Your most memorable time on Virtue




What's your fondest/best/funniest/whateverest memory from Virtue? Either server, forum, or one of each.

The one that stands out the most for me is when I asked a question in a post, and the first two replies that greeted me were "I don't get it, what's the joke?" I had to explain that it was a serious question and not another one of my puns, and that's when I knew I had the infamous reputation of Virtue's bad joke machine.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



My main once appeased the ghosts of the Circle of Jerks with the funky power of his boombox.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



During the first posi TF..I think....the one where you fought dark clones of yourself

my team broke off and started symmetrical fighting. Coping the moves of the clones.

I don't know, it probably wasn't that awesome but it made my inner Troper happy.



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
my team broke off and started symmetrical fighting. Coping the moves of the clones.
Wow. I would've loved to see that one.

...kinda might've sucked for a controller, though.



Originally Posted by Gold_Aproch View Post
Wow. I would've loved to see that one.

...kinda might've sucked for a controller, though.

Yeah, the blasters kept faceplanting eachother, the tanks weren't getting anywhere, we didn't have a controller but it would have been cool to see phantom armies clashing.

My only regret is that my peacebringer shadow clone didn't go Nova or Dwarf. That would have been an interesting shapeshifter showdown.



The Dropship Challenge 100 Heroes, 41 dropship in 1 Raid, It was the most amazing sight to behold. I was honored to be a part of it.

HeartFelt Thanks to Angry Angel for Leading the Virtue Server in that amazing event.

Patriotic Soldier (AR/D Blaster) MetaForces 3rd Division, Virtue Shard.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



TV Tropes FTW. Thank you, that is all.

"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman

"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning



not sure how many of you remember this... When I think of heroes I always think of Superman... Does anyone remember being in Atlas Park the evening Christopher Reeves passed? A bunch of us heroes all carried torches and took group pictures for an in remembrance photo from a group of wannabe heroes to a real life hero? I used to have pictures of that somewhere and it was on the forums for awhile.....



Spawning Kronos at a Hamidon raid for the first time was pretty epic. Something a little more friendly... beating the Cathedral of Pain Trial when it went live... for all of two days.



My most memorable moment on Virtue was when the Rikti first re-invaded in Issue 10 and everyone shouted at the sky, worked together like a true superteam, and repelled the forces.

I said it then and I'll say it again now: The immersion the playerbase offered plus the novelty of the invasion made me utter the words "I have never, and may never again, be part of something so amazing and brilliant in a game. That was one of a kind."

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



About 10 minutes ago I soloed Citadel on a lev 45 claws/regen stalker.



My most favorite memory of the Virtue server was the day they gave out infinite character slots so I could wallow in my alt-o-holism without having to leave Virtue.

Across the Virtue forum, a moment I not only still think about but has somehow found it's way into my daily lexicon was someone telling the OP to "grow a soul".
I find myself using this little beauty all the time now, without the likes of Makai I never would have discovered it's all purpose greatness.

feel free to not reach me in the City @Does Not Exist.
All other locations I can not be reached in are =
XBL- BigBlueMachine/Steam - BigBlueMachine/PSN-BigBlueMachine/ RL aggro - "Husband","Daddy","HeyYou!" and "blue"



The best of Gemini Park.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The best of Gemini Park.
All collected on this special edition set of two compact disks! Call now, operators are standing by!

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



The very first time I logged in... was just after the release of like Issue 2 or something, and the shadowshard creatures were invading everywhere. I was running around Atlas on my very first, lvl 5 or so, and went, "Oh, cool" and attacked a group of them, to promptly faceplant... Was still a neat thing to see for the first time.

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



I enjoyed the excitement of the Hami Nuke raid, and was especially proud during the last two minutes as everyone pushed through all those greens and took down Hamidon.

The successful first revamped normal Hamidon raid was exciting as well, given the hard work that went in to achieving it and making it run so smoothly.

And the Angels first Winter Dance blew me away, that so many people around the world were engaged in attending a virtual party (complete with DJ's and a radio station!).

(and since Virtue was the Beta server, I guess this one counts: Possibly the most impressive pure game moment though was back in beta, when my very first character got to level 14, gained Fly, and took off into the sky for the first time.)

