just lame. It's the same mish with different text. Just awful. We have enough of this so why add more? Spend the time to make new missions. We have a lot to do so there's no need to add low quality missions.

Add quality TFs/SFs. The ITF is a shining example of a fun TF (different look, lots of enemies you don't see anywhere else, not too repetitive). Not many others that I actually enjoy. I hope they have all types of new/unique ones added. Underwater TFs, other worlds, space etc etc. I would rather you skip adding the same looking missions and take extra time to add something new and unique.

Stop using the same old enemy factions. How about something more superhero like. The Fifth, CoT, etc...pretty dull...not supers. We're playing superhero stuff not D&D.

If you're going to make a booster pack at least add a few more pieces in there. Some of them have really been kinda weak. So many other games have some pretty exotic, detailed looking costume pieces. This game has a bit of that but not nearly enough.

Finally, it'd be nice to stop seeing alternate versions of the signature or main characters. There should be all types of unique and seperate forces, characters and threats

Not quite a top 10 but just what I'd like to see.