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




For me, its probably the golden age party that the Golden Age Heroes threw earlier this year. I'd been running late getting home and arrived, I thought, too late to get into their contests. I was watching the first costume contest unaware I was standing next to one of their members. He looked Ray Gunn over and suggested I participate, and was kind enough to say my late arrival did not matter. (I believe it was Commander Crimson. Thank you, sir, you made my night! )

The Cape was playing WWII music, which I'm eccentrically passionate about, and it put me in great spirits having a ball looking at all the fantastic outfits and stories. Had that been all, I would have left happy. Being told, to my shock, I won the biography contest and best in show, and being awarded artwork of Ray Gunn: priceless.



Originally Posted by Sandolphan View Post

(and since Virtue was the Beta server, I guess this one counts: Possibly the most impressive pure game moment though was back in beta, when my very first character got to level 14, gained Fly, and took off into the sky for the first time.)
Psst, Virtue wasn't the beta server, Freedom was... Although this many years later, the hardware has probably changed so much that neither is the same server it was in 2004.

I think one of my most memorable times, post-launch, is the 22-person attempted Yellow Dawn cleanup. In an hour we got like 2 mitos down.

I have way too many memories to list though. So many good times.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



I think one of my favorite moments was the 5th Anniversary AV/GM invasions. 5 or more teams of heroes rushing from zone to zone to battle Lord Recluse, Black Scorpion. Ghost Widow, Capt. Mako, Scirroco, Adamaster, Kraken, Jurrasik, the Winter Lord and everything else they threw at us. I often wonder if any brand new one levels arrived in Atlas Park just intime for the spawn there.... I can imagine what went through their minds. "Oh my God! That tutorial zone didn't say anything about THIS!!!" LOL

I don't think anything else I have been a party to compares to that and I have done the Hami raids and the Rikti Mothership along with just about every task force and trial. Heck at one point on Peregrine we battles three Kronos Titans at one time and all within sight of each other. That was a once in a lifetime (on line) event and I'd love to see it again some day.

Okay second favorite has to be after slightly more than 2 years in game have my very first character hit 50 level. "Hello my name is Sara and I am an altoholic. BUt I'm an altoholic that now has Twenty-Four 50 levels all on Virtue!"

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



My most memorable time on Virtue was the past Halloween event when I met the love of my life. Me and her were arguing with other people in broadcast in Grandville on how to properly do the banner event since we both did it on test server. Next thing you know we are talking about Linkin Park. I don't regret being on Villains that day what so ever!

My 2nd most memorable moment was when they were doing the comic thing in Atlas Park and people were messeing with Back Alley Brawler and he just starting whacking people with the Toy Bat then he turned off all powers.

My 3rd greatest moment was my first Christsmas Event about 3 years ago when I started. (It's hard to believe that i12 was about 3 years ago). I didn't have a job but I had CoX and the slopes. I sat there for 6 straight hours skiing trying to get #1 and stayed at #3. I have to admit, it was pointless but man was it some great fun.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
All collected on this special edition set of two compact disks! Call now, operators are standing by!
Only two?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Ellis View Post
Psst, Virtue wasn't the beta server, Freedom was... Although this many years later, the hardware has probably changed so much that neither is the same server it was in 2004.
Yup mixed that up! Maybe I was thinking of when they copied Virtue to Test. Ah well, my first takeoff was still the most memorable one, and cruising between the skyscrapers of Steel (and confronting Rikti motherships hovering over the city). Now if only we could do a loop or a barrel roll...

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




Originally Posted by Sandolphan View Post
The successful first revamped normal Hamidon raid was exciting as well, given the hard work that went in to achieving it and making it run so smoothly.
Ah ha. Some people remember...



It's hard to pick a single favorite moment, but back before GMs scaled, it was always a blast to go to Perez, Boomtown, and DA with a high-level character and ask in broadcast "who wants the badge for Kraken/Babbage/Adamastor? I'm bored, and he's asking for a beating."

Oh, and the 2004 Halloween event, with multiple Eochais bunching up, was definitely a highpoint.

Major James Ashe



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The best of Gemini Park.
((I agree.))